A Study on Impact of Social Marketing in India

Exploring the Impact and Strategies of Social Marketing in India

by Dr. Urvashi Makkar*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 233 - 238 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Social networking marketing is the latest mantra for many brands after early last year. Marketers are seeing the different possibilities in social networking and are starting to introduce innovative social campaigns more quickly than ever before. Social networking ads and the companies that use it have become more advanced Global corporations also recognized social media marketing as a possible marketing tool, used them with inventions to fuel their promotional strategy with social media marketing. This paper discusses about the concepts of social marketing and social media marketing and Components of social Marketing’s ‘4ps’, Social Media Marketing in India, Concepts in Social Marketing Theory, and Major Features of Social Marketing Theory ,Forms of social marketing ,Use of Social Media Marketing.


social marketing, social media marketing, brands, social campaigns, social networking


Social marketing is an approach for developing activities to change or preserve human behavior to the good of citizens and community as a whole. Social marketing is a proven method that combines concepts from commercial marketing and social sciences to influence behavior in a sustainable and cost-effective way. The lack of social networking on the Internet has enabled one individual to connect with hundreds or even thousands of people around the world. Social networking flourished as an online discussion category where you build material, post it, sign up and network in large measure. Both aspects of social networking give dynamic groups and individuals with an ability to present one and one product. This social networking content is a kind for users who want to learn from each other about goods, brands, resources and challenges. This content is a new resource for online knowledge. For example, Face book, MySpace, Digg, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ are included. Become a trendsetter in issues ranging from the climate, political and technological to the entertainment sector due to their easy user, pace and scope. And that users multiply, social media are basically self-promoting. It is a medium for companies to sell goods and services because of the viral quality of social networking. Social media is a phenomenon in marketing that is developing now. Marketers are starting to realize how social networking is used to attract their clients through their messaging tactics and promotions. The marketing disciplines that can use social networks include promotion, marketing intelligence, sentiment research, public relations, marketing communication and product and customer management. The impact on marketing success (e.g. sale) is important for any social networking site (like blogs, platforms of online conversation and online communities), so it is essential to consider their relative relevance and interconnections. While most marketing methods are geared to the sale of goods or services, social marketing's "product" is human behavior. The philosophy behind this idea can be illustrated by a quote from Gerhard Weibe, a German World War II U-boat commander, who said: ―Why can‘t you sell brotherhood and rational thinking like you can sell soap. Many people don't know as marketing long-term, easily identifiable social marketing campaigns. Examples of this include Mom against Drunk Driving (MADD), who initiated a drivers' campaign to bind their vehicles with a red ribbon which shows their dedication to healthy, sober driving. The symbol of the red ribbon was also adopted for AIDS awareness and the idea of the 'string awareness campaign' quickly spread to other causes, namely rose breast cancer, purple for Alzheimer's and yellow for soldiers' families in active employment elsewhere. Social messaging will be a powerfully efficient force toward true progressive progress when these efforts are well carried out.


The process of setting a product price, including consumer credit availability, does not include a currency price; it may be literally the exchanging of time, resources or attention for product or services.


Specifications of the real product or service and how it covers the desires and wishes of the end customer. A product's spectrum typically requires aspects of protection such as safeguards, assurances and after-sales assistance.


If the good comes to the buyer, from whom a commodity or service is distributed, in which geographical area or sector, etc. It also applies to the effect on profits of the environment in which the commodity is distributed.

Promotion The different strategies for marketing the commodity including its packaging, naming, advertisement, placement and ads, Social Marketing

Social marketing is not about consumer marketing, but about social responsibility or ensuring a fair and equitable delivery of the commodity. It is not about commercial marketing. It isn't surprised that this is marketing phenomenon where the word 'social' The word "social marketing" refers to the marketing of products of social priority, social priority: • The consumer itself • The goods' essence • The country's theory of sustainable growth • Face book marketing method

Difference between Social Marketing and Commercial Marketing

Though social marketing uses several instruments in commercial marketing, its target is not profit but social benefits. It is often based on social, behavioral and social policies as a discipline, along with an awareness of the environmental determinants that influence people's behavior. spreading. People are now becoming more aware of Internet and its benefits. The use of the Internet has now evolved from rudimentary emails to high-quality practices such as e-ticketing, online banking, electronic commerce and the omnipresent social media. Social media in India is really gaining new heights. Brands find it easier to spread the news about them on the web and more users linking to social networks like Face book and Twitter, as customers find that it is easy to communicate by accessing this platform. The tendency is thriving as numerous businesses are making a major contribution in optimizing social media for their products or services with the aim of raising visibility of the business and brand, leading and increasing loyal consumers. As was done in 2009 elections, not only corporate political parties have social networking facilities that affect electors. Analysis has shown that 'exchange 4 media' and 'blog works' are carried out. 69% of respondents state that social media have an effect on company and marketing. Social Network Industry statistics in India indicate that - 60% of social network traffic is from non-metro-cities but Mumbai still has the largest traffic generator. The most active users in LinkedIn are 15 to 24 years old, but the age group is different, i.e. the 25 to 34 year old age group. Accordingly the use depends on the age of the website. There have also been 80:20 levels of gender disparities found when using male social networking pages. In the social networking domain, Face book accounts for 90% of users; the largest users come from the 'less than 2 lakhs p.a.' segment of income. The reason is that social networks are motivated mostly by young people.

Social Marketer

Any professional who strives to effectively use the following characteristics of Generic competition, Intervention level, competitiveness, product competition and brand competition will claim to pursue an approach to publicity. Therefore, before, for example, the late one launched by the US Marketing Association for private-area advertisers, the sector includes an affirmation scheme, the format can be used to judge the extent to which a given person or company is really a social advertiser. The standards should be very exceptional for scholastics. The theoretic structures and bits of knowledge contribute to scholastics, and the careful research focuses on all aspects of a fundamental expert approach. Consequently, the feasibility of elective communications for social displays, imaginable social media divisions, optional buyer behavior templates or the outcomes of such cruises may both be seen to

Use of Social Media Marketing

In any case in which a human socially basic behavior could be directed towards an intended interest‘s community, social promotion can be interconnected. This provides a broad range of social publicity. It is usually thought of as applicable to "finding customers, e.g. teenagers who smoke or moms who need vaccinated against their children. However, as stated, it understands that a technique of social demonstration should often be used in order to achieve improvements in behavior of other main actors whose pleasant actions are intended to render programmes. This may include people from the public, future supporters, funders, policymakers, administrators, and the workers of an association. Both of these desired interest groups should use the principles and subjects of a respectable social promotion campaign. Although social showcasing may be used as part of several kinds of mediation, it cannot be the right solution in general. There are two conditions, adequacy and fitness, from which certain decisions may be taken. Social ads can only be received if it is likely to be strong in specific situations. Adequacy, though, simply lays down the external boundaries for future use. There is also the subject of whether social support can be included. The main investigation involves the confirmation marshalling. The second concerns education in judgment and ethics. I suggest that this is a shot for social marketers to use their own creativity. In other words, if the social display is to increase a vital element of the business as a whole between singular approaches to reform and to be used as part of the respective style of the group and fundamental methods, then its proponents can effectively promote social promotion by displaying the vitality of the solution by their own actions. Winning this opposition implies a singular change of conduct in which the group of interests includes office managers, projects and institutions which can be socially promoted.

