An Experimental Study of Alternative Refrigerants
Exploring Environmentally Friendly Alternatives for Refrigeration
by Mr. Wahid Jamadar*, Dr. Vishwa Nath Uppadhyay,
- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540
Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 245 - 250 (6)
Published by: Ignited Minds Journals
Man has been using refrigeration in his everyday life since ancient times for a variety of purposes. The major changes which have taken place in this field over time include primarily trends in the way cooling conditions are created. After beginning using natural ice and sailing across a range of substances, including ammonia, hydrocarbons, etc., the usage of CFCs and HCFCs has now finally reached the stage. The usage of CFCs and HCFCs however leads to the imminent risks of global warming and ozone depletion. To date, a quantity of study has been carried out to complete the abolition of the usage of these CFCs and HCFCs on both the research and social fronts. Recently, the use of coolant mixtures is an effective way of identifying alternatives for the threatening coolant. R134a was recommended as an alternative coolant for R12, on the advent of the Montreal Protocol. In mineral oil R134a is not miscible. It is advised to use polyol ester (POE) synthetic oils. HC refrigerants, on the other side, have flammable properties and safety requirements that restrict the use in domestic equipment of pure HC refrigerants. Due to the above, it will be crucial for the cooling and air-conditioning industry to convert current R134a coolers into environmentally sound refrigerants. We also experimented with alternate refrigerants in this study.
refrigeration, alternative refrigerants, cooling conditions, CFCs, HCFCs, global warming, ozone depletion, coolant mixtures, R134a, polyol ester
Refrigeration is described as the mechanism by which a temperature below the surroundings may be achieved and maintained, with the purpose of cooling a product or space to the desired temperature. The protection of perishable food items by store them at low temperatures was one of the most significant applications for Refrigeration. Refrigeration systems are still widely used to provide people with warm relief through air conditioning. The air conditioning is the treatment of air in order, as requested by occupants, process or goods in space, to concurrently monitor its temperature, its moisture quality, smoothness, odor and circulation. The issue of cooling and air conditioning comes from human diet and comfort, and its source goes back decades. "Refrigerant is the heat transfer fluid used in a refrigeration system which absorbs heat from low temperature and pressure areas during evaporation and releases heat at a higher temperature and pressure during condensation."
Vali Shaika et al. (2017) They said that in order to comply with requirements of Kyoto and Montreal protocols it is necessary to use renewable, environmental safe refrigerants in the development of alternative refrigerants. The environmentally friendly hydrocarbon coolers are inflammable in design and should thus be stopped for healthy purposes by their failure from the device. Refrigerants such as R290, R1270, R600a, R600, R32, R134a and R152a have been theoretically studied as substitutes of R12, R22, and R134a. Thermal fluids R134a. Mota-Babiloni et al. (2015) They report that EU regulations No.517/2014 phase out refrigerants widely used in cooling and air conditioning systems such as R134a, R404A and R410A as their ODP and GWP values are large as a result of prolonged usage. HFCs are compound R32, R125 R152 and R134a, and compound HFOs are compounded R1234yf. A serious environmental concern has been the greenhouse effect that causes world warming. In order to correct these problems, The Lontsi et al. (2016) studied the cumulative impact of refrigeration injection/compression cycles suggested for frost formation and cooling. During the device output the cold processing temperature and the effect of temperature on the atmosphere was studied with R290, R152a and R134a as refrigerants. M. A. Sattar et. al. (2007), The efficiency of the cooler with R600a, R600 and the R290/R600a/R600 blend of ternary refrigerant with the R134a were investigated and contrasted. The impacts on COP, cooling influence, piston energy and the heat-reject ratio have been studied from the evaporator and condenser temperatures. The results suggest that when R600a and R600 were used as cooling agents at the room temperature of 28°C, the compressor consumed 3% and 2% less energy than R134a. The compressor ability, COP and mixture of hydrocarbons prove that hydrocarbons in the home cooler can be used as refrigerants. The COP and other experimental findings indicate that HC is used in the domestic cooling industry as a coolant.
1) To investigate the effects of the various process parameters on use of alternative refrigerants. 2) To develop a comprehensive performance model for refrigeration process. 3) To validate the refrigeration model
In the present work experiments were carried out using Taguchi method-based Design of Experiments (DOE) by considering 4 factors at 3 levels. Although, Taguchi method-based design of experiments was the best well recommended procedure for optimization of the process parameters influencing the system performance, full factorial experiments were also conducted to verify the optimized results obtained by the design of experiments
Performance assessments were conducted in accordance with the procedure discussed in chapter 4 at the 320C atmospheric temperature, varying capillary lengths and separate coolant charges at 3 different temperatures (20C, 50C and 80C). The results are seen in Tables 1 to 5. The lowest energy use is 6,3 m, the optimum capillary size is 5,4 m and the best capillary range is 3,3 m for mixing -1, longitude, and mix-2, and 5 m, on 3.3m, 5.4m and 6.3m capillary length. Mixing-1 indicates greater energy usage and mixing-5 shows minimum energy consumption for the five alternate mixtures. It is attributed to a raise in the R134a quality of a mixture that reduces the real amount that the energy intake is lowered. The cooling impact has increased as the HC mixture has a more latent heat vaporization than R134a, since the content of the ternary mixture HC has been increased.
Table 1 Blend-1 experimental findings Table 2 Experimental results of mixture-2
Table 4 Experimental results of mixture-4 Table 5 Experimental results of mixture-5
collected on average. Figures 1 to 6 showed average strength and COPs of various capillaries and varying calories in various mixtures.
Figure 1 Power variation for the chosen alternative coldants at 20C calorimeter temperature with capillary lengths
Figure 2 Change of power to capillary length at 50C calorimeter temperature for the alternate refrigerants chosen. Figure 3 Power variation for the chosen alternative refrigerants at 80C calorimeter temperature with capillary duration
Figure 4 Variability of COP with the capillary distances in 20C calorimeter temperature for select alternate refrigerants Figure 5 Variation of COP with capillary duration at the 50C calorimeter temperature for the chosen alternative coolants.
Figure 6 Variable COP for the chosen substitute refrigerant with capillary lengths at 80C calorimeter temperature
The energy demand of the compressor is reduced from mixture-1 to blend-5, as the amount of R134a is increased inside the ternary mixture from Figures 1 to 3. The large particular volume of the HC mixture produces maximum energy intake. Tables 3 to 7 have shown that the influence of cooling decreases by 1 to 5, as latent vapor heat decreases in the ternary blend with declining amount of HC. The intensity and latent heat of the vaporization of R134a is smaller than the HC blend. For the considered ternary mixtures, specific volumes and latent vaporization heat are greater than R134a and less than the HC mixture. In Figures 1 to 6, the then from blend-5 to the mixture-3. The reduction in the cooling impact is smaller than the decrease in the compressor energy from mixture1 to mixture3. Later, the reduction in compressor capacity dominates for the mixture-4 and the mixture-5 in cooling impact and thereby reduces COP. Under the working state of the test system as seen in table 7.6 there are unique quantities of the five alternate mixtures.
Table 6 Change in variable volumes for the refrigerants chosen
The variables and stages of an experiment are systematically designed in typical special, partial factorial (OA) arrangements to identify optimal designs to increase knowledge of the efficiency of the method. It mostly utilizes and simplifies traditional mathematical instruments by defining the collection of sequence guidelines to lay down and analyze effects for the lowest number of experiments.
7.3.1 Factors and its Levels Table 7 Factors and its levels
The names of the combinations are as follows. Mixture-1: ―5%R134a/47.5%R600a/47.5%R290‖ Mixture-3: ―25%R134a/37.5%R600a/37.5%R290‖ Mixture-5: ―45%R134a/27.5%R600a/27.5%R290‖ The equivalent charging volume is measured for each mixture to R134a and is tabled in Table 8. The corresponding load quantity is determined by m2; the m1 and m3 quantities are 10g lower than and higher than those of the m2.
Table 9 Design for Orthogonal array L18 Experimental
Table 10 S/N value for COP Mean value Table 11 Main effects of the process parameters for mean Table 13 Response table for means
Lacap (5.4m), mixture3, mass2, calorimeter temperature (80C) dependent on mean is the best setting.
Table 14 Signal to noise response table
Ideally set, the temperatures are dependent on Lcap (5.4 m), mixture 3, mass2, calorimeter temperature (80C).
The aim of the present study is on developing an eco-friendly refrigerant alternative to R134a that meets the Montreal Protocol, the Kyoto Protocol and the inflammability factors. The ternary mixture of R134a seems to be an appropriate long-range solution for R134a which requires minimal modification in fixed refrigerators with regard to the ecological cooling blend, without an ODP, low GWP and high energy efficiency. A theoretical study for better mixture efficiency is performed using REFPROP 6.0 tools by adjusting the composition of R134a and the optimal mixture composition. The testing was carried out with the R134a and HC mixtures in a vision cooler, using
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Corresponding Author Mr. Wahid Jamadar*
Research Scholar, Maharishi University of Information Technology, Uttar Pradesh