The Pros or Cons of Agile and Traditional IT Project Management

A Comparative Analysis of Agile and Traditional IT Project Management

by Ahmad Ali*, Dr. Mayank Agrawal,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 20, Issue No. 3, Jul 2023, Pages 147 - 151 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Agile and Traditional IT Project Management both have pros and cons for managing complicated projects. Agile teams can quickly adjust to new needs due to its flexibility and iterative nature. Collaboration, customer input, and gradual progress reduce the risk of producing a product that doesn't fulfil user demands. However, its informality may cause scope creep and uncertainty about schedules and prices. This article compares agile and conventional IT project management.


Agile, Traditional IT Project Management, pros, cons, managing complicated projects, flexibility, iterative nature, collaboration, customer input, gradual progress, risk reduction, scope creep, uncertainty, schedules, prices, comparison, conventional IT project management


Successful project management in the ever-changing field of information technology (IT) is analogous to traversing a dynamic environment. When trying to decide on the best methodology to use as a framework for their IT projects, project managers, stakeholders, and organisations face a crucial fork in the road. Both Agile and Traditional IT Project Management have been more popular over the years, yet they couldn't be more different in their approach. There are pros and downsides to every method that have sparked discussions and strategic planning in a wide range of fields.[1] This in-depth analysis compares and contrasts Agile and Traditional IT Project Management in an effort to illuminate the complexities, difficulties, and potential rewards of both approaches. As we go forward, it becomes clear that a sophisticated grasp of these approaches is crucial for making choices that are in line with project objectives, organisational culture, and the ever-changing landscape of the IT industry. Agile project management was forged in the fires of software development, but its principle of flexibility and adaptation has now spread to other fields. Agile recognises the inherent unpredictability of project needs and welcomes change as an ally rather than an opponent, in contrast to its conventional equivalent. Agile project teams divide their work into iterative cycles, called "sprints" in Scrum, in which the phases of planning, carrying out the work, and assessing the results are repeated at regular intervals. Project teams can quickly adjust to new information, insights, and requirements from stakeholders while using this iterative methodology. Agile's emphasis on the client is a distinguishing feature. conclusion-users are actively involved in the project from the beginning to the conclusion because to the agile methodology's emphasis on regular customer communication. This single-minded dedication to the consumer guarantees that their wants and requirements are taken into account throughout the whole development process. Implementing regular feedback loops allows teams to make real-time modifications, increasing the likelihood of commercial success. Early increments and gradual progress are two of Agile's most distinguishing features. Agile programmes provide usable features in fewer iterations rather than waiting until everything is perfect. This technique of early value delivery works as a risk reduction mechanism in addition to satisfying the immediate demands of stakeholders. Early problem detection and resolution lessens the need for more expensive course changes later in a project's lifecycle.[2] Moreover, Agile practises encourage a mindset of constant improvement. The team's ability to learn and adapt is greatly enhanced by the practise of holding regular retrospectives and feedback sessions. The fact that Agile teams are often self-organizing and cross-functional is another advantage. This independence encourages responsibility and pride in one's work, which in turn may boost morale and output. However, there are certain difficulties with using Agile for project management. Agile's adaptability comes with a trade-off, however: it may be difficult to estimate how long a project will take and how much it will cost. Due to Agile projects' iterative nature, concerned by this degree of ambiguity. Another possible problem is expanding the project's scope. The flexibility of an agile approach might result in the addition of functionality or the implementation of alterations that were not initially envisioned. Without proper scope management, projects may balloon out of control, costing more time and money to complete than originally planned. In businesses with rigorous regulatory compliance requirements or where precise documentation is essential to project success, Agile's focus on flexibility may sometimes result in less complete documentation. Organisations used to more conventional practises may resist changing to Agile because of the required culture transformation.[3] Agile initiatives are labor-intensive since they need specialised teams and constant input from all relevant parties. Constant cooperation and communication calls for a lot of time and energy. The Waterfall model, which is often linked with classic IT project management, reflects a more regimented and sequential strategy. It all starts with careful preparation at the outset, during which the project's needs are carefully laid out. The project's future can be charted out in great detail because to the meticulous planning that went into it. With this methodical approach, all parties involved know what to anticipate moving forward.[4] Traditional IT project management's strength is its predictability. Project managers can make precise time and cost projections with a solid strategy in place. Stakeholders may rest easy knowing that their needs will be met in terms of time and money thanks to this predictability. One further distinguishing feature of traditional approaches is their meticulous recordkeeping. There is a strict protocol for documenting and archiving project charters, requirements specifications, design papers, and test plans. In fields with stringent regulatory compliance requirements or where a thorough record of project activity is requested, this level of documentation is typically important. In Traditional IT Project Management, risk management is included into the project blueprint from the get-go. Project managers may use this method to anticipate problems, create solutions, and allocate resources efficiently. Risks may be mitigated and the occurrence of problems delayed if action is taken early on. There is a greater availability of seasoned project managers and personnel who are acquainted with the strategy since traditional IT project management is a well-established and generally recognised methodology. Because of this familiarity, there is less Traditional approaches, on the other hand, have their own problems. The inability to adapt to new circumstances is a major obstacle. It might be difficult to add additional criteria or alter the scope of a project after the plan is already in motion. In fluid settings where needs may alter, this rigidity might be a hindrance.[5] Traditional IT projects often don't reveal problems until much later, during testing or even after deployment. The time and money needed to fix the issue once it has been discovered late might cause the project to go behind schedule and over budget. When compared to Agile methods, more often than not, traditional procedures include less direct client interaction. Customers are often only involved at the start and finish of a project, with little possibilities for continuous input. Because of this, consumers may get goods that are inadequate in some way. The lengthier time-to-market is another issue with conventional IT project management. Deliverables are usually not accessible until later in the project due to the sequential structure of the process, delaying the realisation of value for stakeholders. Traditional IT project management may not inspire the same degree of cooperation and participation as Agile projects, despite its organised approach. The project environment may become less agile and responsive as a consequence of this. As businesses struggle to decide which approach to take, it's becoming clear that there is no silver bullet. There are benefits and downsides to both Agile and Traditional IT Project Management approaches, and the best approach will vary depending on the specifics of the project at hand, the company's culture, and the preferences of the stakeholders. Choosing between these approaches is not black-and-white, but rather requires a comprehensive analysis of the project's needs and the organization's culture.[6] Project needs, company culture, stakeholder preferences, and the need for flexibility in an ever-changing IT environment should all be taken into account when deciding between an Agile and a Traditional approach. With this knowledge, businesses will be able to take advantage of the best features of both methodologies and effectively traverse the challenges of IT project management. This study will go further into the advantages and disadvantages of Agile and Traditional IT Project Management, giving a thorough guide for businesses who want to make educated decisions in this space.


