Training and Development of Employees through E-Learning

Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness through E-Learning

by Mohammed Asim Najam*, Dr. Mamta Sharma,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 617 - 721 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Corporations and SME are always looking for ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness in order to achieve and retain a competitive edge in the market. The key to obtaining the intended outcomes is the development of intellectual capital, know-what, know-how, and know-why knowledge as well as comprehending the significance of this information. It is very beneficial for firms to be able to teach and train workers on the job. One approach for workers to acquire and update the information needed to carry out their duties is via e-learning. The utilisation of e-learning in businesses is the main topic of this essay. New kinds of learning are being created by advancements in information and communication technology and the present development of e-learning, which are appealing to small and medium-sized businesses for overcoming conventional constraints including a lack of funding, time, experience, and facilities.


training, development, employees, e-learning, efficiency, effectiveness, intellectual capital, know-what, know-how, know-why knowledge


During the past decade, the use of technology & multimedia in training, learning, and education has grown at an astronomical rate E-learning is a multi-dimensional field. There are a variety of theoretical viewpoints in the field, showcasing several schools of thought. Electronic learning is concerned with the influence of new technologies on classroom instruction and student learning. The e-learning environment of an organisation is used to teach and educate personnel about their professional duties and corporate plans and policies. The influence of an e-learning setting in corporate training may be seen in a variety of ways.[1] Keep up with the newest technology advances in the business sector is one of the major problems in contemporary times. Acquiring the required information and skills is essential in today's fast-paced world, whether we do it in the office or in the privacy of our own home. Routine is a thing of the past, thanks to the fast advancements made possible by the Information Superhighway. Companies may teach their employees using e-learning to stay abreast of the newest technical developments. Electronically aided learning and instruction is referred to as E-learning. The e-learning environment's information and communication technologies are used to implement a learning process. They may either be connected to a network or utilised alone. In an e-learning environment, information, knowledge, and skills may be exchanged electronically. Computer and network technology facilitate the exchange of data, knowledge, and skills.[2-4]


Text, graphics, music, animation, and video components are all examples of multimedia. Interactive CD-ROMs are one kind of interactive multimedia in which the content being shown to the user may be controlled by the user. It is also possible to employ hypermedia, which refers to an organised group of connected components, for example, web pages. There are several pros and cons of hypermedia, but its non-linear navigation is effective in terms of encouraging discovery learning. If you click on a hyperlink, it's simple to become lost in "hyper-space," which may make it difficult for a student to focus on their initial question and the content they are now seeing. The navigation difficulty' is a common term for this issue.[5] Hypertext aids in active learning. Students who investigate and traverse a wealth of material get a deeper comprehension of the subject matter, and this interaction helps them to forge new avenues to that understanding. The creation of hypertexts, on the other hand, may be an even more effective educational tool. It was discovered early on that the most knowledgeable persons in a certain subject students to create hyperspaces and blogs, often in groups.[6] A variety of disciplines benefit from the use of multimedia software in the teaching process. It may be necessary to combine visuals, sound, maps, video, and animation in order to create a virtual chemical lab that can be controlled by the user. Multimedia programmes may also be utilised to help students learn languages or disciplines with a strong visual component. Using multimedia inside a project-based framework, students are engaged in addressing specific challenges via simulation. There are a wide variety of simulations, including scenario-based simulations, knowledge or model-based simulations, and multiplatform/multi-user synthetic environments that allow for cooperative and adaptive immersion learning, among others.[7] If students are given a chance to imagine and create their own worlds via the use of games, they are more likely to acquire new cognitive skills and literacy, according to Facer et al. (2003). The topic of why games are motivating is a fascinating one. According to Facer et al. (2003), students bear some of the blame for the result. The importance of difficulty in creating a 'flow state,' or a state of complete concentration, among video game players has long been acknowledged.[8] While this may be true in real life, it is far more difficult in virtual ones. Interactivity in video games is limited to the use of semiotic linkages to real-world events, with no real-world repercussions, and yet people appear to love them despite this. It's also a consideration because games don't have any real-world effects. As a result, video games provide players with the ability to experience what it might be like to live in a different world.[9] In their research on motivation, Malone and Lepper (1987) identified four key factors: challenge, curiosity, power, and imagination. These are the things that create a learning environment inherently compelling, according to the author. Activities that protect learners from becoming bored or discouraged are those that maintain a constant degree of difficulty that is ideal. Auditory and cognitive interest may be aroused by using audiovisual technologies or presenting information which makes the learner think their existing knowledge structure is unsatisfactory. Activities should also provide students a sense of agency, giving them the impression that their activities affect the course of their education. Make-believe activities may also

It has been noted by Elsom-Cook (2001) that we are seeing a movement towards multi-modal communication and literacy skills. It is important to note, however, that being literate in the digital age means more than just being able to find and use information. Operational, cultural, and critical are the three facets of its functioning. In addition, Rieber (2001) emphasises the importance of play in fostering educational growth. E-learning in pervasive computing settings is envisioned as a cooperative effort across many devices, including those being used by students and instructors alike.[11]


With the establishment of the Department of Distance Education/Correspondence Course Institutes (CCis) at 106 institutions throughout the country, India now has 13 Open Universities (OUs). During the research, 65 Distance Course Institutes had open staff positions.[12] Table 1: The number of employees in India that are involved with the distance leaming system.

In order to gather information, the researcher made field trips to five public universities and seven institutions offering distance learning. Purposive random sampling was used by the researcher in this investigation.[13] According to the "Small Sample Technique" of the Education Policy Association's research section, the following formula was used to calculate sample size: S=sample size needed X2=the Chi-square table value for a degree - of - freedom at the specified level of confidence N=the number of people. Argued that staff training and development analysis should be carried out at three levels: the organisational, the job, and the person level.[14]


It's clear from their responses that open and correspondence institutions both believe that training is critical to achieving the desired results. The responder institutions have again made recommendations in the area of special training. These weighted suggestions are shown in table.[15] Table 2: Specialized Training is Necessary

Most institutions (75%) believe that raining is necessary for good counselling, and 58.33 percent believe that training is necessary for the growth of their institutions. Conventional education should be balanced with online education, according to one influential viewpoint expressed in column 7 of Table. A national programme for distant education should be established to ensure that it is balanced with the traditional system.[16] In the following question, participants were asked to rate the degree to which the organization's objectives are being furthered by current staff development initiatives on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the most prevalent and 3 being the least prevalent. Those replies have been compiled and are shown in table.[17] In the following question, participants were asked to rate the degree to which the organization's objectives are being furthered by current staff development initiatives on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the most prevalent and 3 being the least prevalent. Those replies have been compiled and are shown in table.[18]

Table 3: Staff of Development Program Effectiveness

In terms of the effectiveness of the organization's staff development activities, it was determined that open universities' programmes were mostly focused on the organization's objectives, while correspondence course institutions' programmes were not. Training programmes for course As a result of training, open universities or correspondence schools were required to provide information on the changes that had taken place in their programmes.The system has a capable individual. Instead, fresh recniits may get tralning in order to increase their quality.[20] Table 4: Programs for the Professional Development of Employees

75 percent of distance educators & institutional leaders agreed to additional weight being placed on course creation, however only 30 percent supported an assessment programme, as shown by an X-ray of table 63 Information Technology received barely l5o/o of the attention in the remote education counselling session attended by 200/o instiutional heads & educators.[21] The first issue concerned their particular institutions' policies and programmes for institutional staff development. There was a question as to whether or not their institutions had a staff development policy/program in place. They were given the option of answering yes or no to a question.[22] It is obvious that just 25% of the respondents said that they did not have any kind of staff development policy or programme, while 75% stated that they did. Stamina development programmes were absent from the majority of online learning institutions.[23-25]


e-learning encompasses a variety of methods, including those based on the Internet, computers, and virtual classrooms. CD-ROMs, DVDs, and satellite TV are all ways in which the digital material is made available. Text, picture, animation, video, and audio are all included in this kind of multimedia or digital material. This term is often referred to as e-learning using abbreviations like e-learning, CBT or IBT. Since online learning may be used in conjunction with face-to-face classes or more conventional teaching methods, the term "Blended learning" is sometimes used to describe a combination of online and traditional instruction. [26] Blended Learning is defined as a fruitfully successful effort in incorporating live classroom activities, including face to face instruction, along with online learning & instructions in order to reap the maximum

learning" are two of the hottest buzzwords in academia and industry today, according to Dietinger (2003a). All organisations rely on information for their survival. Training and education are two of the most crucial processes in a business. As a result, whether the classroom is actual or virtual, training techniques must be of the utmost quality.[27]


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Corresponding Author Mohammed Asim Najam*

Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan