Educational Issues and Challenges in the 21st century of India
Examining the Educational System and Teacher Characteristics in 21st Century India
by Neha Kumari*,
- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540
Volume 20, Issue No. 2, Apr 2023, Pages 50 - 53 (4)
Published by: Ignited Minds Journals
The article tries to introduce issues and challenges of the 21st century in India. Here the question arise that, “ facing a complex set of global threats to our future, how do we find a way forward? Things are changing very rapidly in every dimensions globally. If we talk about the challenges we faces in 21st century, there are Social challenges, Economical challenges, Political challenges, Environmental challenges, and many more. But one of the most critical challenges we face today as student is in educational field. Things are changing in our education system very quickly. Now the world is interconnected with the advance technologies, and the new generation have there upbringing with these technologies and social platform. Further more changes in the needs of the society and the appearance of new jobs, all together demand a revision in the educational system reveals that to win public trust, training admirable teachers is very important – Roger Kaufman believes that the rate of success in an educational system depends on the compatibility of the goals of the system and the goals off the society. So, the following questions are going to be discussed in this article. How is the education system is in 21st century? What are the characteristic of teachers in 21st century?
educational issues, challenges, 21st century, India, global threats, social challenges, economic challenges, political challenges, environmental challenges, education system, technologies, upbringing, new jobs, revision, public trust, teachers, society, characteristics
The future world of learning is one where the forces of globalization, pervasive technology and innovation demands in the learning environment combine to form a dynamic setting that is both challenging and difficult for educational leaders. Together with the changes new expectations have knocked on our doors.
The first aim of our education was all around development of a child, Father of nation- Mahatma Gandhi once said “Education means all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind, and spirit.”
It is quiet apparent that all round development is like a day dream, because the current system is not developing all round ability in the child. According to Warren Bennis – “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” educational leadership in the 21st century should be modem to face the Challenges in the digital age. Now schools have to start their way of teaching differently. Ancient time India was on the top in education and knowledge, this was the country in which student used to come all over the world to acquire the knowledge to education. No country of the world was even near to it, the story starts from the invaders. First Muslim invaders who tried to destroy the culture and knowledge of the country. After them come the British invaders, they left our country in the condition of beggar. Things like poverty, corruption, injustice, unemployment and many other problems, which are now standing up as a challenge for our education system. Which can be cope up by adopting perfect fast changing world. Consider the major changes in our society over the past 30 years and how they have affected the way we teach today. The world of 2050 will be very different from that of 2020. We now have to go a step ahead from the old way of learning. Apart from the bookish knowledge and examination, we should also teach children how to apply their knowledge in living their life. Nowadays every student struggle with the education system and their marks. They all have the pressure of getting good marks in examination, no matter how they got it. That‘s why we can say that ―Corruption‖ have grab our education system badly. Because everyone is looking for the good marks only, they don't even want to know the quality of education. living. For bringing change in our education system we have to take steps from the basic. Helping students to develop a framework in which they think about their future. We should help students to be flexible so that they can deal maturely and can learn new skills quickly. Communication, collaboration and creativity are the skills required in the knowledge-based industries in the future.
