Effect of Social Media on Youth: A Study in Indian context with Reference to Rewa
Priyanka Singh1*, Dr. Kiran Singh2
1 Research Scholar, Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: psp16689@gmail.com
2 Professor, Govt girls PG College Satna, APS university Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: kiran.singh1507@gmail.com
Abstract - In this context, "social media" means any and all online platforms that facilitate user-to-user communication, content sharing, and location-independent video conferencing, among many other features. Anyone interested in accessing information, sharing it, and chatting with other members of a certain social media platform must first register for an account and then log in. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and a plethora of others are among the most popular and extensively used social networking sites. There are good and bad effects of social media use on today's kids. I want to shed light on the effects of social media on today's youngsters in this article. There are benefits and drawbacks to these effects. As a result, the article lays out the pros and cons of social networking for teens. Learning new things, fostering better relationships, securing employment, maintaining global connections, and using social media as an e-commerce platform are some of the beneficial effects highlighted in this article. However, this article does acknowledge that there are negative aspects of social media, such as cyberbullying, hacking, addiction, cheating, and humiliation. In light of the claims and presentations based on the findings of earlier studies.
Keywords: Social Media, Youth, Society, Teenagers, Positive, Negative, Impact
This thing that social media is becoming more and more of in today's society is something that everyone is experiencing. Globally, the majority of individuals are active in social media. Particularly among the younger demographic, this is highly favored. You will still find the same tale when you look at the numbers. With each passing day, the popularity of social media grows. At various points in our life, the effects of social media on young people are also plain to see.
The two halves of a coin are social media. On the plus side, it facilitates communication and the sharing of information across borders; on the minus side, it has the potential to escalate already-existing problems like cyberbullying, misinformation, and misunderstandings. The young have been the early adopters of this digital medium, and the goal of creating social media channels was to make communication easier. However, their well-being has also been a worry due to the high levels of participation. However, whether in a professional or personal capacity, social media is an integral aspect of everyone's life nowadays.
Both students and educators may benefit from the empowering potential of social media. In this way, educators may work together and share ideas. In addition to discussing and gaining access to a wide range of study materials, students also have easy access to a variety of viewpoints, worldviews, and opinions. Social media has become an important source of news and current events for today's youngsters. People are more informed and empowered by the rapid internet dissemination of most breaking news stories nowadays. Because the internet is spreading at a rapid pace, it raises awareness even among the general public. A lot of individuals use it to keep in touch with their friends and family. Online communication strengthens and develops connections for the greater good, according to a large portion of today's working-age population and teenagers.
It used to be that cyberbullying took many forms, including improper picture sharing, misinformation circulated online, trolling on message boards and chat rooms, and more. The situation becomes much more dire when the bullies incite their victims to harm themselves or others, or when they become victims of terrorism, etc. The unethical use of social media to promote hate and damage the reputations of persons and companies is clear. Addiction is a devastating consequence of social networking. When people get used to something, they tend to utilize it consistently, even when they have a mountain of work piling up. Sleep disturbances, emotional distress, mindless scrolling, and other health problems might result from this. All of these things are negative mental health impacts of social media on young people.
Kusuma, Ashavidya. (2020). A major impact of social media on the internet is the way it brings people together in communities where they can share and learn from one another. Some of the most popular social media sites are Wikipedia, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These sites are more than just social media; they are also places where users may divulge personal information to others. Entrepreneurs will rake in cash via crowdfunding and social media sales of their wares. In order to help businesses and corporations make informed decisions, data analytics collects and analyzes information from various social media sites. Students and young people are especially vulnerable to the negative influences of social media, which may lead them to become extremists and selfish. So, individuals from all walks of life are using social media for both positive and negative purposes.
Ahmed, Muhammad et.al (2021). Findings should provide light on how young people are affected by social media. The globe has become more globalized due to the fast advancements achieved in the previous 20 years. It has proven useful in almost every industry, from healthcare to education, from fashion to online shopping, and from improved communication to sports. The youth's association with social media has provided them with many opportunities for wealth. The study delves further into the efficacy of this tool in many domains and presents the findings.