1. To study the agile IT project management.

management and traditional it project management.


Its is a secondary data based study. The article was used normative analysis as its foundation. Understanding the agile and traditional IT project management which rely on using content analysis to reduce the impact of bias in data gathered mostly from secondary sources. Additionally, discourse analysis was used to analyse the texts& linguistic content in order to grasp their context-specific meaning. Agile and Traditional techniques coexist in the field of IT project management, each providing a different perspective on how to handle projects in the context of rapidly evolving technologies. There may be difficulties with predictability, scope control, and documentation, despite the fact that Agile places an emphasis on these things. Structure, predictability, detailed documentation, and risk management are all benefits of traditional IT project management, but it may have difficulties with change management, late problem detection, and limited client interaction.


Agile It Project Management: Pros And Cons

1. Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile IT project management is lauded for its malleability and responsiveness. In contrast to more conventional methods, Agile treats change as a central tenet. Since the needs of a project may change or become clearer during the course of its development, Agile teams have the flexibility to quickly adapt. This adaptability is particularly useful in dynamic sectors where rapid technology change and fluctuating consumer preferences are the norm. 2. Customer-Centric Approach: Collaboration and input from customers are valued highly by agile approaches. By focusing on the consumer, the final product may be better tailored to their specific requirements. Agile teams are more likely to produce a market-ready product because of their frequent contacts with consumers, which provide valuable insights and inform iterative product improvements. 3. Early Deliveries and Incremental Progress: One of Agile's most distinctive characteristics is its emphasis on frequent, small, functional releases. Stakeholders may see actual results more often than only at the conclusion of the project. In addition to benefiting consumers immediately, this incremental method improves risk management by facilitating the early detection and resolution of problems.[7] 4. Culture of Continuous Improvement: Agile approaches encourage teams to always be striving for feedback sessions. There is a widespread belief that a company's willingness to learn and change is a key factor in boosting output and quality over time. 5. Team Empowerment: Self-managing and multi-skilled, agile teams are the norm. In teams, individuals have more freedom and responsibility, which has been shown to boost morale and output. More motivated and invested Such decentralisation of power may give rise to teams. Uncertain Costs and Timelines 6 Due to its adaptability, Agile IT Project Management may make it hard to precisely anticipate project duration and budget. Due to Agile's iterative nature, it might be difficult to generate accurate estimates since the scope of the project may change. Stakeholders that need a rigid commitment to timelines and budgets may be concerned by this degree of ambiguity. 7. Scope Creep Challenges: Scope creep is a risk that may arise if Agile iteration cycles are not handled properly. As new information becomes available or as consumer preferences shift, new options may be provided. Projects may go over budget and behind schedule if this isn't kept under control. 8. Documentation in Agile: When opposed to more conventional techniques, agile ones tend to put less value on comprehensive documentation. Agile's emphasis on functioning software rather than extensive documentation might be problematic for sectors with strict regulatory requirements or for projects that rely heavily on written records. 9. Resistance to Change: Companies used to using Traditional IT Project Management may have trouble making the switch to Agile. The need to alter well-established routines, responsibilities, and worldviews may all contribute to this pushback. Conquering opposition and easing transitions may be difficult tasks. 10. Resource Intensiveness: Stakeholders and devoted teams are necessary for many agile initiatives. This might be a problem for businesses that have limited means or other conflicting goals due to the high amount of resources required. The need for continuous cooperation and dialogue may sometimes be time-consuming and taxing. Flexibility, focus on the client, early deliverables, and a culture of continuous improvement are just some of the benefits of Agile IT project management. However, there are dangers associated with scope creep, shifting priorities, and the requirement for organisational flexibility to consider. IT project managers who are contemplating adopting Agile Traditional It Project Management: Pros And Cons 1. Clear Planning and Sequential Approach: TratraditionaI IT The discipline of project management is well-known for its methodical, sequential nature. Starting with extensive up-front planning, where needs are specified and recorded. This method of organising the project's growth into manageable phases makes it possible to define goals and deadlines with precision. 2. Predictability in Timelines and Costs: Predictability is a major benefit of Traditional IT Project Management. Project managers can make precise time and cost projections with a solid strategy in place. Stakeholders may rest easy knowing that they will get their money's and time's worth because of this regularity. 3. Comprehensive Documentation: The documentation process is highly valued in conventional approaches. Charters, requirements specifications, designs, and test plans all fall under this category of paperwork. When a thorough record of project activities is crucial to its success, or when an industry has stringent regulatory compliance requirements, this level of documentation is typically required.[9] 4. Risk Management Strategies: Risk management techniques are included into the IT project plan from the beginning, according to the principles of traditional IT project management. Project managers may use this method to anticipate problems, create solutions, and allocate resources efficiently. Reducing the likelihood of problems later in the project by addressing risks early on. 5. Well-Established Methodology: The Waterfall approach is one example of classic IT project management technique that has gained widespread acceptance and use. As a result of its widespread use, it is less of a challenge to locate competent project managers and other personnel who are already acquainted with the method. 6. Inflexibility in Handling Changes: The rigidity of traditional IT project management makes it difficult to adapt to new circumstances. It might be difficult to add additional criteria or alter the scope of a project after the plan is already in motion. In fluid settings where needs may change, this rigidity might be a hindrance. 7. Late Discovery of Issues: In conventional IT projects, problems and flaws may not become evident until later phases, such as testing or even deployment. The time and money needed to fix the issue once it has been discovered late in the process might delay the project and drive up its overall price tag.[10] 8. Limited Customer Involvement: When compared to Agile methods, more often than not, traditional cause production issues that leave consumers dissatisfied. 9. Longer Time-to-Market: Time-to-market for goods and services might be prolonged by the sequential structure of Traditional IT Project Management. The benefit for stakeholders is not realised until much later in the project, when deliverables finally become accessible. 10. Emphasis on Collaboration: Traditional IT project management may not encourage the same degree of cooperation and participation as Agile projects due to its focus on detailed planning and documentation. This might cause the project environment to become less fluid and adaptable. Clear planning, predictability, extensive documentation, and tried and true procedures are just a few of the benefits of traditional IT project management. However, it may lead to a less collaborative environment and difficulties such as late problem identification, restricted customer input, a longer time to market, and longer time-to-market. Organisations considering using Traditional techniques for their IT projects should think carefully about these benefits and drawbacks before making a final decision.[11]

The Right Approach

Selecting the best approach to project management is crucial and calls for careful consideration of several issues. Complexity, ambiguity in requirements, project size and length, available resources, and the company's established project management practises are all elements to consider. It is also important to think about things like industry rules and compliance needs. Understanding these criteria will help you choose between Agile and Traditional approaches at the outset of the selection process. The selection of a technique is highly dependent on the specifics of the project's needs. Agile methodology might be the best fit if the project's needs are uncertain or likely to change quickly. Because of its flexibility, Agile enables iterative development and rapid tweaks to suit changing requirements. On the other hand, a Traditional method, which places an emphasis on careful planning in advance and sequential execution, may be more appropriate if the project has well-defined and stable needs.[12] The choice of project management approach is also influenced by the organization's culture and principles. Agile approaches work successfully in companies when people put a premium on teamwork, creativity, and autonomy. Traditional approaches provide an organised and regulated approach to project management, which may appeal to organisations with a more hierarchical and process-driven culture. It's vital to know what major players want. Visibility, communication, and risk

taking their opinions into account. Scrum's openness and collaborative nature, for instance, may be preferred if stakeholders value regular updates and participation.[13] Sometimes a mix of Agile and Traditional methods works better than either one alone. Hybrid methods combine the best features of many techniques to tackle complex problems in a more efficient and effective way. A project may employ an Agile methodology at the outset to quickly prototype and collect user input, then switching to a Traditional methodology throughout production to enforce stringent quality control. In today's world of project management, the flexibility to mix and match approaches may be invaluable.[14] The project's characteristics, organisational culture, and the preferences of stakeholders must all be taken into account when determining the best method. As the project develops and the surrounding conditions change, the choice may even be revised. In today's ever-changing IT project management world, the ability to switch gears and adopt new approaches quickly are crucial.[15]


Project management is at a crossroads in the dynamic field of information technology. The two most popular approaches to IT project management are agile and traditional, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. Agile thrives in changing conditions because it emphasises responsiveness, close cooperation with customers, and incremental improvement. For projects with clear specifications, the structure, predictability, and documentation provided by the tried-and-true techniques are invaluable. Adaptation and incorporation are of utmost importance at this time of change. Hybrid techniques combine Agile and Traditional procedures to better suit the needs of individual projects. Building an adaptable culture is just as important as using the right methods. Companies need to be adaptable, foster an environment of innovation, and give employees the authority to make quick, informed decisions. Integrating means working together across departments and coordinating project management with overall business goals. This collaboration improves productivity and helps ensure that initiatives are in line with organisational objectives. Overall, the landscape of IT project management benefits greatly from adaptability and seamlessness. The key to success is developing a culture of flexibility and understanding the distinctions between Agile and Traditional methods. Organisations who adopt this new paradigm will be at the cutting edge of the ever-changing field of IT project management. development. Addison-Wesley Professional. 2. Royce, W. W. (2018). Managing the development of large software systems. Proceedings of IEEE WESCON. 3. Boehm, B. W., & Turner, R. (2019). Using risk to balance agile and plan-driven methods. Computer, 36(6), 57-66. 4. Abrahamsson, P., Salo, O., Ronkainen, J., &Warsta, J. (2022). Agile software development methods: Review and analysis. In 24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2002) (pp. 317-324). IEEE. 5. Highsmith, J. A. (2021). The agile manifesto revisited. ACM Software Engineering Notes, 29(5), 16-18. 6. Project Management Institute. (2017). Pulse of the Profession®: Success Rates Rise: Transforming the High Cost of Low Performance. 7. Standish Group. (2020). CHAOS Report 2020: Beyond Agile. 8. Government Accountability Office. (2018). Information Technology: Agencies Need to Develop Modernization Plans for Critical Legacy Systems. 9. Schwaber, K. (2018). Agile Project Management with Scrum. Microsoft Press. 10. Sutherland, J. (2019). Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. Crown Business. 11. Schwaber, K., & Sutherland, J. (2017). The Scrum Guide. 12. Leffingwell, D. (2020). Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise. Addison-Wesley Professional. 13. Larman, C., & Vodde, B. (2019). Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum. Addison-Wesley Professional. 14. Beck, K., Beedle, M., Van Bennekum, A., Cockburn, A., Cunningham, W., Fowler, M., ... & Thomas, D. (2021). Manifesto for agile software development. Agile Alliance. 15. Boehm, B., & Lane, J. A. (2017). Combining agile practices with stage-gate project management. IEEE Software, 24(3), 18-24.

Corresponding Author Ahmad Ali*

Research Scholar, Department of Management, Lords University, Alwar