Study the Improvement of Higher Education in Human Resources

Enhancing Education System in the Chhatarpur Region of Madhya Pradesh

by Anju Singh Parmar*, Dr. Arun Kumar Jadon,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 1329 - 1333 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Human resource management is concerned with enhancing an organization's HR division. Human resource development is made up of the two main parts, human resources, and development (HRD). Human resources (HR) are an organization's most important asset since they include not just the collective wisdom but also the unique qualities and benefits of each individual employee. The study concludes that the education system in the Chhatarpur region of the state Madhya Pradesh needs a change in order to keep up with evolving technologies or develop into a well-managed education system in which educational institutions take on the responsibility of fostering the development of students' abilities and values and position themselves as a knowledge base in order to foster the emergence of a society that is founded on the implementation of that knowledge.


human resource management, HR division, human resource development, HRD, education system, Chhatarpur region, Madhya Pradesh, evolving technologies, well-managed education system, educational institutions, students' abilities, values, knowledge base, society