A study on Digital Marketing and Its Impact
Dr. Rajesh Sahu1*, Mr. Syed Shafique Uddin2
1 Associate Professor, NRI Group of Institutions, Bhopal
2 Research Scholar, Bhabha University, Bhopal
Abstract - This review paper's goal is to investigate the significance of digital marketing for both consumers and advertisers. This essay starts with a brief introduction to digital marketing before focusing on the various forms it can take, the ways in which it differs from traditional marketing, as well as its advantages and disadvantages as well as its significance in the modern world. As the world transitions from analogue to digital, so does marketing. The use of digital marketing, social media marketing, and search engine marketing is growing along with the pace of technological advancement the number of internet users is raising quickly, and as digital marketing relies heavily on the internet, it has benefited the most. Consumers' purchasing habits are evolving, and they prefer digital marketing to traditional marketing.
India, which is still sometimes referred to as the "nation of villages," has one of the fastest expanding economies in the entire globe. India may suddenly have a burgeoning digital marketing industry. A very high crucial growth in the field of digital marketing is predicted for a nation with a growing economy. The growth of digital marketing trends is having a very significant impact on marketing and advertising. Most business sectors in India are embracing digital marketing trade. The impact of digital marketing, consumer purchasing behavior, the significance and benefits of digital marketing, and the state of digital marketing in India will all be examined in this research paper.
Keywords - Digital Marketing, Customer Review, Purchasing Behavior of Customer, Impact, internet, online advertising, internet marketing.


Any form of marketing that can be measured by marketing experts across the consumer journey and that leverages electronic devices to deliver promotional messaging. Digital marketing is most commonly used to describe advertising campaigns that run on a computer, phone, tablet, or other electronic device. Online video, display ads, search engine marketing, paid social ads, and social media posts are just a few examples of the various formats it can take. Digital marketing is frequently contrasted with "conventional marketing" methods like direct mail, billboards, and magazine advertisements. Oddly, traditional marketing is frequently grouped with television.
With the use of a digital marketing strategy, you may engage with current clients and potential customers by using digital channels like social media, pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization, and email marketing. As a consequence, you may create a strong brand, offer excellent customer service, attract new clients, and more. The promotion of brands via the internet and other digital communication channels is known as digital marketing, sometimes known as online marketing. This comprises text and multimedia messages as well as email, social media, and web-based advertising as a marketing channel.
In essence, a marketing effort is considered to be digital marketing if it uses digital communication.
The most crucial thing to keep in mind about inbound and digital marketing is that, as a marketing expert, you don't have to pick one over the other. They actually function best together. Inbound marketing gives digital marketing initiatives structure and direction, ensuring that each digital marketing channel serves a specific purpose.


This is a descriptive research and is based on secondary data which has been taken from various sources like: Books, Research Papers, various websites.


  1. To study that how digital marketing is different from traditional marketing.
  2. To know the impact of digital marketing.
  3. To study that how important and beneficial the digital marketing is.


As there are different ways to communicate with digital media, there are also different specializations within digital marketing. Here are a few crucial illustrations of various digital marketing strategies.

    Search engine optimization

Technically speaking, search engine optimization, or SEO, is a technique for marketing rather than a type of marketing in and of itself. It is "the art and science of making online pages attractive to search engines," according to The Balance.
The following are the key factors to take into account today when optimising a web page for search engines:
The level of the text
User engagement level
The quantity and caliber of incoming connections

2. Content marketing

As already noted, a crucial element of an optimized page is the caliber of your content. Because of this, SEO plays a significant role in content marketing, a strategy built on providing target audiences with useful and relevant information.
Instead of luring customers with the promise of value from a product or service, it provides value for nothing in the form of textual content, like:
Blog posts
Video or audio transcripts
Info graphics

3. Social media marketing

Social media marketing is the practice of increasing website traffic and brand recognition through online interaction. You may promote your business, goods, services, culture, and more via social media marketing. Concentrating on social media marketing can be beneficial because billions of people use social media platforms to interact.

4. Pay-per-click marketing

PPC, also known as pay-per-click marketing, is a type of online advertising in which you are charged each time a user clicks on one of your digital ads. Therefore, you only pay for the advertising people actually interact with rather than paying a fixed sum to continuously show targeted ads on online channels. It's a little trickier to control who and when sees your advertisement.

