An Analysis of a Complementary Facet of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Tool – Sales Promotion

The Significance of Sophisticated Sales Promotions in the Indian Market

by Anita Verma*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Jan 2018, Pages 852 - 855 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


A supplemental facade impending amongst salespersons is the sales promotion as the integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) tool which endeavors to warrant the dependability of the communication and the congruent usage of mass media. In keeping with the novel requirement of the present-day epoch as the acquaintance concerning the connotation amid promotional tools and buyers, aids in enclosing the marketing approaches to entice latent shoppers and altering them into dynamic buyers which would be the lead to sophisticated sales promotions are very significant these times to stimulate Indian consumers behavior. A big percentage of budgets is expended on sales promotion by a large number of companies, these days.


complementary facet, integrated marketing communications, sales promotion, communication, mass media, promotional tools, buyers, marketing approaches, latent shoppers, Indian consumers behavior


Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a notion under which a company prudently assimilates and harmonizes its diverse communications channels to deliver a vibrant and dependable message. It objects to confirm the trustworthiness of the communication and the synchronizing usage of media Sales promotion intended at vendors, wholesalers, and consumers influences instruments to endorse sales towards the purchasing behavior of consumers. An understanding of the promotional instruments is significant to comprehend the majority of the contrivances that affect the competition with its competitor's influence of free sample, price reduction, societal surroundings, and basic ambiances on consumer buying comportment owing to sales promotion. The consumer procurement behavior is getting inspired to meet the preference of acquiring rather new items which appeal to consumers and influence their behavior at the time of selecting the products. The promotional sales carry an aptitude to encourage the procurement comportment of consumers, The understanding of the rejoinders of consumers in sales promotion gives rise to pragmatic aids important to complete empathetic of business dexterities for consumers. Sales promotion is denoted as to some extent action that is expended by the maker to endorse trade and comprises of an endorsement for customers to purchase the brand. It results in activating an antagonistic sales force to vend. Sales promotion is an instrument expended by retailers and manufacturers to tempt consumers to purchase further or effort to provide products. Expended as a consequence of sales promotion for storage of huge expanses, appealing novel customers, resulting in huge sales increase. Sales promotional activities are directed towards definite purposes which can be accomplished complete energies to enhance sales in a short period, the desirability of consumers leading them to provisions, and reaching to the point of retail sale brandishes, and inspiring stores to stock goods and sales sustenance for the pains of staff marketing events connected to the advancement of sales enlarged consumer procurements and expand the efficiency of transitional assistance. In the contemporary era, the customers trust the information specified by marketers to acquire products and services, and it is an operative instrument that aids in contrasting prices, structures, and after-sale facilities which they are expected to obtain if the product is bought. The prearrangement by which consumers buy goods has transformed considerably. Plummeting marketing costs, charges of the goods, and services to provide to the satisfaction of customers with the prevailing competition in the marketplace are challenges faced by marketers of many companies. Figure 1 Shows Tools Of Integrated Marketing Communication

Figure 1: The Tools of the Integrated Marketing communication


A review of literature has been done to see the upshot of sales promotion on the protagonist of the corporeal and societal environment and understand the significant component in the enhancement of acquiring behavior of consumers which is as discussed below: Blattberg (1990) Sales promotion involves a straight influence on the consumer's purchasing behavior, an act emphasis-endorsing juncture. The word sales promotion signifies frequent kinds of vending inducements and dealings to vintage the crucial sales possessions. Totten and Block (1994) sales promotions are focused on customers, channels of distribution, or sales workforce called enhanced retail. A relationship is there among time expended and societal mates (Nicholls et al., 2002). The adjacent irrefutable is an incidental influence that consumers buying behavior. These persuasive practices influence the procuring behavior of users. Outlay diminution is a renowned instrument for recommending a virtuous discount in the procurement price, acknowledged on the merchandise display (Fill, 2002). Distribution of free samples is the technique of providing products to customers deprived of any cost so that the customers attempt and purchasing the product. Sales promotion entices additional customers who spend, generate spending, and buying the goods they desire through this phase alleged in endorsing sales, and prices on all the belongings are economical than usual. Customers prevail effortlessly and well understand the phrases of sales promotion. Price fall, coupon, is quantified by the seller, and publicity strategies like a cost-free sample, bonus package, and free items on purchase inspire customers to purchase more than they contemplated. (Gilbert, 1999).


Importance of Sales Promotion Activities:

The properly premeditated sales promotion techniques directly influence consumer purchasing behavior. The objects will be accomplished by sales promotion to a huge possibility when it is completed intermittently recurrence acquisition. The operatives need to advance marketing programs that improve customer schedules and inspire recurrence acquisitions. A significant function of sales promotion promotes the partaking of consumers and encourages recurrence procurements. Sales promotion has influences on numerous features of customer‘s purchasing selections; customer‘ compassion to price

Change in Behaviour of Customer due to Sales Promotion:

As far as the purchasing behavior is concerned, the consumer‘s mandate endlessly to encounter their requirements and fulfillment of attainment of a novel or improved than each individual at the time of selecting the products and taking decisions for purchasing. Sales promotion is attractive for extremely promotion susceptible to customers. A majority of consumers indulge in switching brands, to obtain added offers boundless simulators and promotes smart buyers of their self-perception, and incline users in a constructive and elevation, and these patrons are concocting an endeavor to promote novel produce. Totten & Block, (1994) sale promotion mentions abundant kinds of vending lures and techniques aligned to harvest crucial sales possessions.

The prior studies displayed that administer several factors which can impact buyer behavior, towards goods offered for sale by marketers. The majority of routine lifetime activities are subjugated by commodities acquiring behavior as well as practices gaining from the position Smelser (2001).

William (2002) stated societal course is an important fortitude to purchase valuation measures. The formation of brashness, stimulation, value positioning, and returns, and the intensity of socialization at some point in childhood and education imitates a person's social class. The societal panache of a person unswervingly displays petite income is resulting in restricted carefully selected when taking purchasing pronouncements, Yip (2003) advanced that procuring supremacy as well as sales environs together with important aspects which predisposed impulsive buying behavior exercise among customers.

Distribution of Free Samples:

A free sample distribution is another instrument of promotion applied by dealers. Dealers distinguish the worth of produce and direct interactive involvement with the product. Traders distribute free samples of merchandise so that clients can try the merchandise, then hearing concerning the products (Kardes, 1999). Sampling is the procedure by promotion techniques. The free samples are given of the products to customers so that customers have the chance to attempt and usage of the products. It comprises of awarding scarcer figures of goods to the customers deprived of extra cost, to enable them to try it and purchase the product in the upcoming period.

Discounts/Allowances/Reduction in Prices: Price reduction mentions a lessening in the charge for a restricted interval of time, presented to buyers. The price reduction is an instrument for presenting a rebate in procurement price, stated on the engender exhibition. The merchandise tests to be augmented by the submission of a prodigious price cut. The temporary increases in sales due to asymmetrical operators of a brand cautioned that asymmetrical operators, after captivating advantage of the discount in price, are probable return to their adored brands in the portfolio than buying the endorsed brands at the original price.A substantial component of past researches scrutinizes purchasers‘ response tackle of sales promotion, like coupons Price promotion deploys novel product tests described customers to recompence consideration to price-off promotions. Societal Contexts:

The influences connected to the condition to reinforce the price, stores, brands, if acknowledged in promotion data are the drivers to attract consumers. The purpose is to upsurge visitors to ability act as per the consumer faithfulness to the trademark, and upsurge ingesting of goods or inspire enraging a novel variety. Spending assimilates a societal involvement and an association amid the time spent with societal companions. In busy sale promotion, some purchasers are alone; whereas others with family and propose spending with companionship yields attractive impressions on the traditional behaviors. Some customers examine the shopping experience as a foundation of gratification and a fortuitous for societal relationships.

Role of Surroundings:

The pleasant environments are the main details for store frequenting by the prospective buyers who visit stores to avail sales promotion schemes, The spending epicenter proposes a diversity of shops showing all sales promotion activities of the traders. The activities are highlighted to grow the inspiring worth of the peripheral environs to entice consumers to the spending malls. In the subsequent acquisition, consumers' memories help in establishing its valuation of the last shopping involvement on the corporal environment, the establishment of facilities. the depiction of the spending center inspires customer store condescending. Sales promotion produces enlarged incomes, these instruments cost reduction and free samples. Concerning the propensity of customers for sales promotion, publicized by prior researches that free-of-cost sample, discount percentage, the corporal milieu, and the societal setting frolicked an additional important part in the growth of buyer purchasing behavior and sales promotion throughout a consumer trades promotion. Sales promotion is essential in marketing plans. This paper intends to analyze the consequence of diverse persuasive procedures, which can distress buying behavior of buyers be cast off for augmented sales revenue.


The future course of action is recognizing sales promotion strategies are relevant to understand and promote the behavior of consumers. This research is important as all companies aim to minimize costs and maximize profits and can guide future marketers that if the right promotional incentives are provided, then marketers can expect increased sales.


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Corresponding Author Anita Verma* Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce