An Analytical Study of Morale and Efficiency among School Teachers in Gwalior City

Examining the Impact of Morale on Efficiency among School Teachers in Gwalior City

by Mr. Abhijeet Singh Chauhan*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Jan 2018, Pages 113 - 116 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This study was an effort to find out the effect of Morale on efficiency. The research was done on 150 teachers of various private and government schools of Gwalior and Standardized Questionnaires based on a likert scale were used for the study. In this study regression analysis was applied in order to evaluate the influence of Morale on efficiency.Finally the study revealed that there is a significant and positive effect of Moraleon efficiency in School teachers of Gwalior region.


morale, efficiency, school teachers, Gwalior City, regression analysis


Morale is an employee's disposition toward his or her activity, business, and associates. Employee morale as the mental state as for satisfaction, confidence and resolve; the disposition of an individual or gathering of employees, bringing about valor, dedication and train; level of satisfaction one has with inherent work angles, for example, assortment and test, criticism and learning, and space to develop and extraneous conditions of business, for example, reasonable and sufficient pay, employer stability, and wellbeing and security. Employee Efficiency is a complex quantifiable parameter which portrays a yield created by endeavors and by accomplishments of an employee.


Chopade (2012) investigated the relationship between survivors' view of rightsizing and their continuance commitment, affective commitment and morale. According to this intercession impact, if employees' certain view of rightsizing would have positive effect on their continuance and also affective commitment. In any case, it was discovered that survivors' rightsizing discernment has negative effect on their morale. It was likewise observed that Employees were observed to be happy with their compensation and measure of work done. Amid the examination it was watched that they were observed to be stressed over their professional stability. So for this situation respondents have uncovered high commitment however low levels of morale. Haynes (2008) portrayed the behavioral hierarchical condition behavioral components of the authoritative condition that have the bigger impacts on hierarchical efficiency. In by and large, it was discovered that positive connection among administration was seen to be the factor to have the best impact on profitability, and interference was seen to have the most negative impacts. Employee's welfare and government disability are vital in light of the fact that it liberates the employee to work with his most extreme efficiency and viability to the associations undertaking and along these lines association's profitability and efficiency get expanded. It likewise assume critical part in diminishing truancy and employee turnover. Government disability measures are the piece of welfare exercises which assume essential part in fast industrialization, development of national economy as they enhance employee's morale by giving conviction that all is good to them against different mechanical hazards(Shelar and Phadatare ,2013). Usmaniet. al.(2013) expressed the connection amongst assorted variety and consumer loyalty intervened by employee morale. The aftereffects of the investigation demonstrated the directed relationship of assorted variety and consumer loyalty yet indicated positive direct relationship amongst decent variety and employee morale. Ngamb(2013) expressed that morale studies ought to be led to get the fundamental data previously rising systems that identify with employee morale, maintenance and execution.

Mr. Abhijeet Singh Chauhan*

likewise watched that group execution, singular commitment, group assessment and coordination have long haul positive connection between employee morale and employee maintenance. The outcomes demonstrated the unimportant impacts of Team solidarity on employee morale and employee maintenance. Employee morale effectsly affects the clients and additionally the organization's prosperity. At the point when relationship-based pioneers advance core ability improvement of its work drive all through the association, upgrade exists for affirming high employee morale and consumer loyalty, an expansion in employee and client conservation rates, and a positive long haul perspective for the organization's effective execution Barbara (2002). Upadhyay and Gupta (2012) reasoned that correspondence assumes a noteworthy part in raising the satisfaction level of an employee. Placated employees are accounted for to have high morale. It is a proof that Welfare measures and work encounter does not basically identifies with satisfaction .So it is proposed that organization ought to accommodate enough welfare measures yet ought not stack itself by developing the cost some portion of it in avarices to win the aggressive edge and state itself as most favored organization.


1. To re-standardize measures for evaluating morale and Efficiency 2. To measure the effect of morale on efficiency among school teachers On the basis of above mentioned literature and objectives following hypothesis may be framed as: H01 ―There is no significant impact of Morale on efficiency among school teachers


1.1 The Study: The study was Empirical in nature with survey method used to complete the study.

1.2 Sampling Design:

1.2.1 Population: Population included Private and Government School teachers of Gwalior region 1.2.3 Sampling Technique: Non-Probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample.

1.2.4 Sample Size: Sample size was 150 Respondents. Instruments:

Employee morale was measured by using scale developed by Quaraishi, Z. M. (1966)While Employee efficiency was measured by using Work Productivity Scale (EWPS) developed by Endicott, Jean, and John Nee (1997) all the responses were taken on a 5 point likert scale where 1 denotes minimum agreement and 5 denotes maximum agreement.

Tools Used for Data Analysis:

1. Reliability test was applied to measure the reliability of questionnaires. 2. Regression analysis was applied to measure the effect of Morale on efficiency among school teachers.

Table 1: Reliability Statistics of Morale and Efficiency

It is considered that the reliability value more than 0.7 is good and it can be seen that reliability value of Morale is 0.720 and for efficiency it is 0.756 which are quite higher than the standard value, so all the items in the questionnaire are highly reliable.

Regression Analysis

Regression test was applied to establish cause and effect relationship among Morale and Efficiency

Mr. Abhijeet Singh Chauhan*

Regression equation showing the relationship between Morale and Efficiency Y = a + bX + E

Y = 14.907+ .564X + E

Y = Efficiency (Dependent Variable) X = Morale (Independent Variable) The statistical results of the regression test, as shown in Table above, indicate that the coefficient of determination Adjusted R2 was 0.214, which means that 21.4% of the variation in overall Efficiency is explained by Morale. The calculated F value was 32.037 at p ≤ 0.05. Thus, the research model is accepted at a significance level of p≤0.05, and overall Morale had a significant effect on efficiency. The values (Beta=0.462, p=0.000) indicate that change in one unit of Morale will change Efficiency by 46.2%. The results explain that Morale is vital and important for the improvement in efficiency of school teachers. So, our hypothesis stating that there is no significant effect of morale on efficiency is rejected.


1. Clear and timely communication and feedback. 2. Defining goals and direction of the work unit and company. 3. Defining and reinforcing clear lines of authority, responsibility and accountability. 4. Rewarding and recognizing positive performance and addressing negative or limited performance in a timely manner. 5. Identifying gaps in knowledge and providing focused, individualized training. regarding job security. 7. Encouraging knowledge and specific skill building in all dimensions of the core competencies which impact the overall performance of the company. 8. Allowing employees to rehearse newly acquired competencies.


Morale is the perspective in which singular feel confidence, satisfaction and capacity to take care of issues and according to different looks into it was watched that an expansion in morale will prompt the lift in person's efficiency. This exploration was done to investigate the impacts of morale on efficiency among teachers and it was discovered that there is a huge effect of morale on efficiency. So if the higher specialists of schools need to make their instructors effective then they have to help their morale levels.


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Corresponding Author Mr. Abhijeet Singh Chauhan*

Assistant Professor, BVM College of Management Education, Gwalior E-Mail –