A Study the overview of Rotating of Wing Turbine and Logistics of Vestas Energy Wind Turbines

Examining Vestas' logistics for wind turbine transportation

by Krishnan Rajakumar*, Dr. Vinayak Khare,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 1176 - 1182 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Wind energy is obtained converted into usable mechanical energy by means of a wind turbine. It is also possible to use mechanical power directly for certain purposes, such as water pumping. Wind is produced on by the sun's uneven heating of the atmosphere, surface fluctuations Earth's rotation. This means that wind power generation is best suited to specific geographic areas. Offshore wind farms can be built in huge lakes oceans as well as on land. Horizontal-axis wind turbines (similar to wind mills) are more prevalent than their vertical-axis counterparts. This study examines Vestas' logistics for getting wind turbines from their factory in Aarhus, Denmark, to customers in the United States. Logistics is the management of the flow of goods between a company and its suppliers between the company and its customers.


wind energy, wind turbine, mechanical energy, geographic areas, horizontal-axis wind turbines, Vestas, logistics, flow of goods, customers


Wind turbines manufactured by Vestas Wind Systems are shipped all over the world, from their home base in Aarhus to places like South Africa, the Philippines, and the United States. This large logistical undertaking calls for top-tier knowledge & substantial financial commitments. Logistics is the study & practice of organizing the efficient & efficient transfer of materials between a business and its suppliers & customers.Murphy (2010) describes logistics as “A organizational planning process for the management of materials, services, informational, & flows of capital. Information, communication, & control systems in today's businesses are becoming increasingly sophisticated. As the term suggests, it is a process that requires the coordination of people, tools, and information. It also stresses the notion that logistics involves more than just transporting goods from one location to another. Data administration is also a part of it. Logistics, according to Kreowski (2011), is "Logistics is the process of ensuring that products, services, & related data work efficiently are stored safely from production facilities to retail outlets to end users." Dyckhoff (2004) describes logistics as "the method for ensuring that raw materials, work-in-progress inventory, finished goods, and related information are moved & stored from their points of origin to their points of consumption in an organized, timely, & cost-effective manner to meet consumer demands" which is very similar to what we mean here. These explanations define precisely what steps a logistical procedure should take. This study examines Vestas' logistics for getting wind turbines from their factory in Aarhus, Denmark, to customers in the United States.

Distribution of Vestas Energy Wind Turbines in the U.S from Europe

In today's competitive international market, knowledge of logistics is crucial. When it comes to wind turbines, Vestas is unrivaled as the top producer and supplier worldwide. The company is well-known for its innovative wind turbines, which are used to generate power for homes and businesses. Since their beginning, the organization has focused heavily on expanding their presence across Europe. In the beginning of its development, Europe was its most important market. The company, however, has broadened its operations to more promising continents. The People's Republic of China, the These three areas are increasingly reliant on wind power, a form of renewable energy that has generated much debate, particularly among environmental activists. The economies of both the U.S & China have been expanding steadily. Organizational buyers, including the government & several significant energy groups, have dominated the market in China. However, in the U.S, the end users are private citizens who want to protection the environment by using renewable energy at their homes or places of business. Turbines are supplied to the US from this company. Once the turbines have been brought to the coast, the long and arduous journey of transporting them by road begins. In order to avoid the troublesome and expensive process of transporting turbines from Europe to the U.S, Vestas has been seeking to set up its own production operations in its primary markets. As the company has yet to establish any production facilities in the U.S, it must figure out how to transport finished goods from its facilities in Aarhus, Denmark, to customers in the U.S. To satisfy client demand in the U.S, this company must efficiently plan & execute the logistics necessary to transport its massive wind turbines across the country.

Planning Process

The initial step of the logistics procedure is the planning stage. Management at Vestas must carefully plan the relocation of the massive wind turbines from Aarhus to the U.S. Each step that must be taken by proper authorities to get the product to market will be clearly outlined as part of the planning phase. When these steps are clearly defined, it becomes clear how the process may be optimized for success as a whole. In addition, it aids in determining the associated costs & persons who would be responsible for carrying out the various tasks. Planning the logistics process requires knowledge of the products themselves. The logistics department's management at this company has to be aware that the turbines' unusual dimensions and form may prevent them from being transported with standard machinery. Shipping containers are now an absolute necessity for any product destined for international markets. This is because of how simple it is to load them aboard the ship, how safe they are while at sea, and how quickly they can be identified and unloaded at their final destination. There is a great deal of flexibility in how the smaller turbines could be positioned within the containers. products hit shelves, and it's something that logistics managers should have a firm grasp on. The next step is for management to choose an appropriate shipping business to help get the finished goods from the factory to the target market. Considerations in selecting this choice include the logistics provider's cost, track record of delivering products on schedule & good condition, and capacity to deliver the present cargo. DHL is contracted by Vestas Energy because it meets all of their needs exactly and because they have worked with DHL for many years and have developed a level of confidence with the company. Because it has already demonstrated its worth in hauling massive turbines. Transporting 100 whole 250-foot-tall turbines is no problem for this firm because to their ships outfitted with custom-designed barges. For Vestas's massive wind turbines, this is the optimal solution.


At Vestas, documentation plays a critical role in ensuring that shipments arrive safely and on time. Plans would be the first to be documented. Management at Vestas records all decisions made for product transport during the planning phase. Vestas's budget is one of the most significant documents it produces throughout the planning phase. The amount of money allocated by management for the shipment's transportation is spelled out in detail in the budget. When Vestas determines what price to charge for their products on the market, they take the budget into account. When Vestas's management has settled on a certain logistics provider, they formalize their relationship with a written contract. So that management can know what they're entrusting this logistics firm with, a cargo manifest should be created. DHL's upper management will put their names on the contract, &Vestas will keep a copy. Upon the products' safe arrival at their destination, the appropriate Vestas representatives and the shipping company will sign a confirmation of delivery. Vestas's logistics team files this information to track the price of shipment & performance of the shipping firm for future reference. In order to pay the shipping firm and keep accurate books of accounts, the finance & accounting departments have access to copies of these records. This facilitates in enhancing accountability from the

Transportation Methods

Because of their diminutive size, wind turbines have always been straightforward to carry. Unfortunately, this is not the situation at the present time. Due to the increased size of modern turbines, more efficient transport solutions are required. Vestas's management faces a significant difficulty when deciding how to move their massive turbines. Heavy and cumbersome best describe these turbines. Consequently, maritime travel is the sole option. From its base in Aarhus, Denmark, Vestas dispatches specialized vessels to ports in the U.S and other countries, including South Africa. Transporting the turbines from the factory to their final destination requires specialized packaging and shipping vessels. It is impossible for Vestas to ship these massive turbines in standard containers. For a long time, DHL has been the chosen logistics partner for Vestas in moving the wind turbines to the American market. Despite the rising demand for turbines, Vestas cooperation with DHL has been substantially synergistic. Vestas’ management prepares with DHL the package of its turbines in the ship & delivery arrangements. The ship also travels quickly, so Vestas can fulfill its obligations on the timetable it set. Therefore, the travel from Aarhus in Denmark to other places (including USA) takes a relatively short time than if the usual ships were employed. Additionally, DHL ensures the safety of the turbines’ because the custom-built barges are designed primarily for this operation. DHL takes precautions to prevent the blades from being damaged throughout the shipping process. When DHL signs an arrangement with Vestas, it effectively outsources its delivery logistics to the latter. There is flexibility in when and how much it will cost to transfer product liability (in this example, wind turbines). While the wind turbines remain on Vestas property, for instance, the company's management has the option of handing over responsibility for shipping & logistics to DHL. Vestas may also hire a logistics company to move the wind turbines from the factory to the port. Vestas's management will decide whether to meet the wind turbines at the port or to wait for the goods to be delivered to the company's abroad sites when they arrive. Vestas selects one of these two for its worldwide distribution system. The most effectualtechnique is to hand over product liability while the goods are still at the company's location & await delivery at Vestas's overseas market headquarters. While it does help the Vestas uses the second method in the United States. DHL also assumes full responsibility for any dangers that may arise during the shipping of the turbines. When disaster strikes, you may rest guaranteed knowing that these logistics companies (particularly DHL) are completely covered by insurance and will compensate you for any losses. As a result, Vestas will not have to worry about losing money if these expenses are covered.

New Methods for Transporting Large Blades

The logistics of moving a large wind turbine to a target market are quite challenging. Shipping these massive blades requires ingenuity, and Vestas has come up with some new methods. A streamlined airship to aid in transporting the massive wind turbines is the subject of ongoing research. The river stone curves on the airship's exterior aid in its smooth flight. In theory, the blimp could hold 1,000 kg of wind turbines. This would mean we could skip shipping and trucking these massive turbines. This revolutionary method not only shortens transit times and lowers transportation costs, but it also leaves less of a carbon footprint than traditional methods involving the use of heavy trucks. Other creative methods exist for transporting these massive turbines. Several of the newly created turbines have blades that are far larger than standard, therefore the company will need to devise novel shipping solutions. This creativity can be utilized either during production or in the final product's packaging. As one example, the company is working on modular blades right now. The blades are more manageable and take up less room when they are disassembled. Although the bolts add to the price, the overall structure helps cut down on shipping expenses by minimizing wasted space. That way, the extra-large blades are protected as well. On the side, the packaging itself can be made innovative. Expertise is needed to pack the blades in a way that prevents damage during shipping & makes efficient use of the available space.


Vestas has an expansive network all over the world. The majority of Europe's wind turbines are shipped through the Sheerness Port & East Port of Esbjerg. Vancouver is the entry point for the turbines into the U.S. Wind energy freight is the port's strongest suit, and the 2009 Census found that the port handled more of this type of cargo than any other. Vancouver is Vestas' only port of entry for all of British Columbia and the neighboring territories. Over a 25-year

Wind turbines Types

There are two primary categories of wind turbines, distinguished by the direction in which the blades rotate. Horizontal-axis wind turbines (similar to wind mills) are more prevalent than their vertical-axis equivalents (Savonius&Darrieus are common in the group).

1. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT)

Wind turbine, we visualize HAWT. Like windmills, HAWTs have a horizontal axis & rotor with blades that can be compared to propellers. The main rotor shaft & electrical generator of HAWTs are located at the very top of the tower, which must be oriented into the wind to generate electricity. In order to aim the turbine into the wind, large turbines normally use a wind sensor coupled with a servo motor; however, compact turbines use a wind vane that is connected squarely with the rotor (blades). When it comes to driving an electrical generator, the rotor of most large wind turbines is attached to a gearbox that boosts its spinning speed. Since turbulence is created behind a tower, the turbine is often oriented so that its blades face into the wind. Blades for wind turbines are made to be rigid so that they don't be pushed into the tower when the wind picks up. The blades are often inclined upward are located far in front of the tower. Downwind machines have been produced despite the difficulty of turbulence because they do not need any additional equipment to maintain them pointing in the direction of the wind. By enabling the blades to bend in strong winds, the swept area of the blades can be decreased and the turbine's wind resistance can be increased. HAWTs are often upwind machines due to the high value put on dependability & fact that turbulence contributes to fatigue issues.

  • The major driving force is lift
  • Nacelle is located at the top of the tower;
  • Yaw mechanism is necessary;
  • Cyclic stress is much reduced;
  • 95% of currently operating turbines are HAWTs.

Fig. 1. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines HAWT Advantage

  • The tall tower foundation provides better access to the greater wind at wind-shear areas. There are areas where the wind speed increases by 20% for every 10 meters above ground & power output increases by 34%.
  • High efficiency due to the blades' constant perpendicular motion to the wind, which allows them to harvest energy for the full duration of their revolution.

HAWT Disadvantages

  • A huge tower is needed to hold up the massive blades, gearbox, & generator.
  • The gearbox, rotor shaft, & brake assembly for a horizontal axis wind turbine are being hoisted into place.
  • Due to their height, they are visible from far away, altering the landscape & occasionally provoking local hostility.
  • When a blade encounters the turbulent air above the tower, it causes fatigue & structural failure in the downloadable variations (for this cause, the majority of HAWTs utilize an upwind design, with the rotor facing the wind in front of the tower).
  • To face towards the wind, a yaw control device is added to HAWTs.
  • In strong winds, HAWTs typically need a braking or yawing device to prevent the turbine from spinning & causing damage to itself.
  • It takes a massive tower to hold up the blades, gearbox, & generator, hence tower building is crucial.
  • The gearbox, rotor shaft, & brake assembly for a horizontal axis wind turbine are being hoisted into place.

 Because of their height, they are visible from far away, altering the natural look of the terrain & occasionally sparking local opposition. variations (for this causes, the majority of HAWTs utilize an upwind design, with the rotor facing the wind in front of the tower).

  • For HAWTs, a yaw control device is needed to face the wind.
  • In high winds, HAWTs need a braking or yawing device to keep the turbine from spinning & causing damage to itself.

2. Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT)

VAWT's main rotor shaft is oriented vertically. The wind turbine's versatility in orientation is a major plus in this setup. This allows their use in areas with extremely gusty winds or winds that frequently change direction. By placing the generator or other critical parts on a vertical axis, the tower is relieved of the burden of providing structural support. The main disadvantage of a VAWT is the drag it creates when spinning against the wind. Since they are difficult to mount atop towers, vertical axis turbines are typically installed lower to the ground or on the roof of a building. Since wind speed is less at lower altitudes, there is less potential wind energy for a given size turbine. Vibration, along with its associated issues such as noise & premature bearing wear, can increase maintenance costs & decrease a machine's beneficial life as a result of turbulent flow caused by objects on the ground and in the air. However, if the turbine is placed on a rooftop, the wind speed at the turbine can be enhanced by a factor of two due to the wind being deflected over the roof of the building. The tower of the rooftop-mounted turbine should be about half as tall as the building itself to capture the most wind energy with the least amount of wind turbulence.

  • The nacelle is located at the base of the VAWT,
  • Drag is the primary driving force.
  • There is no need for a yaw mechanism,
  • The beginning torque is smaller;
  • Mounting the turbine is more challenging;
  • There will be less consistency in the power production.

VAWT Advantages

  • A yaw mechanism is superfluous in this scenario.
  • The mechanical parts of a VAWT are easier to reach & service if it is placed at ground level.
  • With traditional HAWTs, VAWTs can begin going with a smaller amount of wind power.
  • Some municipalities prohibit the erection of skyscrapers but permit the installation of VAWTs.
  • Roofs, hills, ridges, & passes can all act as natural wind tunnels, increasing the speed of the wind in their vicinity, making them ideal locations for near-ground VAWTs.

airborne wind turbine designs use various forms of reciprocating movements, which demand airfoil surfaces to the wind, and so resulting in substantially inferior efficiency than HAWT.

  • The average efficiency of VAWTs is lower compared to that of normal HAWTs because of the higher drag they face as their blades rotate into the wind. Versions with less drag, particularly those that channel wind to the collector area, have the potential to increase energy production.
  • Placing the rotors near the ground, where the wind is weaker, rather than high above, where the wind is stronger.
  • Since VAWTs are not commonly deployed due to the considerable disadvantage noted above, they may appear unusual to those inexperienced with the wind industry. This explains why there have been so many fraudulent claims & financial scams involving them over the past 50 years.

Fig. 2. Vertical Axis Wind Turbines –Darrieus type VAWT Subtypes Darrieus Wind Turbine

Fig. 6 depicts an actual Darrieus turbine, also called an eggbeater windmill. The loops at the top and bottom of the axle generate the long, thin blades. In 1931, French engineer Georges Darrieus received a patent for the gadget that would later bear his name. (It was made in 1997 by the now defunct American company FLoWind.) The Darrieus turbine is easily identified by its "eggbeater" design and its C-shaped rotor blades. Two or three rotor blades is a typical number of blades per arrangement. Darrieus wind turbines are often commonly referred to as and cyclic stress they place on the tower. They require an external power source or an additional savonius rotor because of their limited starting torque. Having additional blades on a rotor reduces torque ripple & makes it more stable. Blade area in relation to rotor area is an excellent measure of durability. So the top bearing is mounted on an external superstructure, newer Darrieus turbines don't require guy wires. This statistic, represented by the tip speed ratio (TSR), contrasts the wind speed with the speed at which the turbines are rotating. If the TSR is more than 1, the rotor speed is higher than the wind speed & resulting torque is negative. When used in this fashion, Darrieus turbines are extremely effective energy generators. It is necessary to reinforce the blades of a turbine to withstand the centrifugal forces produced during spinning, although the generator can tolerate less force than the Savorius design. Darrieus wind turbines can't start turning by themselves, which is a major drawback. It may be necessary to use a second Savonius turbine or a small engine to get the rotation started.

Savonius wind turbine

Savonius wind turbines use a vertical axis instead of the standard horizontal one. One of the simplest wind turbines out there, this one uses a simple blade and hub design. It converts wind energy into torque that spins a turbine by a drag action between two or three "scoops." If you look at a cross-section of a two-scoop Savonius turbine from above, it appears to be in the shape of a S. The curved scoops allow the turbine to spin in any wind direction, however it operates most efficiently when facing the wind. Drag-type turbines like the Savonius are not as efficient in capturing wind power as lift-type turbines. When accuracy and dependability are of the utmost importance, like in ventilation and anemometers, a Savonius turbine is the tool of choice. Its drag type means it is far less efficient than the more common HAWT. Savonius are capable of taking off even in moderately strong winds.

Fig. 3. Savonius wind turbine

Fig.4. Types of wind turbines


Nowadays, logistics plays a crucial role in any business. This is an extremely costly venture for Vestas. The company's wind turbines are unusual in size and position, posing a significant logistical problem. Due to a long-term, mutually beneficial partnership with DHL and some ingenuity on their end, Vestas has been able to overcome this obstacle and keep up with the rising global demand. Wind turbines can take several months to reach their final destination because of a manufacturing bottleneck in Colorado, USA. The company is investigating potential alternate transport options for the turbines, such as purpose-built aircraft. The company has also looked into options for structural & design reconfiguration that would allow for modular production followed by final-site assembly.


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Corresponding Author Krishnan Rajakumar*

Research Scholar, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Indore M.P.