Analysis of SOL-GEL Static Laser Light Scattering Data

Santosh Kumar1*, Dr. M. Z. Shahzada2

1 Research Scholar, Deptt. of Chemistry, Magadh University, Bodhgaya, Bihar (India)


2 Associate Prof. & Head, Dept. of Chemistry, K.L.S. College, Nawada, M.U., Bodh Gaya, Bihar (India)


Abstract - This paper is "Analysis of Static Laser Light Scattering Data of SOL-GEL". This method has the unique advantage of characterizing macromolecules in sol-gel experiments with a light source. The DLS method has the additional advantage that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using sol-gel gZ(r) is less affected by the dust in the sample, unlike the SLS experiment where there is dust contamination. can cover the signal level to make an accurate estimate of the use of broken hard work. Analysis and solutions to this problem have not yet been developed. The results of the present study should be seen as a step in this direction.

Keywords: DLS data, ACF, molecular weight, sol-state, gel state and solvent molecules etc,


Gels are characterized by their equilibrium, dynamic and kinetic properties. These properties depend on the gel state represented by osmotic pressure, temperature, solvent composition, the degree of swelling, pH value, ionic strength, etc. A gel can go into a sol phase with slight alternation in above parameters. A sol is distinguished from a gel by its fluidity nature. So a sol is one which charges its shape with the tilt of the container but gel is one which can sustain some mechanical stress (like a solid).1 All most all the physical gels are thermoreversible gel. That is, they can go from a gel state to sol state or the viceversa with the change in temperature. This transition from sol-state to gel state or gel state to sol state is called as sol-gel transition.2

There exists several excellent review papers on classification of different types of gels and different mechanism of gelation (sol-gel transition) in particularly for polymeric gels.3 In spite of this, there still exists a lot of open questions in this field. In the recent past· a lot of people started asking the question, are there any common universal laws exist which govern the gelation phenomena, no matter how different the microscopic processes may be? 4 In the last decade or so theoreticians have come up with a very encouraging answer to it. They consider gels as part of the large family of disordered systems. A lot of approaches have been proposed to deal with such systems. It was suggested analogy between gelation and percolation. This has been supported by a great number of theoretical and experimental studies, including an overwhelming contribution of computer simulations.5

Gels are characterized by their equilibrium, dynamic and kinetic properties. These properties depend on the gel state represented by osmotic pressure, temperature, weight composition, degree of swelling, pH value, ionic strength, etc. The difference between a sol and a gel is its fluidity. Asol is a gel that changes shape when the box is bent, while a gel is a gel that can withstand some kind of stress (such as objects). glue That is, they can change from a gel state to a sol state or vice versa, depending on the temperature. The transition from a sol state to a gel state or from a gel state to a sol state is called a sol-gel transition. There are many excellent review articles specifically for polymer gels. Recently, many people have begun to ask the question: Are there universal laws that govern gelation processes, no matter how different the microscopic processes are?6 Over the past decade, scientists have found a convincing answer to this question. They believe that gels are part of a large family of harmful bacteria. Many methods have been proposed to solve such processes. An example of gelation and percolation is proposed. This is supported by many theoretical and experimental studies, including extensive computer simulations. These properties depend on the gel state represented by osmotic pressure, temperature, weight composition, degree of swelling, pH, ionic strength, etc. The difference between a sol and a gel is its fluidity. So a sol is a substance that changes shape when the container is tilted, while a gel is a substance (like matter) that can withstand a certain amount of stress. Most body gels are thermoreversible gels.7 That is, they can change from a gel state to a sol state as the temperature changes, and vice versa. change.

There are some good reviews on the distribution of different types of gels and different gelation processes (sol-gel transition), especially polymer gels. However, there are still many unanswered questions in the field. Recently, many people have begun to ask the question: Are there universal laws that govern gelation, no matter how different the microscopic processes may be? Over the past decade, scientists have found encouraging answers to this question. 8 They believe that gelatins are part of a large family of harmful bacteria.

Static Light Scattering - When a beam of light hits a type of material, its electrons are reflected in one direction and the nuclei have an outward force, creating a dipole moment "P" in the particle. Let the electromagnetic beam be a plane-polarized beam. The electric power (E) of monochromatic light is as follows:

E = Eo Cos 2πf (vt - X/λ)

where Eo is the max. amplitude, on 'v' and is the frequency while the ‘λ’ is the wavelength of light in the medium. The dipole moment thus created is proportional to the electric power with a constant of proportionality called the polarization of the particle, i.e.,


We are considering particles with density less than λ (for particles with density greater than or equal to ‘λ’, this is called Mie scattering). Therefore, each person can be represented by a single “x” value and the voltage of each of the objects is always the same. Given the equation we got:

P=α Eo Cos 2π (νt -x/ λ) 9

An oscillating dipole, but itself a source of electric current, is called a scattered wave. The explosive power (Eo) is proportional to d2p/dt2. Oscillating dipoles create an oscillating electric field, which is accompanied by an oscillating magnetic field. The scattered field is a spherical circle extending in all directions, but the strength of the field depends on the direction. The normal to the observer is now a line on Sin(ϴ), and its intensity is proportional to Sin(ϴ), at any value of ‘r’, where ϴ,  is the angle between the dipole axis and the dipole axis. Iron. Another feature is that the breakdown voltage is proportional to l/r to realize the law of energy conservation.

So, it is differ on pF two time on the basis of ‘t’ further its multiplied by Sin(e)/r also dividend by C², such as ‘C’ are the ‘velocity of light’ and to make the dimensionally consistent, so we got equation, E 4x²v²α EoSine/C²r Cos 2π (vt - x/λ). Consist the Eo for scattered electrical fields and bought the equal frequency on the incident Beam’s frequency indicate with elastic scattering tools. It is explore and measured quantities are intensity instead of electrics, the proportional to eqn. E² by “Poynting theorem-16x*a²Sin² ϴα = 1E.12= a² 2 1. 16*α²Sin² ϴ 10 Ar² 2π (vt - x/λ).

On this basis the field of Sin² ϴ in λ = c/v. has derived on theory of Rayleigh. It is the basic 1 striking features tic equation that ‘λ’ scattered intensity (I) and on inversely proportional to IVth  powers of wavelength of empirical lighting system.11

From the above it is clear that the angular dependence of the crack is due to sinusoids. However, in most experiments the problem used is unpolarized rather than polarized. Unpolarized light can be considered as the superposition of two plane polarized beams whose independent phases are equal and whose planes of polarization are perpendicular to each other. For unpolarized lights and instead of Sin² λ = c/v, the +Sin² = (1 + Cos² ϴ)/2, is known that ϴ, and ‘λ’ represents the tri-angles on the line of their observation with ‘y’-‘z’ axis, When the incident ray is in the x direction, the angle between the "0" observation line and the x axis, that is, the angle between the observation line and the direction of the problem. The reason for the formation of the coefficient of 1/2 is that each time the sample represents the breakdown of half of the event. (1/2).(1/1) on 4-2 (1 + Cos² ϴ).

This is the simple Rayleigh equation for light scattering from a particle. The quantity measured in the experiment is the Rayleigh ratio, that is:

₁₁(e) Re 10(1 + Cos²)

Now let's calculate a². Polarizability is related to the dielectric constant “D” (frequency ‘v’) and therefore to the refractive index “n”:

D - 1 = n²-1= 4#Na

Where, 'N' is numbers of molecules/c.c. its dilute gas ‘n’ was closed on unities and it may be expanded by, Taylor theorem, → n 2 n = 1 + ( dn/dc ) c + ( - 1 = 2. dn/dc.c = 4xNa (IV.13) (dn/dc) M (dn/dc) α = c. 2πΝ 2N (IV.14)

Where "M" is the molecular weight of the particles, "N" is the number of particles per cubic centimeter (cm), NA is the Avogadro constant, and "c" is the concentration of particles in the gas, so that M/N = c/N is equals to Mass per-particle. Putting the value n 2 n = 1 + ( dn/dc ) c + (-1=2. dn/dc.c = 4xNa (dn/dc) M (dn/dc) α = c. 2πΝ 2N, w got them Lo 2x x²³M² ( dn/dc )² (1 + Cos² ϴ) ϴn4a²

For example, density per unit volume is a better value. The particles are randomly distributed, so the total density is the sum of the individual particle densities with N= NAC/M particles per cc2m² (1 + Cos² ϴ). Cos² ϴ). I (dn/dc)² 2 M.c

f the refracted molecule is immersed in a solvent having a refractive index of n, ‘π’ instead of being immersed in empty space having a refractive index of n is ‘1’, we got n²-о on total polarizability per/unit volume instead-n² 1x²³= 4Na. - = 4πΝα.

The real "a" is the difference between the polarizability of the solvent molecule and the solvent it displaces we got- n² 2n(=2n (dn/dc)*c= 4*Na and overall the expressions would be 2m²(1+Cos²0)n² (dn/dc) 2n M*c-2N²² ϴ.

Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)- In a light scattering experiment, a monochromatic laser light such as the diffusion coefficient of the molecule, its hydrodynamic radius, etc. is illuminated on the sample and scattered on the detector placed at an angle "e" to the incident beam. The intersection of the incident beam and the broken beam defines the volume "V" called the broken volume. When the molecules in the explosion volume are exposed to the incident beam, the energy of their material increases and a dipole moment is formed in the explosion volume, which emits secondary light to the detector. The second voltage is called the explosion. However, in the case of solution scattering, the molecules in the scattering volume are scattered. Due to the thermal interaction and collision of solvent molecules, they are constantly displaced, rotated and vibrated. Due to this continuous motion, the position of the value is constantly changing, the light burst of the counter changes around the average value of time, and the value of the change changes towards equilibrium and is directly dependent on the dynamics of the molecule. It can provide information that the thermal motion and collision of molecules are random, so the entire use of the isolation changes randomly in the detector. This record looks like noise. Therefore, the wave propagation theory of noise and random fluctuations provides a good basis for the study of these processes by light scattering spectroscopy.


The study was “Analysis of SOL-GEL Static Laser Light Scattering Data.” Experiments to study the properties of gel networks. Quantification of gel helical content in gelated sol at different temperatures is the second objective of this study. This experiment includes all the experimental details (methods, results and discussion) of the study of gelatin gel model technology through various experiments in this paper. Sol-gel properties of gelatin gels have been studied comprehensively by different methods. Also, the phase diagram of the system is constructed. The stages of change and the social indicators that follow are described. The analysis of spinodal lines is stated and explained.


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