Social Media Marketing in India

The promotion of social networking in India is a clear outcome of the causes behind it. 60 percent of the long range interpersonal connectivity operation come from Non-Metro-Cities and the most notable trend generating city still stays to be a Metro i.e. Mumbai The most remarkable amount of dynamic customers are aged 15-24 but LinkedIn has the other ages for dynamic customers, that is to say, 25-34 ages. The male female ratio is consistent with the general segregation of the population by sexual preference, that is, for men at 80:20. In India, web-based social networking contacted 60 people per penny of the Indian online gathering. Face book and Rout, together oblige about 90 for every penny of the clients in the online networking room. Face book is India's leading informal culture with an immense and 24 years of age and is students who seek employment or conduct more studies. The biggest customers come from the wage bracket of 'under 2 lakhs p.a.' This is because the teenager profoundly determines informal societies More than 45% of Social Network clients come back in the middle of the day. Face book finish the summary with client returning to more than 3 times amid a day. The Indian community of Face Bookers spends most of its time on interactive games/applications and subsequently on analysis. Photos Below two graphs show the importance of social media marketing and its development. The graphs provide an overview of the role of ads in social media. • The line graph shows the expected growth of social media in India. Number of social network users predicted in India between 2015 and 2022 (in millions) • The line diagram displays the share of India's leading social networks.

Differences between Social Media marketing and Social Marketing Social networking is a communications medium by the basic meaning. Face book, Instagram, Twitter are the most common ones. You talk to colleagues, families and others and network with them. This technique is familiar to advertisers – it can even be used to support strategies for social marketing. But social networking is just a weapon in itself – a tool marketing, attempts at changing or maintaining the behavior of an entity or group in general, Most citizens recall the seatbelt campaigns "click or ticket." Believe it or not, it was not automatic to use a seat belt. In the late seventies, a nationwide awareness programmed enabled generations of drivers and drivers to "hit" This campaign used the possibility for costly interference with TV, billboards and tickets. Internet marketing efforts are also using various outlets, including social networking sites such as Face book, Instagram, YouTube and others, today.

Concepts in Social Marketing Theory

Social marketing theory is a support system for social campaigns with knowledge exchange as its main aim, planning, architecture, implementation and evaluation. It utilizes imagination to disclose details instead of relying on public service advertisements, as in the past. The information is bundled and circulated according to a schedule in order to ensure optimal sharing and performance. Social marketing seeks to consider social and psychological forces that resist social progress. It makes every social proposal more appropriate for the target audience, responsive and practical. Marketing techniques such as market segmentation, philosophy of trade and customer analysis are widely employed. The primary goal of social marketing is social intervention. Two forms of social marketing exist: social operational marketing and social strategic marketing. Social marketing operationally is used to alter behavior, while social strategic marketing serves to shape current policy and tactics for growth.


Target audience analysis and segmentation

To have systemic impact, a certain category of people who require certain products or awareness more must first be analyzed. In the pre-production and output phases the viewer is evaluated. Often, the category has several subgroups, which need to be studied by breaking down the so called segmentation of the crowd. There must be usefulness to existing community organizations. The first move in social media is to define the focus group.

Creates Awareness

While social marketing is often not successful at changing people's behavior, it at least provides visibility. People learn about the options they may take to gain from in the future. If people discover new stuff as various outlets are used to raise consciousness. Sensitivity is the first phase to improve. marketing. This way, the message is not lost for a long time quickly. The message is repeatedly reinforced and the target group considers the message to be credible. Entertainment and education are provided as a package. People are paying attention and at the same time being educated. A street drama, for example, is not overlooked quickly. Images are used to get more exposure and curiosity.

Examples of Social Marketing Theory

Social marketing is used for encouraging concrete items like oral contraception or only non tangible knowledge like idea of family planning within a specific audience population which is in need as a social initiative. Other forms of social marketing performed include oral rehydration, immunizations, smoking health risks, nutritious diet, usage of helmet in driving, sluggish driving, violating road laws, use of phones when driving, HIV and upload use, cardiovascular disorders, other communicable diseases, hygiene, environment contamination, abuse, etc. In US, National High Blood Pressure Education Programs and Stanford University utilized the idea of social marketing extensively in 1980s to demonstrate the dangers of cardiovascular disorders. Similarly, Victoria Cancer Council of Australia used social marketing in 1988 to fight against cigarettes.

