Transformation in contribution of Teacher Educators in implementation of NEP 2020

The Changing Role of Teacher Educators in Implementing NEP 2020

by Ms. Preeti*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 20, Issue No. 2, Apr 2023, Pages 19 - 25 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Any country's ability to develop depends on the calibre of its teachers, and education is the key to that.The components responsible for effective instruction and student accomplishment are teachers' expertise, commitment, competence, professionalism, and motivation. Nowadays, producing such instructors is a significant task for governments all around the world. A teacher's job has become increasingly difficult in light of new educational and psychological theories, philosophy, sociology, and globalisation due to the ever-growing body of knowledge available today.Today, The educational programmes must be well thought out and creative and must be examined, analysed, reformed, rethought about, and reoriented. One of the key aims of the Indian government is to promote quality and excellence in education.The Indian government has been concentrating on quality and excellence in education at all levels in order to attain the goal of improved quality at all educational levels. The current study focuses on how teacher educators' roles are altering in light of NEP2020. It also emphasises the many tasks that instructors are desired to play in classrooms under NEP2020. The study offered solutions to the problems that teacher education faces. This essay is analytical in style. The usage of pertinent books, articles, and other research papers has been made. According to the needs of the study, data and information have been gathered from relevant sources. In this investigation, an interpretive methodology was used. Teacher education=Teaching skills + pedagogical theory +professional skills. ‟ Clinton stated for American Education in the 21st Century (1996) that, “Every class must have hardworking and responsible personality”.


teacher educators, NEP 2020, transformation, instruction, student accomplishment, education, quality, excellence, teacher education, teaching skills


