Digital Marketing Influences on E-Commerce Sectors

The Impact of Digital Marketing on E-commerce: A Global Perspective

by Sarita .*, Dr. Kunal Shriniwas,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 5, Oct 2022, Pages 355 - 360 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The proliferation of internet users around the globe, including in India, is hastening profound changes in the marketing landscape. According to customer preferences, Emerging channels, data proliferation, and other factors, it is now crucial for marketers to make the most of constantly developing digital marketing tactics. In India, digital marketing has replaced traditional methods as the gold standard, opening up new expansion opportunities. Unlike conventional marketing, digital marketing offers a real-time scenario of marketing communication and includes the use of channels and technologies that allow a company to analyze marketing campaigns and boost accuracy. Marketing uses one or more forms of media advertising, such as social media, the internet, digital, television, radio, and mobile phones, to directly promote productservices or brands. The Influences of digital marketing on online stores need to be investigated. This research will provide light on the state of digital advertising as a whole. Examining the global influences of modern business competitiveness and how it has altered age-old marketing strategies.


digital marketing, e-commerce sectors, internet users, customer preferences, emerging channels, data proliferation, marketing tactics, traditional methods, expansion opportunities, real-time scenario


The 21st century brought about enormous changes in how we live, work, and interact with one another. All of us are living through the Influences of the digital revolution every day. One can no longer be called illiterate in the 21st century if one lacks a working grasp of computers, according to researchers. In today's "global community," everyone from children to teachers to CEOs to journalists is immersed in the digital world. Transportation and the advent of instantaneous communication brought people all over the globe much closer together. Thanks to "smart phones," everyone can now have a sophisticated conversation. Smart phones have surpassed human intelligence (1). We can't seem to keep our loved ones' phone numbers straight. Few of us still take the time to send traditional letters to loved ones, acquaintances, or authorities. We communicate by email, text, and other electronic means in today's commercial world, the internet plays a big and crucial role. Businesses may instantly connect with a global audience without being limited by time or distance thanks to digital marketing. Access, communication, and information are all simplified by the cutting-edge platform that digital communication offers.

Definition of Marketing

Marketing, as defined by the American Marketing Association, is "the activity, set of associations, and procedures through which goods and services are developed, communicated, delivered, and exchanged for mutual benefit." Promotion to the target market has always been essential since it is the most effective approach to spreading awareness of a product's brand and generating sales. There are a lot of different methods to promote a business, but the most important thing is to do it while staying within the company's budget. The way to do this is by using digital marketing. (2) To paraphrase what Philip Kotler (2010) calls "the science and art of researching, developing, and delivering value to fulfill the wants of a target market at a profit," marketing is "the science and art of. Unmet wants and needs are what marketers look for. The prospective revenue and market size are defined, measured, and quantified. It identifies the customer subsets that a business excels at servicing, and then tailors its product offerings and marketing strategies to those people. A basic explanation of marketing may be found in the words of Joson Fall: "Marketing is helping people purchase your product or service."

Definition of e-commerce

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the purchasing and selling of products and services through the internet. In this context, e-commerce and e-business mean the same thing. The financial takes place entirely or mostly via the internet. (3) Laudon (2003) defines it as "doing one's business through the Internet and World Wide Web." Specifically, it refers to business dealings between companies and people that are facilitated through digital means. One of the most fundamental aspects of e-commerce is the transfer of digital value. Digital Media Marketing in E-Commerce Today is a time of great upheaval in the realm of small businesses. The advent of online commerce has presented a novel option for entrepreneurs. It's becoming more common for customers to choose online purchases over those made in physical stores. The Internet has made it possible for e-commerce companies to communicate with their consumers in ways that were formerly unimaginable. In online business, digital marketing is a kind of communication used to best reach one's intended audience. With the use of this fantastic instrument, businesses can connect with their customers on a direct, personal, and functional level via digital marketing. Customers today have come to anticipate these features and others, such as social integration and live chat help, from websites and apps. Consumers may go elsewhere to find the products they want if a business doesn't provide web and application assistance. (4) Electronic commerce, or e-commerce, is the promotion of goods and services via the use of the Internet. The primary goal is to increase brand awareness and sales using different types of digital media. When we talk about "digital marketing," we're not only referring to online advertising; it also includes offline methods. Digital marketing encompasses everything from paid search engine results to paid social media posts to paid display ads to paid search engine results to mobile phone text messages. Most industry professionals agree that "digital" is more than simply another advertising medium. The marketing strategy and the way you think about your target market's actions will need to change. It necessitates, for instance, that businesses evaluate and quantify the worth of app downloads on mobile devices, tweets, Facebook likes, and so on.

