An Analysis of Social Media Marketing's Effects on Online Vendors

Understanding the impact of social media marketing on online vendors in India

by Anamika Singh*, Dr. Nitin Sharma,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 4, Jul 2021, Pages 1363 - 1367 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The impact of social media marketing on internet merchants is examined in this article. Online merchants have realized the possibility of using social media as an effective marketing tool as a result of the social media platforms' exponential expansion and the rise in user engagement. This investigation looks at the many effects social media marketing has on online retailers, such as improved brand recognition, customer engagement, greater sales, and customer retention. The essay also discusses possible obstacles and offers doable advice for online merchants that want to utilize the advantages of social media marketing in their entire marketing plan. The sample comprises of 150 online business owners who reported their successes or failures with social media marketing for their Indian-based companies. Pilot tests, reliability analyses, validity analyses, descriptive statistical analyses, Pearson's correlation analyses, and multiple regression analyses are the requirement analysis tests that are employed. Software called Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25.0 is utilized for the data analysis approach. Four independent factors, including customer feedback, communication, content sharing, and customer connections, will be assessed to see how they affect online firms' sales success. The study's findings indicate that customer feedback has no direct impact on sales performance, while communication and content sharing have an indirect impact. However, customer relationships have a direct impact on sales performance of online businesses in India.


social media marketing, effects, online vendors, brand recognition, customer engagement, sales, customer retention, obstacles, advantages, Indian-based companies


Social media has radically changed the way we communicate, exchange information, and engage with companies in the current digital era. It has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have developed into effective marketing tools that let companies connect with a large audience. This article explores the significant influence social media marketing has on the development and profitability of online vendors' businesses. Social media marketing is the process of promoting goods and services through the use of social media platforms and strategies in order to reach out to prospective consumers. Online retailers, usually referred to as e-commerce companies, have grown significantly in popularity recently. 2016 (Effing, Robin, & Spil, Ton).Instead of using conventional brick-and-mortar businesses to market their goods or services, these sellers only engage in internet commerce. Online retailers have realized the enormous potential of social media marketing to expand their reach, improve brand awareness, and boost sales as online shopping has grown in popularity and more customers are turning to the internet for their shopping requirements.

Definition of social media marketing and online vendors

Social media marketing is the practice of using social media platforms and strategies to advertise goods and services and interact with potential customers. It entails producing and disseminating content on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn in order to increase website traffic, promote consumer involvement, and increase brand recognition. Online vendors, usually referred to as e-commerce companies, are companies that only do business online, offering goods or services through digital platforms as opposed to actual storefronts. To reach a large audience, entice clients, and boost sales via the internet platforms they manage, businesses depend on a variety of digital marketing tactics, including social media marketing. Social media platforms are used by online retailers to promote their goods, engage with consumers, and provide an engaging online shopping experience. Social media marketing holds immense significance for online vendors due to its ability to revolutionize their business growth and success. Firstly, social media platforms provide online vendors with an unprecedented reach, allowing them to connect with a vast and diverse audience globally. This increased visibility enhances brand recognition and creates opportunities for customer acquisition. Secondly, social media marketing enables online vendors to engage directly with their target audience, fostering meaningful interactions and building relationships. By understanding customer preferences, needs, and feedback, online vendors can tailor their offerings and provide personalized experiences, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, social media marketing drives traffic to online vendor websites, increases conversion rates, and facilitates direct sales through the integration of social commerce features.( Ismail, A. R. (2017)) Overall, social media marketing empowers online vendors to amplify their brand presence, engage with customers on a deeper level, and ultimately drive business growth and profitability.

Importance of social media marketing for online vendors

Social media marketing plays a crucial role in the success of online vendors. It offers a multitude of benefits that directly impact their growth and profitability. Firstly, social media platforms provide online vendors with an unparalleled opportunity to expand their brand reach and visibility, connecting them with a vast global audience. This increased exposure leads to heightened brand recognition and exposure to potential customers. Secondly, social media enables online vendors to engage directly with their target audience, fostering meaningful interactions, building relationships, and establishing brand loyalty. By listening to customer feedback and preferences, online vendors can tailor their offerings and deliver personalized experiences. Moreover, social media marketing drives website traffic, enhances conversion rates, and facilitates direct sales through various features like social commerce. Overall, social media marketing empowers online vendors to build a strong online presence, connect with customers on a deeper level, and achieve sustainable business growth in the competitive digital landscape.


Haouas, T. et al., (2018) Digital, content-based communications facilitated by a variety of web technologies that allow for user engagement; this is the definition of "social media." "Bilal et al., 2014" Social networking sites are an example of a virtual community that has gained significant popularity and appeal in recent years. Many individuals are now a part of these online groups. "Social media provides a organizations itself and for the customers. Lamberton, et al., (2016), released an article in the journal Journal of Marketing Research in which they claimed that social media served as a conduit for product sales and purchases, so cementing relationships between vendors and consumers. Information gathering via one's own social networks is a cornerstone of consumer behavior. The concept of social networks being an integral part of the online purchasing experience is a recent development. While e-commerce sites have swiftly adopted customer experience elements like product evaluations, suggestions, search, and comparison, social networking elements have been adopted at a far slower pace. Dr. Manohar Singh, Gobindbir Singh (2018) Access to social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube has become very cheap in the past decade as their popularity has skyrocketed. Due to the widespread use of social networking sites, it is now easier than ever for businesses to connect with their target audiences directly. The primary goal of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of social media marketing compared to more conventional methods of brand development and customer behavior analysis. The research used a dataset made up of a subset of tweets from @SamsungMobile, quarterly sales data, and information on the account's Twitter followers. The study's results and analysis centered on the geographic dispersion of @Samsung Mobile's followers, the brand's market penetration, and the correlation between the number of new followers and quarterly sales.


The influence of social media marketing on Indian internet retailers' sales was investigated in this study using a quantitative research methodology. The ideal approach to quantitative research is to measure, rank, categorize, spot patterns, and draw generalizations. In order to gather primary data, comments, and analysis from respondents for this study, the researchers constructed and designed a structured questionnaire survey design. English was the language utilized in the surveys. Only closed-ended questions are included in the questionnaire's items to make them easier to complete. The survey is divided into three sections: Section A asks about the respondents' backgrounds in terms of demographics; Sections B and C ask about the influence of social media marketing aspects; and Section D asks about the effectiveness of online companies in India in terms of sales. According to the Likert scale, respondents were asked to rate how strongly they agreed or disagreed with the items in the surveys

The sampling method used to get the data for this investigation was non-probability sampling. For this investigation, a general population sample size was determined using the Hair et al. sampling technique. The online businesses that had used social media marketing for their operations provided the information. As a result, 150 respondents were chosen as the sample size for the source of study and assessment to complete the questionnaires. Data analysis techniques included descriptive and inferential analysis. This study used many different types of analysis, including reliability analysis, validity analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis. The data gathered from the questionnaire was evaluated and analyzed using the SPSS Version 25 program (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The frequency distribution of the number, mean, standard deviation, and percentage were obtained using descriptive statistics. The link between the influence of social media marketing and the success of online companies was examined using regression analysis.


This study's reliability assessment included administering a questionnaire consisting of 20 questions to 20 academic respondents. All of the variables in Table 1 have Cronbach's Alpha values between 0.6 and 0.8, which indicates high to excellent reliability. Since the sample size is more than 20 questions, the total Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.934. Thus, all items in this study had acceptable reliability profiles based on the analyses conducted.

Table 1: Statistical Reliability Using Cronbach's Alpha

In-Depth Demographic Descriptive Analysis

The study obtained data from a sample of 150 participants who were engaged in online business. The study's questionnaire respondents' demographic background was subjected to analysis using frequency and percentage analysis. The inquiry pertaining to the demographic profile of the participants encompasses variables such as gender, age, ethnicity, educational attainment, income, duration of social media usage, and the preferred social media marketing strategy utilized to augment business sales. (customer comments, customer communication, customer content sharing, and customer connections) and the dependent variable (sales success) are shown in Table 2. The findings show that, on average, the independent variables has values higher than 3.00. This indicates that the vast majority of participants agreed with all of the statements made in this independent variable's questionnaire. Similarly, the proportion of respondents who agreed with each item in the survey is reflected by the mean. Among the four independent variables, the mean value of the customers' connection variable is 4.5983 (Standard Deviation = 0.47672), which is the highest. Based on these numbers, it seems that the vast majority of respondents agreed with the questionnaire's stated opinion. In contrast to the other variables, the mean for the communication variable is just 4.3133 (Std. Deviation = 0.65358), which is the lowest mean value. Despite the fact that the majority of respondents agreed with the statement in the questionnaire, the data show that communication has the smallest effect on sales success. The independent variable with the second highest mean value is content sharing (mean = 4.4967, Std. Dev = 0.54649), followed by customers' feedbacks (mean = 4.3850, Std. Dev = 0.52825). Both of these findings suggest that the vast majority of respondents agreed with the survey's respective statement. Table 2: Descriptive Statistics

Pearson’s Correlation Analysis

Table 3 reveals that at the 2-tailed significance level of 0.01 or below, there is a positive association between each independent variable (customer feedback, communication, content sharing, and customer relationships) and the dependent variable (sales performance). In addition, the 0.000 significance value (equal to 0.05) demonstrates the existence of obvious and significant correlations between the variables. In addition, the findings demonstrate a positive association (positive The significance of the relationships also varies widely, from 0.514 to 0.790. Sales performance and customer feedback have a 0.514 connection, whereas communication and content sharing have 0.671 and customer relationships have 0.790, respectively. The strongest positive association was found between sales success and the quality of the customer relationships (r = 0.790**, p-value = 0.000, N = 150), out of the four independent variables. In contrast, content sharing has the second greatest significant correlation value, indicating a strong positive link with sales success (r = 0.671**, p-value = 0.000, N = 150). In addition, the moderate positive association between communication and sales performance is supported by the fact that it has the third greatest significant correlation value (r = 0.552**, p-value = 0.000, N = 150). In addition, customer feedback shows a somewhat favorable link with sales performance (r = 0.514**, p-value = 0.000, N = 150), the lowest significant correlation value.

Correlation Data Displayed in a Table 3

**. = Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) CF = Customers‟ Feedbacks C = Communication CS = Content Sharing CR = Customers‟ Relationships SP = Sales Performance

Table 3: Correlations

One dependent variable may be studied in connection to many independent variables (or predictors) using many Regression Analysis. A value in the range between 0.7 and 1.0 is highly significant, indicating that there is a robust association between the variables. It can be seen in Table 4 below that the Model Summary shows a value of R = 0.826 between the independent variables of customer feedbacks, communication, content sharing, and relationships with customers, and the dependent variable of sales performance. With a R squared value of 0.683, this model explains 68.3% of sales performance variation as a result of customer feedback, communication, content sharing, and connections. The remaining 31.7% were affected by factors that were not included of this investigation. Table 4: Model Summary Table 5 displays the results of an ANOVA analysis, and the F-test value is 77.979, with a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05. As a result, this finding provides support for the overall multiple regression model by indicating that the probability of the relationship between the independent variables (customer feedbacks, communication, content sharing, and customer relationships) and the dependent variable (sales performance) is significantly higher than the chance level. Table 5: ANOVAa


In conclusion, online businesses should think about using social media marketing as one of many tactics to boost revenue. This study examines the effect of social media marketing on online company sales by looking at four factors: customer comments, communication, content sharing, and connections with customers. This study found that sales effectiveness was significantly correlated with four

followed by communication, content sharing, and customer feedback. Therefore, the study was proven and accomplished.


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Corresponding Author Anamika Singh*

Research Scholar, Shri Krishna University, Chhatarpur M.P.