The fifth of September is observed nationwide as Teachers' Day in honor of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, a former president of India, brilliant philosopher, and advocate for education. P. M. Narendra Modi recently unveiled a new national education policy, sparking a wide-ranging debate on the subject of education and the position of teachers in the nation. Aside from the education system, the qualification and training of teachers have received considerable emphasis in India's new education policy. There will be a national "equal teacher and equal education" policy developed. The celebration known as Teacher's Day is one in which we take the time to recognize and show our appreciation for the dedication of teachers in improving education and developing responsible citizens. The main purpose of this day is to underline the importance of teachers in the life of a student. It is also a day of Dee meditation on the blurring role of the teachers, with gratitude for their contribution. The teacher‘s role may have changed at the present time, but his importance and responsibility of personality-building has become more relevant. Because without the enhancement of all-round ability, it's challenging to walk with the world and to sustain oneself. One's personality can only be improved with a little bit of resolve and ability to do everything. It is teachers who create such personalities. According to M.K. Gandhiji, holistic development means – soul, brain, speech and deeds-all of them should be in balance. According to Swami Vivekananda, all-round development means-huge with heart, high with mind and great with karma. For the development of an all-round personality, teachers used to try to scrape those all-ethics, rituals, behavior and ideas. In the midst of all these discussions, we will see what such shortcomings the set objectives that M.k. Gandhiji and Vivekananda dreamed of? It's necessary to first look at what is ‗education‘. Education is the act of teaching and learning but in a deeper way, it's a continuous social process for social development which has an objective and thereby refines the development and behavior of the inner forces of man.Humans become qualified and responsible citizens by gaining information and skills through education. It is commonly recognised that instructors have the capacity to alter not only individual lives but the entire planet. Every student benefits from them in a variety of ways, such as an increase in knowledge, skill, confidence, etc., and a better quality of life. As a result, each pupil has some obligation to their devoted teacher. We must all sincerely congratulate our teacher on being a conscientious pupil and express our gratitude for his unselfish contribution throughout his career as a teacher and in influencing the lives of so many of our pupils. To ensure that educators continue to fulfil their unique responsibilities towards the society with full readiness.Students across the nation are honouring the role that teachers played in their lives on this day. Thank you for his support and contribution. This is the day to express your gratitude to your teachers and recognise their contributions. Former Indian President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, known as "Missile Man," once observed that if a society is free of corruption and has developed into a nation of brilliant minds, I firmly believe that three important societal members—the teacher, the mother, and the father—can make a significant difference. Everybody's mind is still vibrating with this great speech made by Dr. Kalam. This quote symbolizes the influence of teachers on the mind and society of every individual as a whole. Teachers who stand immediately after the parents as leadership is actually an essential part of everyone‘s life. They shape and develop a person‘s talents and abilities. Teachers have the most inspiring work and a great responsibility in this world. Teachers are experts who believe in sharing their expertise with their students in order to help those students make the world a better place in the future. This will create a generation that is bright and intelligent and one who understands the world in the similar way as it is and who is inspired not by emotions but by logic and facts. According to Dr. Radhakrishna, teachers give their contribution in the creation of the country and that is why they deserve more respect."To create such an environment, the NEP in these circumstances calls for efforts to be made as a teacher for a masterly position. Education must be the teacher's mission rather than their line of work. sorting it there, smoothing the floor, carving it somewhere, and exposing the covering. His lessons continue to inspire and empower people at every moment. Every teacher gives students fresh life by getting rid of their condescending and evil attitudes. Similarly, water removes dirt from clothing and other items, the teacher removes mental illusions. Varuna is the god of water.just as water removes the filth of clothes etc., The teacher removes the mental illusions of the student and seeding obligations and gives new and clean appearance to his personality. The moon gives joy ,cold and peace to all, in the similar way; the motivations of the teacher provide mental happiness and ultimate peace to students. It's said by the renowned philosopher Acharya Mahapragya – the task of creating personality is very difficult.A selfless and aware teacher can create different personality only . ‗We saw in the film Super-30: the passion of a teacher. In this film, the educational movement of Prof. Anand has been effectively presented. Despite many characteristics, the teacher‘s place has been blurred today. As M.K.Gandhi ji said – 100 jails will be closed after opening of the one school. But in present scenario, it is going upside down. As the number of schools increases, the locations of jails are getting smaller. The prison's number is also increasing in the same proportion. The current educational system and its teachers are to blame for the rise in crime and violence. More crimes are being committed by the educated and brilliant than by the ignorant and stupid. They might come up with new ideas to hide their crimes and mistakes. This scenario is the fault of the teacher. Similar to charity, education is a repository of knowledge, but it is now evident that student life itself is producing toxic jealousy germs in the next generation. All societal systems can clearly see the outcome. In today's society, stress, conflict, and social disintegration are also greatly influenced by narcissism and jealousy.Narcissism and jealousy is also a big reason for the tension, conflict and disintegration happening in family and social life today. Conflict of personality is also increasing due to this. What is the reason that such errors are happening in the minds of new generation? Why are the teachers not able to create a generation with all-round qualities? In view of these conditions, there should be extensive brainstorming and thinking about the role of the teacher in the new education policy.

"Transformation in contribution of Teacher Educators in implementation of NEP2020."


The following objectives were formulated for the present study: 1. To study the transformation of Teacher Educators in implementation of NEP2020. 2. To study the relevance of NEP2020 for teachers. Following are the main points regarding NEP2020

1. Prioritise" Multi-disciplinary" thinking :

Schools in Finland push pupils to examine real-world issues through the lenses of several topics from an early age, such as whether maths can provide a solution to climate change. By 2040, NEP expects all higher studies to be multidisciplinary, so this strategy must begin at the institution level. In our higher education system, millions of students presently pursue their studies in discrete streams like "arts," "science," or "business." An integrated learning is necessary to prepare students for an interconnected world by educating them to see the broad picture, make connections, and assess issues from several angles.With the implementation of NEP, we will go one step closer to a time when professors of engineering and liberal arts will all teach a course on "Urban Planning." Teachers can ultimately open up additional employment choices for their kids by encouraging them to embrace multidisciplinary learning from an early age. It has seen success in helping students land jobs outside of their academic fields of study by emphasis of multidisciplinary learning. For example, non-computer science graduates have been hired for data analytics positions despite having traditional majors because they have Upskilled for them.

2. Adopt tech-friendly teaching methods :

To improve engagement in the classroom and advance the "inquiry-based, discussion-based methodologies" envisioned by NEP, teaching will need to shift drastically. By examining components of a hybrid classroom to increase engagement, teachers who adopted online during the Covid-19 crisis can increase the effect of their work. For instance, in "flipped classrooms," lectures could be pre-recorded and distributed as videos, with class time being used to debate how to put the knowledge to use. Technology can help teachers find a solution to the issue of one-size-fits-all education. Teachers will be able to individually adapt training and assessments for each student using AI-based learning technologies. Teachers have the ability to expand their influence and effectively help every kid by judiciously utilising technology. 3. Create "lifelong learners" out of Indian pupils: Indians who graduate from college today almost definitely change jobs and careers throughout their lifetimes. The speed of change in the skills needed for occupations is accelerating as technology advances. To stay employed, people will need to regularly update their skills. We are already observing a growing trend of 'lifelong learners' among professionals in India who improve their skills online while employed and add qualifications relevant to their field of work that may help them advance professionally or change directions in their careers. Teachers can play a significant part in fostering a culture of lifelong learning in the classroom. They have the ability to arouse students' curiosity and support the development of their investigative and questioning skills. Teachers can bring this shift by making learning interactive, encouraging children to share knowledge and think for themselves through activities like class debates, for instance. Students will also benefit from the opportunity to set and follow learning objectives by their own from an early age. While technology shaped the future work, the skills Indian students need for a lifetime of work have nothing to do with technology, which NEP recognizes with its focus on 'how to think' 21st-century skills. In the development of critical skills in formative years of students is done by earliest mentors. and will now have an opportunity with NEP to do so. By embracing the spirit of NEP, teachers can empower lasting change for students that set them up for future success. One of India's most famous teachers, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said "freedom is required for learning , to think and to imagine, and both have to be facilitated by the teacher." The contribution of a teacher in the class is to teach knowledge to children. Teachers are given a curriculum they must follow that meets state guidelines. The teachers follow the curriculum so that throughout the year, all pertinent knowledge is dispensed to the students. Instructors teach in various ways including lectures, group discussion and demonstration activities.

4.Transferring knowledge:

For teachers' professional development, updating their understanding of teaching is crucial. In a The teacher adheres to this curriculum so that the children receive the necessary information during the school year. Lectures, activities for small groups, and hands-on learning are just a few of the different ways that teachers might instruct.

5. Improving the learning environment :

for use in a classroom It's crucial that teachers and students engage. The environment of the classroom is another essential aspect that teachers contribute to. Content influences the way that students and teachers interact. The likelihood of children being happy increases if the teacher creates a warm, joyful environment. Teachers should always provide constructive criticism to their students.

6. Role modelling:

Instructors are always observed by students, and they serve as an example for them. Because they spend so much time together, teachers develop a role model status among their students. Depending on the teacher, this could have either a beneficial or bad impact. Instructors are meant to love and care for the students in addition to instructing them. Teachers are frequently held in high regard by members of the community, which makes them role models for children and parents.

7. Mentoring :

Communication and engagement between a mentor and mentee are crucial for improved development and encouragement. The ideal approach for kids to develop further is through mentoring, which teachers naturally fill whether they intend to or not. Children may again have beneficial or bad impacts from this. A teacher can inspire pupils to aspire to be the best they can by mentoring them. Encouragement of students to appreciate learning is also part of this. Students that are mentored gain confidence and a desire to succeed. Teachers must be respected, valued, and supported in order for them to perform at their best. Contented students and teachers make for superior instruction and learning. In particular, the setting in which teachers and students conduct their daily business must be secure, inviting, and comfortable. Teachers, as well as their classrooms, school buildings, and classrooms, must be well supplied with the learning resources that they need for effective teaching.Teachers must have innovative ideas and teach in the effective way to get maximum output from students.Teachers must have access to CPD and feel part of the professional community. Teachers work must have a caring, collaborative, and inclusive curiosity, empathy, and equity. A large part of this school culture must be set by school principals, school

The main highlights of NEP 2020 Teachers

The quality of teacher education, recruitment, deployment, service conditions, and empowerment in India is not where it should be, and the high respect for teachers and the high status of the teaching profession must be restored to ensure the best future for children and the nation.

Recruitment and Deployment

To ensure that outstanding students enter the teaching profession - Numerous merit-based scholarships will be established nationwide for students enrolled in top-notch 4-year integrated B.Ed. programmes, particularly those from rural areas. Special merit-based scholarships will be established in rural areas, and recipients will be given preference for employment in their communities after successfully completing their B.Ed. programmes. Such scholarships will offer local career opportunities to students in the area, particularly female students, enabling them to serve as role models for their communities and highly skilled local language teachers. There will be incentives for teachers to accept teaching positions in rural areas, particularly in regions where there is a severe scarcity of qualified teachers right now. The availability of local housing on or near the school will serve as a major inducement for educators to work in rural schools.

To ensure that pupils have consistency in their mentor and learning settings, the damaging practise of frequent transfer of Teachers will be stopped. Transfers will only take place in the most exceptional of situations, as appropriately outlined in an organised manner by State/UT governments. A automated internet method will be used to conduct transactions, guaranteeing openness.

TETs will be extended to cover teachers across all stages of school education, and TET or NTA test scores will be taken into account for recruitment. Demonstrations and interviews will be used to assess comfort and proficiency in teaching in the local language. To provide subject teachers - particularly in subjects such as art, physical education, vocational education, and languages - teachers could be recruited to a school or school complex and the sharing of teachers across schools could be considered in accordance with the grouping-of-schools adopted by State/UT governments. Institution will be encouraged to appoint eminent experts as ‗master instructors‘ in various subjects, such as in traditional local arts, vocational crafts, entrepreneurship, agriculture, or any other subject

An ICT -based teacher-requirement planning will be conducted to assess expected subject-wise teacher vacancies over the next two decades, with suitable incentives for career management and progression. The primary goal to provide suitable environment and culture of schools to maximize the ability of educators to do effective job and to ensure that they are part of vibrant, caring, and inclusive communities of teachers, students, parents, principals, and other support staff, all of whom share a common goal: to ensure that our children are learning. To provide decent and pleasant service situations at institutions.Adequate and safe infrastructure will be provided to ensure teachers and students receive a safe, inclusive, and effective learning environment. State/UT Governments may include innovative ideas, School complexes can help create vibrant teacher communities by creating relationships among schools and ensuring excellent subject-wise distribution of teachers. They can also share counsellors, trained social workers, technical and maintenance staff to help create an effective learning environment. In collaboration with parents and other key local stakeholders, teachers will also be more involved in the governance of schools/school complexes, including as members of the School Management Committees/School Complex Management Committees. To prevent time wasting on non-teaching activities,teachers will not be engaged any longer in work that is not directly related to teaching; in particular,teachers will not be involved in strenuous administrative tasks and more than a rationalized minimum time for mid-day meal related work, so that they may fully concentrate on their teaching-learning duties. To help ensure that schools have positive learning environments, the role expectations of principals and teachers will explicitly include developing a caring and inclusive culture at their schools, for effective learning and the benefit of all stakeholders. To give right to choose aspects of teaching, so that they may teach in the manner they find most effective for the students in their classrooms. Teachers will also focus on socio-emotional learning - a critical aspect of any student ‘s holistic development. Teachers will be recognized for novel approaches to teaching that improve learning outcomes in their classrooms.Continuous Professional Development (CPD) provided to teachers for assessment of learning outcomes, competency-based learning, and related pedagogies. School Principals and school complex leaders will have yearly participation in 50 hours of CPD modules to improve leadership and management skills. Merit-based structure of tenure, promotion, and salary will incentivize teachers to do their best work by State/UT Governments based on peer reviews, attendance, commitment, hours of CPD, and other forms of service.

Further, it will be ensured that career growth (in terms of tenure, promotions, salary increases, etc.) is available to teachers within a single school stage (i.e., Foundational, Primary, Middle, or Secondary), and that there is no vocational progression-related incentive to move from being teachers starting stages to later stages or vice versa (though such moves across stages will be allowed, provided the teacher has the desire and qualifications for such a move). This is to support the fact that all stages of education system will require the highest-quality teachers, and no ith demonstrated leadership and management skills would be trained over time to take on academic leadership positions in schools, school complexes, BRCs, stage will be considered more important than any other.

Mobility of teachers based on merit will be essential in wCRCs, BITEs, DIETs as well as relevant government departments.

Professional Standards for Teachers

The NPST will be developed in 2022 by the National Council for Teacher Education in its restructured new form as a Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB) under the General Education Council (GEC). It will cover expectations of the role of the teacher at different levels of expertise/stage, and include standards for performance appraisal. It will also inform the design of pre-service teacher education programmes and covered aspects of teacher career management, tenure, professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions

Special educators

Need of additional special educators for school education.Subject teaching for children with disabilities/Divyang children can be developed as secondary specializations for subject teachers or generalist teachers, offered as certificate courses at multidisciplinary colleges or universities. Greater Recognizing that the teachers will require training in high-quality content as well as pedagogy, teacher education will gradually be moved by 2030 into multidisciplinary colleges and universities.As colleges and universities all move towards becoming multidisciplinary, they will also aim to house outstanding education departments that offer B.Ed., M.Ed., and Ph.D. degrees in education. By 2030, a 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree qualification for teaching profession: teaches knowledge content and teaching and includes strong practicum training in the form of student-teaching at schools of the area. Multidisciplinary higher education institutions offering 4-year integrated B.Ed. programmes will offer 2-year and 1-year programmes to those who have qualified equivalent of 4-year multidisciplinary Bachelor 's Degrees or have obtained a Master's degree in a specialty and wish to become a subject teacher. All B.Ed. programmes will include ICT based training in pedagogy, B.Ed. programmes will emphasize pedagogy, practice of Fundamental Duties, environmental awareness, and learner-centered and collaborative learning. Availability Special teacher education programmes will also be available at BITEs, DIETs, or at school premises B.Ed. programmes will emphasize pedagogy, practice of Fundamental Duties, environmental awareness, and learner-centered and collaborative learning. Shorter post-B.Ed. certification courses will also be made widely available, at multidisciplinary colleges and universities, to teachers who may wish to move into more specialized areas of teaching, such as the teaching of students with disabilities, or into leadership and management positions in the schooling system, or to move from one stage to another between foundational, preparatory, middle, and secondary stages. nternational pedagogical approaches for teaching specific subjects; NCERT will study, research, document, and compile the varied international pedagogical approaches for teaching different subjects and make recommendations on what can be learnt and assimilated from these approaches into the pedagogies being practiced in India. formulation of NCFTE 2021 by the NCTE in consultation with NCERT, based on the principles of this National Education Policy 2020. The NCFTE 2021 will be revised after every 5-10 years for changes in new NCFs and requiring needs in educational programs. Finally, in order to fully restore the integrity of the teacher education system, essential steps will be taken against substandard stand-alone Teacher Educational measures: This study has needed implications of education for teachers, teacher trainee, vocational institutions, policy maker, administrators and young ones. It suggests that teachers should be motivated to have a positive action towards their teaching profession and should be encouraged to work with interest, full intention and zeal. Orientation courses/ refresher courses should be organized to help teachers excel in their profession. Sensitization programs regarding job satisfaction should be organized for the least effective teachers. The teacher is one of the essential component and renowned personality in the educational process and should have job satisfaction.


Teachers should be encouraged to work with interest, intention and zeal, and given different prizes to encourage towards effective and interesting way of teaching . Sensitization programs should be organized for the least effective teachers to ensure job satisfaction.


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Corresponding Author Ms. Preeti*

Assistant Professor, Tika Ram College of Education, Sonipat