Digital Marketing in a Broad Sense

One definition of ecommerce marketing is "a strategy for promoting a company's online store by use of electronic commerce-specific channels." Social Media Marketing: Pages are created on today's most popular social media platforms by publications, brands, contractors, and startups to interact with their audiences and attract new readers and investors. In the realm of e-commerce marketing, we may achieve the same goals, but with somewhat different strategies and on a subset of the available "Content Marketing," they picture blog posts and promotional videos made with the express purpose of boosting a company's visibility in search engine results and providing useful responses to consumer questions. Every company selling a product online has to have content like articles and videos. E-Mail Marketing: It may come as a surprise, but e-mail marketing, one of the first forms of digital marketing, is still widely employed in the e-commerce industry. The ability to fully automate one's email marketing campaigns is perhaps the greatest benefit of this kind of advertising. Consumers may be segmented "by interest or stage in the purchase process," and then we can set up a drip campaign and watch it work its magic. We have a lot on our plate already, so that's one less marketing strategy we have to think about. Affiliate Marketing: About eighty-one percent of businesses make use of affiliate marketing, with the best results coming from e-commerce sites. Affiliates are persons or organizations who promote our products online in return for a cut of the profits. Affiliates, in contrast to other social media influencers, rely on a time-tested marketing technique.

Digital Media marketing in e-commerce

The landscape of small company is changing rapidly in the modern day. A new door has opened up for entrepreneurs thanks to the advent of online trade. Many customers choose doing their shopping exclusively online. The Internet has made possible the kind of two-way communication between businesses and their consumers that was before unimaginable. Digital marketing is a kind of advertising used by online businesses to get their message through to their intended audience. Incredibly, today's businesses may use digital marketing to forge a direct, personal, and useful connection with their target audiences. Customers nowadays have come to anticipate a social experience and 24/7/365 online customer service from whatever website or app they use. Stores that don't provide web and app support can lose consumers to competitors that do. The term "e-commerce" refers to the practice of selling goods and services to end users over the Internet. The primary goal is to increase brand awareness and sales using different types of digital media. (5) The term "digital marketing" refers to a wide range of promotional activities, not only those conducted online. Mobile phones, social media advertising, display ads, search engine optimization, and any other digital medium are all included. In the opinion of most professionals, "digital" is more than simply another marketing tactic. It calls for a rethinking of marketing strategies and an examination of


