A Comparative study of shyness between urban and rural female athletes

Exploring Shyness Levels among Female Athletes in Urban and Rural Settings

by Nagma Parveen*, Dr. Dharmendra Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 20, Issue No. 1, Jan 2023, Pages 163 - 165 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


PurposeThe purpose of this study to find out the level of shyness between urban and rural female athletes of district bijnor (up). MethodFor this study investigator had selected twenty five (N=25) urban female athletes and twenty five (N=25) female rural athletes who represent district in state level tournament. The age of the subject ranged from 17 to 25years. The purposive sampling technique was used to select the subject. t – test was employed to compare the level of shyness between urban and rural female athletes. For testing the hypothesis, the level of significance was set at 0.05. ResultTo find out their level of shyness, shyness scale developed by cheek Melichor (1985) was administered. Result of the study revealed significant difference on level of shyness between rural and urban players. Rural Female athletes are more shy comparison to urban players. Conclusions It is concluded from the findings that significant difference between rural and urban female athletes on the level of shyness.


shyness, urban, rural, female athletes, district bijnor


Shyness is conceptualized as inhibition, discomfort, withdrawal, apprehension, and awkwardness experienced in social and/ or novel situation (Findlay & Copland, 2008. In humans, shyness a feeling of discomfort that some people experience when they are contact with their friends, relatives, strangers etc. shyness is most often manifested in an unfamiliar condition. As many shy people avoid these situation in order not to feel uncomfortable, the situation remain foreign, so shyness continues. Shyness seem to have its origin in symptoms of an anxiety reaction. In others shyness would developed first, causing later physical symptoms of anxiety and discomfort. Shyness can be characteristics of people who have loneliness, unsocial and low self-esteem. Shyness are usually referred to as social fear, anxiety and social discomfort. A shy person may simply opt to avoid social situation instead. In our society people consider shyness is the jewel of girls, specially in rural areas. Girls are grow in the environment of restriction comparison to boys. So feelings of shyness inhibited in girls. When they were survive in society many restrictions developed feeling of shyness. This study try to find out the level of shyness between rural and urban female athletes. It is consider that normally females are more shy than male. First reason being that shyness a result of genes a person has inherited and second it is influenced by behavior they have learned and life experience they have had. In some cases family members are over protecting regarding girls thus cause feeling of shyness developed in child. (Arbelli, Benjamin, Golin, Kremers and others 2003 pp.671-672.) In our society guardians give more protection girl child. In later life they grow with feeling of shyness because of physical changes. This reasons affect their whole life and working performance also. Sports considered a bold activities. Any kind of sports self confidence, body language, boldness and self esteem are important elements to perform physical activities. A athletes with feeling of shyness lost this important elements. In sports there is no place for shyness because of sports activity is full exhibition of self esteem and confidance.


Selection of subjects: for the purpose of this study female athletes ( urban = 25, rural = 25) who represent district in state level competition. The purposive technique was used to select subject. All the subjects, after having been informed about the objective and protocol of the study, gave their consent and volunteered to participate in this study. questionnaire developed by cheek and Melichor (1985) was used. It is a five point likert type scale having 20 items. It Is a popular tool being used by the psychologist for measuring the shyness level. Its reliability as 0.94 according to its norms.


The questionnaire was administered on the subjects. Before administration of questionnaire, the researcher approach the subjects at the personal level requesting them to extend their persistent cooperation in the data collection. After fill form raw data collected and statistically processed. Data analysis: t- test was employed to find out the level of shyness between rural and urban female players. The level of significant was set at 0.05.


Table 1: show there is significant difference between rural and urban players on the variable shyness.

Experimental group No. of subjects Mean Stand. Dev t- ratio

Urban 25 58.24 5.91 2.4631 Rural 25 62.88 7.33

As per the result of the study, the obtained mean score have clearly suggested that both the group of female athletes considerably differ on their level of shyness. There existed on significant difference in the sense of shyness of urban and rural female athletes. The result of this study revealed that statistical significant difference was found between urban and rural female athletes.

Table value of ‗t‘ Significant at p<0.05(48) =2.021 It may be observed from the table that significant difference was found between urban and rural athletes the tabulated ‗t‘ value (2.021) at 0.05 level of significance with 48 degree of freedom.


On the basis of the results obtained from the present investigation it may be concluded that urban and rural female athletes of district (bijnor) significant differ on their level of shyness. It seem reasonably fair to conclude that rural and urban female players having difference as far this set of population concerned.


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Nagma Parveen*

Research Scholar, Shri Venkteshwara, University, Gajroula