Forms of social marketing

Social marketing includes all three pillars of sustainable development and gives organizations the ability to gain competitive advantage in order to benefit consumers. Social marketing orientation may be held as a backdrop for organization's marketing campaign. It highlights organization's reputation for target markets: environment protective policy or charitable giving are forms of shaping favourable public attitude towards the organization, the emphasis on environmental problems 'Solution reflects social service organizations as one of the main corporate goals. Such obvious goals form customer respect, preserving good credibility and image in the community. On the other hand, social marketing can be interpreted as the implementation of social projects (programmes), which help to improve social welfare - stimulate social changes. Social shifts can influence the attitudes and behaviors of the customer. Organizations may affect the opinions of consumers by social programmes, bringing additional qualities to their life. This approach to social marketing is frequently assumed by non-profit organizations, political agencies, communal organizations, and other socially-concemed

orientation: At a time when contemporary customers are gradually becoming acquainted with their natural world and strive to satisfy customer desires and attitudes, the attitudes and behavior. Organizations should discover new approaches that would be beneficial when enhancing the environmental status of manufacturing methods and goods . It may be referred to as a practice focused on social accountability. Improving production processes impacts on eco-efficiency and living conditions. The comparative benefit of an innovative environmental-friendly social enterprise in terms of image, credibility and positive customer approach to its activities may be gained. More conceptual is another way of relating to environmental growth and social media policy. This strategy ensures that organizations carry out social or environmental programmes that do not connect or represent their fundamental activities. This methodology is founded on social welfare reform viewpoint - its key goal is to transform the society by improving customers' behavior. This leads Endeavour to reduce usage rates to a minimum, involving customers, etc. To sum up, social media aims at affecting customer behavior on a wide scale; marketing principles and approaches are used to generalize social incentives to earn income. Any social media organization must therefore take into account the first influences that affect customer behavior: beliefs, expectations and practices. Latter factors can be held as a basis for consumer segmentation. External influences including history, the socioeconomic status, and the comparison community, on the other hand, affect the behavior of consumers. In reality, original and external obstacles have to be removed before citizens can alter behavior, according to Consumer. Social marketing promotes increasingly sophisticated behavioral modification approaches. Three central features of the policies and tools differentiate it from most governance approaches. • The goal is to consumers and to consider the conduct that the regulation tries to affect. • The instruments are designed to influence stimuli seen to foster behavioral improvement. • This strategy encompasses several organizations often and often employs a number of techniques. During the choice of the project contact channels, internal and extremely considerations need to be weighed. Social marketing (social project) efficacy and feasibility must be continuously assessed and tested. Assessments of these awareness campaigns also evaluate the effectiveness and usability, but not the efficacy of the intonation in influencing behavior.


Social media, for individuals or for companies, are currently unable to escape. Social networking cannot be distinguished from the cyber community nowadays. The conversations in the Social Networking network are no longer seen as web 2.0 fads. They are held in households, SMEs and boardrooms and are extended into the non-profit and education fields. A increasing number of people today talk of social networking merely as another medium or tactic, filling up with enthusiasm, news, confusion and overwhelm. Blogging will have a really beneficial impact on the branding and development of the business. According to the Hub spot survey, blogging customers collected 68 percent more leads than blogging customers. Today's social media have exponential capacity, and it is essential to consider. It is part of an increasing online network that discusses, comments, participates, shares and creates. If you are a person, start-up, small business or a big company, an online presence and a constant discussion with your constituents is the basic prerequisite – and time and skills are needed. Companies redirect capital and reconsider their conventional strategies of communication. And as the social network waves spill through the enormous ocean of encounters associated with them, the word itself would become a part of dictionaries and encyclopedias, embarking on a new age of understanding, accessibility and perception that is boundless by space, time, and physical walls. It is high time every company took social media and took it seriously!


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Corresponding Author Dr. Urvashi Makkar*

Professor, IMS, Ghaziabad