Nisa, Lailun et.al. (2019). A social media platform facilitates interaction between users. Various sites and the number of applications is part of it. One might find a place to share and discuss hobbies and views there. It is a platform where people may search for employment openings. A person's life may be profoundly affected by the network that forms via social media. There are good and bad effects of social media. When it comes to juvenile education, it has some unsavory side effects. Unethical photographs and films were somehow spread on social media. In recent years, it has grown into a major trolling hotspot. Many relationships have been damaged by the negative impact of this medium. The effects of social media on young people, based on secondary evidence, are presented in this article. In addition to the total number of inquiries, it details how much time is spent on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, etc.
Bhati, Vikramaditya et.al. (2019). For the majority of young Indians nowadays, social media is an integral part of daily life. Social media sites have become the primary destination for online activity. While there's no denying that social media has many positive uses, the way young people live their lives is being negatively impacted by their addiction to these platforms.
Agrawal, Kritika et.al. (2019). Facebook and Twitter, among others, have a large user base, particularly among the young adult demographic. Through the development of social media, online communities have emerged, allowing people to communicate with one another regardless of physical location. While previous studies have debated the internet's potential to strengthen interpersonal bonds, less is known about the mental health effects of young social media use. The purpose of this comprehensive study is to determine if the ubiquitous social media platforms of the present day have any effect on the way young people act. An examination of online resources, social media, and scholarly journal articles forms the theoretical basis of this research report. Reviews of articles published after the turn of the century were sourced using a multidata base search. The media and mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, were the subjects of these articles.
Like a coin, every idea has two sides. Social media has both good and bad effects on young Indians. The following are some of the ways in which social media has impacted young people in India.
A. Education: - Students may access a wealth of information relevant to their studies and subjects by searching and gathering it. The Internet has made distance learning an easy option for many students who are unable to commit to regular class attendance. Educators may provide students with helpful information about upcoming classes, workshops, seminars, school events, and homework assignments by posting relevant materials on social media. A variety of learning resources, including podcasts, blogs, Wikipedia, e-learning, and m-learning, have been made available to us by advancements in information and communication technology. Because right now, people all around the globe are trying to cope with the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. The closure of educational institutions is a direct result of the lockdown and curfew policies. Teachers are able to reach kids and young minds online using social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube as well as programs like Google Classroom, Zoom, Edmodo, Snap HW, and others. But there are also plenty of writers, authors, and bloggers that spread false and misleading material on social media platforms, thereby misguiding students. Consequently, it causes the online education system to fail.
B. Family Relations: - The globe is currently smaller than a normal town because to globalization. Leeds is a popular option for those looking to attend university these days. At some point or another, most Indians left the subcontinent and settled elsewhere. They rely heavily on social media as a means of maintaining relationships with those they care about. Thanks to voice and video connections, kids won't even realize they're away from home and country. Everybody shares their ideas and the things happening in their life. But the majority of young people's time on social media is wasted on meaningless activities including sending and receiving useless data, sending and receiving messages, and indulging in gossip with friends.
C. Entrepreneurship: - Today, it is impossible to undermine the impact of social media on the consumer market and enterprise. Customers' habits have changed in many ways due to social media. There is a close relationship between marketing, social media, and businesses. Traditional marketing means such as television, newspapers, and radio were used by the troupes to promote and sell their goods. A lot of resources, including time, money, and people, are needed for traditional and offline marketing. Modern advertising has come a long way from its infancy. Marketers can reach more people, seize more chances, and get more people to back their ads when they utilize social media. Thanks to social media, businesses can now reach customers all over the world and sell their goods. In other contexts, customers and followers are allowed to voice their opinions about a particular business, and those opinions, positive and negative, might eventually cause the business to collapse.
D. Online Shopping: - Online shopping has become a popular way for many people to buy a variety of things. Consequently, buying things online is becoming more popular very quickly all around the globe. Taking a different tack, this trend has had many negative effects on society. When people purchase online, they have more opportunities to become excessive. Take, for example, the fact that most of the world's most prestigious multinational companies now promote their wares on various online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Flipkart, Alibaba, and so on. As a result, a lot of individuals choose to buy online for name-brand, high-quality goods. Because of this, the majority of people not only show their conservatism but also spend a lot of money. Also, in our fast-paced world, individuals are tempted to buy unnecessary stuff since manufacturing businesses provide huge discounts on products via shopping sites and social media ads. Consequently, in order to make the masses extravagant today, internet buying services play a key part.
E. Entertainment: - The importance of social media in providing individuals with various forms of entertainment is quite remarkable. Countless individuals get their entertainment fix from social media instead of TV shows, news, and movies. These days, most people use social media for fun as much as they do for business or to stay in touch with friends and family. In order to keep in touch with friends and family, many people utilize social media to see movies, read news, listen to music, and even watch live cricket events. A full lockdown and curfew have been instituted by the government in an effort to stem the spread of the coronavirus as a result of the pandemic. As a result, many are remaining inside and glued to their social media accounts. The younger generation in India is increasingly downloading and playing video games like Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), Ludo King, Candy Crush, etc. The majority of adolescent free time is devoted to playing smartphone video games online. One negative consequence of playing violent video games is that they make kids more aggressive. The growing brain, memory, and eyesight are all vulnerable to the harmful effects of video games. Playing video games too much might damage brain cells and make it hard for kids to sleep. A large number of individuals lost their lives while attempting to beat the famous computer game Blue Whale. Maninder Singh, an 18-year-old from Kotakpura, Punjab, died away on April 16, 2020, while playing the player-versus-environment battle royale video game.
The exponential development of social media users throughout the globe is seen in their ever-increasing use. The use of social media platforms like as Facebook, YouTube, WeChat, WhatsApp, etc., is on the rise among both adults and teens. There is a higher prevalence of social media addiction among teenagers. Nowadays, 95% of teens have complete smartphone access, and 45% of those teens are online all the time, according to a Pewinternet survey (Jingjing, & Monica, 2018). In addition to this report, the survey also found that among teens, 31% think social media makes a mostly positive impact, 24% say the opposite, and 46% say it makes no difference at all (Jingjing, & Monica, 2018). Social media is having varying impacts on each of them. Many issues are plaguing today's youth as a direct result of their heavy reliance on social media. Social media has both beneficial and harmful effects on society as a whole, with the latter having a disproportionately unfavorable effect on young people.
A. Positive Impacts of social media:
According to Anderson and Jiang (2018), teens' use of social media improves their education, relationships, access to jobs, motivation to exercise, and even their ability to purchase online. It also helps them stay connected with people all over the world. It is now without dispute that Google has become an essential tool for everyone seeking information, including students, teens, and everyone else. Yang and Lee (2018) state that Instagram and Facebook have joined the ranks of Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Khan Academy as platforms where information may be shared and acquired. Sharing is better than storing when it comes to knowledge, which is why many social networking sites are promoting this practice among their users. Consider how much more difficult your academic life would be without the convenience of email, group chats on WhatsApp for ideation, and video-sharing websites like YouTube.
Jingjing and Monica (2018) state that, from a technological perspective, social media have greatly improved our educational approach. According to Erdoğan (2019), youths could benefit more from using social media for the purpose of sharing knowledge, ideas, thoughts, and perspectives. What, for instance, if a student has an unforeseen circumstance that prevents them from showing up to class? In what ways can they get to the class notes? They might ask their classmates to share their notes with them if they join a social media group, such as a WhatsApp group. Groups formed using social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, or Viber enable students to collaborate on group assignments when instructors assign them. At the moment, the teacher communicates important information via email, such as upcoming tests, homework due dates, attendance records, and grades. These days, kids just can't imagine a classroom without some kind of social media integration. Any student studying abroad can tell you that social media is great for keeping in touch with loved ones back home via video chats.
According to Rachel (2016), young people rely on social media as a means of engaging with other young people. Social media and messaging apps like Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, and Skype have facilitated more convenient online communication and the development of personal relationships. These days, meeting new people, reuniting with old friends, or even just making new acquaintances is as routine as using social media. When it comes to social media, the urge to meet new people is overpowering, especially among teens (Parents, 2018). Young individuals looking for work have taken advantage of the vast number of people who use social media to find jobs. Facebook, LinkedIn, and other such networks facilitate communication between businesses and their employees. According to statistical research, the number of freelancers in the United States is 53 million, and they generate approximately $775 billion annually (Statistia, 2018). Freelancing allows many individuals to follow their passions while still earning a job, which is why many of them like it. We may claim that social media was crucial in their job hunt because that's how the majority of them found out about the opening.
If we consider Amazon, this will become clear. It is a wonderful platform where customers, particularly teens, may purchase and sell goods to meet their requirements. If a production company's target demographic happens to be women, for instance, they may use social media to reach out to only that demographic. Properly using social media, people are raising brand and product recognition (Stern, & Burke, 2017) Adolescents in this day of rapid technological advancement are displaying a fantastic lifestyle on social media. They are demonstrating their intelligence and imagination by use of social media. A teacher found that when teens show their parents or other elder relatives how to use social media, it gives them a sense of empowerment (ncbi, 2016). When compared to adults, teenagers are technologically savvy, particularly when it comes to social media. Research from the National Center for Biotechnology (ncbi, 2016) and Collins and Halverson (2018) shows that people are becoming increasingly interested in technology and its many forms. A lot of teens these days have their own YouTube channel where they demonstrate their skills and knowledge.
Someone with guitar skills, for instance, may make a video and publish it to their YouTube account, where it could be seen by others (ncbi, 2016). Seeing how the audience responds or how much praise they provide will inspire them to perform a better job. Thanks to social media, a lot of teens have found success as singers, dancers, musicians, and motivational speakers (Ahrens et al, 2018). There are good and bad ways in which social media impacts politics. The public's perception of politics and elections has been shaped by the impact of social media. Some academics have brought the socially relevant fields of mass communication and media theory to the table. Despite being a minority in Myanmar, the Rohingya were able to utilize social media to share both the actual and imagined landscape of their plight throughout the genocide. When the military of Myanmar began persecuting members of the Rohingya Muslim minority for their religion and ethnicity on August 25, 2017, over 700,000 of them fled to Bangladesh (BBC, 2018; Hutchinson, 2018). nearly the last 30 years, nearly 300,000 Rohingyas have sought refuge in Bangladesh after fleeing the previous invasion by the Burmese government (BBC, 2018; Hutchinson, 2018). As of right now, Bangladesh is home to about 1.1 million Rohingya refugees. The Rohingyas are also now residing in other countries as refugees. Pakistan has 350,000, Saudi Arabia has 200,000, India has 40,000, Malaysia has 150,000, and the United Arab Emirates has 10,000. According to several sources (BBC 2018; Hutchinson, 2018; Fumagalli, 2018), there are 1,000 in Indonesia, 5,000 in Thailand, and 120,000 in the border area between Bangladesh and Myanmar. In gathering information on the Rohingya and showing them support, social media was a tremendous help.
At this point, the world is split down the middle on the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya. The majority of Muslim nations in the United Nations support the Rohingya, but a small number of nations continue to support the Myanmar military forces responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya (BBC, 2018). Without Facebook and other social media, the world would be in the dark about the genocide in Rakhine state, Myanmar, which targeted the Muslim Rohingya minority. Photos and videos of Rohingya teenagers murdering one other have gone viral, drawing attention to the genocide.
B. Negative Impacts of social media
The vast majority of today's youth who participate in online social networks have been victims of cyberbullying, according to a new study by PewCentre.com. Bullying that takes place via electronic means, such as cellphones, laptops, tablets, and desktop computers, is known as cyberbullying (Baughman, Kozloski, Lynar, Pandey, & Wagner, 2018). Adolescents may be victims of cyberbullying if they feel unsafe sharing personal information online, such as via a status update, text message, online application, social media forum, or picture sharing site (Darrin, 2017). The act of spreading someone else's derogatory, offensive, destructive, or otherwise hurtful information on social media is known as cyberbullying. Sharing personal information with the intent to shame or humiliate a person is one way this may occur.
Another way that social media harms teens is via hacking. By breaking into people's accounts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., hackers may get access to private information, images, and data Some individuals have had their social media accounts breached, leading to financial losses. Hackers have accessed the accounts of several young stars on social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and subsequently released embarrassing personal footage and images of the victims Officials from major social media platforms constantly remind users to use strong, case-sensitive passwords to safeguard their accounts. Among the many harmful effects of social media on young people, addiction stands out. One of the many detrimental effects is the worsening of addiction among young people. Mediakix found that 210 million individuals are now hooked to the Internet and social media in some way or another.
It is becoming more and more apparent that teenagers' addiction to social media is a societal sickness. Addiction to social media has isolated today's youth from their real-life peers. Their engrossment in social media is causing them to lose track of time. Nothing good will happen to them in life until they overcome this addiction. We need to figure up a good answer now. Although social media is an integral part of our everyday lives, it is possible to get addicted to them if we use them too often. According to research by Mediakix (2018), the majority of Americans are social media addicts, and 71% of those people sleep with their phones. False accounts on social media platforms and the dissemination of false and misleading news may utterly degrade a person's honor and reputation. The use of social media propaganda in defamation lawsuits has recently skyrocketed on a global scale. New cybercrime laws are being passed by the government in an effort to curb the spread of false information. By way of illustration, in an effort to curb online falsehoods, slander, and defamation, the government of Bangladesh passed the Digital Security Act in 2018. The Digital Security Bill-2018 establishes penalties ranging from three to 10 years in jail for anyone who attempt to disseminate false information via social media.
Some of the less serious negative effects of social media include the glamorization of drugs and alcohol, problems with infidelity and relationships, damage to one's reputation and health, and so on. There are many mental and physical health issues among teenagers as a result of their heavy use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Addiction to social media is common among kids, whether it's deliberate or not. According to Shensa, Sidani, Dew, Escobar-Viera, and Primack (2018), teens were unable to focus on their studies and often stayed up late on social media. They ended up with low test scores, which led to feelings of depression and worry. People need to be self-disciplined and determined to improve their social and personal lives in order to manage their social media use. According to Ncbi (2016), the majority of the 2.80 million social media users that are susceptible are teens and children.
C. Managerial implication
Scientists have figured out what works best to alter children's outlooks for the better. The study found that young people are the demographic most affected by social media marketing. The more time and effort marketers put into promoting their brand on social media, the more favorable impressions the company gains among young people. This finding is useful for marketers. When asked whether social media marketing benefited their company, the majority of respondents said yes. Education and knowledge sharing on social media is very successful, particularly among teenagers; this is a key reason why educational apps are growing rapidly. Businesses and services who want to share this information should take this into account. Teenagers nowadays would rather use an internet platform than more conventional ways of learning and information dissemination. Social media is a powerful instrument for increasing brand recognition and positive associations among India's young, and mobile phones have made it possible to do every aspect of daily life. 
In order to overcome social media addiction, we have compiled five suggestions derived from secondary sources. These include disabling smartphone notifications, taking up a new pastime, making a routine, concentrating on daily tasks, and spending more time with loved ones. One simple thing parent can do to help their teens deal with the negative effects of social media is to disable the feature that alerts them when new messages or posts are available. Not only is it annoying, but it also wastes the precious time that teenagers have. In the absence of a notification mute feature, a statistical analysis found that everyone checks their phone within fifteen minutes (Phobe, 2016; Picard, 2018). It causes mental health issues and is a waste of time. When teens disable push notifications, their phones won't alert them when they get spam or other unwanted messages.
Consequently, it would reduce the amount of time that teenagers spend daydreaming and not getting anything done. Teens should minimize distractions and concentrate on their studies or jobs by turning off smartphone notifications during office or class hours. Once class is over, students may go over their alerts. An acceptable and responsible way for parents to limit their children's exposure to social media is to disable alerts on their devices. One way to avoid the harmful effects of social media is to turn off notifications on electronic devices, which some may see as a bad habit. Teens may be able to delay receiving certain vital news, but research shows that they would be 40–45% more productive if they disabled notifications on their devices while in class or at work. Last but not least, there have been many advantages to the adolescent unplugging their gadget.