5. Affiliate marketing

Through the use of the digital marketing strategy known as affiliate marketing, one can profit from the promotion of another person's company. The procedure is the same whether you are the promoter or the company that collaborates with the promoter.

6. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing, like affiliate marketing, involves collaborating with an influencer—someone with a sizable following, like a celebrity, subject-matter authority, or content creator—in exchange for visibility. These influencers frequently recommend your goods or services to their followers across a variety of social media platforms.

Comparison between traditional and digital marketing

The most well-known type of marketing is traditional marketing. Due to its duration, traditional marketing is familiar to the majority of people. Ads in a newspaper or magazine are a tangible illustration of conventional marketing. A billboard, brochure, radio or TV advertisement, poster, etc. are also included. This method of marketing is not digital. While digital marketing reaches customers through a variety of digital media. The following comparisons are provided:
Conventional marketing is defined as marketing that communicates with customers using traditional media or channels. The term "digital marketing" refers to the promotion of goods and services through digital platforms such the internet, mobile devices, display adverts, and other digital media.

India's Digital Marketing Scenario

India has the third-largest net population in the world. As the Internet has grown more and more popular, marketing tactics have changed to focus more on the general public. No other technique can equal the incredible growth that digital marketing has demonstrated. According to the current state of affairs in Asia, people there aren't just aware of the internet; they also use it for a variety of daily activities. As a result, India's internet marketing industry is flourishing. Social networking is what is driving the adoption of digital advertising in Asia. Asian nations may have joined the online shopping revolution relatively late, but within the next few years, it is anticipated that online sales will increase by 50% annually. With over 120 million internet users, the nation is now the third-largest nation in the world, and it is anticipated that the rapid adoption of mobile commerce will increase that figure to over 550 million by 2020.


Every company in existence must contend with fierce competition on a global scale, making attracting clients extremely difficult. A business cannot, however, be operated to fulfill its most important goal without marketing. Additionally, it's crucial to sell the best products on the market in order to persuade clients to buy them. Although outdated techniques like newspaper, TV, or magazine advertisements will typically cost a lot of money, they don't always ensure intelligent visitors. It's a really difficult process to determine its effectiveness. Instead of being so reliable, I'd advise that we always focus on how we may accomplish the same thing online. Online advertising will drive a tremendous amount of traffic to the business and also ensure new customers with a value- rich alternative to what we often utilize in traditional advertising like magazines and newspapers. Numerous companies have already started to adapt their plans of action and have started developing strategies for advertising on the internet. They must establish digital marketing as the cornerstone of their business expansion. Digital methods and tools give the business the chance to be competitive at the highest level and give them an opportunity to survive at the same time in this digitized approach to marketing where businesses are choosing it as a time saver.

The value and advantages of digital marketing

Nowadays, a large number of individuals use the internet to pass their time. They are searching the internet for your stuff while doing so. Making the most of your internet presence is essential if you want to profit from this enormous consumer base. Digital marketing enters the picture in this situation. Reaching the appropriate audience at the right moment is the foundation of digital marketing. Therefore, in order to increase audience reach, one must first build a compelling online store with simple navigation.
Digital marketing tools including pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing, and others might eventually aid in brand growth during this phase.

Capable of competing with major corporations

A crucial step in digital marketing is competitive analysis. The action is necessary to stay competitive, especially with rapidly expanding businesses like Myntra, Amazon, Big Basket, and Wal-Mart.
Businesses also make an effort to push the limits of multichannel marketing, which includes PPC, SEO, social media, and numerous other platforms. The strategy levels the playing field by assisting both small and large enterprises in achieving their unique objectives.

A rise in brand recognition for small firms

Digital marketing benefits companies greatly. Large businesses employ digital marketing to maintain their position in a cutthroat industry. On the other hand, tiny businesses employ online marketing to break into a booming industry and build brand recognition among major corporations.

A Rise in Sales

The ability to track real-time CRO (Conversion rate optimization) metrics is one of the primary benefits of using digital marketing. The information can be used to understand the overall percentage of searches that result in leads for product purchases. Some of the popular avenues for connecting with people and getting high conversion rates are PPC, Social media marketing, SEO services, and affiliate marketing.

