Sine Qua Nons of Advertising Strategy in the Context of Indian Culture and Social Life

Exploring the Impact of Advertising on Indian Culture and Consumer Behavior

by Surbhi Goswami*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 5, Oct 2022, Pages 270 - 272 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Simply put, advertising is an important marketing strategy that works in conjunction with information and persuasion channels. Every single person is exposed to commercials on a daily basis. They've become an inseparable part of the print medium, whether it's newspapers or magazines, over time. This is also true in the case of broadcast media, where ad-commercials predominate. The Indian advertising industry has grown tremendously from a small business to a full-fledged industry. The purpose of this study is to determine the advertising attractions and the influence they have on Indian culture. Advertisements in India are not only used to sell products. It sells dreams, visions, and the ideal way of life, while also reinforcing stereotyped values. The longer an individual is exposed to an advertisement, the more likely it is that it will affect them. The appeals' goal is to change how people think about themselves and how they decide whether or not to buy certain things will benefit them. Because India has such a large population and cultural diversity, the advertising industry has created a wide range of advertisements to capture people's attention and persuade them to buy products. The appeals are written in such a way that they have an impact on people's purchasing decisions.


advertising, strategy, Indian culture, social life, marketing strategy, commercials, print medium, broadcast media, advertising industry, advertising attractions, influence, Indian culture, sell products, dreams, visions, ideal way of life, stereotyped values, exposure, changing opinions, population, cultural diversity, purchasing decisions


Certainly no one can argue this, but it is believed that advertising has existed since the beginning of civilization. It flourished in a competitive and creative environment, which is very important in the twenty-first century for any product development. Advertisements are competing for the best of their products all over the world. Improvement in technology also brings innovative changes in advertising mediums. Advertising is done through ideas, fine arts, music, information, layout, 3D etc. Advertising is thought to have originated in ancient Egypt, where papyri were used to create wall posters and disseminate information. Sculptures or wall paintings were employed in ancient India. For example, Emperor Ashoka had built stone pillars to propagate Buddhism. Advertising is used by almost every company as a platform for communication. Advertisement reaches a greater number of people and also helps in developing brand awareness. As a result of which a public image of the business or commodity is formed. Marketing strategy is prepared by advertising and no medium is currently available to compete with advertising. Whether the business is big or small, it uses advertising. Marketing and advertising have an unbreakable relationship, because the revolution in the concept of marketing has been possible only through advertising. It is possible that some items may be sold even without advertisement. But the truth is that by using advertisement, the goods will be sold more and the profit will also be more. Indian company 'Amul' is the best example for the use of advertisement. Indian society is a society of diversities. There is a wide range of differences in religion, language, food, emotional appeal etc. [11:13 PM, 11/20/2022] Divya: Earlier, advertisements were used only to inform about specific arrivals and births and deaths.

Advertisement had become a small-scale business in 1980 AD, then television networks had not developed rapidly in the country. After this, the advertising industry developed at a rapid pace and it continued to progress through newspapers, TV, print media, posters etc. Advertisement in Indian Society

Whenever advertising is thought of in India, people see it only as a medium of selling goods or services. India's society is multi- cultural, this increases diversity and the advertising industry also benefits from this diversity. International trade increased in India and there were changes in the standard of living of people, after that there were many changes in goods and services. These changes had an impact on advertisements as well and a new harmony was being established in them too. At present, social media has taken advertisements to a different level, advertising through social media has become easy and simple. [11:14 PM, 11/20/2022] Divya: We can see the example of Sunsilk for this, this company has attracted the attention of every age group of girls/women in India through its attractive advertisement. In the 1980s, many dramatic changes took place in social values in central India. Change is necessary in any society, because new doors of progress open only with change. With the passage of time, the educational achievement in the Indian society increased, as a result of which the standard of living also improved. However, the adoption of western culture by the Indian society also increased and cultural values declined. Indian economy also suffered a lot due to many reasons.

Consumer pattern in Indian society

With a population of 1.3 billion, India is the second most populous country in the world after China. Here there is a recognition of 'Atithi Devo Bhava'. By the year 2030, the income of 83% families here will be middle class. E-commerce in India is still in its nascent stage and consumer patterns are evolving. Now many people in India also do online shopping. Indian society is now becoming more modern, as well as the standard of living of the people is also improving.

Interesting Appeals

The messages of a product or service are conveyed to the audience in a highly interesting form by many advertising institutions, so that the audience is more and more attracted and buys this product or service. In any society, the basic needs of human beings are bread, cloth and house. But there are some products or services whose purpose is not to meet basic needs; Rather it is to bring comfort. However, there are some products that aim to provide comfort. For these advertisements, advertising Emotional Appeals

There are 5 major strategies used in this -

1. Fear. 2. Humor or Comedy. 3. Sex. 4. Music. 5. Scattering. 1. Fear Appeal - In this appeal, an atmosphere of fear is created through the medium of message to scare a person. This scary feeling has a profound effect on the client. Such appeals are mainly found in advertisements for beauty, health, public services. Advertisements made for the prevention of smoking, drinking, tobacco and other intoxicants fall in this category. Seeing these advertisements, people consider the negative consequences of their behavior and many people also improve their negative behavior. 2. Humorous appeals - Some advertisements also use humorous appeals, about 30% of advertisements have humorous appeals. An attempt is made to attract the audience by making humor an effective tool. Due to the humorous element, the audience remembers the product after seeing these advertisements. For example, the advertisement of Center Fresh can be seen, which became very popular. 3. Sex Appeal - Nudity and sex have always piqued the interest of a diverse audience regardless of gender. Although the number of sex ads is small compared to other types of advertisements. This type of appeal is often used to elicit sexual responses. If considered, it has both negative and positive aspects. At the same time, sexual attraction can also be considered as interference in the real message. 4. Musical appeal - It is a sensory experience that appeals to many people. It piques the interest of the audience just like the comic appeals. But its effect lasts longer than humor. Viewers can remember it for a long time. For example, we can see the title music of Nirma Detergent. 5. Scarcity appeal - Mainly, this advertisement shows the limited time or availability of the item or product, so that the customer can buy more quickly. For example, we can see 'limited time offer' for the thinking. Often such advertisements are very educative. Some rational appeals are as follows - (i) Appeal of competitive advantage - In this appeal mainly a brand compares its product with its competitive brand and shows its brand's product as superior. (ii) Value appeal – Value of the product or services is given priority in such advertisements. These techniques are used more during the holiday season. Many businesses also offer various discounts on their products or services. Advertising agencies use 'popularity appeals' when there is a need to send a message or information to a large group of people.


The consumption of products and services in India, a country with diverse communities, has always been high because of the population. Advertising is undoubtedly one of the most important mediums in this rising graph of consumerism. The advertising industry has become a multi-billion-dollar industry in today's highly competitive era. In olden times it was very difficult to reach large groups of people with the news of the launch of a new product. Advertising has been able to carve a niche for itself only with the advent of broadcast and print media. Examining this area, it is clear that the popularity and sales of that product increases by advertising any item or service. The creation of advertising using a logical approach and the emotions of the customers has been quite effective. So, in the end it can be said that advertising is the product of a business. It is an important tool for selling goods or services, for giving that product or service a brand image, and for increasing customer value for that product or service.


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Corresponding Author Surbhi Goswami*

Research Scholar, Deptt. of English, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut