Role of Human Resource Management in the IT Sector

Examining the Impact of Human Resources on IT Project Performance

by Neela Mehta*, Dr. Narender Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 463 - 467 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Today, information technology is both a foundation for country growth and a standard practise for leading and successful enterprises. Success in this sector is contingent on the success of micro and macro information technology initiatives, and this success cannot be achieved until all factors, particularly the most precious element, namely human resources, are taken into account. Because project rules regarding human resources are evolving, the duties of IT project managers will also alter in this regard. In this study, elements impacting IT project performance, such as the need to rethink roles and pay greater attention to individual In the recruitment process, personality factors are important., education's involvement in the advancement of information technology projects, and so on have been considered while discussing some of the problems in the fields of IT and human resources.


Human Resource Management, IT Sector, information technology, project management, recruitment process, personality factors, education, IT projects, human resources


Development of human resources is critical for every organisation that wishes to have dynamism and growth-oriented. Unlike other resources, human resources have nearly boundless potential capacities. Only by building a stable environment recognise, bring people's strengths to light, develop them, and use them potential be realised. The Human Resource Development (HRD) system is designed to foster such an environment. In recent years, a variety of HRD methodologies based on specific concepts have been created to fulfill the aforesaid work. This section introduces the notion of the HRD system, as well as associated mechanisms and HRD's shifting limits. [1]

Leonard Nadler initially proposed the HRD idea at a meeting in the America in 1969. "He defined HRD as learning experiences that are planned, over a set period of time, and aimed to facilitate behavioural change." HRD is anEmployee assistance framework in the development of their organisational and interpersonal abilities, knowledge, and capacities. Employee development, training, and performance management, mentorship, succession planning, important employee identification, and tuition assistance, and organisation growth are all examples of human resource development options. The purpose of all parts of human resource development is to create the best workforce possible so that the business and individual workers may achieve their job goals while providing excellent customer service. Human Resource Development is crucial to healthy organisations, and they address all of these categories. [2]


Human resources are critical in businesses that need a high level of ability and expertise, such as the information technology industry. This is a highly competitive, dynamic, and technological business in which human resources play a considerably larger role in growth and development than other resources. This sector requires people who are highly competent, talented, and well-educated. Both the quality of services and products are determined by the quality of human resources, which require ongoing and multi-skill training. To build and nurture such human resources, information technology Organizations must concentrate on establishing and cultivating a plan based on human resource development techniques. Selection procedures, training policies, performance and promotion policies, transfer policies, wages, compensation, social-security policies, worker's welfare policies, recreational policies, employee/employer/management relations, trade unions, health policies, and so on are all part of human resource development. All of these elements work together to help these organisations build highly talented, efficient, effective, and dynamic human resources. For information technology companies to succeed the correct individual must be development by focusing on various parts of human resource development procedures in their organisations. Every facet of human resource development methods must be integrated into the organization's human resource policy. [3]


The development of human beings, or HRD, lies at the core of the HRS concept. The notion of growth should not just apply to individuals, but also to other organisational units. In addition to growing the individual, stronger dyads, or two-person groups consisting of the employee and his employer, must be developed. These dyads are the organization's basic functioning units. Aside from it, there are various organisations that require attention, such as committees, task groups, and so on. The development of such groups should be done with the aim of boosting collaboration among employees and so facilitating effective decision-making. Finally, development should cover the entire department as well as the entire company. [4] Building an environment favourable to their efficacy, creatingself-renewing processes in organisations so that they can continue to existing change and pro-act and developing appropriate procedures assist them in being more effective are all part of their growth. As a result, the aims of HRD systems are to develope: 1. Each employee's specific capabilities. 2. Each person's ability in respect to his or her current function. 3. Each employee's talents in relation to his or her predicted future function. 4. Each employee's dyadic connection with his or her boss. 5. Every organisational unit's teamwork and cohesion (department, group, etc). 6. Collaboration between various organisational units. Individuals, dyads, teams, and the company as a whole benefit from the organization's general health and self-renewing capacities, which boost Individuals, dyads, teams, and the organisation as a whole enabling capabilities. [5]


Internet and mobile communication are examples of information and communication technology (ICT), and new media have long been developed, and other forms of ICT, may significantly aid in the implementation of apersonnel policy of the company. Technological advancements may have a significant influence on the human resources department of a company. It enables the business to strengthen its Human resources should be primarily concerned with achieving the organization's strategic objectives. An organization-wide IT strategic strategy must guide these strategies. Product design (research and development) and information technology systems are two examples of activities connected to technical advancements in the entity. [7] Advancement of technology is a key part of the business's innovation process, and it might incorporate gained knowledge. All activities in the context may have some technical element, which leads to higher technological growth. Organizations that operate in a dynamic environment may be more affected by information technology. Human Resources will be more efficient and effective as a consequence of this. As a result, adopting an IT programme for database administration and an advanced recruitment system will improve the business' productivity. [8] The following important influences of telecommunications and information technology on human resource management are possible.

1. Better services to line managers

The success of the company is the major concern of both HR and line management. The primary job of human resources is to aids the organization's workforce requirements. Reviewing forecasts about future company demands to determine whether to educate current workers, prepare them for promotion, or acquire people with higher levels of abilities to augment the present employee knowledge database is critical strategic planning between HR and line managers. Line managers will be more prepared for a variety of leadership roles if they are trained and developed in IT technologies.

2. Enhancing management

Human resource IT technologies that may complement management and improve efficiency and effectiveness, resulting in the overall performance of the company.For Hilton Worldwide, Success Factors Solutions, for example, has created an HR IT application for the company's people management. Organizations all throughout the world are attempting to improve organisational performance, regardless of their size or sector. Managers of the company evaluate performance, often by comparing it to a benchmark. They examine and evaluate their results before designing controls to improve the organization's performance.

3. Effective recruiting

In today's world, businesses have understood that efficient recruiting calls for the usage of technology.

more people are aware of the offer, the procedure has become more efficient, boosting the chances of hiring qualified employees.Employers can use web portals to provide all pertinent information on their employment, careers, and personal growth of workers. For the organisation, this is an excellent advertising tool. Envoy is now working on Asana, an IT tool for recruitment that evaluates specifics down to the top priority qualities of a possible employee. HR IT technologies assist in not just hiring but also retaining top talent.

4. Data management and critical analysis

When technology is applied, data administration becomes easier and paperless. Many routine jobs are no longer completed by hand. This improves the work's efficiency and effectiveness. Whether in a stable or uncertain environment, organisational performance may help a company achieve timely success. Employees detest occupations that offer no variety in their work and are extremely repetitive, resulting in low retention and productivity.Employee performance data may be critically reviewed by HR IT tools more frequently if it's available online and accessible to everybody. Zenefits, for example, just released an HR IT application that has become Passport totally paperless. The tool is also hierarchy sensitive, and After it is submitted, it pings the manager for approval. As a result, by not having to fill out papers, a person can save time and effort. Zenefits has therefore aided Passport in Internal HR procedures have been drastically simplified and managedby establishing this HR IT platform.

5. Human resource management and inventory management tools

Customer intimacy, operational efficiency, and leading edge, according to business savvy entrepreneurs, may make an organization's performance more effective and efficient. Client demands must be satisfied through customisation and exceptional customer experiences. Organizations utilise HR IT technologies for this aim in order to give a universal range of goods and diversify their business by delivering better products and services.

6. Customer service and human resource management

Organizational performance may also be characterised by assessing service dependability and comprehending the organization's customer quality. Providing a dependable service may provide value since clients will know that they will receive the service on time, at the promised time, and at a high quality of performance. Because organisational change is unavoidable, vital success criteria and key performance indicators should be updated, and an work and delivering high-quality results.[9]


Technical personnel's ability

Increased investment in information technology is linked to an increase in the usage of advanced knowledge and the need for people with advanced knowledge. To put it another way, one of the most important factors in the success of IT is the technical expertise of the project team. Also in our nation, the success of IT is largely dependent on the technical talents of project workers, and the primary challenge in this regard is to retain and develop individuals with high technical abilities.

The salary and sufficient wages

Certainly not, since despite the global shortage of many abilities in information technology, there is always a business prepared to give a talented person a higher compensation. Martin Telfer argues that expecting employees to stay with the company forever is unreasonable, but that we must find a way to boost employee longevity. Wages and wages are always a major determinant of work happiness, especially if employees believe their compensation is reasonable and equitable. Employees must think that the award amount corresponds to their rate of activity. To put it another way, efficient reward management is a difficult and crucial endeavour. One of the main responsibilities of IT project managers is to pay attention to this crucial element.


One of the most common issues among IT employees is professional or premature anachronism. Because of the fast pace of information technology and communication, IT managers who are ignorant of this problem may rapidly lose their skilled employees. When a person is too young for a profession, they lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities. According to Charlotte Veko, "all people on information technology projects who work on substantial projects in this field will discover that their skill is swiftly falling behind due to the rapid growth of this technology," making on-the-job training an unavoidable task. IT project management efforts should be wide, and they should understand that looking forward is one of the work's guiding principles. Individuals will be effective if they are not only not abolished but also do not feel abolished. As a result, they must provide retraining opportunities as well as work and research activities for project personnel, in addition to

Managerial and technical knowledge of IT managers

Lack of technical and managerial knowledge on the part of the project manager is frequently one of the key causes for discontent with IT projects. IT projects are frequently led by technical experts who lack academic training in management, and one of the issues facing IT project staff is a lack of correct understanding of project managers of project staff's professional activities, despite the fact that the success or failure of IT projects is dependent on accurate technical and managerial support from senior management.

Appropriate work environment

IT employees frequently complain about the environment in which they must work in an unpleasant manner and with compelling arguments. Busy and loud workplaces, which are the product of management's overzealous desire to save expenses, have a detrimental impact on professional motivation and incentives. Consideration of the working environment, as well as safety and health rules at work is an unquestionable need in the field of information technology. One of the factors of a project's profit is the consideration of project worker health. [10]


Human Resource Planning

With the use of innovative databases, a wealth of information on workers can be recorded, which not only aids in identifying involved and open jobs, but also in deciding whether or not the individual is the ideal match. [11]


All basic information about the workforce is stored in a database that can be retrieved at any time, including their name, address, email, phone number, capability, compensation benefits, experience, date of entry into organisations, and employment status (contract, perpetual, full-time, low maintenance, and so on).


Because it links employers and job seekers, the internet has brought about the most significant shift in the enrollment process in the last decade.

Training and Development

E-learning is a forward-thinking strategy for enabling employees to stay up with a rapidly changing industry. The e-learning framework may be efficiently employed by linking the evaluation process to the HR database. [12] simple, exact, and assessable data on their remuneration structure. [13]

Possibilities for integrating IT with the HR function

1. Competitive Advantage: By providing customised applications through HRM portals, e-HRM may be a significant innovation tool. 2. Accessibility: Data is available to anybody via the internet or intranet. Any employee may easily obtain any information. HR entryways allow reps to get all essential data with a single simple click. 3. Quick and error-free communication: Technological advancements have increased the speed with which firms do business. Human mistakes are eliminated by mechanical frameworks. 4. Interactive Atmosphere: Through electronic gateways, technology facilitates interactions among the representatives. Larger enterprises require more data and can extract more areas of interest from it. It allows data to be disseminated across several structures and locations in mid-size businesses.

HR technology's challenges include the following:

1. Fetched: "Cost is pulled by technology." Although an innovation-based HR framework is costly, once implemented, it reduces operating costs. HR gateways/bundles may be introduced by large enterprises, however small and mid-size businesses may find it difficult to pay the expense. 2. Recognition: As a result of IT use, various concerns such as skills/knowledge for its use, employment risks, and so on consistently rise in its direction. For it to be used to its greatest potential, the workforce must acknowledge it. 3. Backups and Security: If we need to prevent hacking/open to all arrangements/illegal activities, maintenance costs are considerable. On these topics, a lot of thinking is necessary. 4. Increasing Isolation: Individual collaboration among representatives has decreased as a result of the establishment of virtual networks via intranet or HR gateways. They used to work with the representatives and were an important part of the organisation in the conventional frameworks. They are no longer connected to one another and are only connected for all intents and purposes through such entryways.

activities such as recruiting, training, developing and rewarding people in the organization. HRM must aim at achieving competitiveness in the field of HR by providing constant educational and training programs for the personal and professional development of the employees of the organization.


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Corresponding Author Neela Mehta*

Research Scholar, Malwanchal University, Indore Email - ID: