An empirical assessment of Leadership styles influences job satisfaction among hotel workers. In New Delhi
Santhosh Krishnan1*, Prof. Harsh Purohit2, Dr. Vimlesh Tanwar3
1 Research Scholar, Department of Commerce & Management, Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
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2 Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
3 Faculty of Management Studies, Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Abstract -The manner in which management demonstrates leadership may play a significant role in the character of the connection with the workforce as well as the level of cooperation and cohesion that exists. Therefore, the use of an appropriate leadership style and the employment of managers with strong leadership abilities can enhance an organisation as a whole. In order for executives to effectively achieve organisational goals, they must consider employees' job satisfaction, their performance, and their commitment to the organisation. This research project seeks to investigate and evaluate the significance of leadership qualities within the context of the Indian construction industry. The findings of this study can be used to formulate suggestions for the effective implementation of leadership skills in the hospitality industry.
Keywords: Leadership, Assessment of job satisfaction, Hotel industry
Management, planning, human resources, and leadership are just some of the challenges that are faced by organisations in every sector of the economy. In this context, the function of leadership style is an essential component that plays an important part in the progression and prosperity of organisational development. According to Skipper (2004), the requirement for higher-level management in construction organisations to strengthen their leadership abilities is one of the most important and core aspects of enhancing the performance of the construction industry. For reasons such as project planning, project performance, project management, work satisfaction, organisational dedication, and effective communication, developing nations like India have a high need for the leadership in the construction sector. The contentment of workers in their jobs is critical to the production of high-quality work and efficient organisational performance. Leadership styles have a significant impact on the degree to which workers are committed to their organisations and satisfied in their jobs. One of the primary reasons for the low levels of work satisfaction and organisational commitment in the construction sector is the ineffective administration and management that exists in many of these companies. It is very necessary for there to be strong leadership behaviour in place in order for there to be appropriate transmission of information amongst the individual members of the team working on the project. The management and their abilities as a leader are what decide the communication inside the team, and when there is enough information exchange, the efficiency of the teams rises. According to Tabassi, Ramli, and Dashti (2013), page 48, effective communication systems and information exchange among team members are essential to sustaining overall organisation efficiency in settings that are increasingly complex and include activities that are dependant on one another.
Within the context of a project, the manner of leadership that is shown by management may be a significant factor in the quality of the connection with the workforce, as well as in the level of teamwork and cohesion that exists. Therefore, an organisation as a whole may be improved by the use of an appropriate leadership style and the hiring of managers who possess good leadership skills. In order for leaders to effectively fulfil organisational objectives, it is important for them to take into account the level of work satisfaction enjoyed by employees, the performance of those employees, and their dedication to the organisation. The purpose of this research project is to investigate and assess the importance of leadership characteristics within the context of the Indian construction sector. The findings of the research may be used to provide recommendations about the efficient application of leadership abilities within the hospitality business.
Researchers all throughout the globe have acknowledged your leadership in this field. An examination of the academic publications and research on leadership reveals that there is a vast variety of distinct theoretical approaches that may be used to describe the challenges that are associated with the leadership process. Research on leadership has been conducted in a wide variety of settings inside major organisations, utilising both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The results of the leadership study conducted in this area, when taken together, provide a picture of a process that is far more nuanced and complicated than the basic perspective of leadership that is offered in some of the books and studies on the topic. The literature that was chosen for this research will be critically assessed, and then evaluated, before being followed by a review of the relevant theory. As a result of employing this strategy, the results from this study will give scholarly evidence to assist decision making. This will, in turn, link the gap between academic research and practise in accordance with a concept known as the scholar-practitioner.
The study is designed to determine the impact of leadership styles on employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment in hotel industries in Delhi.
According to a study conducted by Anbazhagan, L. S. (2013), it was discovered that a significant number of hotel and restaurant workers experience high levels of stress due to various factors. These include a lack of clarity regarding their roles, unrealistic job goals, heavy workloads, and a lack of respect from their superiors. Based on the findings of Srivastav and Singh's Occupational Stress Index, the majority of respondents, 93 percent, reported experiencing moderate levels of stress. A smaller proportion, 6 percent, indicated severe stress, while only 1 percent reported low levels of stress.
According to Srikhum (2013), workplace stress can be intensified by factors such as high levels of pressure and excessive workloads. Additionally, interpersonal stress can be heightened when individuals have to handle disagreeable visitors or clients. According to a study conducted by Ereno, J. (2014), it was discovered that front-line personnel play a crucial role in delivering exceptional service to customers and visitors, which in turn leads to higher performance expectations for these individuals. The individual faces challenges in their workplace due to the demanding expectations for customer service.
The author of the paper is Johri, F.L. (2013). According to research, Michelin star restaurants tend to be more stressful compared to other types of restaurants. This is primarily due to factors such as the restaurant's strong ambition to obtain a greater number of stars. In order to achieve the desired outcome, it is essential for the staff to dedicate significant effort towards upholding rigorous standards, innovating new culinary creations, and ensuring a pleasant experience for guests. However, these responsibilities contribute to a demanding and potentially stressful work environment.
According to Pandy (2016), the main cause of stress is discontent. There is a strong connection between stress and job dissatisfaction. The stress management approaches he recommended included clarifying job roles, delegating responsibilities, and redesigning job training. The study conducted by Jain and Batra (2015) investigated the frequency of work-related stressors experienced by corporate employees and explored the specific factors that contribute to individuals' stress levels. The analysis suggests that HR professionals have the potential to reduce workplace tensions by directing their attention towards a specific topic. According to author Emmett, R. (2009), the book suggests that instead of focusing on time management, the key to reducing stress lies in managing one's belongings or "stuff".
According to the research conducted by Mohan, A. K. in 2017, Based on a survey conducted among hotel workers, it was found that the primary factors contributing to stress in their profession include insufficient training, inadequate compensation and benefits, challenging interpersonal dynamics, and an unfavourable work environment. Vernekar S. and Heidari D. (2018) present similar findings in their study. According to recent research, stress in the hospitality sector can be attributed to various factors such as overtime, interpersonal interactions, and resource limitations. In addition, Altintas, V. (2018) conducted a study that found that job characteristics, such as time pressure, role conflicts, work overload, and seasonal unemployment, have a significant impact on non-managerial workers in the hotel industry.
The study conducted by Tsui (2021) The COVID-19 outbreak and the anticipated influx of customers will likely create significant pressure for employees in the hospitality industry, impacting their work environment and business performance. The analysis will begin by examining the current state of job stress caused by organisational climate in the hospitality industry during COVID-19. Next, we will discuss the relationship between organisational climate-induced job stress and employee wellness. Lastly, we will explore how personal background and organisational climate contribute to job stress and employee wellness in the hospitality industry. The concerns are investigated using a survey approach. The study included 295 workers from five chain hotels in Taipei City, resulting in a sample size of 295 individuals. The primary research techniques utilised in the study included the personal background factor questionnaire, the organisational climate questionnaire, the work stress questionnaire, and the well-being questionnaire. The analysis of the samples involved the use of statistical techniques such as Factor Analysis, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results indicate a significant correlation between workplace stress and overall health. The well-being of employees is impacted by several factors, such as their individual backgrounds, the work environment they are in, and the level of job-related stress they experience. The study's findings provide empirical evidence on how the organisational environment and work stress impact employee health in Taiwan's hotel sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. The text examines the findings of the research and explores both the theoretical and practical implications. The research findings provide valuable insights for hospitality company owners to enhance their organisational settings, implement effective human resources initiatives, and provide necessary training for their staff in the context of a pandemic.
Job satisfaction refers to an individual's level of contentment and fulfilment in their work. It is an important aspect of employee well-being and can have a significant impact on productivity
The study conducted by Francisco González Santa Cruz et al. in 2014 The success of modern companies is significantly dependent on the valuable contributions made by their employees. The importance of worker devotion, effort, and commitment in ensuring client satisfaction in the hotel industry highlights the significance of researching job satisfaction. This study aims to analyse the relationship between employee work satisfaction and specific characteristics of hotel companies in the Cordoba region of Spain. Multiple hypotheses are proposed and statistical methods are employed to analyse them, with the goal of reaching a definitive conclusion. Based on the research findings, there is a positive correlation between job satisfaction and the degree to which an employee's salary is linked to their family's income. According to research, it has been found that job satisfaction is not significantly influenced by longer contracts or permanent employment. However, working part-time has been shown to have a positive impact on job satisfaction.
The authors of the study conducted by Nithish Vijayakumar and Prof. Soni Vivek in 2018... The annual growth of high-end hotels in India is increasing. The positive effects of tourism in the country are responsible for this. The declining level of employee satisfaction in the hospitality sector is a significant concern for lodging companies. Ensuring a consistently high level of job satisfaction among workers presents significant challenges. The hotel industry encompasses various factors that influence employee satisfaction, including opportunities for career growth, competitive compensation and recognition, employer stability, and the overall work environment. The assessment of employee satisfaction can be conducted by examining the correlation between the four elements. The study's findings indicate a direct correlation between employee happiness at work and these four specific aspects. The hotel industry must prioritise employee satisfaction, career development, compensation and benefits, job security, and working conditions in order to succeed. The utilisation of polls persisted as a means of collecting data. The identification of determinants was facilitated by the use of tailored questionnaires designed for individuals working in this specific field. Furthermore, the research indicates that the performance of workers plays a crucial role in determining a company's profitability and operational success.
