Use of M-Sand, Slag Sand and C&D Waste as an Alternative Material for River Sand to Apply In Mortar for Brick Masonry

Exploring Sustainable Alternatives to River Sand in Construction

by Hari Aiwale*, V. S. Kshirsagar, Manik Deshmukh, Nitin D. More, Nitin A. Shinde,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 164 - 168 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Construction industry is one of the major sector, which fulfill the basic need of human being i.e. shelter or building infrastructure. In public sector construction industry builds structures like road, dam, bridges, health care centres etc. The building materials are being the backbone of construction activities, are in much demand according to the need in various activities. River sand is one the major building material in construction practice. For various activities of construction, river sand is employed in different forms .Some of the important activities of construction work are masonry mortar, concrete production, plastering works, road construction and many more. The demand for river sand has increased by many folds from last decade due to rapid growth of construction activities. Conventional sources of natural sand are rivers, in which fine aggregates are formed over a period of time by modification of rock particles physically and chemically. The mining of river sand in both legal and illegal forms has led to its scarcity and which produced ill effects on natural sources of fine aggregate. River sand is a non-renewable material hence need to be conserved for the future, there a need for alternatives which will replace the use fine aggregates partially or by full amount. Many alternative materials were analysed to know their properties so as to replace them in various construction works as natural sand. M-sand (manufactured sand) from aggregate manufacturing plant, slag sand (waste produced from steel industry), Construction Demolition waste (waste generated after demolition of buildings) are bi-products of their respective industries. All these alternatives were considered to be waste product and were dumped in landfills. The properties of these wastes are similar to that of fine aggregate, which is confirmed from literature studies. Many of research programmes on alternatives have recommended to use the alternatives as fine aggregate in a fixed percentage of replacement. Since these alternative materials can be obtained in less cost or can be processed, will replace the fine aggregate economically. Use of such alternatives is an eco- friendly practice because of reduction in transport for landfills, hence reducing the CO2 emission. Alternatives will help to reduce the landfill problems in an effective manner. Use of such alternatives as replacement to fine aggregates is a sustainable approach. Hence use of alternatives should be encouraged and recommended by government. Replacing these alternatives in construction activities, is a best way to conserve the natural sources of river sand. In the present study an attempt is made to understand the properties of above mentioned alternatives to river sand as masonry mortar. Strength behaviour of brick masonry specimens made with alternatives is examined i.e. compression, tensile and flexural behaviour of brick masonry. Based on the experimental results, best suitable alternative is recommended as an approach towards sustainability.


M-Sand, Slag Sand, C&D Waste, Alternative Material, River Sand, Mortar, Brick Masonry, Construction Industry, Building Materials, Fine Aggregates


Rapid growth of population in urban areas demands for proper infrastructure in terms of residential and public structures. Construction industry is the main source to fulfill the need for infrastructure. Hence there is a requirement for construction materials in various applications of construction. River sand is one of the important construction material used as fine aggregate in mortar, concrete, plastering and other various means of construction. River sand is becoming scares due to its enormous requirement and use. Main source of natural sand are rivers, which are being emptied or erosion of river is taking natural sand, partially or by full replacement. There is a need for alternatives which can solve the land fill problems, can be used as a recycle material and which are socially acceptable. There are several investigations on such alternatives being carried out all round the world by different research programmes. Hence there are number of alternatives which can replace river sand, as suggested from experimental investigations. In the present investigation three alternatives i.e. manufactured sand, slag sand, construction & demolition waste are identified. All the three alternatives are from different sources, detailed analysis of each alternative is carried out in further chapters. The present investigation on alternatives to river sand aims towards sustainable approach. All these alternatives identified are being the waste from different industries which will minimize the land fill problems and replace the natural aggregates. These alternatives are by-products, which can be used in construction activities economically. Adverse effects on environment are also reduced by these alternative materials hence are socially acceptable. Sustainable advantages of alternatives to river sand are as follows: 1. Reduce the ill-effects on sources of river sand Decreases the landfill problems 2. Reduce the demand of non-renewable materials like gravel, rock and river sand. 3. Reduces the emission of carbon dioxide gas by reducing the transport distance for landfilling 4.Acts as a sustainable material which is good for environment, economical and socially acceptable


