Study on Information-Seeking Behavior of Social Sciences

Exploring the Challenges and Practices of Information Seeking Behavior in Social Sciences

by Kum Prathana Pathak*, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dubey,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 824 - 831 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Information seeking behavior refers to the way people search and utilize information. This study focuses on information-seeking behavior of social sciences. The inflation of the scientific publication puts a hard pressure on the academics in this respect, they developed new digital practices to cope with this situation. With the uprising of information Communication Technologies (ICTs) flow of information is rapidly enhanced. User needs are fulfilled through a single click. Wide-ranging reading of volume of information is an additional dilemma. It is a reality that wide range information create ambiguous in taking final decision. In this circumstance inspired information seeking is exceedingly tricky. and the mainly study in which discussed about Information Seeking, Information Seeking Behavior, Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the legal profession, Information Seeking Behavior in Digital Environment, Purpose of Seeking Information, Type of Information often search by social scientists, Time Spent in various purposes by social scientists


information-seeking behavior, social sciences, scientific publication, digital practices, communication technologies, user needs, wide-ranging reading, ambiguous decision-making, inspired information seeking, legal profession


―Information-seeking‖ is a term describing the ways individuals seek, evaluate, select, and use information. In the course of seeking new information, the individual may interact with different people, analog tools, and computer-based information systems. Information seeking is a process in which humans engage in order to advance and potentially alter their state of knowledge. It is also an important cognitive function related to learning and problem solving, sometimes thought of as a ―higher cognitive process‖. The behavior is one of the most important research areas in library user studies and is affected by different factors. ―Information-seeking behavior‖ is different from the actual ―information need.‖ The ―information need‖ is a subjective, relative concept in the mind of the experiencing individual, and is defined as the ―recognition of the existence of uncertainty‖. Information-seeking behavior which results from the recognition of some need is defined as ―any activity of an individual that is undertaken to identify a message that satisfies a perceived need‖. Studies of researchers' information-seeking have revealed similarities and differences, but the crucial fact remains that knowledge of information-seeking behaviors of social sciences is crucial for meeting their information needs. This knowledge can be used to enhance existing information models, or even develop new ones. Modern modes of technology have changed the information environment in which the social sciences work. The pursuit of knowledge has been revolutionized, mainly through the vast expansion of accessible data, especially electronic resources, available via the Internet. These days, information is essential to the functioning of any community. Today is the dawn of the information era. Essentially, information is a documentation of past experience that may be used to future scenarios. In order to do their daily tasks, people everywhere need access to relevant information. After oxygen, water, food, and shelter, it has been said that knowledge is man's fifth basic need. Data, facts, opinion, and assertion may all be easily accessed from a variety of channels, formats, languages, and sources. As the legacy of modern civilization, information is a priceless asset that must be handed on to future generations. There is an unbroken line of communication that connects the past, the present, and the future, making the idea of information intrinsically linked to the act of sharing.In order to communicate effectively in the corporate world, in the classroom, or in the lab, information must be acquired, processed, stored, retrieved, and disseminated. Because of the efficiency Information is one of the most crucial ingredients for success in the contemporary day, as its timely and ample collection is crucial to the smooth operation of these activities. Rapid changes in how we interact with data are fueling rising demand for insights like these. Internet infrastructure advancements, IT advancements, multimedia communication enhancements, and increased complexity are all examples.Content and distribution method of information are now both equally valued as resources. People, data, and infrastructure writer), the mediator (the librarian or information professional), and the consumer (the person seeking information) is an important one to consider in the context of information needs. The term "information" refers to any and all types of written or recorded material. That is to say, it is the relevant information that should be considered while making a choice. The system's focus is on information at every stage of its life cycle: generation, storage, repackaging, disposal, and interpretation. Information Seeking Seeking for answers to questions is a unique method of issue resolution. Recognizing and understanding the information issue, developing a search strategy, doing the search, analyzing the findings, and repeating as required constitute this procedure. The need to constantly expand one's knowledge base is, thus, built into the human condition. In addition to inquiries, other forms of interpersonal communication activity, such as offering alternatives, have been connected to information-seeking. Each person's actions will be different since they are motivated by their own curiosity and desire to learn. Reasons for obtaining knowledge vary from person to person, as do the specific topics researched and the methods and sources used to get relevant data. The search for knowledge may take place in either a human or digital environment, but either way, it is referred to as "information seeking." When searching for information, one often doesn't know for sure whether a solution to their question even exists; nonetheless, they may get the knowledge they need just by doing the searching itself. It is important to consider not just how much information is needed, but also why it is needed, what kind of information is being sought, what sources will be consulted, and what strategies will be used to get that information. It's a habitual practice that every human being engages in, and it shows itself as a certain kind of behavior. For academic librarians, who labor to improve access to knowledge via the library's collections, services, and infrastructure, this is a particularly fascinating facet of research. "Information seeking" refers to the processes through which people locate, analyses, choose, and apply data. The phrase "information seeking behavior" refers to a wide range of activities in which a person expresses information requirements, seeks information, evaluates and selects information, and eventually employs this knowledge to meet those needs. The way a person or group of people goes about gathering facts may be affected by a number of things. Thus, it is preferable to comprehend the reason for information requirement, the user's operating environment, the user's proficiency in determining what information is needed, the user's preferred routes and sources for collecting The demands of the consumers are satisfied via the use of various methods or models of action. A person who requires information realizes that, in all likelihood, the information will not be acquired without some kind of searching procedure. When a person has a desire for knowledge, information seeking behavior emerges to describe the methods utilized to get that information. The term "information seeking" is used to describe the action of acquiring knowledge via means such as reading, talking to others, and listening to lectures. How someone acts, where they look for answers to their questions, what influences their search strategies, etc., are all topics that fall under the umbrella of behavior. The term "information seeking behavior" is used to describe how individuals actively seek out and make use of data. Since the 1950s, researchers have been examining people's propensity to seek out new information. However, most of the early studies focused only on academics. Wilson first used the term "information behavior" in a paper he published in 1981 to argue against the then-current "information needs," which he deemed unhelpful as the basis for a research agenda because "need" could not be directly observed but "behavior" in the context of information seeking could. There is, however, a growing body of research in the area of information seeking that establishes causal links between actions and underlying demands. Information behavior, as defined by Wilson in 2000, encompasses all of a person's actions—both consciously and unconsciously—in connection to information. His definition of information seeking behavior was the active pursuit of knowledge in response to a perceived knowledge gap and the attendant pressure to achieve an end. Micro-level interactions between a searcher and any kind of information system, including the creation and execution of searches, are examples of information seeking behavior.

Information Seeking Behavior

Information is general and has become a piece of everybody's life. It is required in any event, for a typical reason and it might be in any structure like information required for day by day schedule work, call from companions, climate figures and so forth. Each individual needs to refresh his insight for different reasons and he attempts to gather information required in the field from various sources. By and large academicians, experts, researchers and specialists need information to refresh their subject information and they elude the distributed and unpublished assets for acquiring data. This information can be acquired from the library through counseling books, diaries, papers, theory, contextual investigations, venture reports and

Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the legal profession

The University/college law libraries are moving from the customary type of offering manual types of assistance to the electronic structure, through ICT channels, for compelling and productive Information dispersal administration conveyance to customers. The term ICT (Information Communication Technology) has been characterized in an assortment of ways by researchers across different controls. Mansell and Silverstone, in Bosire (2011:55), demonstrate that ICTs are electronic systems, which comprise of equipment and programming that are connected by a huge range of specialized conventions. ICTs are installed in systems and administrations that influence the neighborhood and worldwide amassing of the general progression of information. Therefore, ICTs can be supposed to be the electronic devices utilized for social affair and putting away Information for simple access by clients. ICT has greatly affected innovative work in numerous scholarly teaches through the arrangement of a wide assortment of assets and numerous integral assets with which to scan for assets. ICT has changed content - based Information into a computerized position. Its accessibility online has improved the Information looking for condition of clients, in this manner permitting them to conquer numerous Information obstructions, for example, possibility, openness, proficiency in time, space, etc. These researchers (guarantee that an expanding number of people utilize online instruments as the primary channel of sourcing Information, while associations utilize online devices as their fundamental channel for Information assets, The requirement for ICT aptitudes by law understudies in recovering electronic Information can't be over-underlined in light of the fact that it is fundamental for the fruitful learning at schools and their exhibitions at work in future duties as legitimate counselors. In any case, contemplates have indicated that the law understudies by and large don't utilize ICT assets. The changing idea of ICT application in the law library setting has achieved diverse ICT gear, for example, electronic diaries, electronic Information bases, electronic books, PCs, advanced libraries, web, remote systems, etc.