Return on investment

Look at the measurement indicators of profit and loss it generates for business to understand the value of digital media. The value of your marketing activities is determined by the ROI in digital marketing. For instance, SEO has been shown to produce higher ROI when compared to other media like e-mail marketing, content marketing, PPC, and social media campaigns. The organic traffic produced by SEO demonstrates 40% greater revenue growth than any other marketing tactics when measured using fundamental metrics like sessions and bounce rate.

Upholding the Brand's Reputation

As a brand's reputation solidifies its ability to endure in the market, building a strong online reputation for the brand has become crucial. Thus, it is important to reiterate the value of digital marketing in this regard as well.

Able to reach the right audiences

Imagine what a fantastic chance it is to connect with the perfect clientele for your industry. Digital marketing helps to accomplish that precisely. You can do online audience behavior analysis and take action to provide the best fulfillment. More traffic is generated when you target the right audience, which leads to more effective marketing campaigns.

Outperform Your Competition

In particular, internet business faces intense competition in the digital market. So, you would like your top reviews and other efforts made by various digital marketing agencies to help potential clients locate you. These steps can help you and your client ultimately work towards the proper business objectives.

Various Channels to Increase Your Traffic

In the field of marketing, one has a variety of options at their disposal to successfully run their firm. To increase traffic to their websites, business owners are free to use SEO services, PPC services, content marketing services, and even social media campaigns.

Customer Engagement with Mobile Devices

We live in a portable world because so many individuals now travel with electronic gadgets like computers and smart phones. Since Google's mobile-first upgrade, practically all websites have been designed to be easily navigable on mobile devices.
Mobile users may be more prevalent than ever, and the likelihood that they will make a purchase is high.


The study's key conclusions are as follows: Republic of India is the fifth-largest country in terms of YouTube users.
1. Indians spend, on average, fourteen hours every week online, which vastly outweighs television. The Indian online advertising sector is expanding quickly, at a rate of 50 percent annually, and is expected to reach $1 billion in sales in 2020.
2. Lifestyle, attractive the opposite sex, getting power, family background, the consumer's employment status, the influence of Western society, educational background, etc. are some of the aspects that frequently affect the getting behavior of the consumer.
3. Nearly 950 million people in India use mobile phones, and at least 50 million of those people have net-enabled mobile phones. Over 90 million websites are accessible in India, yet over 500 million people have Face book profiles. Whatsapp users send around eight million incoming messages and twelve billion outgoing ones each day. In addition, online retail is expanding in the Republic of India as more local internet users visit websites for online shopping there.
4. The survey shows that although almost all of the current generation's children have access to digital media, they do not pay attention to how best to use it.
5. Digital marketing is thriving, with a 30% rate of growth, while all other industries in the Republic of India are battling with ten to twelve nada.
  1. Before introducing any product online, marketers must be forced to consider how easily the consumer segment can access digital facilities.
  2. Marketers must be forced to do pre-market research to determine client needs, particularly in digital selling.
  3. Customers must be persuaded to think of digital marketing, and they must have a correct awareness.
  4. Since the majority of research shown that customers dislike risk, they must be taught how to manage the risk involved with digital selling.
  5. The study's final recommendation is for readers and users to keep in mind all digital marketing portals and utilize them to the fullest extent possible while exercising extreme caution and care.



The use of digital marketing has evolved into a critical component of many businesses' strategies. Using digital marketing to sell their goods or services to the public is currently an incredibly affordable and effective option for small business owners. It is unrestricted. Any gadget, including tablets, smart phones, TVs, computers, media, social media, e- mail, and a variety of others, can be used by the company to support its operations and the products and services it offers. If consumer desires are given top priority in digital marketing, more may be accomplished.
People are investing more money in online content, and businesses who find it difficult to incorporate this fact into their advertising plan must swiftly adapt. The amount of time people spend online each year increases, and as a result, the role that digital platforms play in their lives also increases. The promotion of digital media is the primary goal of digital India. Because customers may utilize digital platforms from anywhere in the world at any time, businesses must switch from traditional to digital marketing strategies.


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