The study conducted by Heimerl (2020) The Alpine region's hospitality industry faces challenges in recruiting and retaining qualified employees. Job satisfaction has a significant influence on individuals' employability and mobility. This research aims to analyse the factors that impact job satisfaction in order to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. A survey conducted online collected data from 345 workers to assess their overall job satisfaction levels. The factors that contribute to a job well done include establishing a strong working relationship with one's boss, adhering to the designated schedule, and having opportunities for professional development. However, it is worth noting that factors such as compensation, work environment, and infrastructure had a relatively lower level of influence. The significance of workplace contentment as a subject for further investigation is evident from the available data. The research findings provide valuable insights for employers seeking to enhance work happiness in a sustainable and effective manner.
The study conducted by R D Arjunraj et al. (2021) The hotel and hospitality industry in India is experiencing rapid growth due to the positive impacts of tourism. The employment rate in the hospitality industry is directly proportional to its growth. The importance of ensuring client satisfaction is consistently prioritised by hotels, however, there is a concerning trend of declining satisfaction among hotel staff. The level of employee happiness is impacted by various factors, and this study seeks to examine different aspects related to job satisfaction among employees in the hotel and hospitality industry. The data for the study was collected from 100 workers in Thekkady's hospitality business. In order to collect data, participants were asked to complete a survey that was created by the researchers themselves.
The post-pandemic situation in the hotel industry has had a significant impact on employees' work environment.
Wong, A. K. F., Kim, S. (Sam), Kim, J., & Han, H. (2021) conducted a study to examine the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic on hotel workers' perceptions of workplace pressures and the resulting effects. The study analysed the responses of 758 hotel workers in the US by employing paired t-tests and structural equation modelling. The findings indicate that there were three distinct categories of occupational stress experienced in the aftermath of the pandemic. These include stressors associated with traditional hotel employment, stressors arising from an unpredictable and more demanding work environment in hotels, and stressors linked to unethical labour practises within the hotel industry. The impacts of these stresses differed from the typical positive effects of hotel-work stressors on organisational commitment and job satisfaction. The findings of the study indicate that work satisfaction and organisational commitment did not have a significant impact on turnover intention. However, they were found to be significant factors in explaining job performance, subjective well-being, and prosocial conduct. There was a notable difference in the opinions of hotel workers regarding occupational pressures and their effects before the onset of the epidemic and during its spread.
In a study conducted by Chi, O. H., Saldamli, and Gursoy (2021), the researchers examined the effects of remote work on job engagement, burnout, and turnover intentions among management-level hotel workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research indicates that the practise of working from home can have both positive and negative effects on employee behaviour. The findings indicate that there is a positive association between working from home and increased vitality. However, it is important to note that remote work also intensifies the adverse impact of absorption on burnout. The phenomenon of working from home amplifies the detrimental impact of burnout on employees' intentions to leave their jobs, while simultaneously diminishing the positive effects of work dedication due to the interference between work and home life. The text discusses both practical management suggestions and theoretical contributions.
According to Abdou (2021), employee turnover intentions and work-family conflict are significant issues faced by hospitality firms globally, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of the hospitality work environment on work-family conflict (WFC) and turnover intentions. Additionally, it aims to examine the potential role of WFC as a mediator in the relationship between work environment and turnover intentions. The study focuses on three- and four-star resorts in Egypt during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study involved a total of 413 employees working at resorts in Egypt, specifically in the locations of Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada. The results of the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) indicate that the hospitality work environment has a significant and positive influence on workers' turnover intentions and work-family conflict (WFC). The analysis reveals that there is a significant relationship between the hospitality work environment and turnover intentions, and this relationship is partially mediated by WFC. The research findings suggest that there is a strong relationship between a positive work environment and reduced work-family conflict (WFC) and turnover intentions among resort workers. The study has examined the limitations and potential avenues for future research.
According to Cheng (2022), the COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant impact on industries worldwide, including the hotel sector in Taiwan. This study aims to analyse the impact of perceived COVID-19 danger on work satisfaction. The study employed the PROCESS macro to examine the mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation hypotheses. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS software. According to the results of a recent online survey conducted on Taiwanese hotels in 2021, it was found that the activation of work stress plays a significant role in moderating the impact on both employees' job happiness and the financial success of the hotels. In addition, it is important to note that occupational stress can be influenced by the level of organisational resilience. This research contributes to our understanding of the factors that influence the impact of stressful events, such as pandemics, on individuals' mental well-being. Based on the findings of this research, it is suggested that treatments could potentially be employed to mitigate the adverse psychological impacts of the pandemic. The findings of this study also have implications for hotels in other affected countries.
The hospitality industry faces a significant challenge with high staff turnover rates, resulting in difficulties in filling vacancies. The ongoing issue of hiring suitable individuals needs to be consistently addressed. Based on a specific source, the turnover rate within the hotel industry is nearly double the average rate observed across all other industries. The high rate of turnover is a significant concern, especially considering the current economic crisis. Interestingly, the crisis has temporarily reduced the turnover rate. However, it is expected that the rate will quickly rise again once the economic situation improves. Ineffective leadership and staff turnover can have significant financial implications for a regular firm, potentially resulting in the loss of hundreds of dollars. The precise financial impact of the loss will vary based on the organization's current turnover rate and the specific position that needs to be filled. The departure of employees from companies or organisations can be attributed to a range of factors that are closely linked to the competencies of the leadership. Several factors contribute to employees feeling dissatisfied with their supervisors. These factors include a lack of respect or support from supervisors, their inability to exhibit effective leadership skills, strained relationships between supervisors, a lack of appreciation from supervisors, and their failure to demonstrate gratitude.
A research design is a blueprint for how information will be gathered and analysed throughout the study. Employees in the Indian construction business were surveyed quantitatively to determine how they felt about various leadership styles. Since the focus of the research is on gauging how content workers are in their current positions, a quantitative approach was used for the analysis. The quantitative strategy takes into account the needs of a wide sample of people implementing the strategy most suited to the research topic at hand by measuring variables, investigating correlations between variables, testing strategies, and analysing results. The reliability and validity of a research topic may be determined with sufficient certainty via the use of quantitative research methods. In quantitative analysis, the focus is on conducting experiments with preset variables via the collection and measurement of data in order to arrive at conclusive meaning and find how much and how many.
Here, Sample area = Delhi (Hotel industry)
Sampling Unit = 200
Data Analysis and interpretation
Impact of leadership on Job satisfaction
Table 1: R square table to know the model fitness of first hypothesis
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Leadership
Table- 1 represents the r square value that refers the goodness of fit of the model. This model measures the impact of leadership on job satisfaction. Means leadership is better explaining variable for the model.
Table 2: Significance of model testing
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Job_Satisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Leadership
Table- 2 is explaining the significance of the model. Its 0.006 value which is less than .05 refers that model does have significance to express linear impact of leadership on job satisfaction.
Table 3: Regression coefficient for analyse of Impact of leadership on Job satisfaction of the employees
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Job_Satisfaction
Table- 3 shows the regression coefficient of job satisfaction wit respect to leadership. It states that if leadership get increased by one rank there will be significant increment (0.589) of job satisfaction among the employees of hotel industry. So improving leadership waulaity can influence better job satisfaction among the employees.
The hospitality industry is confronted with a notable challenge due to the presence of high staff turnover rates, which leads to difficulties in effectively filling job vacancies. The persistent challenge of recruiting and selecting qualified candidates necessitates ongoing attention and resolution. According to a specific source, the turnover rate in the hotel industry is approximately twice as high as the average rate seen in other industries. The issue of high turnover is a matter of great concern, particularly in light of the ongoing economic crisis. The crisis has had a temporary impact on the turnover rate, resulting in a reduction. The rate is anticipated to increase rapidly once the economic situation improves. The financial consequences of ineffective leadership and high staff turnover can be substantial for a typical company, potentially leading to the loss of significant amounts of money. The financial impact of the loss will depend on factors such as the organization's current turnover rate and the specific position that needs to be filled. The departure of employees from companies or organisations can be influenced by various factors that are directly connected to the capabilities of the leadership. There are multiple factors that can contribute to employees experiencing dissatisfaction with their supervisors. Several factors contribute to the issue, including a lack of respect or support from supervisors, ineffective leadership skills, strained relationships between supervisors, a lack of appreciation from supervisors, and a failure to demonstrate gratitude.
Another research indicates that hotel staff would be much more satisfied with their jobs if leadership was raised by one level. Therefore, higher levels of leadership quality are associated with increased employee contentment in their jobs.
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