Educational leadership is the process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and parents toward achieving common educational aims. The main purpose of educational leadership is to guarantee academic success through process, training and material improvements. Unfortunately, this success cannot be guaranteed or even accomplished without the help and collaboration of everyone involved, including the students, parents, teachers, policymakers and even the general public. Educational leadership is usually associated with formal organizational position in schools, leadership is seen as a prime factor in improving school effectiveness. Leadership makes a difference. Effective leadership improves schools. Outstanding leadership has invariably emerged as a key characteristic of outstanding schools. There can no longer be doubt that those seeking quality in education must ensure its presence and that the development of potential leaders must be given high priority. Educational leaders take on their roles because they want to make a difference to student‘s lives and learning. Leaders who make a difference to the pupils they serve invariably attend to all of these skill areas, but their schools are only evaluated on a narrow set of cognitive learning outcome measures. In 21st century educational leaders want to change this, since there is good evidence that student learn better when they experience a broad curriculum as against one which is limited of narrow measures. Here is the some process of educational leadership-
- Create a vision of academic success for all students regardless of socio-economical levels
- Aspire to maintain a responsive, healthy and safe learning environment
- Delegate responsibility to everyone involved
- Improve curriculum content and instructional methods
- Education systems obtain and adapt current management tools and techniques
India literacy rate is 74.04%, which is well below the world average literacy rate of 84% of all nations. This is real scenario of education system of India where we are standing, we are trying to achieve education for all, Our Aim of education of all round development of a student is quite apparent that all round development is like a day dream because the current system is trying to developing single ability in students. Now as we see in the society that the level of our social, moral, cultural values and ideals are going downwards, we are acquiring western culture and social values which are totally different from ours. If we talk about the issues and challenges in our education system, there are many which directly or indirectly affect our education. Some of these are:- 1. Classroom management 2. Right use of technology 3. Poverty 4. Unemployment 5. Corruption
Classroom management:
Classroom management is often misunderstood to be as simple as keeping the class in control. In reality however, teachers are required to ensure that their teaching strategies keep student of different learning style and behaviors, from getting distracted. Changing learning strategies also change the dynamics of a classroom, Making classroom management More challenging then before. Students aren‘t just passive listeners anymore. They expect to be an active participant, and need to feel important and respected in the class.
Right use of technology:
Digital induction in education goes far beyond merely bringing a computer in the classroom, or by giving the students digital homework. But now a days digital platform have became challenging for teachers as well as for students also because, either of excess use of digital media or by lack of awareness in the students while using mobile or laptop. This can be reduced by planning strategies well in advance. Have a clear picture of goals for the year, and decide which form of digitalization may best meet students needs.
Poverty affects many people. But, arguably, the effects of poverty are seen most in children. And, with 1.21 billion people living below the poverty line in India, the children are sure to bear the repercussions of it. Not only does poverty affect a child‘s development and Educational outcomes, it also severely affects a child‘s morality and understanding of the right and wrong, as they are denied access to the Basic fundamental rights of children laid down in the Constitution of India. numeracy skills they need further for their careers. Their children, in turn, are in similar situation years later, with little income and few options but they have to leave school and work.
Educated unemployment, in simple words, is not finding a job in a particular industry despite holding a relevant degree and willing to work at industry at standard wages. Youth Unemployment in India is among the major concerns and is one of the most widely discussed issues, yet it has hardly seen any resolution. Education for us Indian is finishing schools and colleges. But we fail to understand that that‘s not it. It‘s not the number of years that you spend in schools or colleges, that‘s going to land you a job. It‘s the quality of education and knowledge acquired during these years, that matters.
Corruption in the education sector can be defined as ―the systematic use of public office for private benefit‖, whose impact is significant on the availability and quality of educational goods and services, and has impact on access, quality or equity in education. Corruption in primary and secondary education affects policy making and planning. Corruption contributes to poor education outcomes. Diversion of school funds robs resources of schools. The worst thing is that, when families pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a disadvantage and reduces equal access to education.
Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. According to prof. Anand Kumar, Globalization can be defined as the compression of time and space beyond the nation state. In simple words it means shrinkage of space as well as time, which together nations, cultures and economies in mutual respect for one another. The impact of globalization on the education system of a country is native. It brings education to the lead lines and in the prevailing discourse, is expected to be the major tool for incorporation into the ‗knowledge society‘. Globalization indeed sounds exciting and makes one feel great and global in many respects such as approach, attitude and changed mind set to compete at international level and finally look for an elevated quality of life. Globalization plays an important role to push the frontiers of the potential of information technologies and communications for more effective learning. It also enables the ability of learners to access, assess, adapt and apply knowledge to think independently and exercise appropriate judgment, and also to collaborate with others to make sense of new situations. Knowledge society, information and impact on Education. Such as, The legislation and policies by the Indian government reflect its focus to meet the targets. The year 2009 was the landmark effort by the government as they passed The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education(RTE) Act. Children between the age of six and fourteen years now have the fundamental right to education. The Twelfth Five Year Plan by the Government clearly linked the quality of education to the availability of textual materials, physical infrastructure, classroom processes, academic support to the teachers, assessment procedures, and community involvement. So globalization paying more important role for 21st century, education.
Bringing your school into the 21st century requires taking the lead instead of trailing behind, actively seeking out new ways of doing things and staying in touch with the world outside of the education system.
- A 21st century education is about giving students the skills they need to succeed in this new world, and helping them grow the confidence to practice those skills. With so much information readily available to them, 21st century skills focus more on making sense of that information, sharing and using it in smart ways.
- Skills of today‘s world, for overall development of a child are Creativity Critical thinking Communication Collaboration
- Technology in 21st century to be almost a thoughtless, seamless process. Digital integration is also fundamental to a thorough 21st century education, it is not enough to simply add technology to existing teaching methods. Technology must be used strategically to benefit students.
- 21st century teachers need to serve as a guide or mentor for their students, not as the all-knowing sage providing them with all their information. Teachers need to be empowered as facilitators and motivators for learning, so that they can empower their students in turn. Teachers need to be forward-thinking, curious and flexible. Teachers must be learners: learning new ways of teaching, and learning alongside their students.
In a time when mental health and wellbeing is one of the biggest challenges facing young people, a 21st century education can give students the skills they need both for now and for the future. careers, but also empowers them to lead happier, healthier lives.
These challenges and issues are acquiring lot of focus because education is more integrated into national development issues ‗ Growth Enrolment Ratio or participation rate of our student in study is very low in comparison to developed countries‘.
Region Rural Urban Gap in G.E.R.
G.E.R. in India 7% 27% 20% Above table showing gap between rural and urban population‘s G.E.R. 20% in India.
Gender Male Female Gap in G.E.R.
G.E.R. in India 15% 11% 4% There is gap between male and female G.E.R. is 4%. According to census 2011 in higher education Above table showing huge disparity in higher education and this disparity found in junior and primary section also in another way, so challenge is how can we improve in education when public expenditure in education is already falling by maintain quality‘. Here is some suggestions to overcome with this problems:-
- Increase the number of institutions both government as well as private sector.
- Government should encourage the public private participation in education‘
- Careful amalgamation of distance and conventional mode of education‘
- Principal and head teacher should adopt suitable leadership for their institutions‘
- Use innovative and modern technology in education.
- Invite students to contribute to strategy meetings and decision making
- Create adaptable learning environments suited to different sorts of collaboration and group work
The learning and innovation skills of the 21st century learning framework have the potential to be a universal structure for educators to use as a guide for setting all students up for success. Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical thinking all In 21st century educational leader and teacher play positive role and create such environment which will able to cope with issue and challenges, where student will learn by doing. The education system will meet the current demands of students and globalized world, education will be valuable for all students to succeed in both college and career. The work will be presented by email also by adopting innovation in field of education. There will be mutual support between government and private schools. Government will try to achieve 100 % literacy rate in our society, school will provide value based and skill based education, children‘s self-esteem will increase. Student will be world citizen by adopting globalization, they has to deal with every global problem faced by them. It is a never-ending process and a country like India should utilize it properly to improve their national standard through their educational system. Globalization is a key to change the future & build it constructively towards implementation of better education standards throughout. Curriculum will be flexible and will take education from anywhere in India. The education system should ensure that students gain not just depth of knowledge in these subjects but a holistic perception and skills that will equip them to face the real world. An insight into the practical world is quite important to excel in the given fields. There must be opportunities to enlarge their boundaries, platforms for collaboration and learning, and recognition for those who strive to excel. Every child will have functionality this creates creativity and new environment for 21st century in India.
1. Bennis, W.G. (1997) . In J‘C‘ Maxwell, Leadership 101 (p. 14). Tulsa , OK : Honor Books. 2. Caldwell , B. (2002) . A Blueprint for successful Leadership in an Era of globalization in learning: London: 3. Kumar, A. (2004, December) Globalization and poverty: some notes . A Research paper for international seminar on Globalization & Poverty , organized by M.G. Kashi Varanasi p‘1 -134‘ M. (2001b December) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants.
Corresponding Author Neha Kumari*
Student, Department of English, G D College, Begusarai.