Performance of Responsive Powder Concrete with Ultra Fine Mineral Admixtures

Enhancing the Short-term Strength and Durability of Responsive Powder Concrete using Ultra Fine Mineral Admixtures

by Mandhadi Radhika*, Dr. Sukram Pal, Dr. Sirna Santosh K,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 5, Oct 2022, Pages 366 - 370 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The goal of this study is to find practical ways to increase the RPC concrete's short-term strength without increasing costs. Research on the effects of increasing the fineness of the mineral admixtures on the short-term strength of concrete was conducted. Instead of using more expensive nano sized mineral admixtures, common mineral admixtures like silica fume and metakaolin were employed, but ground down to an ultra-fine size. To decrease the amount of cement used and, more importantly, to improve the strength from regular too high, supplementary cementitious elements (pozzolans) are combined with cement. These pozzolanic admixtures provide concrete with increased durability and decreased brittleness. Increases in the fineness of the pozzolans were attempted to improve the shortterm strength, and substantial effort was made to include waste utilization into the concrete. It was shown that specimens with unground mineral admixtures were more resistant to a hostile environment than those with ground mineral admixtures. Whether ground or unground, specimens with MK added demonstrated superior strength and durability.


responsive powder concrete, ultra fine mineral admixtures, short-term strength, fineness, nano sized mineral admixtures, silica fume, metakaolin, cement, supplementary cementitious elements, pozzolans, durability, brittleness, waste utilization, hostile environment, MK


Concrete, a multipurpose homogenous material composed of a wide variety of heterogeneous components, is an important part of the building process. Cement is the primary component of RPC concrete, as it is responsible for the material's bonding and strength. Many mineral admixtures, including fly ash, micro-silica, and metakaolin, have some qualities with cement and can be used as partial replacements. Limiting cement use, and hence cement production, will help mitigate the negative effects of the cement industry on the environment. A silica-rich mineral additive, also known as a pozzolan, can be used to replace some of the cement in the concrete mix, achieving this goal. Superior mechanical strength, durability, and, most significantly (Olga Burgos-Montes, 2018), environmental friendliness are only a few of the benefits of RPC concrete manufactured with such extra cementitious ingredients over concrete prepared without mineral admixtures. High-strength concrete is an intriguing word in the construction industry because it positions the material as cutting-edge in terms of technology, practical in terms of cost, and environmentally benign.

High strength concrete

These days, high strength concrete (HSC) is typically used instead of regular concrete since it has superior qualities in both its fresh and hardened states. Less weight on the foundation is achieved with the use of HSC since it allows for a smaller cross section of structural components, allowing for thinner members in high rise buildings. By enhancing the endurance of RPC concrete, the danger of corrosion of steel reinforcements and concrete degradation may be reduced. Reducing the amount of water used in the concrete-making process by compensating with super plasticizers and employing mineral admixtures results in concrete with increased strength (Osman Gencel, 2012). As a result, it is challenging to describe high strength in a quantitative phrase that can be acknowledged by everybody, and opinions on what constitutes a sufficiently high number or limit for high strength vary widely. High strength concrete is defined as concrete with a typical compressive strength of at least 42 MPa, as stated in ACI-318- 2008. According to CEB-FIP, which Shannag cited, "high strength concrete" has a typical compressive strength of 60 MPa. Concrete having a typical compressive strength of 60 MPa is considered high strength RPC concrete according to international standard IS: 456-2000. Yet, in many industrialized nations, high strength concrete is defined as having a strength more than 45 MPa after 28 days when utilizing regular weight aggregate. So, it is evident that the definition of high

Use of Pozzolanic mineral admixtures

The use of mineral admixtures to alter the characteristics of concrete is allowed by the Indian Standard (IS: 456-2000). Using industrial byproducts like fly ash, which has both pozzolanic and cementitious qualities, is advised by researchers as it can result in cost-saving and environmentally friendly RPC concrete. Pozzolana is described by ASTM C 618- 2015 as a mixture of siliceous and aluminous minerals that have little to no cementing property on their own but may chemically react with calcium hydroxide in the presence of water and at room temperature to produce compounds having cementitious capabilities. When used with Ordinary Portland Cement, pozzolans boost concrete's strength and durability (OPC) (Aliabdo, 2016). Because of the impact of the finer grains, the microstructure of the cement paste and the pore structure are altered, resulting in increased strength. Cement can be partially replaced with other minerals that are high in pozzolanic activities, such as silica fume, rice husk ash, fly ash, metakaolin, and bagasse ash, or with fillers, such as lime stone fillers, to lower energy usage and enhance durability and strength. They can be used as either a mineral additive or a component of the cement for making concrete. The application of these mineral admixtures in HSC and High Performance Concrete is the subject of much past and present-day research (HPC). Most of these components are waste products from other industries, and they aid in lowering the cement content of concrete, which in turn lowers the material cost, the environmental impact, and the energy needed to produce the material. The next paragraphs provide in-depth explanations of a handful of them.

Fly ash:

The CaO level of fly ash determines whether it is classified as high-calcium (15-35%) or low-calcium (10%) and hence suitable for use in different types of scientific investigation. It's important to remember that fly ash can't have more than 5% unburned carbon in it. Fly ash has advantages over other materials, such as increased longevity, lower costs, and lower energy use, and is hence suggested for usage. Most of the particles in fly ash are smaller than 20 m, making it a superior filler material that may also be used in place of cement. Fly ash can be used to reduce the cost of concrete, but it can also decrease the hydration process, resulting in weaker concrete at a younger age (Anant Parghi, 2016).

Silica fume:

Due to its finely divided state and very high percentage of amorphous silica, silica fume has proven to be a most useful mineral admixture that is responsible for Silica-fume is a byproduct of the ferro-silicon industry and consists of extremely fine, non-crystalline SiO2. It is produced at a temperature of about 2000 degrees Celsius. It has a dimension of around 0.1 m and a specific surface area of roughly 20-25 m2 /g. Silica-fume particles are around two orders of magnitude smaller than cement ones. It's effective as a pore filler and can replace 5–10% of cement in a formula.

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS):

The iron and steel industries supply GGBFS, a mineral additive. Blast furnace slag is a byproduct of the pig iron manufacturing process, one of several steps in the creation of steel. GGBFS is preferred as a partial replacement for cement in concrete due to its chemical composition being similar to that of cement composition with higher amount of Silica, aluminum, and ferrous oxides, and also due to its fineness which helps in filling up of pores in concrete, resulting in better strength improvement and resistance to permeabiity, despite the disadvantages such as gaining strength at lower rate especially at lower temperatures, and requiring longer curing period (Azime Subas, 2015).

Rice Husk Ash:

Ash from incinerated rice husk (RHA) is a byproduct of this process. The proportion of ash to lime, the reactivity of the ash, and the fineness of the ash all influence the rate at which C-S-H is formed. When it comes to lime reactivity, rice husk ash is a great pozzolana. It may be ground to a very fine consistency, has a high specific surface area, and includes amorphous silica.


Metakaolin is a bit coarser than silica fume but finer than cement particles. Grinding pure or refined clay to a fineness of 700-900 m2 /kg through a calcination process at temperatures of 650-850 °C yields this material. It's a pozzolana, and it reacts really quickly. It's made up of silica (about 55%) and alumina (approximately 45%), both of which are quite reactive. Metakaolin is unique among natural and synthetic pozzolana in that it is a principal product, unlike silica fume, fly ash, ground granulated bamboo ash, and rice husk ash, all of which are by-products.

Industrial waste utilization in concrete

There are two main categories of industrial waste: by-products from the manufacturing process and recycled materials. The first category includes things like coal ash, slag from metal factories, paper mill scraps, and other similar materials. The second category includes things like used plastic and old waste for building purposes. Mineral admixtures, such as silica fume, fly ash, and GGBFS, are being employed as partial replacements for cement despite having chemical compositions that are dissimilar to cement's. Cement ingredients including SiO2, Fe2O3, and Al2O3 are particularly abundant in industrial byproducts. Some other industrial wastes, such as copper slag, which has higher SiO2 (25-40%) and Fe2O3 (50-60%) than cement, and slag from the production of stainless steel from scrap iron, which has both cementitious and Pozzolanic characteristics, as well as lime mud waste, which is obtained from the paper and pulp industries and has a higher CaCO3 content, are also being used in many research works (Megat Joharia, 2011). Using industrial waste as a partial replacement has two motivations: saving money and avoiding environmental damage caused by improper disposal of potentially useful chemicals. For instance, ferrochrome slag, a byproduct of the ferrochrome manufacturing process, contains deleterious substances like chromium oxide and has the potentiality of releasing hazardous chromium compounds, which pose a significant threat to the environment and prohibit its disposal, though the idea of using ferrochrome slag as coarse aggregates and as fine aggregates in concrete has been explored in many works. They have been tested as coarse aggregates by Zelic, Gencel, and others. Ferrochromium slag was used as both fine and coarse aggregate, as described by Panda et al. The unit weight, slump, compressive strength, and splitting tensile strength of RPC concrete can all be improved by including this material. Because of this, the utilization of industrial wastes is not just concerned with economic issues, but also with social challenges like limiting the emission of greenhouse gases (Ali heidari, 2013).

Construction waste utilization in concrete

Even if some industrial waste can be used as a substitute for cement, a significant amount of trash is still generated during construction and then discarded. Other cementitious materials are being tested, including discarded building wastes with pozzolanic activity or a chemical makeup similar to cement. Tile shards, brick dust, and marble powder that would previously have been thrown away are now being put to good use as mineral admixtures in concrete. In comparison to mineral admixtures produced from industrial by-products, the use of such building wastes helps reduce the overall cost of construction. Due to the presence of silica, waste glass particles may also be used as a mineral additive in concrete, as evidenced by the research of Aliabdo et al., Anant Parghi, and Shahria Alam. Their research focuses on the use of waste glass powders in binary and ternary blended mixes. Many experimental research on the compressive strength and durability qualities of concrete made with fly ash, silica fume, or metakaolin. As an added cementitious mineral additive, they have shown great promise (Eva Vejmelkova, 2019).

Use of nano sized mineral admixtures in concrete

Although regular Portland cement can provide eco-friendly RPC concrete when combined with pozzolanic mineral admixtures such fly ash and silica fume, these extra cementitious admixtures contribute relatively little to the concrete's initial strength due to their sluggish hydration properties. In particular, Wild et al. find that replacing some of the cement with condensed silica fume and fly ash has a negative impact on the hydration rate. It has been claimed that using 30% fly ash as a partial replacement causes a 40% loss in compressive strength after only 28 days of curing. Furthermore, this is why the European standard EN 197 recommends keeping the replacement ratio for type II cements to below 35%. Researchers investigated many approaches to improve the concrete's short-term strength, including 1) increasing the fineness of the mineral admixtures The second is a process called "curing" which requires high temperatures. Activating chemicals, step three. Nano-sized mineral admixtures can be used to promote fineness by counteracting the disadvantages of fly ash inclusion due to their high surface area to volume ratio, which allows for high chemical high reactivity. In recent years, the building industry has shifted toward using finer particles. Numerous studies have investigated the potential of using nanoparticles as mineral admixtures in concrete samples to enhance the material's mechanical and physical qualities. Most of the projects used commercially available nano SiO2 particles as mineral admixtures in concrete, since this speeds up the development of C-S-H gel, which in turn increases Ca(OH)2 crystalline at the early ages, enhancing the strength and durability properties. Other nanoscale mineral admixtures, including Al2O3, Fe2O3, ZnO2, and TiO2, have also been the subject of published study. The use of nanoparticles in concrete has been shown to enhance not only the microstructure of the concrete, but also its mechanical qualities (Muthadhi, 2013). More strength and durability may be imparted to concrete by using the mineral admixtures outlined thus far when applied in either a binary mix (cement plus one mineral admixture) or a ternary mix (cement plus two mineral admixtures). Despite our claims, not all mineral admixtures, especially when waste materials are employed separately from cement, can improve performance to the level of a binary mix. Due to the extensive processing they underwent before they were employed as a mineral additive in concrete, the outcomes may be almost identical or may vary with just tiny differences, calling into doubt concrete. Just the waste mineral admixture should be used, with only a little amount of pozzolanic mineral admixture added to start the pozzolanic processes. Concrete's strength and endurance are determined by a number of factors, not just the pozzolanic reaction. Ultrafine mineral admixtures, which are inert yet capable of filling the pores in concrete, can be used to increase the strength parameters by filling the pores in the material (Pacheco-Torgal, 2013). In concrete, waste mineral admixtures with a weak pozzolanic reaction might be utilized in conjunction with another mineral admixture that can spark the reaction. Even if silica fume, fly ash, GGBFS, and metakaolin were cast as a binary mix, the results would be enhanced, but the best results would be seen with a ternary blend. A notable example is silica fume, which may operate as a pozzolanic mineral additive and give strength to concrete when used alone, but its combined performance is improved when used with another mineral admixture like GGBFS. The combined action of silica fume with even a locally available natural pozzolana improved the compressive strength, splitting tensile strengths, workability, and elastic modulus of concrete, significantly better than the state when they were added individually. In light of this, it is evident that ternary blended mixtures often produce economical and improved strength and durability attributes.

Conventional pozzolanic mineral admixtures

Spectroscopic techniques for determining the properties of metakaolin-modified concrete. Other tests included those for bending and compression strengths. In conclusion, the authors state that an increase in metakaolin concentration in concrete reduces the strength after 28 days, but that a considerable increase in strength is found after 56 and 90 days of curing due to the pozzolanic impact. conducted tests to determine how mineral admixtures, including fly ash, SF, GGBFS, and metakaolin, impacted the characteristics of high-strength concrete. The authors conducted a thorough analysis of the strength and durability characteristics, pinpointing the impacts of each mineral combination. They discovered that the workability of concrete was affected when cement was replaced by cementitious elements. Fly ash altered the short term strength of the concrete, which contributed to the strength at later ages, while the usage of SF and metakaolin boosted the compressive strength. It has also been observed that the addition of certain cementitious mineral admixtures led to a decrease in porosity and pore size (Karthikeyan, 2014). Correlation between SF and metakaolin added to concrete's strength and durability. It has been reported that metakaolin-enhanced concrete has greater strength development and chloride resistance than Conclusions of 14-day cured concrete with extra cementitious ingredients. The mineral admixtures included silica fume, fly ash, and ground granite and breccia dust. Results showed that when a multiblended mix was used instead of the standard binary blended mix, long-term strength was attained. According to the authors, the mix was increased in strength by using 10% SF, 15% fly ash, and 25% slag (Khatib, 2014).


The practical ways to increase the RPC concrete's short-term strength without increasing costs. Research on the effects of increasing the fineness of the mineral admixtures on the short-term strength of concrete was conducted. Instead of using more expensive nano sized mineral admixtures, common mineral admixtures like silica fume and metakaolin were employed, but ground down to an ultra-fine size. To implement waste utilization, restrict environmental damage, and make the project more cost-effective, ceramic powder, which is a construction waste that would otherwise be disposed, has also been employed as a mineral additive. The short-term strength of concrete was enhanced by the use of ultrafine mineral admixtures in both neutral and hostile environments. Mix with 15% additional metakaolin showed greater resistance in normal and aggressive environment than the other unground mineral admixtures utilized in the current investigation. Corrosion rates for CP blended mix specimens were high, approaching the limit of very harsh circumstances, and this was the case for both binary and ternary blends. While comparing the mechanical qualities of the admixed concrete produced with various mineral admixtures, GMK5 was shown to be optimal in terms of strength, durability, and structural behavior in both normal and aggressive environments.


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Corresponding Author Mandhadi Radhika*

Research Scholar, Shridhar University