Second, if teens took up a new activity, they may find ways to work together and put their interests to good use. Even more so than when they're addicted to social media, they could actually have a lot sparer time. Teens should be motivated to pursue other interests to fill their free time. Teenagers should finally make time for that one activity they've always wanted to do. Teens, according to the writers, will be astounded by how much spare time they have if they cut off the accidental scrolling through their social media accounts. In addition to preventing them from wanting to use social media, these new forms of entertainment will occupy their minds and hands. on teens, going on a long drive is a great way to spend free time. They may find that engaging in both indoor and outdoor activities helps them overcome their addiction to social media. Addiction to electronic media, such as playing video games or seeing movies, may develop in teens as a result of certain pastimes. Despite these few interests, there are many more that might serve as distractions for teens struggling with social media addiction.
An effective strategy for avoiding social media addiction may entail engaging in outdoor activities that are connected to interests, such as playing football or becoming involved in social works. According to Fadhli (2017) and Chan et al. (2018), the most susceptible demographic to developing a social media addiction is teenagers. Thirdly, adhering to a regular routine and creating and sticking to a timetable will help youngsters overcome this addiction. In order to be more efficient, every adolescent should make their own timetable. Adolescents often purposefully surf the web or peruse their social media newsfeeds, but sometimes they use social media for extended periods of time without realizing it and end up neglecting important tasks. They need to plan ahead by determining exactly when they should go on to social media. When pushed to limit their daily routine, teens often get agitated since they are naturally quite sensitive. They want to live their lives as they like. A fun, easy-to-follow routine is usually what they go for. They would set out two or three hours each day to peruse their social media feeds and respond to any urgent communications. But if you show them the way to establish a plan and stick to it, they'll be led in the right path, and they'll avoid dealing with people on a long-term basis. Furthermore, the best way for teenagers to focus on their studies is to focus on the things they do every day. Teens should review their daily schedules before beginning the day every morning.
They need to prioritize their work and make smart use of their time. Every day, they need to plan how to make the most of their bodies, minds, and spirits. They should keep in mind that sticking to a daily routine will serve to both concentrate on their job and provide them time to relax. The three distinct portions of a day—morning, afternoon, and night—are defined by the learner's lexicon. Teens' lifestyles may be better accommodated, according to the study, if they adhere to a normal sleep-wake schedule. Some academics are against this approach and worry that if teens are too busy worrying about everyday things, they won't have time to be creative. On the other hand, there are writers who think social media addicts should stick to a timetable from dawn 'til dusk. In order to stay on top of their everyday tasks, teenagers divide their work into these three categories. They will be able to limit their time on social media if they remain focused on their everyday tasks and achieve great results. According to Kanuri, Chen, and Sridhar (2018), the key to helping teens overcome the detrimental effects of social media is for them to concentrate on their regular activities. Spending more time with loved ones—whether that's family, friends, or relatives—is also a great way to counteract the bad effects of social media.
Teens' innovative use of social media to expand their online networks outside their immediate families has been well-documented (Quora, 2017; Elder, G. H., 2018). Having regular family dinners, talking about gossip, sharing stories, celebrating traditions, reading aloud, and planning an outing once a month are all great ways for teens to avoid the bad effects of social media. Having supper together should be mandatory for every family. Here, some academics are against spending more time with loved ones, arguing that doing so can stunt their cognitive development and foster a more traditional character trait. The average family only spends 49 minutes together every day, which is clearly not enough time for today's youth. Consequently, time spent with loved ones, or at least maintaining contact with them, should take precedence (Richard, 2016). Consequently, there is a strong belief that teens benefit greatly from spending more time with their families.
To sum up, social media plays an important role in our daily lives nowadays. The younger generation needs to know how to avoid wasting time and instead put it to good use in order to better their life. In a world when being on social media is no longer optional, young people must figure out how to make the most of it. According to Oberlo, the number of social media users will reach 3.96 billion in 2023, up 1.1 billion from 2017. The essay shows how teens are affected by social media, both positively and negatively. This article's findings prove that social networking is a boon for certain individuals in the current world, despite its drawbacks. A number of concrete suggestions for mitigating the potentially harmful effects of social media on young people have been put up in this article. The author maintains, in light of the article's critical review and general conclusion, that, when properly administered, social media may have beneficial societal effects on youth.
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