Methodology with respect to each objective is briefly given below 1. To determine the physical properties of different alternatives for river sand. For achieving this object, the process applies as like the determination of physical properties and test results will be compared with natural sand. For that purpose, the test will be used like • Sieve analysis • Specific gravity • Water absorption • Bulk density • Bulking of fine aggregate will be used to carry out the experiments and the results are compare to river sand. 3. To determine the properties of brick masonry constructed with the alternatives selected in the present study. For achieving this object, the present study mainly concentrates the behavior of brick masonry made with three alternatives in masonry mortar. For that purpose, the tests as like compressive strength, water absorption, flexural strength and shear strength on brick masonry will be carried out. 4. To determine the economic comparison of alternatives with river sand. For achieving this objective cost comparison of all the alternatives and river sand will have to be done to get the economy comparison. The construction industry is facing problems due to scarcity of river sand. Several investigation have revealed the need for alternatives to river sand. There are about eleven alternatives identified so far. The present investigation is on three alternative materials. The three alternatives are M-sand, Slag sand and C&D waste obtained from distinct sources. This chapter deals with the experiments on alternatives and mode of procurement. The present chapter is mainly divided in two parts as follows: I. Characterization of alternatives to river sand, based on their physical properties. II. Examining the alternatives by replacing river sand in mortar mix of 1:6 at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.


The three alternatives considered in present study were brought and processed to obtain fine aggregates. These include;


Manufactured sand or artificial sand is produced by crushing the rocks to the required size in aggregate manufacturing plant. Special crushers are employed to obtain the desired size of aggregates. The dust particles generated during the crushing process are washed to get fine aggregates of good quality. In the present investigation the required quantity of manufactured sand is procured from RMC India, Aggregate manufacturing plant, Bangalore. The sample is sieved i.e. materials retained on 4.75mm and passing through 150μ sieves are neglected. Further the sample is examined to know its various properties. A typical scene observed in an aggregate

Fig. Heap of M-sand in aggregate manufacturing plant Fig. Manufacturing plant Slag sand:

Slag sand or blast furnace slag is a by-product of steel manufacturing plant formed during the smelting process of steel production. It is non-metallic in nature, with glass particles having silicates and alumino silicates of lime. This by-product of steel is commonly stored outside the production unit in heaps and according to its end use is crushed to the required size and send to the consumer In the present study, slag sand is procured from JSW steel limited, Hospet. The sample was packed in bags and brought by truck (Fig 4.4) to the college laboratory, each bagapproximately weighing 50 kg. The slag sand was already in fine size i.e. finer than 4.75mm in size hence the sand is sieved only with 150μ sieve and used in experimental programme.


AGGREGATES Sieve analysis:

Fineness modulus = sum of percentage cumulative weight retained / 100

Sieve size (mm) Wt. retained (gm) Wt. retained in (%) Per. cumulativewt. retained (%)

Cumulative percentage passing (%) 4.75 10 0 0 100 2.36 18 1.2 1.2 98.8 1.18 237 15.8 17 83 600μ 446 29.73 46.73 53.27 300μ 661 44.06 90.89 9.21 150μ 119 7.93 98.72 1.28

alternatives is done according to IS: 2250-1981 standards. To carry out the test, mould of size 70.6×70.6×70.6 mm are used. Cement mortar is mixed with known quantity of water as determined by flow test for respective % replacements. The mould is filled in two layers by tamping 25 times for each layer. Care must be taken for uniform tamping so as to avoid the segregation of mortar mix, excess of mortar is struck off and mortar is levelled with a trowel. Once the specimen are cast, they are kept for curing in a place which is free from vibration and at temperature of 27+/- 20C.


Fig. Compressive strength at 3 days

Fig. Compressive strength at 7 days

Fig. Compressive strength at 28 days


Based on the experimental investigations carried on the three alternatives namely m-sand (manufactured in aggregate manufacturing plant), slag sand 1. Sieve analysis on all the three alternatives has shown that it can be categorized under zone-2 sand as per IS codal provisions. 2. Specific gravity of all the three alternatives are lower than natural sand. The same is reported in literature review. 3. Water absorption exhibited by m-sand and slag sand is around 2%. However C&D waste has shown 6% similar to past research findings. This being due to the presence of adhered mortar around the particles. 4. The loose and rodded densities of slag sand and C&D waste are lower while m-sand has shown high values when compared with density values of natural sand. 5. Bulking property a measure of water absorbing capacity by the sand particles are comparable with that of natural aggregates. However m-sand has shown 63% bulking. 6. Mortar mix of 1:6 with OPC was maintained for all mortars. Varying percentage of replacement was attempted from 25% to 100% or full replacement. 3days, days. Appendices, if present, must be marked A, B, C, and placed before the Acknowledgment section.


The authors would like to thank Dr. P. M. Pawar Head of the Civil Department and prof. V. S. Kshirsagar SVERI‘s college of Engineering Pandharpur, for their kind support and providing good infrastructure. The authors are also grateful to Prof. Manik Deshmukh for her encouragement and support.


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Corresponding Author Hari Aiwale*

PG Student, Shri Vithhal Education and Research Institute‘s College of Engineering, Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India