Mishra & Dhanerwal (2020) Non-essential commodity consumption demand has been studied extensively since it is an integral aggregate demand. After the lockout was removed completely, they polled consumers to predict how their purchasing habits would shift for the rest of the fiscal year. Others such as electronics, real estate, autos, and domestic travel go under the category of "planned" expenditures, whereas items such as retail, e-commerce, wellness, and hospitality fall under the category of "discretionary" expenditures. It is crucial for the state to identify not just a predicted demand shock, but also the multiple sector-specific intricacies of consumer spending on non-essential items, notwithstanding supply-side constraints, when lockdown restrictions are progressively loosened across states. As such, the research aimed to offer policymakers with a preliminary assessment of consumer mood in the post-lockdown scenario in urban areas. (6) Gaurav &Ray (2020) "described the dramatic change in marketing emphasis over the last two decades as one from conventional to digital methods. The widespread use of the Internet as a part of daily life has been the most important change affecting marketing during the last two decades. These days, everyone in our age seems to be becoming digital. Every new digital marketing tactic has the potential to drastically alter the industry. Consumers make purchases in radically new ways now than they ever did before. These days, consumers have instantaneous access to a wealth of information on almost any product because to the proliferation of digital information sources. (7) Nunan & Di Domenico (2019) the ramifications of an aging population in today‘s technologically advanced, consumer-centric marketing landscape are explored in depth by the author of this study. Empirical research in digital marketing settings is currently limited, despite the fact that an aging population will have profound Influences on market structures and consumer needs. Facebook's public filings include demographic information on its users' gender, race, and location, but not their ages. The authors went on to say that in order for marketing to be successful at improving consumers' quality of life, it must cater to the needs of all potential buyers. (8) Sharma (2017) research she conducted found that online shopping has a profound influences on consumers' daily routines all around the globe. Internet shopping is popular in both developing and developed countries. Consumers with incomes under 2.50 lakhs are more likely to choose for cash on delivery, while those with incomes above 2.50 lakhs are more likely to use online banking. Online shoppers with incomes the age of 25 care more about money than quality while shopping online, whereas consumers above the age of 25 care more about quality than price. (9) Kothari & Sivaganga (2016) Internet purchasing is rapidly growing in India, as indicated in a research focusing on the city of Solapur. The telecommunications industry in India is also maturing and growing. According to the data, increasing promotional efforts to attract online shoppers is a good strategy. It has been suggested that delivery costs be waived or reduced to increase sales. Businesses may do more to promote internet shopping by launching education and awareness campaigns. (10) Baltes and Loredana (2016) Because of the rise of digital technology, there has been a dramatic shift in the corporate landscape and marketing approaches. Both industrialized and developing nations are undergoing a period of digitalization, with the latter benefiting greatly from it. There will be plenty of room for growth in the future for the several companies that have embraced digital advertising. Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon are just a few of the many IT firms that have recently established new norms. (11) Kamal (2016) quoted "Online Marketing, Internet Marketing, and Web Marketing are common names for digital marketing." These points to the fact that digital marketing is present in both urban and rural areas, Clients were able to contact business owners with ease. This is now standard practice for marketers, who are keeping a close eye on developments in the field and looking for ways to include as many of the latest and greatest tools and techniques into their arsenals as they can in order to drive more sales. In order to be successful, digital marketing makes use of all available tools and techniques. (12) Akroush & Al-Debei (2015) in her research, she looked at how people feel about buying things online. Trust and the quality of a website, he said, had an effect on consumers' opinions. Consumers' views on online shopping are influencesed by factors like trust and benefits, they found. (13) Devgun & Agarwal (2014) "learned that doing business online is more efficient and easy. 65% of shoppers say it's easy to shop online. Young consumers between the ages of 18 and 30 are more likely to shop online because of the discounts and offers available there. Results show that although the majority of consumers (67%) prefer to make in-store purchases, the proportion of those who prefer to buy online (32%) is much smaller. The survey found that 52% of respondents are very worried about dangers in the workplace. There is a positive correlation between disposable income, youth, and their shopping online. (14)


This research study uses a descriptive research design. The study makes use of both primary and secondary data. A systematic questionnaire will be used to gather primary data. These subscales include motivations for online shopping, perceptions of digital marketing, the power of digital marketing tools, and satisfaction with e-commerce. To get the necessary data, the questionnaire also several closed-ended questions in addition to these subscales. Additionally, the demographic information of the responders will be gathered in the last part. Descriptive research design will be most suited to analyze shopping frequency, e-consumer preferences, and associations with purchasing behaviors.

Sample size

Individual customer who has used an e-commerce platform, viewed digital ads, and/or made a purchase using one. To improve findings and increase accuracy, the researcher polled over approx 450 individuals.

Study area

The survey will be done in the city of Jaipur, in the state of Rajasthan, among internet users who use any kind of electronic device, including computers, laptops, smart phones, gaming consoles, portable media players, and tablets. Data Collection The city of Jaipur, one of Rajasthan's fastest-growing industrial hubs, will be the subject of the research. For analysis, results, and research study conclusion, primary and secondary data are essential. For the research, both primary and secondary data will be gathered. Researchers utilized the internet as a communication tool to gather primary data from e-commerce customers. In this research, standardized questionnaires will be employed to elicit responses from internet users who had previously engaged in online buying. The reaction and experience of online shoppers, as well as the influences of digital marketing channels on online purchases, will be taken into consideration. Primary data: Primary data gathered via a standardized questionnaire and a "personal routine." In order to get the necessary data, the questionnaire also several closed-ended questions in addition to these subscales. The information will be gathered by the researcher utilizing their own timetable. Primary data collecting will be a crucial component of the research and requires a well-thought-out approach. In accordance with the study's goals and hypotheses, the

Secondary data: The secondary data will be gathered after a thorough assessment of the literature, which included books, research papers, government publications, annual reports, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and websites, among other sources. Data analysis

The researcher employed several strategies depending on the needs to analyze data scientifically. Primary data will be gathered for the research utilizing a "personal schedule" questionnaire. To provide respondents with clarity and simplicity, the researcher employed scale in the questionnaire. To respond to the questionnaire, rating scales, Linkert scaling, and preference procedures will be employed. For Hypothesis Testing: One-Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation tests will be used

SPSS to check the reliability of data: Cronbach's Alpha test will be used.


Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1: Demographic Profile of the respondents

The age group of respondents were included college students less than 20 years and the no of respondents are 70 out of total respondents 437. The respondents of age group between 21 to 30 years are 63 out of total 437 respondents. The more no of respondents are from the age group of 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 are 106 and 109 respectively. No. of respondents above 51 years are 89 in no‘s. Table no. 1 shows that age group 21-30 years comprise minimum proportion in all samples. Age groups 31-40 and 41-50 years include similar proportions. Age group above 50 years is also sizeable proportion of 20.37 percent. Descriptive Statistics

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics- Reasons for buying online

From descriptive statistics it is observed that time saving and attractive offers make people buy from online (Mean higher than 4 on a scale of 5). It was also found that respondent do not avoid to visit shops. But when standard deviations of items were observed it was understood that the responses are widely distributed around the mean values. Statistical Analysis

Table 3: ANOVA Demography and reasons for shopping through e- commerce

Since the p value of F test (F 3, .824=.481) is not less than .05 there is no significant relationship between age and reasons for shopping through e-commerce.

Table 4: ANOVA- Attitude towards Digital Marketing* digital marketing Channels

From table no.4 it is observed that the significant value of F test is less than .05 (p<.05). This indicates that the value of F test fall in rejection zone and thus we reject null hypothesis H0 „The attitude towards digital advertisements and satisfaction with the product/service bought online are not significantly related‟. As a result of increased competition and the need for a digital presence in today's market, a recent study concluded that digital marketing channels have altered the fundamental nature of communication in the e-commerce industry and across all sectors. Some studies have found that individuals prefer to purchase online because of the convenience it provides, but this has not led them to abandon physically visiting stores. This translates to not fully eschewing conventional modes of contact, as your offline reputation serves as the bedrock upon which your online reputation is built.


Influences of digital marketing on e-commerce consumers by looking at their adoption rates, the channels through which they consume digital of making purchases using electronic mediums such as the internet and who have access to mobile, desktop, and tablet devices. The changing habits of online consumers are a promising indicator of expansion in the e-commerce sector. These studies of digital marketing include a broad range of topics, as suggested by the titles. The city of Jaipur has been chosen for the study because of its diversity and vibrancy, as well as the fact that it serves as a major IT hub, employs people from all over India and the world, is home to a thriving automobile industry, is widely recognized as the "Adroit of the East," and is very familiar with e-commerce customers who have access to the internet through their mobile phones, computers, or tablets. All of these elements are changing the world's development indicator. That developing nations are rapidly catching up to the commercial world in terms of internet access is shown in the graph below, which displays the growth rate of internet use.


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Corresponding Author Sarita*

Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar