A Review of Social Media Marketing Strategies impacting Women’s buying behavior
Mamta Jaisiyan*
Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, D.J. College, Baraut, Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh, India
Email: mjaisyan7@gmail.com
Abstract- This review explores the profound influence of social media marketing strategies on women’s purchasing decisions. In recent years, the proliferation of social media platforms has transformed consumer behavior, particularly among female demographics. This study analyzes various strategies employed by brands to engage and persuade women through social media channels.
The research highlights the necessity of directed advertising that is specifically crafted to cater to the interests and preferences of women. In order to properly match products with the varied requirements of female consumers, brands make use of advanced algorithms to provide tailored information. In addition, influencer marketing has emerged as a crucial tactic, which involves the honest endorsement of items by personalities who are easily relevant. This helps to cultivate trust and encourages consumers to make purchases.
The study also investigates the influence that user-generated content (UGC) has on the buying behavior of women. In order to harness the power of peer recommendations, which have a substantial impact on purchase decisions, brands should encourage customers to share their experiences with products through postings and reviews. Authenticity and relatability are two characteristics that appeal powerfully with female customers, and the impact of user-generated content (UGC) often surpasses that of traditional marketing tactics.
In conclusion, this analysis highlights the transforming impact that social media marketing strategies have on the buying behavior of women. By adopting targeted advertising, influencer collaborations, community participation, and user-generated content, brands have the ability to successfully connect with female customers, which in turn drives purchase choices and fosters long-term brand loyalty.
Keywords: consumer, behavior, social, media; women


Background of the Study

Within the context of the modern landscape of consumer behavior, social media has emerged as a strong instrument that influences purchase decisions, particularly among women. The confluence of digital platforms and marketing strategies has altered how brands interact with female consumers, therefore influencing their views, preferences, and, eventually, buying behavior. In order to provide insights into the ever-changing dynamics of digital marketing in connection to gender-specific consumer trends, the purpose of this research is to investigate the complex influence that social media marketing strategies have on the purchasing behaviors of women.
Women are a big demographic in the consumer market, and they exert a great amount of economic influence across a variety of industries. Marketers have been given possibilities to interact directly with their target audience that have never been seen before as a result of their online presence and involvement with social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok. By strategically positioning their products and services to connect with the different interests and preferences of women, brands may strategically position their products and services through the use of targeted advertising, collaborations with influencers, community engagement initiatives, and the development of user-generated content respectively (Cao, 2014).
Not only do these strategies have the power to create individualized and engaging experiences, but they also have the ability to develop emotional connections, which is the key to their efficacy. The use of social media celebrities to advocate items in a genuine manner is an example of influencer marketing. This type of marketing makes use of the credibility and reach of social media personalities to influence customer trust and buy choices. Concurrently, community-building initiatives on platforms make it possible for women to participate in conversations, seek suggestions, and verify their decisions among their peers, so strengthening their devotion to the brand via the shared experiences they have (Dollarhide, 2023).
The conventional media has been experiencing a reduction in significance as a result of the expansion of the internet, and it is anticipated that this trend will continue in the foreseeable future. There has been a rise in the number of individuals utilizing social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube as a direct result of the availability of the internet. A significant number of internet users all around the world are today dependent on the utilization of social media platforms. During the early stages of social media's rise to prominence, its primary function was to facilitate social interaction and communication with individuals from all over the world. On the other hand, as the number of people using social media increased, organizations started to realize the possibility for financial gain (Dadamo, 2015). It looked that marketing through social media was not only more convenient but also more cost-effective than marketing through traditional media. This was the case. This was brought to the notice of marketers in a timely manner (Gul, 2014). Due to the fact that this was a brand-new platform, there were no standard safe paths that could be followed in order to get at the goal. Due to the fact that there were a vast number of opportunities that had not yet been found, it was necessary to test, evaluate, and implement the marketing strategies that were proved to be the most successful. The utilization of marketing technologies such as meme marketing was necessary in order to successfully capture the first mover advantage. More than that, the timing of these innovations in marketing was of the utmost significance. It was essential for marketers to make adjustments to their prior strategies in order to meet the new state of things, as a result of the change that occurred in the media environment. A new campaigning model is now being built and put through its paces in the industry during testing. This is being done in light of the changes that have been made. Due to the fact that there was a limited amount of commercial material on social media platforms in the past, marketing organizations were mostly unaffected by the growth of these platforms. For the aim of making the most of this new marketing tool, it is vital to have a knowledge of the actions and reactions of users of social media (Kowalewicz, 2022). With this information, it is possible to maximize the effectiveness of this new marketing instrument. As a result of this, as a consequence of this, advertising strategies have the potential to be more successful when this knowledge is enhanced.
There have been very few studies that have investigated the effect of internal factors, specifically the characteristics that are contained within advertisements and their impact on the intention to make a purchase. This study was motivated by the fact that, although some previous research in this field has been successful in identifying and comprehending the external factors that influence social media advertising, very few studies have investigated the effect of internal factors. Organizations that are unsuccessful in capturing the attention of users of social media create a significant amount of advertisement content. Therefore, it is of the highest significance to have a comprehensive grasp of the aspects that contribute to the efficacy of an advertising and its potential to change the user into a client (Kyle, 2017). It is possible for individuals and organizations who are interested in investing in advertising features that have the highest potential for success to make use of the findings of this study. Additionally, a firm or an individual may be able to create revenue by concentrating on characteristics that have a large impact on the inclination of consumers to make a purchase.
It is also important to note that the prominence of user-generated content (UGC) has a significant influence in influencing the buying behavior of women. The power of peer influence and social proof may be used by brands when they encourage customers to share their experiences with products, testimonials, and reviews online. The authenticity and relatability of user-generated content (UGC) tend to resonate more strongly with female customers than traditional advertising tactics, which in turn drives engagement and conversion rates.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that social media marketing presents a number of benefits, there are still ethical issues and obstacles to handle. In order to successfully navigate issues such as privacy concerns, openness in advertising methods, and the perpetuating of artificial beauty standards, brands need to exercise caution. In order for marketers to successfully develop long-lasting and meaningful connections with female customers while also assuring ethical digital engagement, it is essential for them to have a solid understanding of these issues.
The purpose of this analysis is to shed light on the profoundly transforming effect that social media marketing strategies have on the buying behavior of women. The purpose of this investigation is to give a thorough knowledge of how brands can effectively engage and influence female customers in the ever-changing digital world. This will be accomplished by investigating the interwoven dynamics of digital platforms, consumer psychology, and marketing strategies.

Definition and Evolution of Social Media Marketing

A product or service may be promoted through the use of social media platforms and websites, which is what is meant by the term "social media marketing." In order to accomplish marketing and branding objectives, it entails the production of content and its dissemination throughout social media networks. This type of marketing makes use of a variety of strategies in order to stimulate audience participation, cultivate connections, and direct visitors to websites or retail locations.
The beginning of social media marketing can be traced back to the early 2000s, when platforms such as MySpace and LinkedIn were becoming increasingly popular. These platforms made it possible for businesses to engage with users in new ways, which led to the creation of social media marketing. On the other hand, because to the introduction of Facebook, Twitter, and subsequently Instagram and Snapchat, the landscape underwent a significant transformation. Not only did these platforms exponentially increase the number of users, but they also brought new capabilities that made it possible for businesses to more efficiently target particular demographics and interests.
It is important to note that one of the most distinguishing characteristics of social media marketing is its participatory element, which sets it apart from more conventional kinds of advertising. Through the use of comments, messages, and shares, brands have the ability to communicate directly with customers, therefore cultivating a feeling of community and increased brand loyalty. Furthermore, this direct engagement makes it possible for firms to receive feedback in real time, which they can then utilize to immediately change their marketing strategies (Lile, 2023).
Furthermore, the development of social media marketing has been influenced by other factors, including changes in consumer behavior and technological improvements. Because of the growth of smartphones and mobile applications, social media is now available at any time and from any location, which has increased its effect on the decisions that consumers make. Furthermore, in recent years, one of the most notable marketing strategies has been the growth of influencer marketing, which is a form of marketing in which brands work together with well-known users of social media to promote their products (Ashman, 2015).
Over the course of time, social media marketing has progressed from being a supplemental advertising tool to being an essential component of the marketing strategies employed by many firms. Because of its capacity to reach large audiences, as well as its ability to enable participation and produce measurable outcomes, it has become a vital component of the digital marketing environment of today. Adapting their social media strategies to remain relevant and effective in capturing and holding the attention of their target audiences is something that companies need to do in order to keep up with the constant evolution of platforms and the shifting habits of consumers.

Research objectives


Understanding consumer behavior within the realm of social media marketing requires a robust exploration of theoretical frameworks that explain how individuals perceive, engage with, and make decisions influenced by digital platforms. This essay will delve into several key theoretical perspectives, examining their relevance and application in shaping effective social media marketing strategies.
1. Consumer Decision-Making Process:
Consumer behavior theories often begin with the decision-making process, which is central to understanding how individuals choose products or services. The traditional model of consumer decision-making includes several stages: problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation. In the context of social media marketing, these stages are influenced by the abundance of information and interactions available online. For instance, social media platforms provide vast amounts of user-generated content, reviews, and recommendations that can significantly impact how consumers perceive and evaluate products. Moreover, the immediacy and accessibility of information on social media platforms enable consumers to conduct extensive research and comparisons before making purchasing decisions, often relying on peer opinions and influencer endorsements (Bronner, 2010).
2. Social Influence Theory:
Social influence theory posits that individuals' behaviors, beliefs, and decisions are influenced by the actions and opinions of others. In social media marketing, this theory is particularly relevant as platforms facilitate social interactions and the sharing of opinions among users. Social proof, a concept derived from social influence theory, suggests that people are more likely to adopt behaviors or beliefs if they see others doing the same. Marketers leverage this phenomenon by utilizing influencers, celebrities, or even everyday users with large followings to endorse products or services. These influencers can sway consumer perceptions and preferences through their perceived authority, authenticity, and ability to create relatable content that resonates with their audiences. Additionally, social media algorithms often amplify content that receives high engagement, further reinforcing social influence dynamics by showcasing popular products or trending topics to a broader audience (Chu, 2011).
3. Cognitive Dissonance Theory:
Cognitive dissonance theory explores the discomfort individuals experience when their beliefs or behaviors are inconsistent with each other. In the context of consumer behavior and social media marketing, cognitive dissonance can arise after a purchase decision, particularly if consumers encounter conflicting information or post-purchase regrets. Social media platforms play a crucial role in managing cognitive dissonance by providing avenues for consumers to seek reassurance, share experiences, and receive validation from their social networks. Brands can mitigate cognitive dissonance through proactive customer service, transparent communication, and personalized interactions that address consumer concerns and reinforce positive perceptions of their products or services.
4. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM):
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) examines how users adopt and use new technologies based on perceived usefulness and ease of use. In the context of social media marketing, TAM helps explain why individuals engage with specific platforms or features and how these behaviors influence their purchasing decisions. Social media platforms continuously introduce innovations such as live streaming, augmented reality filters, and integrated shopping functionalities designed to enhance user experience and increase engagement. Marketers apply TAM principles to design intuitive interfaces, personalized content recommendations, and seamless transaction processes that align with users' preferences and expectations, thereby fostering greater acceptance and adoption of their brands' digital offerings (Yada, 2020).
5. Psychological Theories:
Psychological theories provide insights into the cognitive and emotional factors that influence consumer behavior on social media. For example, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs suggests that individuals are motivated by different levels of needs, from basic physiological requirements to higher-order aspirations such as self-esteem and self-actualization. Social media platforms serve as outlets for self-expression, social validation, and community belonging, fulfilling psychological needs through user-generated content, social interactions, and virtual communities. Brands leverage these insights by crafting messaging and campaigns that resonate with consumers' emotional motivations and aspirations, thereby forging deeper connections and fostering brand loyalty.
6. Network Theory:
Network theory examines how relationships and interactions between individuals influence behaviors and outcomes within social networks. In the context of social media marketing, network theory emphasizes the importance of understanding the structure and dynamics of online communities, influencers, and viral content propagation. Marketers analyze network centrality, connectivity, and clustering to identify key opinion leaders, trendsetters, and affinity groups that can amplify brand messages and facilitate word-of-mouth marketing. By strategically engaging with influential nodes within networks and fostering organic sharing and advocacy, brands can enhance their reach, credibility, and impact on consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions.
7. Behaviorism and Conditioning:
Behaviorist theories, such as classical and operant conditioning, focus on how repeated stimuli and rewards influence learning and behavior. In the context of social media marketing, behaviorism informs strategies for shaping consumer habits and preferences through targeted content, rewards-based incentives, and personalized recommendations. Platforms utilize algorithms that analyze user interactions and behaviors to deliver tailored content and advertisements that align with individual interests and preferences. Marketers employ behavioral data analytics to optimize campaign performance, refine audience targeting strategies, and cultivate ongoing consumer engagement and loyalty through continuous reinforcement and positive reinforcement (Singh, 2019).
Theoretical frameworks in consumer behavior provide valuable insights into the complex interplay between individuals, social media platforms, and marketing strategies. By applying these theories, marketers can gain a deeper understanding of consumer motivations, preferences, and decision-making processes in the digital age. Social media's pervasive influence, coupled with advancements in technology and data analytics, continues to reshape how brands engage with audiences, drive purchasing behaviors, and build lasting relationships. Moving forward, an integrated approach that combines theoretical insights with practical applications will be essential for navigating the evolving landscape of social media marketing and achieving sustainable growth in competitive markets


Nadia et al. (2023) state that social media marketing (SMM) has in recent years brought about a change in the way that current marketing methods are carried out all over the world. Consumers of all ages and genders are now increasingly displaying changes in their buying decisions and/or behaviors. This is a direct result of the transformation of the old framework of marketing into a blend of traditional and social media marketing. Because of this, social media marketing (SMM) and the potential links that it may have with consumer buying behavior have been the focus of interest for a large number of scholars and industry experts. As a result, the purpose of this exploratory study is to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of previous research on the notion of social media marketing as well as its many components and the impact it has on customer behavior. As part of the review, the study provides a concise summary of social media, social networking sites, social media marketing, and consumer behavior. Additionally, the study examines the connections between social media marketing (SMM) and consumer behavior in general, as well as the connections between SMM and the behavior of young consumers and the behavior of female consumers. Even though it is exploratory in nature, this study has the potential to provide valuable insights into the ways in which social media marketing (SMM) is heavily influencing consumers at the present time. This is especially true for owners of small and medium businesses, who frequently lack the financial resources necessary to make use of traditional marketing tools and are more likely to benefit from social media marketing.
Over the course of the previous 10 years, social media has had a considerable influence on society on a variety of levels, including the political, the social, and the financial. This is according to Aziz et al. (2023). As the influence of traditional media continues to decrease, the adoption of social media platforms around the globe is occurring at a rate that has never been seen before, demonstrating the exceptional nature of the phenomena of social media. The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which social media impacts women's purchasing decisions, as well as the effects of social media and significant personalities within social media on women's buying behaviors. In order to accomplish this goal, online survey questionnaires were sent out to 226 women who ranged in age from 18 to over 55 years. We have six questions for the independent variable social media, and five questions for the dependent variable setting female buying behavior. In addition to demographic information such as age, education, income, and marital status, we also have questions for social media types such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Twitter, and YouTube. SPSS was utilized in order to do the analysis on our data. According to the findings, buying social media marketing influences a portion of women's purchasing decisions. There are further changes that can be linked to various variables that impact the buying behavior of women.
According to Gupta and Shome (2023), as compared to their old format, advertising practices are undergoing major alterations towards social media. As a result of changes in customer mentality that have occurred throughout time, the majority of businesses have adopted social media as a standard practice. The current situation is one in which working women have a significant part in the decision-making process about the family's purchases. Furthermore, a number of studies have shown that in certain instances, working women are the only ones who make product purchases. A study conducted by Pew Research found that women are more likely to use social media than males (65%), with 73% of women using it. The goal of this study is to determine the elements that are impacting the working women buying behaviour. The paper saw that demographic characteristics such as age and income of working women do have a big effect in internet shopping. The most important addition that this paper makes is that it offers corporate houses an evaluation of the degree to which working women in India are impacted by social media buying in their behavior when it comes to online buying.
Research on the usage of social media has demonstrated that it has the tendency to affect, if not modify, human views when shopping. Additionally, often focused marketing on these platforms has also had an impact on customer buying behavior, as stated by Budree et al. on their 2023 study. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the subject of social media marketing by doing a comprehensive and systematic literature analysis. Additionally, the paper will critically explore the impact that social media marketing has on consumer behavior, specifically impulsive buying. For the purpose of conducting the literature review, the search strategy that was utilized was largely geared toward the discovery of academic publications through the utilization of reputable databases and literature search engines. The published material that was evaluated was derived from a collection of the most prestigious publications in the field of information systems. In the context of social media marketing, it was discovered that impulsive purchases are influenced by a number of different themes. These included purchasing patterns, social media influencers, and brand loyalty. It was shown that businesses frequently take advantage of the weaknesses of the customer psychology in order to enhance successful online impulsive purchases by employing social media marketing as a stimulant. To the degree that the research that is now available considers social media and eCommerce technology to be both separate impulsive purchase triggers in its own right, it has been demonstrated that both of these technologies have been substantial contributors to this phenomena.
As the popularity of social media influencers (SMIs) continues to rise, businesses are investing significant sums of money in influencer marketing initiatives, as stated by Bhardwaj et al. (2024). The usefulness and impact of utilizing social media influencers (SMIs) is currently being investigated by researchers in order to have a better understanding of how marketers could use influencer marketing as a strategy in the digital era. With that in mind, the purpose of this paper is to carry out a comprehensive literature analysis on the influence that SMIs have on the behavior of consumers. Our systematic review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA standards, and it was based on ninety different research. The purpose of this extensive analysis of the relevant research is to highlight the numerous implications that social media influencers have on consumer behavior, specifically with regard to consumer decision-making, consumer attention, consumer brand adulation, consumer self-expression, and consumer intention to make a purchase. In this article, we provide an overview of influencer-led marketing strategies that may assist businesses in establishing stronger connections with their consumers and achieving effective brand outcomes. Additionally, the research integrates a variety of previous studies in order to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that are responsible for the generation of SMI traits and the factors that impact the responses of consumers to endorsements from key opinion leaders. A nomological framework that takes into account key antecedents, mediators, and moderators of probable outcomes would be of great assistance to future research in this field.
A new type of advertising for businesses termed social media advertising has emerged as a result of the rapid increase in social media users, as stated by Sriram et al. (2021). From a long time ago, advertisers have been confronted with one of the most significant challenges: the poor acceptance of advertising among consumers. It is of the utmost importance to determine the most prominent aspects of ads on social media platforms that have an impact on how customers perceive them. This study's objective is to identify the characteristics that impact how ads on social media are seen by customers, as well as the effect that these advertisements have on the customers' intention to make a purchase. A survey was conducted, and exploratory factor analysis was applied, in order to ascertain which traits had a major impact on how individuals interpreted advertising that were posted on social media platforms. An investigation of the impact of consumer attributes on the intention to make a purchase was carried out with the use of structural equation modeling. According to the findings, the evaluation of social media advertising was influenced by a number of factors, including creative qualities, attention-grabbing elements, emotional appeal, and celebrity endorsement. According to the findings of the study, factors such as attention-grabbing features, celebrity endorsement, and emotional appeal have a significant influence on the intention of customers to make a purchase. The creation of efficient social media marketing and a rise in customer buying intent might both be facilitated by placing an adequate amount of attention on the characteristics described above.
The paper investigated the link between social media and purchase intention, as well as the function that brand equity plays as a mediator within Ghana's fashion sector, as stated by Majeed et al. (2021). The study was quantitative and utilized the survey approach to collect responses from a sample of five hundred consumers who were interested in fashion. The AMOS software version 22.0 was utilized in conjunction with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach in order to ascertain the hypothesized associations that were investigated in this study. The outcomes of the study demonstrated that payment, information exchange, and surveillance all had significant and favorable effects on brand equity. On the other hand, the link between social interaction and entertainment has a negative impact on brand equity that is not considerable. It was determined that all of the positive significant correlations that were postulated to exist between brand equity and customer purchase intention were appropriate. In a single research, the findings have the potential to contribute to the few empirical works that have been conducted on the effects of social media on brand equity and purchase intention. In addition, recommendations were given for management in the garment business, policy makers, and academics who would be doing study in the future.


This paper utilizes a qualitative research approach. It involves a comprehensive review of literature, including academic papers, and policy documents on A Review of social media marketing strategies impacting women’s buying behavior The paper also incorporates case studies and expert opinions to provide practical insights into the integration of technology in research.


We have investigated the significant influence that social media marketing strategies have on the buying behavior of women during the course of this research. Through the use of tailored content, community building, and customized experiences, social media platforms have altered the way in which brands interact with female customers. These platforms have also made it possible for brands to influence purchase decisions in ways that were previously impossible.
In addition, the findings of this study indicate that social media not only functions as an effective advertising channel but also as a venue for the telling of stories and the building of relationships. Strategies that have shown to be very effective in reaching and resonating with women across a variety of demographics include influencer marketing, which involves the endorsement of products by persons who are trusted by the target audience. Through the utilization of influencers who exemplify aspirational lives or specialized hobbies, brands have the ability to cultivate genuine connections that not only attract engagement but also eventually result in conversions.
In addition, because of the interactive nature of social media, brands are able to collect feedback and insights in real time on the preferences and behaviors of their customers. This method, which is powered by data, gives marketers the ability to continually improve their strategies, so guaranteeing that they remain relevant and responsive to the ever-changing dynamics of the market.
When it comes to developing successful social media campaigns aimed at women, ethical considerations, such as the openness of sponsored material and concerns around privacy, emerge as crucial aspects. Building long-term connections with customers who are becoming more discriminating and value-driven requires a high level of authenticity and integrity.
The future of social media marketing for women's buying behavior holds the possibility of more innovation and adaption. The way in which women find and buy things online is about to undergo a transformation as a result of the emergence of new trends such as augmented reality (AR) shopping experiences and the integration of e-commerce features directly into social platforms.
In conclusion, as social media continues to develop as a fundamental component of contemporary marketing strategies, it will continue to be necessary for brands that are looking to achieve sustainable growth and a competitive edge to comprehend and successfully navigate the influence that it has on the buying behavior of contemporary women. Marketers are able to leverage the full potential of social media by adopting creativity, empathy, and a dedication to ethical standards. This allows them to establish stronger relationships with female customers all over the world and make genuine influence in their lives.


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