Investigating the Evolution of Cloud
Computing: Research Perspectives
Nagaraju Ankathi1*, Dr. Kumar Bhatia2
1 Programmer Analyst IV, Kinecta Federal Credit Union, CA, USA
2 Professor, Department of Computer Science, St. Edmund's College, India
Abstract - Cloud computing is an economical and powerful tool for small businesses,
especially in developing countries. It offers a scalable solution for enterprise resource
planning, supply chain management, customer relationship management, healthcare
applications, and mobile apps that can reach many users. In this paper, we examine the
various concepts associated with cloud computing. Leveraging our experience with different
clouds, we explore clouds from technical and business perspectives. We highlight some of
the opportunities in cloud computing, emphasizing the importance of cloud technology. This
paper provides detailed information about the features, uses, and practical applications of
cloud computing.
Keywords - Cloud computing, use cases, characteristics
The following discusses cloud computing, including various service models such as software,
infrastructure, and Platform as a service. Additionally, it covers deployment models such as private,
public, community, and hybrid clouds. The benefits and challenges associated with cloud computing
are also outlined.
The term "cloud" refers to the Internet and its various components represented as schematic clouds.
Cloud computing involves migrating applications and services to the Internet's "cloud." Although cloud
computing has been around in some form for a while, it now refers to various services and
applications being offered in the Internet's cloud. The tools used to access these services and
applications often do not require any special software.
Several companies offer cloud services, including Google, Microsoft, and Google
provides a private cloud for its users, including Google Docs, email, analytics, and more. Microsoft
offers Microsoft Office 365, which allows data and business intelligence to be transferred to the cloud. offers cloud services for developers to create customized cloud solutions.
This text covers the characteristics, service models, deployment models, benefits, and challenges of
cloud computing
Cloud Computing is a concept that originated in the 1950s with the advent of centralized processing
unit desktop computers that were accessed using thin/static clients. Since then, it has evolved from
fixed clients to dynamic ones and from software to services. Cloud Computing has many benefits.
Some of them are:
Access to applications as utilities over the Internet
Ability to run and install the application online anytime
No need to download a specific part of the software to access or manage the cloud application
Online development and deployment tools provided through Platform as a Service model
Cloud resources are available over the network, giving the user access to any client
On-demand service that can be used without interacting with the cloud service provider
Cost-effective due to better efficiencies and higher usage. It only requires an Internet
Cloud Computing uses many redundancies, making it more reliable.
Cloud computing is a virtualized software platform that allows sharing of resources such as physical
infrastructure, storage, and media capabilities. It aims to utilize the available commercial
infrastructure across multiple clients. The Platform also has dynamic provisioning capabilities that
enable services to be provided based on current demand requirements. This is done through program
automation, which allows for developing and maintaining service capacity as needed. The dynamic
scaling is executed while maintaining high levels of reliability and security.
Cloud computing should be accessible through the internet from various devices such as laptops,
computers, and mobile phones, using standards-based APIs such as HTTP. Services provided by the
cloud can range from fulfilling service requests to the latest applications used on modern devices.
Managed metering is used to manage, utilize and provide billing information. This ensures that
customers are charged for their services during the billing period.
In summary, cloud computing allows for the sharing and scalable deployment of services as required
from anywhere, and customers are charged based on actual usage.
A cloud computing environment has five key features, including universal access, scalable services,
on-demand services, pay-per-use billing, and collaboration. It also offers reliability, customization,
defined services, control, and virtualization.
SOME EXAMPLES OF CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDERS has become synonymous with the word "search," and people often say, "Just Google it,
and you'll find everything." However, Google offers more than just search services. It also provides
cloud solutions such as G-mail, Google Docs, Picasa, Google Analytics, Google AdWords and
Microsoft has its own Platform for delivering cloud services to customers and application developers.
The services run in Microsoft's data center, including Microsoft Azure, SQL Azure, Windows Azure
App Fabric, and Windows Azure Marketplace.
Amazon Web Services offers a cloud computing platform for businesses of all sizes. AWS allows
businesses to choose their own computing platform according to their needs and pay only for what
they use. The services offered by AWS include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Simple
Storage Service, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Relational Database,
and Amazon Simple Queue Service.
Cloud computing is one of the most popular computing resources available on the internet. It
simplifies the management and sharing of resources through the cloud. This technology has become
an active component in several industries, including:
1. E-Learning provides a conducive learning environment for students, teachers, and professionals.
They can easily connect to their organization's cloud and access information and data from there.
2. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Companies can install ERP in the cloud to handle
operations, staff, payroll, and other tasks that are typically complex and expensive to manage.
3. E-Governance: Cloud computing can help governments improve their efficiency by providing better
services to citizens, businesses, and other governments. This can be achieved by expanding access
to the system, making it more scalable, and customizing it to meet specific needs. It also reduces the
complexity of managing, spending, and upgrading infrastructure.
Table 1: Different applications of cloud computing.
We conduct an examination of group requirement usage situations to understand how technology is
used and draw best practices. This analysis helps define requirements, provide input for classification,
and verify architecture. It also helps identify key stakeholders.
When it comes to moving a company's IT resources to the cloud, the right cloud provider and
deployment model are determined by several factors, such as business needs and requirements.
Besides technical considerations, other factors, such as business, company, or personnel elements,
must also be taken into account. Some older systems may need to be redesigned, and the transition
period from internal to cloud services must be fully considered.
Different methods exist to develop usage scenarios, such as looking at various business models and
deployment models, describing possibilities based on stakeholder involvement and company
relationships, or acquiring and taking open market or community use cases. A collaborative effort of
Cloud Computing experts has considered one approach to defining instance use cases:
Final user to Cloud
Business to Cloud to Final user
Company to Cloud
Company to Cloud to Endeavor Private Cloud
Changing Cloud Providers
Integration Cloud
It is important to note that these scenarios are developed based on a specific effort required. For
example, a company may want to move part of its IT system to the Cloud to gain Cloud benefits such
as switching from CAPEX to OPEX IT costs and improving service speed.
The process of moving to the Cloud only happens in one go. For larger companies, it usually begins
with implementing a private cloud and moving local IT services to cloud-based ones. This leads to the
readiness of the whole IT department and its preparedness to outsource some services to the public
cloud, creating a hybrid cloud. The next step is to move functional IT areas or some branches entirely
to the cloud. We will examine the challenges and how to solve them in the following usage scenarios.
Some general cloud use cases include:
A moving part of the job to the cloud in case of sudden demand increase (sometimes called
Disaster recovery by moving/restoring critical case loads in a friend cloud or fixing a private
cloud-based IT platform
The following discusses computer requirements that share a common feature of utilizing cloud
computing but differ in certain aspects that affect their costs. The concept of cloud computing has
been in the spotlight recently, with debates about its safety and reliability. There needs to be more
clarity about cloud computing and how it compares to traditional computing. At OpenWorld 2008,
Larry Ellison, CEO of Corp., redefined cloud computing to include all aspects of computing, causing a
split in the industry. Some believed he was right, while others disagreed. Ellison argued that cloud
computing wasn't a trend but a concept that had been around for years. In September 2012, Ellison
launched an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud service, proving his point. However, many
vague descriptions of cloud computing still need to be clarified for people. The National Institute of
Standards and Technology defines cloud computing as a model allowing on-demand access to a
shared pool of configurable computing resources. The key difference between cloud computing and
traditional computing lies in the ability to quickly and easily scale up or down resources, deploy and
monitor applications, and ensure high levels of reliability. While there is some overlap between cloud
computing and other forms of computing, the differences are significant.
Our experts have found that while Cloud Computing may seem uncertain to customers, there is a
clear difference when viewed from a business perspective, especially when compared to its
predecessor, Utility Computing. The main objective of cloud computing is to reduce or eliminate
challenges associated with normal application development, maximize business IT systems to focus
on business strategy, and determine how to best utilize cloud-based IT to support that strategy. This
paper provides a detailed explanation of the characteristics, uses, and specific examples of cloud
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