Information Seeking Behavior in Digital Environment

The search behavior starts with a user-perceived recognition of a need. The user's actions can include structured structures, including libraries, online knowledge centers, etc. In recent decades, a paradigm change has occurred in users' quest for knowledge. The process of seeking information today is the quest for behavior to fill a void in awareness through electronic devices, such as the internet, search engines, search strategy, etc. The identified and requirements in this modern era by different means. You utilize Internet in various forms such as the use of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, etc. to access e-journals, update posts, email, chat, talk, e-services and access to OPAC, as well as online databases.

In this modern period, the Internet has become one of the search engines for facts. In all times and everywhere, consumers can access the digital details at low cost, with pace and accuracy. The standard of information services may be maintained with the help of digital technologies. There are no instances of lack, cheating or voluntary damage in the hunt for knowledge in electronic age? Compared to the paper capital of this modern period, vast quantities of data and digital resources may be processed. Through the invention of the Internet, OPAC became available for researchers or researchers to browse and apply from their laptop for inter-library loan services. Web offers two platforms to help the browser and search engines browsing on the Internet.


Laura et al. (2010) examined the actions of fundamental science researchers to guide the creation of custom library resources. This qualitative analysis was carried out with half-structuring interviews with the University Of Medical School's fundamental science researchers. The authors pointed out that a range of knowledge services, from common Internet search systems to highly specialized databases, were used by the participants. In general, the respondents used the easiest guy in their database or search engines to search for basic keywords. Orthodox library facilities have been used very little internally. The results indicate the optimistic approach of fundamental science researchers to the library. It concluded that library services could be made available to the Department via portals in order to improve library usage. Jamali and Nicholas (2010)in their paper, academics from various fields of physics and astronomy assessed knowledge seeking activity. It discussed the impact on two facets of the knowledge seeking actions, the importance of the interdisciplinary study i.e. the literature of other topics, and the scattering of literature: methodological up-to-date and paper recognition. The results found that the frequency of the relationship between literature dispersal and study was not important. It also exposed the usage of data bases by the most interdisciplinary scholars. 19% of respondents recorded utilizing literature from other fields, accompanied by literature from 'sometimes' (11 percent). The survey found that anyone who felt their literature was dispersed would be more inclined to scan the archive and search for 'maintain' e- Olle and Borrego (2010) A analysis was carried out to illustrate the effect on the conduct of academic researchers at Catalan universities in electronic papers. They have shown that academic scientists are already increasingly reading. They were required to upgrade their capacity for bigotry to determine in greater detail what to learn. Researchers have already taken 30 fewer trips to the books due to the electronic accessibility of publications. The physical browsing was replaced with the site browsing and contents table, e-mail updates. The hunt was a common way to keep innovations up to date. Internet search engines, in particular Google and Google Scholar, were major researchers' source of knowledge. However, their personal science knowledge management has become an obstacle. Kim (2011) Examining the users experience for University Library Website Resources ULWR and providing insight into the issue of the non-use of ULWR since a substantial number of resources have been spent in digitalizing material on the network from university library. The research found that PhD students and professors are the most frequently visited tourists (5.35), whereas Bachelor's Students are the " least frequent visitors" (3.10). The accessibility of website architecture was considered by all consumers to be extremely difficult because it was not portable or convenient to operate. The analysis found the most possible usage of different types of knowledge resources on the website of university libraries was for doctorals and faculty accompanied by master and undergraduate students. Many who used material received a positive perception that online library services saved time and were helpful for initiatives. The study suggested that the customer-focused library website be built to boost ULWR's accessibility and to provide specific user groups with custom resources. Al-Suqri (2011) An adaptive information-requested behavior model for social sciences focused on the integration of existing models was created in his research. The research further evaluated the potential of this integrated model to represent 367 social scientists in the Middle East University pursuing electronic knowledge. It was discovered that the research practices of this analysis can easily be tailored to the stages of the specified model. Their experience of searching knowledge demonstrated the value of clarifying the essence of information requires. The study indicated that knowledge finding activity typically meets widely applicable phases and that the synthesized paradigm may be extended to electronic behavior seeking information today. The results have contributed to provide the format and position of knowledge services in the model in additional dimensions. teachers of Bahawalpur government colleges. The study found that most respondents requested knowledge in order to prepare lectures (4.28 w. m.), develop their personal skills (3.96) and increase current understanding of the situation (3.96). Lack of computer hardware and applications is the major barrier to finding facts (3.25). Much of the search engine was utilized by Google (23 percent). The majority of respondents (64,3%) had no structured e-resource training. Egberongbe (2011) the dependence on e-resources at University of Lago of teachers and researchers was analyzed. He analyzed the advantages of e-resources over traditional intelligence outlets. The analysis has shown that most lecturers (90.6%) and researchers (80%) tend to use e-journals. The majority of participants i.e. 71.4% were conscious of the e-resources and 78.6% of researchers. Results found that 55.4% of lecturers and 54.3% of researchers were "not happy" with the "library infrastructure" and said the same condition existed in industrialized countries outside Africa. 71.4% of lecturers and 78.6% of scientists were conscious of e-resources, while 28.6% of lecturers and 21.4% of scholars were unaware of e-resources. Much of the professors (90.6%) and researchers (80%), led by e-mails and www, have opted to use e-journals (73.2 percent and 53.6 percent respectively among lecturers whereas 52 percent and 65.6 percent respectively among scholars). Tahira, Alias and Ameen (2012) The search and use trends of knowledge from four scientific faculties of Pakistan's Punjab University have study focused on "safe access" (OA) e-mode, e-mode for accessing digitalised information free of charge, accessible via general online services and subscribed access (SA). The results of Study 32 found that respondents to science and engineering and technology tended to consult 'OA' rather than the other. Life science respondents gave equal preference to all pharmaceutical modes and pharmacist respondents indicated that they want 'SA' in e-journal papers. The study showed that PU's research faculty regarded direct access to the knowledge as 'very necessary' for looking. [ Singh and Rani (2013) Their studies provided insight into the behavior of the college faculty finding knowledge. The survey based on knowledge purposes, origins and favorite locations. The research investigated the impact of knowledge and technology on the teachers' actions in pursuit of information. The findings found that 82.35% of faculty members requested knowledge to keep up with study (56.47%) in preparation for classroom lectures (35.29 percent). 98,82% of teachers use the internet to access library information (82.35 percent ). Much of the teachers looked for 'book' material (83.52 percent). 62.35% of consumers used publicly resources utilizing both print and e-resources 74.47% (14.11 percent). Google was the most used search engine (100%), Yahoo (14.11%), MSN (05.88%) and AltaVista followed (03.52 percent). Most people received e-journals from home (62.35%), led by their respective offices (55.29 percent). 37.64% spent 6 to 10 hours a week collecting, 29.41% to 5 hours, and 5.88% more than 20 hours a week. The analysis found just 41.18% of faculty were pleased with the services of libraries. Umesha and Chandrashekara (2013) their research based on the continuing production of knowledge repackages on the information finding and scanning behaviours, of dental professionals in Karnataka (electronically). The survey results found that 97.40% of those surveyed have internet connectivity. However, the Broadband speed was just 64.40 percent pleased. 91% of respondents daily used the internet and 8.7% seldom. The publications from the RGUHS consortia were 'accessed' by 56% of P.G. and 67.91% of instructors. The research outlined the need for 'formal education' in e-resources use. The teaching rate was quite "useful" by 71.6% of respondents. The analysis concluded that, while they have strong infrastructure, the match between user behavior and book selection was missing in Karnataka Sahu and Singh (2013) their study is focused on the continued development of awareness repacks by dentists of Karnataka on information seeking and scanning actions (electronically). In the study, 97.40% of those surveyed considered internet access. The Broadband pace, however, was just 64.40% satisfied. 91% of respondents utilize the internet regularly and 8.7% occasionally. 56% of PG and 67.91% of teachers were 'attached' to publications from the RGUHS consortia. The report highlighted the need to use e-resources as 'formal education.' 71.6% of respondents found the teaching rate to be very "useful." Although their infrastructure is solid, the review concluded that in Karnataka there was no match between user behaviour and book selection. Maharana et al. (2013) The students and teachers of the VSS Medical College, Burala, Odisha studied knowledge finding actions and happiness. The findings found that 77.88% of those surveyed were pursuing written knowledge, accompanied by analysis (73.45%), research and lecture planning (53.1 % ). 41,8% of respondents visited the library once a week and then felt the need (36.55 %). For studying / writing presentations, the majority of faculty members (77.88%) requested knowledge for publications accompanied by studies (73.45%). (39.82%). Most interviewees chose the Internet as a formal source of knowledge for faculty members accompanied by academic papers (82.3%) and student textbooks (83.33 %). The most frequently used online resource was OPAC (89.81%). Both respondents favor Google, led by MSN (92.04%), Yahoo (87.61%) and AltaVista. Prakash et al. (2013)During their analysis, the research behaviors of professors of the V.L.B. association of institutions and habits of usage were analyzed. The outcomes of the research indicate that several members of the faculty attended the library in favor of the program. 18.18% of VLBJACS and 1.81% of SKCAS confronted the issue of shortage of library facilities in pursuit of information. IvanaFuri, Kornelija Petr Balog (2016) the paper presents selected conclusions from a limited pilot analysis on the real behavior in the interactive field of knowledge searching of students at Osijek University. Approach/Design/Methodology: Six students from various social science fields (computer science, psychology, economy, cultural management), who were required to carry out study to address multiple information tasks, carried out qualitative research. In the study process, the respondents were required to spoken their thoughts and emotions in simulation activities by means of a thinking-Aloud method. The respondents were captured by video and then analyzed and interpreted the transcripts of video content. Limitations for research: The limited and comfortable study restricts the results. The findings provide a valuable glimpse into the knowledge behavior, however, of pupils finding skills of information pupils in the electronic world (such as their quest technique, search measures and feelings). K P Singh, M. Kumar & V. Khanchandani (2015)The purpose of the paper is to examine the knowledge needs and actions of students from abroad. For the research conducted, a survey approach was used. The data were obtained using a standardized questionnaire which was issued to 120 international students (60 men & 60 women) on an individual basis and returned 88 (47 men & 41 women). The study is restricted to international students at Delhi University who have passed, M.Phil. and doctoral studies. Postgraduate students needed knowledge about their studies, while researchers needed information to write research papers and to conduct their research. Most people are looking for knowledge through the web. Electronic instruments such as libraries, e-journals, theses and theses have been utilized by academic scholars. 88.6% of those interviewed still use books to look up facts. Their usage of the library is restricted to library personnel issues and too few machine terminals. The current research would assist in the creation of innovative programs and facilities for students from overseas so they can quickly satisfy their knowledge needs. Moreover, the results of the study show how library practitioners can help international students fulfill their knowledge needs. needs and seeking behavior of different users‘ community has been recently developed and it is under the active stage of continuous process. At present various techniques are found to be adopted for carrying out such studies. As far as the present study is concerned, the details methodology used is discussed in this chapter of the work. Identification of the scientists under study, their size, resources consulted for different purposes of the work, tools and techniques used, survey and visit of different research organizations /institutions, libraries and information systems, designing questionnaire, etc.

Population and Sample Size of the Study The present study has attempted to understand the information needs and seeking behavior of the social scientist of Madhya Pradesh in Sagar in the emerging digital environment. The geographical area of the study is restricted to the state of Madhya Pradesh in Sagar.The current research would concentrate on the knowledge needs and discovery behavior of Sagar social scientists in the digital age. Social scientists that are present in different kinds of universities, branches, organizations, and agencies listed above were involved in this investigation. The scientists engaged in this government and private sector organizations constitute the overall population of the population being investigated Around 1,000 social scientists were used in the current research. The next step reduces the number of scientists to 800 (formal). The scientist(s) would be identified by personal contact, with different sources, accompanied by documentation and consultations, or observation. It would still be challenging for the investigator to go over each and every member of the society. Therefore, the results of this research would be gathered from a small group of people for the benefit of this report we‘ve finally been able to classify 800 out of the 800 social scientists for the current research. Data Collection

The following strategies would be included:

  • usage of published materials,
  • Survey of various academic bodies and centers,
  • Social scientists to perform a detailed study, utilizing the questionnaire in the modern world


Purpose of Seeking Information

The same is followed by the purpose of research work (50.54%), preparing class lecture (49.88%), writing papers (47.73%) and so on. Cent percent of all the groups of Social Scientists seek information for updating knowledge. All the teachers also seek information for preparing class lecture. Similarly, cent percent of researchers also seek information for research work.

Table 1: Purpose of Seeking Information by Social Scientists Source: Computed from returned questionnaires Often Search Information

―Information in specific area‖ is found to be the type of information for which the Social Scientists seek very often (95.90%) which is followed by ―Background information‖ (95.46%), ―changes and new developments in the field‖ (88.98%), and social problems (77.54%). The Table 10 also indicates that―government information‖ (73.65%) and ―New research problems‖ (72.57%) arealmost similarly searched by the scientists.

Table 2: Type of Information often search by social scientists

Source: Computed from returned questionnaires

Most Preferred Timing

The most preferred timing for the Social Scientists to seek information, as they opined is ―Evening‖ followed by ―Afternoon‖ and ―Night‖. However, speed of the internet is an important factor in this regard. They use to access internet to seek information when its speed is very fast without considering a specific timing.

Time Spent in Various Purposes

―General reading‖ is the only purpose among various purposes on which the social scientists spent least hours. The Table has given us an idea about it. The same has indicated that 56.59 percent of them spent 1-2 hours for the purpose. For the subject literature reading 43.41 percent of them spent 2-3 hours. Spending1-2 hours is highest for research programme (43.41%), accessing digital/e- resources (43.41%), and preparing papers for publication (58.96%). Majority thescientists (84.45%) are found to spend only upto one hour for browsing internet. Near similarities in spending 2-3 hours is found for subject literature reading (43.41%), teaching matters (44.49%) and preparing papers for publication(44.06%).

Table 3: Time Spent in various purposes by social scientists

Source: Computed from returned questionnaires


The existing libraries and information system, has failed to satisfy the specific group of users under study i.e., the social scientists. One of the important aspects of the user studies in Library and Information Science Research is to propose a model of a new information system through which the needs of the users under consideration can be fulfilled. As libraries or information systems are in existence to serve their users, the same is required to be reengineered for their all-round development so that users are satisfied. In this backdrop taking the Information Seeking Behavior of Social Scientists of Sagar district in the Digital Environment, various aspects and issues have been analyzed, the results of the same have endorsed the investigator to design a model through which the Social Scientists, as expected, can meet their needs. If implemented the proposed model, the Scientists under study would be in a position to get their desired information in the new environment. In fact the proposed SDRS would be benefited to the needy scholars and researchers in all field of knowledge not only the Social Scientists, in the long run. Fulfilling the needs of the user‘s community will foster the academic and research pursuits which will, in future, contribute towards societal development.


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Corresponding Author Kum Prathana Pathak*

Research Scholar, Shri Krishna University, Chhatarpur M.P.