A Correlative Approach of National Security, Terrorism and Role of Media in Context of Divergent India

Understanding the Complex Relationship between Media, Terrorism, and National Security in Diverse India

by Indermeet Singh Sarao*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 82 - 85 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


India is a diverse country, full of ethical and religious diversities. Inspite of these diversities, citizens of India live together peacefully but there are some anti-social elements that keep on disturbing this peaceful spirit of the country to provoke religious sentiments of peace loving people. These activities are commonly known as terror activities. As any terror activity or attack is done with a aim and creation of fear among civilians is one of the most common aim of terrors and media act as an carrier of these thread messages and hence, plays a vital role for the same. Media acts as their best friend as they provide oxygen to these promotions. The relation between the two, that is, media and terrorism is two way go on one hand. Media acts as a carrier of the thread messages and creates an environment of fear among the civilians in return they get vicious and breath taking news headlines which provides hike in the sales and TRP of various news channels. This paper examines the role of media and politicians to become the source of information about terrorism and means of creating threatful environment and sometimes even gaining sympathy for terrorists.


national security, terrorism, role of media, divergent India, peaceful spirit, anti-social elements, religious sentiments, terror activities, fear, media, thread messages, news headlines, sales, TRP, politicians


India is one of the country in the world with religious and ethical diversity with some most profoundly religious and cultural societies. Religion assumes a focal and authoritative part in the existence of large numbers of its kin. In spite of the fact that India has a majority of Hindu in its population, it has a huge Muslim and other religious populace too. Inspite of its diversity it still remains united and coexisted in a peaceful environment but there are some anti-social elements which keep on disturbing this peaceful environment by their activities and try to provoke various religious sentiments of peace loving people mainly called as terrorist activities. Before going further, its necessary to know what the terrorism is, terrorism refers to unlawful utilization of power or brutality against people or property to threaten or pressure an administration or its residents to additional specific political or social goals. Illegal intimidation or terror activity in India has a long history. As per BBC, the data of terror incidents and fatalities in between 2004 and 2018 presented in Indian Parliament in India specifically in Kashmir is as shown below in figure 1 and figure 2.

Figure 1. Number of terror incidents in Kashmir, India between 2004 to 2018.

Figure 2. Number of fatalities in terror incidents in Kashmir, India between 2004 to 2018.

It is a weak demonstration by the psychological oppressor bunches who wish to upset the tranquillity of the country. It plans to make a condition of frenzy among individuals. They need to keep individuals in a steady condition of dread to prevent the country from thriving. Time to time, they complete psychological oppressor acts to help individuals to remember the dread they need them to live in. Thus, there are around 100 fear monger or terrorist cells that are working in India. They have effectively made a climate of strain among the residents. Terrorism impacts the nation seriously and has risky repercussions.,Terrorism significantly affects any country. At the point when we take a gander at an agricultural nation like India, it is even more hurtful. Initially, it makes a condition of frenzy among the residents. The bomb impacts or terminating impacts the psychological well-being of individuals. This causes the inauspicious passing of different residents or leaves them impaired. The nervousness and dread compels everyone to live in restrictions. However, it is the sad part that media plays in the effect of psychological warfare, like enhancing levels of public dread or repeating their propaganda.


According to Shosani A, Slone in 2008 Media should know about fear based oppressors‘ goal to control and give the impression of having more noteworthy strength than they really have, and endeavor to stay unbiased and accurate in their treatment of both the terrorist activities and their thought processes. Describing about terrorist Martin in 19586 said that terrorists endeavor to accomplish compassion toward their motivation by getting the press to report what they do as well as to clarify their implied purposes behind doing it in as good terms. While telling about media and terrorism Bell cited in Beckett in (2016, p.2). Announcing terror assaults satisfies the points of the psychological warfare itself in spreading fear, however smothering or restricting terror coverage can fuel both doubt in the news media and undemocratic jacked and controlled by terrorists, however if the opportunity of the media is forfeited for the sake of combatting psychological warfare one has permitted little gatherings of psychological militants to annihilate one of the critical establishments of a vote based society. It is likewise an affront to the insight of the overall population, and would thoroughly sabotage trust in the veracity of the media. (Moeller2009; Nacros2016; Conway2012; Fahmy2017; Spencer2012) gave details how ―excited‖ media inclusion of terrorism enables psychological oppressors and disperses fear strategies. While emphasizing about female terrorism Conway and McInerney in 2012 announcing of terrorism, concluding that female terrorists get fundamentally more press inclusion than their male partners, and that they are outlined uniquely in contrast to the way the male terrorists.


In the event that the media is so integral to the terrorist technique of acquiring public consideration and spreading dread in the populace, what prospects are there of averting the media from broadcasting violence done by terrorists. Any sort of media power outage of psychological militant tackles faces two grave issues, one regulating and one functional. Beginning with the regularizing issue of controlling and confining media providing details regarding terrorist attack one needs to bring up that free media. Yet the media is constantly controlled somewhat as there are censor points particularly but prohibition on the announcing of terror assaults up to an extend can reduce the aim of terrorist of creating fear among the other citizens, it doesn‘t imply that media channels should be discouraged to give contemplate intentional rules and guidelines a thought so that reporting on terrorism is done in an efficient way. News blackout or media restrictions policy is practically questionable. One can access Internet for the same as nearly 80% of the households have accession to net facilities, with a rise of internet use on mobile, different news channels and news headlines are under the reach of Indian citizens. One can get any news with in fraction of seconds. Command over these channels is very hard for a tyrant system and about to impossible in a democratic government. So stopping media from announcing about terror attack would not help as new media channels and outlets which are easily accessible through internet make it difficult to stop the detailing of terrorist attacks. So one cannot forestall terrorist gatherings from acquiring public consideration. Considering the open technique of spreading dread in the overall population. One might have the option to basically reduce this mental impact of the terrorist attack by formally outlining ―illegal intimidation‖ in a specific way. terrorism as terrorism attempts to utilize the media in 3 ways: initially illegal intimidation to acquire the public‘s consideration, in this way, attempts to acquire sympathy toward its cause and, thirdly, it intends to spread concern and dread in the overall population and consequently impact political change. The act of terrorism is a psychological strategy to induce dread among the Indian citizens. Terrorism would have no way out and no utility if oxygen of exposure is removed. Public declarations by government officers or ministers provide fame to the terror activities. The statements given by these public figures are used by media and is passed on to the civilians leading to spread of dread among them, hence lead a helping hand in the development of ‗psychological oppression‘. One other aspect of reporting terror attacks and terror activities is that these types of news or headlines become breathe drawing and vicious stories leading to increase in sales and TRP of various news papers and news and channels provides a platform to terrorist groups to convey their messages to the civilians or other citizens of the country which ultimately results in creation of dreadful environment for the people.


• To study the relationship of media and terrorism • To evaluate the correlation between terrorism and media in the context of divergent India.


The study done in this paper is descriptive in nature. Its formulation is based on secondary data to identify the role of media in terrorism. The data used in this study was collected from different sources such as newspapers, journals, magazines and other websites. The main focus is to correlate terrorism and media in the context of divergent India.


This paper desires to give an understanding into the association among illegal intimidation or terrorism and the media by showing the focal significance of correspondence for the procedure of psychological warfare. The study has shown that terrorism and media go hand in hand as media plays a vital role for the terrorist organizations as they act as a medium for seeking recognition and attention. This is how, they are opening out the revolting ideas of the group. Terror attack or any other terror activity provides media vicious, breathe taking, spiritual headlines and news which leads to increase in sales and hike in TRP of various newspapers and news channels. Media can counter terrorism by showing the attack or activity in less frightening manner so that a environment of fear metaphors to inform the civilians about the attack or any terror activity this would reduce the fear and help them cope up with the situations prevailing.


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Corresponding Author Indermeet Singh Sarao*

Research Scholar, Centre for Advanced Media Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala