Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli may be Isolated and Screened from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples

Isolation and Screening of Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples for Food Preservation

by Richa Bhardwaj*, Dr. Neha Sharma,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 919 - 923 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Producing bacteria (LAB) from FRUITS AND VEGETABLE WASTE have been identified. It was discovered that these microorganisms were capable of producing the antibiotic bacteriocin. Lactobacillus lactis Lactobacillus plantarum were the most effective makers of bacteriocins among the isolated cultures. A wide range of food spoilage germs and related strains of LAB were inhibited by bacteriocin generated by these Lactobacillus species. Escherichia coli was suppressed by the bacteriocin, but Candida albicans was the only organism it had any effect on. Between the late logarithmic phase or the early stationary phase, the antibacterial activity seemed to be most strong. It has been discovered that the bacteriocins are heat-resistant. Lactose, peptone, and yeast extract were added to boost bacteriocin synthesis.


bacteriocin-producing, Lactobacilli, fruit and vegetable waste samples, microorganisms, antibiotic bacteriocin, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, cultures, food spoilage germs, LAB, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, logarithmic phase, stationary phase, antibacterial activity, heat-resistant, Lactose, peptone, yeast extract


Customers throughout the globe are more open to products containing both natural and synthetic ingredients. Natural inhibitory chemicals, on the other hand, have piqued researchers' curiosity, and they have been tested against a variety of diseases. Many Lactobacilli create inhibitory compounds that might be employed as natural preservatives to extend the shelf life and safety of unprocessed foods in the future. A number of harmful bacteria and fungi may be killed by LAB bacteriocins.1 Many people consider lactic acid bacteria to be one of the most important probiotic microorganisms. As a micro flora, Lactobacilli generate a variety of useful metabolites including vitamins, enzymes and antioxidant bacteriocins, as well as a vital mechanism for metabolism & detoxification of numerous foreign chemicals. It has also been shown that Lactobacilli produce additional metabolites such IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies, all of which have been linked to an increased immune system response.2

Bacteriocins from LAB may be employed as peptide antibiotics to combat pathogenic and drug-resistant organisms, so LAB provides more than only protection. It is common for LAB to thrive in nutrient-rich settings and in raw food. In addition to fermented foods, Lactobacilli have been detected in water, soil, manure and sewages' meat and fish, as well as contaminated waste samples. Fermentative bacteria, such as the

lactic acid bacteria that produce bacteriocin, thrive in the high carbohydrate, protein, and mineral content of most raw meals. As a result, natural environments are the best places to find valuable and genetically stable isolates for isolation and screening.3-5 These isolated strains may be employed for the manufacturing of industrially essential goods.. Nevertheless, a strain that is significant for industrial purposes should be able to produce large quantities of bacteriocins such metabolites while producing the least number of interference-causing byproducts possible. The producing medium should be cost-effective. As a result, it should make it simple to adjust production conditions and maximise product output. All kinds of elective or semi-selective media have been used to isolate Lactobacilli, and most of them are intended to separate certain genera from distinct environments.6 Isolated organisms may be used for screening and selection of the recipient cell from a diverse population because of their unique adaption to a particular environment. Selected isolation of a specific species and strain from settings with mixed populations has been accomplished using a variety of mediums. According to an extensive literature review on Lactobacilli that produce bacteriocins, MRS medium is the most often utilised media for bacteriocin production and screening.7 solid or semi-solid media, they create a distinct zone of inhibition against the indicator strain. The flip streak and spot-on-lawn-assays, two previously published indirect techniques for evaluating bacteriocin activity, are still in use today. Bacteriocin-producing organisms may be identified via agar well diffusion, which is the most often used approach.. As a result, the purpose of this chapter was to identify and screen Lactobacilli generating bacteriocins from fruit and vegetable waste. Bacteriocin-producing Lactobacilli were selected by testing their ability to prevent the growth of foodborne bacteria and fungi.8


A fruit and vegetable waste sample from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, was used to isolate the Lactobacilli bacteriocin generating Lactobacilli isolates in this investigation. Serial dilutions with sterile saline solution or spreading onto sterilised MRS plates were used for sample isolation. For 24 hours, the plates were kept at 37°C in an aerobic environment. The streak plate approach was used to select and purify Lactobacilli rod form colonies that had been discovered microscopically. Bacteriocin activity versus bacterial and fungal infections was evaluated on the isolated Bacilli that had been carefully chosen and purified. Isolates that produced bacteriocins were kept in 30 per cent glycerol at -20°C for use in the planned experiments.9

  • A primary screening

Bacteriocin activity was tested in isolated Bacillus strains during initial screening. Bacteriocin activity was evaluated by inhibiting the development of test bacterial pathogens employed in the experiment. Secondary screening procedures were used to identify the isolates' antimicrobial activity. Bacteriocin activity from bacterial isolates was tested using food-borne bacterial pathogens in preliminary studies. Bacteria isolated from the environment with a clearly defined zone of inhibition were chosen. The agar well diffusion technique, the most generally used direct method to determine bacteriocin activity, validated the inhibition activity of isolates.10

  • A Second Round Of Tests

The cell-free supernatant of the each isolate was used for agar well diffusion screening of bacteriocin activity. Isolated isolates were cultured in MRS broth at 2% inoculation and centrifuged to produce the CFS. Membrane filtering was used to sterilise the CFS after it had been neutralised with 1 M NaOH. To test for bacteriocin activity, CFS from isolated bacteria was added to wells on nutrient agar plates seeded with an overnight-grown bacterial indicator culture. The plates were incubated in the incubator at 37°C for 24 hours, and the width of the zones of inhibition surrounding the

  • Cell-free supernatant's ability to prevent the development of mycelia was tested.

The inhibitory impact of each isolate on the mycelia development of the investigated fungal strains was examined using a broth dilution experiment. The middle of a PDA plate with various concentrations of CFS from each isolate was seeded with six-day-old growing mycelia from each fungus. We used a negative control of PDA plates infected with testing fungus and sterilised MRS broth at three different concentrations . The percentage of mycelia blockage was recorded and computed using the procedure below.12

  • Inhibition of fungus biomass

An infected 100 ml flask contained 40 ml of fungal broth with 106 spores/ml of each strain. After 10 days of aerobic incubation at 25oC, the flasks were removed from the incubator. Incubated fungal matter was collected using a Whatman # 1 filter & oven dried to a consistent weight once the incubation period had ended, As a check, the percentage of fugal growth inhibition was measured in an experimental flask containing solely sterilised MRS broth.13


  • Lactobacillus Purification And Isolation

A new beneficial organism or medicinal chemical has traditionally been isolated and discovered in natural ecological niches. Bacteriocin-producing Lactobacilli have been recovered from plants, animals, milk, meat, and different fermented or spoilt food samples. . Probiotic supplementation with lactic acid bacteria, isolated from fermented vegetables, is favoured over fermented dairy products since lactose sensitivity affects certain people. Many microorganisms, including Lb.curvatus, LBIT 269, B. thuringiensis, Lactobacillus plantarum KLDS1.0391, B. amyloliquifacience, B. thurengiensis DPC 6431, Lactobacillus paracasei variant HL32, and B. thurengiensis DPC 6431, have bacteriocin activity Due to their fermentative and probiotic properties, Lactobacilli were chosen as the focus of this investigation since they were shown to be prevalent in fruit and vegetable waste.14

Figure 1: Purified colonies of chosen bacteriocin process is limited (1, 3, 5) on nutritional agar.

  • Cell-Free Supernatant (Cfs) Has An Inhibitory Impact On Fungus.

Bacteriocin containing CFS obtained from the strain was tested for its ability to suppress fungal growth using the broth dilution technique. Dual culture & agar well diffusion methods showed that isolates 3, 6, 11 and 12 had comparable inhibitory tendencies. Cell free supernatant was used with sabouraud dextrose agar medium in the broth dilution test. It was concluded that isolate 3 had a considerable antifungal impact on the development of Aspergillus species or other fungal indicators evaluated. It was then followed by isolates 12, 11, and 6 that had a similar effect. Aspergillus niger > Aspergillus fumigates > Aspergillus flavus > fusarium qualities associated > Trichoderma viridae were the organisms that were inhibited by isolates 3, 6, 11 and 12.15

  • Anti-Germination Suppression Of Fungal Spores

Select isolates were shown to be very effective spore-inhibitors by conducting an agar well diffusion testing for fungal spore inhibition. following by isolate 11, 12 & 6 accordingly. However, CFS of each isolate reduced mycelia development more strongly than spores, as was likewise shown with mycelia inhibition.

  • Influence Of Isolates On Fungal Growth

We used fungal strains to examine the inhibitory capacity of several bacterial isolates, including Bacteriocin activity. Fungal inhibitory activity was examined against pathogenic fungus such Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus, Fusarium oxysporum & T. viridae by incubating the bacteriocin generating isolates at 25oC for 10 days on PDA medium. Fungus growth was inhibited by comparing a control plate to one with fungi on it. Results indicated that isolates 3, 6, 11 and 12 had the highest inhibitory effect on A. flavus, F. oxysporum, Aspergillus niger, A. fumigates, and Trichoderma viridae, respectively, against the tested fungi. Strong, moderate, and minimal inhibitory effects were noted. Antifungal substances such amino materials, benzoic acid, methylhydantoin, mevalonolactone, and bacteriocin have been discovered to be produced by several Lactobacilli. Anti-Fusarium bacteriocin of L. brevis has been reported. Antifungal activity of neutralised, catalase and protenase K treatment cell free supernatant was previously used to prove the proteinacious origin of

for the antifungal activities of L. plantarum IMAU10014. Lactobacillus rhamnosus L60 or Lactobacillus fermentum L23 have been shown to exhibit antifungal activity against Aspergillus, and the growth of pathogenic Aspergillus species was entirely prevented by these isolated strains. Some Bacillus Species, in addition to inhibiting the development of fungal strains, also prevented the generation of aflatoxins by Aspergillus or Fusarium species.16

  • Fungi Are Inhibited By Biomass.

Cell-free supernatant of isolates 3, 6, 11 and 12 was observed to diminish the mass of the tested fungus. As with spore inhibition or mycelium growth inhibition, it was determined that the percent mass decrease from cell free effluent of bacterial isolates was similarly examined.17

Table 1: The effect of cell-free supernatant of an isolate strain on spore suppression of fungal markers.

There is evidence to suggest that the cell-free effluent of L. rhamnosus inhibits the development of several poisonous fungus such as Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium. Bacteriocins, lactic acid, phenyl oxalic acid, antifungal compounds, cyclo or bacteriocins may all have a role in the inhibition of various bacterial strains. Using cell free supernatants that had been treated with catalase and or proteinase k and neutralised, this research looked at the inhibitory impact and found that the inhibitory outcomes of the tested isolates were not related to acid generation or hydrogen peroxide creation. Antifungal chemical compounds or bacteriocins may be to blame. Many studies have shown that Lactobacillus' antibacterial properties may be attributable to the synthesis of a variety of chemicals. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of bacteriocins from numerous lactic acid bacteria have been identified. Many Bacilli have been shown to contain a variety of genes that encode diverse surface proteins which interact with certain fungi and restrict their development by destroying their hyphae.18

Table 2. Cell free supernatant effect on test fungus indicator mass as measured by co-culture technique.

Bacteriocin or alone combination with other chemical substances might be responsible for a significant inhibitory impact on certain fungi, according to the findings of the fungal inhibitory tests. They were selected for further study because they had been shown to have fungal inhibitory potentials, which bolstered their use as biocontrol agents for these fungi. Thus, these isolated or their bacteriocins might be used as food preservatives against foodborne bacterial pathogens investigated in this study. Fungi studied showed a significant reduction in growth, with an inhibition rate of more than 85%. Since these findings showed that bacteriocin similar inhibitory metabolites could be found in these isolates, they may be employed as an alternative inhibitory agent to control the infections that were examined. This is encouraging.19-20


In addition to damaged or fermented foods, several more sources of Lactobacilli-producing bacteriocins have been discovered. It was revealed that twelve out of 125 Bacilli we found to be powerful pathogen and bacterial inhibitors in waste fruit and vegetable samples. Gram gram stain bacteria have been inhibited by most of them. All of these isolates were shown to be effective inhibitors of B. pumilus, R. planticola, and L. monocytogenes, which was another interesting finding. L. monocytogenes is well-tolerated by Lactobacillus bacteriocins, while inhibitory efficacy against B. pumilus & R. planticola is little documented.21 As a result, these isolates and their bacteriocin might serve as an alternative food preservative for the prevention of B. pumilus or R. planticola contamination. Fungi studied showed a significant reduction in growth, with an inhibition rate of more than 85%. This inhibitory molecule, which was isolated, purified, and described from isolate 3 in the next chapter of this work, was shown to have antimicrobial efficacy when the isolates were neutralised, protease, and catalase treated, CFS, as well. In tests with bacteria and fungi of both Gram positivity and Gram negativity, strains 3, 6, 11 & 12 were revealed to be potent inhibitors. As a result, these isolates were further characterised in terms of physico-biochemical and molecular properties. 22


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Corresponding Author Richa Bhardwaj*

Research Scholar, Shri Krishna University, Chhatarpur M.P.