A Study on Psychological Characteristics of Cricket Players based on their Specialist Roles

The Role of Psychological Characteristics in Cricket Players' Performance

by Sandeep .*, Dr. Anuj Kumar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 5, Oct 2022, Pages 511 - 514 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


According to research linking psychological traits to peak performance, elite and successful athletes are more driven, devoted, self-assured, focused, and able to perform at their best under pressure than non-elite and unsuccessful competitors. The constructive application of mental-skill instruction may enhance the mental components of performance of functional activities in sport. A degree of fluidity between the various mood states of participation in the organisation and implementation of task-related abilities is made possible by personalised mental skill preparation for learners. In addition to improving mission success, a participant's ability to control the behavioural and emotional aspects of competition serves as a mental cornerstone for self-belief and wellbeing.


psychological characteristics, cricket players, specialist roles, peak performance, elite athletes, mental-skill instruction, fluidity, mood states, task-related abilities, self-belief


The study of sports physiology reveals almost unique social aspects of the relationship between waste and play. The physiological adaptations of a cave dweller's body are on full display in every aspect of their lives when confronted with a terrestrial obstacle. The frequency, length, and magnitude of these shifts are all taken into account. It's been shown on every continent save Antarctica that physical fitness increases with comparative inactivity. In particular, the more the breasts, lungs, and muscles are utilised, the stronger and more robust they become. Muscle tone in the bust improves with regular exercise. Having more pressing requirements resting on its bosom causes it to mature in service and become more powerful via application. When compared to the heartbeat outlay of a dormant character, the value of the soul who sports until blue in the face has a lower pulse rate tag, and this good worth returns to practical in a more rapid manner all at once after long row to hoe.

Sport Defined

To "distract oneself in a frivolous, devil-may-also-care way," as the Old French disported suggests, is where the English word "game" gets its start. In each team spirit or as a spectator, the direct that style of action is unless in reality committed to the old English grain of plebeian meaning to 'play' and 'gamin,' which means 'amusement.' Recreation has a checkered past when it comes to the core values of 'play,' 'competition,' and 'leisure,' and numerous definitions have sprung up to set the record straight. Apply this definition of "living it up" to the context of a "competitive bargain that is directed by carved-in-stone criteria" for an effective teaching tool. What about the minority committed gymnast or much less low-price athlete or the so-called "weekend athlete" that, for lesson, plays a completely of golf by way of usually advised of a lock stock and barrel of friends or provide leisure sports one as fishing, pursuit of sport animal and running?

The Olympic Games, which are generally believed to have taken place in ancient Greece between 776 BC and 393 AD, mark the logical beginning of the sport's illustrious lineage. The Roman Emperor Theodosius prohibited physical Christian cults (pagan faiths that treated sporting activities as spiritual rites) and lumped them all together with Christianity as the small tin god faith of stat. This ideology lasted for the better part of a millennium. A number of competing March to the beat of a different drummer hypotheses attempt to explain the origins of the first Olympic Games. One popular theory suggests that Plops, a homeless man from Pisa, discovered the games while competing in a chariot race.

Consistent intramuscular coordination is essential for the development of athletic abilities. This coordinated movement seems to go beyond the yoga practise itself. Stance in physical sports is enhanced by stretching. Now, it's virtually


Weinberg and Gould (2011) people benefit from shifting from a controlled to an automated mode of information processing because of their finite attention spans. This stage of automatic processing describes the mental processing of an ability without any deliberate effort. Because of this, it's important to practise a skill until it becomes automatic and requires no thinking on your part. A player's ability to concentrate on other areas of the game improves when they increase their repetitions of a particular skill and decrease their mental load associated with performing that skill. Smith et al. (2007) The PETTLEP group's performance enhancement benefits seemed to be more than double those observed in the stimulation group and the control group, according to a research of adolescent gymnasts in which they were randomly allocated to one of four groups. Not only that, but it was also discovered that the PETTLEP imaging group benefited from the identical performance enhancements as the physical practise group. As a consequence, this study suggests that PETTLEP-imagery is just as effective as physical training in enhancing gymnastic performances. Although the benefits of either imaging or physical practise were not examined in this study, it stands to reason that a combination of the two would have an even more favourable influence on gymnastics performance. Devonport (2006) showed that similar mental talents are linked to high-level performance in elite kick boxers, extending our understanding of the subjective experiences of Olympic gold medalists in this area. Three professional kick boxers participated in a qualitative research on their experiences and thoughts on the factors of mind that have contributed to their success. Consistently high levels of self-efficacy, motivation, and mental toughness were regarded as the three most crucial psychological qualities by all contestants. Relaxation, positive self-talk, intense focus, the ability to control one's own level of arousal, the ability to develop and stick to objectives, the ability to bounce back after being struck, and the use of mental images were all cited as factors in successful performance.


  • To study on cricketers' psychological traits according to their specialist functions, such as fielding, bowling and wicket keeping.


The goal of the research was to examine the physical and mental skill at participation level in Cricket of men. The way the different experiment specifics are treated the final conclusion of the issue.


Primary data collection

In order to satisfy this goal, 410 respondents were chosen to meet the criteria. Data was obtained from separate cricket clubs of the 1st division and 2nd division which are associated with the Cricket League Association.

Secondary data collection We will collect secondary data through books, personal sources, journal, newspaper, website, government record Letters, Radio stations, Public sector records, Podcasts, Blogs, Unpublished Personal Sources etc.



Section one: Background information on the respondents

Demographics of the respondents

In Figures 1, we see the sample's demographic variables. A total of 410 cricket players from three different levels of competition were included in the study. Over half (56%) of those polled have cricket experience at the Premier League or senior academy level. Of those who participated, around 30.7% were junior academy players and 15.7% were senior provincial players. Table 1: Level of Participation in Cricket


Respondents were asked to judge how helpful they found the provided psychological context information using a four-point Likert scale. As mentioned before, we utilised cross-tabulations using chi-square analysis to look for correlations between respondents' frequency of cricket competition and their estimations of the role of psychological abilities in the sport.

Table 2: Cricket Participation Perceptions as Equally Physical and Mental As Measured By Level of Participation

Table 3: Continued: Chi-Square Tests

a. 10 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .16. Table shows that 73.5% of the young cricketers academy players agreed with this assertion. Seventy-five percent of those surveyed agreed that senior provincial players were somewhere in the middle. The chi-square test indicated that there is no link between activity level and this impression.

Table 4: Cricket Participation And Performance: Perceptions Of The Role Mental Skills Play By Level Of Participation

Table 5: Continued: Chi-square Tests

Figure 2: Mental Competencies Represented by Participants' Highest Recorded Scores Figure 2 displays the results of both psychometric tests, revealing which mental abilities were most highly valued by competitors across all three levels of competition. There is a correlation between success in cricket and a set of mental abilities including motivation, coachability, self-confidence, the capacity for mental images, the capacity for focused attention, and the ability to perform at one's top under pressure.


These results demonstrate the necessity and need for PST at all levels of cricket competition, but also show how PST is often overlooked by coaches and players. Players at all levels of the sport's competition lack an adequate understanding of the psychological aspects at play, thus they don't put in the necessary work to develop the necessary mental abilities. Because of this, it is clear that the participants' psychological history information does not vary much among the three involvement levels.


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Corresponding Author Sandeep*

Research Scholar, Maharaja Agrasen Himalayan Garhwal University (Pauri)