Solution of Fractional Impulsive Problem under Power Law
Exploring solutions and uniqueness of fractional impulsive problems under power law
by Dr. R. Prahalatha*, Dr. M. M. Shanmugapriya,
- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540
Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 221 - 229 (9)
Published by: Ignited Minds Journals
This paper is basically concerned with finding the solution using formulae, existence and uniqueness of solutions of impulsive fractional differential equations with ABC (Atangana-Baleanu-Caputo) fractional derivative with non-singular Mittag-Leffler kernel. Our examination depends on non-singular fractional analysis and few techniques of fixed-point theory. An example is illustrated to clarify the proved concepts.
fractional impulsive problem, power law, solution, formulae, existence, uniqueness, impulsive fractional differential equations, ABC fractional derivative, non-singular Mittag-Leffler kernel, non-singular fractional analysis, fixed-point theory, example, explained concepts
Fractional calculus has taken a notable sector of inspection on real life problems with its tremendous application in science and engineering. It has been extended because of global character of the fractional operator, which relates the reminiscence and it authorizes to learn an adjacent look at the vital behavior and inherited things of the relevant phenomena. We referred the monographs [1-3] to know about current development in such field. The purpose of fractional derivative with power law base in the sense of Riemann Liouville was established. A modern fractional derivative is added has suggested by Caputo-Fabrizio [4] depending on the augmented kernel. To through away troubles related to Caputo-Fabrizio‘s, a new change in version of a fractional derivative with non-singular and global kernel of Mittag-Leffler function (MLF) have been introduced by Atangana and Baleanu (AB) in [5]. Generalization of MLF is noted and used as non-singular and global kernel in later on extension but it does not assure singularity. Also, the ABC derivatives comes up with a magnificent memory description [6-9]. Recently the authors [10-14] deliberated inquisitive and numerical solution for few fractional models by means of AB fractional derivative with global trouble-free kernel. We display the nature and uniqueness of solutions to impulsive fractional differential equations with initial and global conditions in this article. and Where []01,ABCaaD refers the Atangana-Baleanu-Caputo (ABC) fractional derivative of order ,:ahRR is a given non-discontinuous function. Moreover, 0,00h and also disappears at impulse points 0,1,2,....,,:,1,2,....,,,mmmmnIRRmnR satisfy Represents the right and left limits of at m and :,fPCRR is given function. Also m if10,,0,1,2,,,,,,&0.mmm By reference from Theorem 3.11 of [24], we should have standard condition 0,00h to fix the starting data for solution. By the previous referred articles, there are only few articles on Cauchy problems for ABC impulsive fractional differential equations. The main part of this paper is to derive formula of solutions for types of impulsive fractional differential equations with ABC fractional operators. Already we proved existence and uniqueness theorem theorems by few fixed-point theorems of Banach space, Kransosekliskii, Schader and is mandatory to assure a unique solution. This paper is divided as follows: Section 1 deals with survey of literature. Section 2 comprises basic definitions, fundamental lemmas and theorems. The suggested formulae for taken problem is established in section 3. The existence of unique solution for Cauchy problem and global Cauchy problem are acquired in 4th and 5th section. Finally, examples are stated and proved to the affirmation of our results.
Consider the space The space ,PCR is a complete normed linear space with the norm max.PC Let 120,and:\,,.....,.mS Definition 2.1. [5,27] Let 0,1a and 1,.H Then the left AB Caputo and AB Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives of order a for a function are defined by and respectively, where Ma is a function with normalization convinces the results 011and aMME is called the MLF defined by Definition 2.2. [5,27] Let 0,1a and 1,.L. Then the left AB fractional integral of order a for a function is denoted by Definition 2.3. [5] The ABC fractional derivative with its Laplace transformation is defined by where L is the Laplace transform initiating from α defined by Definition 2.4. [29] Let X be a complete normed linear space. Then the operator :XX is a contraction if 1212xxxx for all 12,,01.xxX Definition 2.5. A function ,PCR is a solution of (1.1) if convinces the equation ,ABCaDh on and conditions To prove the main concept of this paper, we need to remember the following lemmas and theorems which is proved already. Lemma 2.1. [28] Let ,,,H such that the ABC fractional derivative exists. Then we have ABCaABaDI and ABaABCaID for 01.a Also, 0ABCaD if is a constant. Lemma 2.2. [24,28] For 0,1,a the solution of the following problem is given by Theorem 2.1. [29] Let X be a complete normed linear space and A be a non-empty closed subset of X. If :AA is a contraction, then there exists a unique fixed point of . Theorem 2.2. [29] Let X be a complete normed linear space and :XX be a non-discontinuous and compact mapping (completely continuous). Suppose :for0,1TyXyy be a bounded set. Then has at least one fixed point in X.
space and let be two operators, such that (i) 12,oaobBabB (ii) 1o is compact and continuous (iii) 2o is a contraction mapping. Then there exist B such that 12.oo
Theorem 3.1. Let 0,1a and let :vR be continuous with 00v and also disappears at hasty points m, for 1,2,....,.mn A function ,PCR is a solution of the fractional integral equation If and only if is a solution of the impulsive ABC-fractional FDE where Proof. By lemma 2.1, we can prove this again by assuming satisfies (3.6)-(3.8). If 10,, then ,0.ABCaDv Using lemma (2.1), we have This implies By impulse 1111,I we get If 12,, then v vanishes at 1 implies By impulse 2222,I we get If 23,, then v vanishes at 2 implies This implies that By impulse 3333,I we get Proceeding like this, we get the general expression as given below: For 1,,mmm and hence we get the solution Hence (2.5) is satisfied. Conversely assume that satisfies the equation (1.1). If 10,, then 000;0.v By the concept that ABCaD is the left inverse of ABaI. By using lemma 2.1, we get 01,0,.ABCaDv If 1,,1,2,.....,mmmn and by the fact that 0,ABCaD where is a constant function, we obtain ,ABCaDv for each 1,,1,2,.....,.mmmn Hence ,1,2,.....,.mmmmImn
We need the following hypothesis to prove our results,
,,,foreach ,,andaconstant 0.hhhhLRL
(A2) The function :mIRR are continuous and there exist a constant 0JL such that *,1,2,....,&,.mmJJJLmnR (A3) There exist,CR such that ,h, for each ,.R (A4) There exist 0N such that ,1,2,....,,.mINmnR Now let us prove main results. Theorem 4.1. Assume :hRR is continuous. If (A1) and (A2) hold with then the impulsive ABC – fractional FDE (1.1) has a solution which is unique on , where Let Let max,0.hh From (A1), we get To prove B has a fixed point, for that we need to show that .llBAA For ,lA we have Thus B maps lA into itself. Next, we have to show that B is a contraction on ,PCR. Let *,,PCR and .. Then we get
The inequality (4.9) shows that B is contraction on ,.PCR It is proved that the impulsive fractional differential equation with ABC (1.1) has a solution which is unique. Theorem 4.2. Suppose :hRR is continuous and assume (A3) and (A4) hold. Then there exists at least one solution for fractional differential equations with ABC fractional derivative and impulse condition on . Step 1: To show that :,,BPCRPCR is compact. Since h and mI are continuous, we have to verify that B is continuous. Let 11,:lPCAPCRl be a set(ball) with 1001lnN. Where 0sup and is given by (4.10). For lA and , we have Hence 1BAl is uniformly bounded. Next, we have to prove B maps bounded sets into equicontinuous set of ,PCR. By (A3), Let us fix 10,sup,.lAhh Now As 1221,0,BB that is 1lBA relatively compact for . The operator B is compact on 1lA by Arzela Ascoli theorem. Step 2: To prove that the set ,:forsome0,1TPCRB is bounded. Let .T Then B for some 0,1. Hence for , we obtain For every , we get 00:.PCnNR Hence T is bounded. That is B has a fixed point which is a solution of ABC-fractional differential equation (1.1)
Finally, we have to prove existence of solution for the impulsive FDE with ABC fractional derivative. Let f satisfying the following condition (A5) :,fPCRR is continuous and there exists a constant 01fL such that **fffL for all *,,.PCR Theorem 5.1. Suppose :gRR is continuous and assume (A1), (A2) and (A5) hold. If where is given by (4.10), then ABC-FDE with impulse condition has a unique solution on . Proof: Define the non-linear mapping *:,,BPCRPCR as follows Then *B has a fixed point if and only if the ABC-FDE with impulse condition (1.2) has a solution. Choose From hypothesis (A5), it is simple to verify that ***,llBAA where Next, we have to prove that *B is a contraction. Let *,,PCR and , then we have The inequality (5.12) proves that *B is contraction on ,PCR. Then the ABC-FDE with impulse condition has a unique solution. Theorem 5.2. Suppose :hRR is continuous and let (A1) to (A5) hold. If Then the global ABC-FDE (1.2) with impulse condition has a solution on given domain. Proof: Let the operator *:,,BPCRPCR defined by (5.13). Define the operator **12&BB on lA as For 120,,Al we obtain ****11221122BBBB Thus **11220BBAl. For any 12&,,PCR, we have From (5.14), *1B is a contraction mapping. Now let us show that *2B is continuous and compact. h is continuous *2B is continuous. Also *2B is uniformly bounded on 0Al because for 0&Al we get Now the operator *2B is compactness on 0,Al since *2.BB Hence, the global ABC-FDE with impulse condition possesses a solution .
For 0,1a, consider the following impulsive ABC-FDE
Clearly 0,0.5,0.50.hh Let and ,.ThenR Also, hypothesis (A1) and (A2) hold with Also verified that the condition (4.9) holds with Thus, we get By theorem 4.1, the problem (6.15) has a one-of-a-kind approach [0,1]. Also it is noted that for each R and 0,1, we have ,0.59h and 0.1.mI Hence, condition (A3) is verified with Thus, all conditions of theorem (4.2) are satisfied. Hence theorem (4.2) implies that the given problem has at least one solution on 0,1.
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Dr. R. Prahalatha*
Assistant Professor, PG Department of Mathematics, Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous)