A Study on Chemical Compounds Present in Water with Effects and Limits

by Vishakha .*, Dr. Praveen Kumar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Jan 2018, Pages 1918 - 1922 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The physico-chemical parameters viz., pH, E.C., D.O., B.O.D., C.O.D., total hardness, total alkalinity, chlorides, nitrates and phosphates were analyzed. It has been observed that some of the parameters substantially exceeded the limits when compared with the standards set by BIS and CPCB. The River water was therefore heavily polluted with number of organic and inorganic pollutants. A mechanism for the continuous monitoring of the river water and efforts to control discharge of waste in the River are required.


chemical compounds, water, effects, limits, physico-chemical parameters, pH, E.C., D.O., B.O.D., C.O.D., total hardness, total alkalinity, chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, pollution, organic pollutants, inorganic pollutants, continuous monitoring, waste discharge


Water pollution; The following forms are water contamination. Water is polluted by contaminants of various types, depending on the classification through; 1. Physical pollution, 2. Chemical Pollution, 3. Biological Pollution,

1. Physical pollution of water:

A coloring method creates a certain coloring pigment or ingredient that provides different color to a particular coloration such as chromium, iron, etc, and is basically a combination of any organic compound. Often we see that the waters of the river turn reddish-brown, owing to the reaction of the water between the mine and the bicarbonate, which is present naturally in sediment.

2. Chemical pollution of water:

It contains of organic and inorganic waste. Chemical waste – The production of oil, sugar, fat etc. Environmental emissions. The primary cause of environmental contaminants is domestic waste and fiscal matter. The primary forms of protein are albumin, keratin and casein. As gas such as H2S (hydrogen sulphide) and SO2 (oxide sulphur) is emitted by bacteria, the gasoline sniffs and musty scent is sent a combination of oily drops into water stream that can trigger aesthetic issues. Such oily droplets are scattered on the water surface and may avoid sunrays that allow absorption of oxygen and the water's existence. The key origins for an organic material, classified as PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls), usually plasticisers, dielectrics and lubrities, are extremely productive when released into the atmosphere both for animals and for humans. The core nervous system, respiratory tract, is impaired in livestock. The production of phenolic compounds gives the acidic taste to the body. Arithmetic compounds including polynucleotides have carcinogenic properties and impact the environment in the water supply

*Inorganic pollution

Free chlorine, arsenic, hydrogen sulphide, metal salts such as plumes, copper , nickel and chromium are poisonous in nature when released into the water source may cause a hair loss to the cause ecosystem; inorganic acids and alkaline which are corrosive in nature emitted from chemical contaminants may affect water quality as well as alter water pH.

3. Biological pollution of water

Biological waste from drinking water is made of pathogenic bacteria. Few protozoans; parasitic worms are often liable for biological water waste Which contains certain bacteria, algae and viruses.


Diana Norton-Brandao et.al (2013), They concentrated on the usage of non-standard water

application. The above causes are agricultural contaminants, tanneries, and the food manufacturing industry including toxins such as Arsenic, Antimony, Mercury and Tannery waste in the form of heavy metals. The above waste water is tracked with the new digital / computerised data collection equipment (pH, acidity, and alkalinity). De Sanhita.et.al (2007), Sarni, the hot spring power plant located in the M. P. (Betual) is the author's preferred station for research. Five water research stations have been chosen. As: S-1 Nearby area of thermal power station S-2 In ash dam S-3 area, which is about, 1.5 km, from rest stations S-4 pumping area S-5 Satpura dam The research date chosen is February 2006. The parameters chosen for the above water samples are pH, TSS, complete hardness, calcium hardness, chloride. The region of TPS Sarani was slightly polluted and cannot be used for drinking. Dianursanti et al. (2014) Studied growth of lipid rich Chlorella vulgaris, that can be used as bio-material, degrades and grows faster pollutants in household waste water. The waste water includes some organic content, but is mainly made up of protein and lipids about 40-60. Other substances include Carbohydrates (25-50%) and Fat (10%), Nitrate, Phosphates, etc. It usually retains approximately 14% to 22% lipid. After C history, agricultural tofu waste water is used as a propagation tool for Chlorella vulgaris. It is obtained with the use of the Bligh Dryer process and lipids are removed. The micro algae is isolated through gravity, lipid removed from algae with methanol, chloroform. Centrifuged for 10 minutes, the combination ends in two layers of 8,500 RPM. Devi, S. et.al (2012), For groundwater research Cuddaalore is chosen as an industrial area in Tamil Nadu, India. In this region, Bore well water is used for drinking , irrigation and farming. Water contamination is caused by salinity and chemical waste. The collection of water from seven villages was obtained from wells and soil in communities. The analysis took place between Dec2011 and February 2011. The pH, the electric conductivity, total dissolved alkaline material, total calcium hardness. There was a pollution of the surface water collected for processing. The span Dec 2010-Feb 2011 has been evaluated for the present status of ground water content in the fields of the physicochemical parameters pH, electric conductivity (E. C.), complete dissolving solids, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, alkaline totality, absolute Fathi Aloui et.al (2009), Specific materials have been separated from these washes, which is high in nitrogen and may be toxic to live species, and this reduces the amount of dissolving of oxygen in the water, since washing the fish. Through physical and chemical application, they are treated above salt water. You wash COD and BOD with salt water. They also claimed that the production of agricultural goods such as fertiliser, pharmaceuticals, and herbicide and throughout the recycling cycle for oil and gas processing hyper-saline waste water. In the waste dump leachates, large amounts of salt are often contained. G. Baskar et.al (2009), They also developed an artificial wetland where various types are created, such as a half-brick sheet, gravel sheet and sand layer, etc. In the land, they planted approximately 33 organisms. Initially, they also gave fresh water for improved crops. Phragmitesaustralis have been grown there. For six months after planting, they have taken tests. Such parameters such as TSS, TDS, TV, TP, BOD and COD were inspected for important water samples and for effluent water, which were later studied during both work which vacation. Specific diagrams have been developed for each element, and they infer that due to the rainy season TSS impurities is greater in the production (effluent) than inlet, owing to more sediment. The amount of TSS in wastewater has an impact on student power. The TDS level decreased during rainy seasons due to dilution impact. T. N. & T. & T. P. Student power is improved when there are no rainfall effects on TN & TP. The N. T. The. And T. And that. P.Level decreases even when plants are involved. The amount of BOD and COD also decreases as more pollution generated by students means more organic matter. During high and low student power, pH values were less complex, as were precipitation. Gasim.M.B. et.al.(2007), The Bebar River was regarded as study-driven, pH, dissolved oxygen are the parameters analysed and authors conclude that the values were found to be lower and that the water was weak in consistency and not appropriate for drinking. Many operations along the river such as farming, fishing and insufficient construction are observed because of the degraded climate. Gupta.N.et.al. (2011), In the state there is the Chambal River in the neighbourhood of the city of Kota, a study region that is known as a location for physical-chemical analysis. The town of Kota is located in the northern part of the Malwa Plateau. The root of the river was the Madhya Pradash hills district. enhanced energy production of water. Waste water can be a possible source of chemical energy following treatment. Oxy material can be recuperated as a biogas in sludge digestion, chemical resources can be maximised by increasing material concentration and sludge digestion, even by anaerobic treatment. This strategy will conserve considerable resources and heal from the water cycle. Water may be a type of sustainable resources and will become a type of thermal energy underwater. The Netherlands actually implements this method and raises its available energy. J.R. Adewumi et al (2010), They proposed how excess water should be re-used when drinking water is not properly provided or inaccessible to reduce supply of fresh water. Specifically the arid regions of South Africa, especially the cape-region, were also discussed regarding public interest for the reuse of wastewater not for drinking purposes. They based also on sources size, efficiency, safety and before implantation. Jemi.R.J.et. al(2011), There are two permanent temple ponds, namely Padmanapuram and Parvathipuram from Kanyakumari, situated near the district of Kalkulam taluka. They wash their cloths, take baths, wash out their utensils and even their car, all physicochemical paramelics. They are also chosen for the test of water quality. It is also recommended that the above study points should be thoroughly cleaned and preserved. Environmental awareness on how to keep the environment safe should be given to the local population.

Water: structure, properties and its effects;

There are two HO bonds in the water molecule, of which atoms are aligned with the 105 o bond angle on the other side of the oxygen atom. The two unpaired electron bonds develop between oxygen and hydrogen atoms, the two other single-paired electors stay on oxyge atom, repellent each other as the bond angle of 105o between two hydrogen atoms and one oxyge, is attributable to the lone pair of lones, r r. Which is attributed to the unpaired electron and two unpaired unthinkable electrons in their valence container. In water composition, there is little physical difference except as it goes into rigid, fluid or vapour form, since the same molecule makes up water 's strong, fluid, and vapour state. Ice-lime molecules have little freedom of mobility in their crystalline nature, the vapour molecules are free.

Table.1. 1: Physical properties of water.

Due to its self-ionisation strength and potential to absorb H3O+ and OH- ions, Water is a weak electricity conductor, but stronger conductor than other liquids. Strong dielectric constants contribute to ionisation and polarity. When it melts, it spreads tremendously and thus ice becomes less compact than snow. Latent fusion power, latent evaporation radiation, strong water thermal ability That is why water serves as a heat transport medium (steam for heating and cooling ice). It also functions as a temperature control. It also functions like a hydrogen bonding agent in the water molecule. The water molecule has the following ice structure:

Figure.1. 1: Structure of water molecule (ice form)

Water in all lakes and seas controls the temperature of the world. The hydrogen connexions between water molles have already been mentioned, which help the stability and conformity properties of water. The sense of adhesion often implies that water readily clings to certain materials and this is why it spreads like a thin film on different surfaces, e.g. flattening sheet, glazing glas, tiles etc. Water surface tension is very strong as such surface-form water molecules become beads because the molecules demonstrate that their binding forces are more prone to weakly bind to residual surfaces inside their own molecules.

resulting in surface tension. As plants are collecting the water and minerals from the soil, water after plants have consumed water becomes transferable because there is a slight interaction between the water molecule and the surface of the plant channel, which we have termed an binding force that is heavy Starts to bring back down into the planet. If there is ample ice in it, particularly though it is in decent shape, that is attributed to its low density.

Figure.1. 2: Cohesion theory, water absorption and transpiration.

Crystalline water molecule detected at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or ooc. Hydrogen association often influences the thermal properties of the body. For water, the importance of the necessary heat power is very high: the volume of water needed to elevate the temperature by one ounce when 1gm or 1 kg of substance is used. The energy available for increasing water temperature by one ounce is approximately 4, 2 jele per gramme. This water quality is beneficial because sea water absorbs a lot of heat, but increasing temperatures are not as pleasant, and it takes a long time for oceans to warm up. The enticing intensity of the mud, as to the unified quality of sugar; the salts are polar and dissolve very easily in water. The hydrophobic compounds are not dissolved in water. The oil in water contains many minerals, the pre minerals Water. The attracting capacity is greater than that of an unified body, sugar; the salts are polar and they dissolve well in water.


The calcium and magnesium percentage revealed the hardness amount. Hard water that include chemicals, since it does not lather with soap, it is considered to be hard water. There is also a misunderstanding regarding the water structure, scientist stated that the living beings, fluids are a very essential resource. Blood serum provides a large volume of water, which helps bring nutrients along with oxygen across the body. The crucial function of Water is that it retains a body temperature which creates a healthy atmosphere for the body tissues. The water plays an important role in a digestive system . Water often absorbs harmful chemicals which hazardous content from the body. Water drainage, air, lymph drainage, etc. Water plays an important role. It preserves tissues and organs. When we spoke of the value of water in living beings, the lack of it from our bodies kills the functions of the kidney. Drops in the body's water content are triggered by dehydration, nausea, fast respiration and nasal separation. To restore it, oral electrolyte. electrolyte and water depletion are needed to contribute to hypertonic dehydration. Person absorbs or excretes about two liters of water a day through diet and drinking liquid. Drinking water also includes the natural ingredients, dirt, rock and air minerals. A. S (Science National Academy). A. S. Water should have a certain amount of calcium and magnesium for drinking purposes because it is essential to humans. In determining water quality for drinking purposes, there is confusion. Chemicals used in drinking water are minimal and the impact on human safety is hard for scientists to foresee. Water is derived from ponds, reservoirs, dams and fountains which are provided by groundwater. Water provided by local rivers or reservoirs is sometimes referred to as "soil water" In ancient times, man used to drink water well, where buckets were filled and performed manually. Wells excavated around 6500 BC.


It is revealed from the results that the concentration levels for several physiochemical parameters have exceeded the maximum permissible limits. It can therefore be concluded that the waters of the River are substantially polluted due to various pollutants. Therefore, the water cannot be used for any domestic or industrial purposes. Several adverse effects are caused by the polluted water of the ―River‖ on the health & hygiene of the people staying in adjoining areas near the river. The work is focused on recycling waste water of all sorts, which can be turned into helpful water except for drinking purposes, by homes, kitchen waste, clothes, wash, other industries etc. This also involves implicitly saving water. The main concept is for planting, street sweeping, constructing, and paving grounds utilizing this reclaimed water. It is not appropriate for public usage because it may be is for flushing purposes only.


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Corresponding Author Vishakha*

Research Scholar of OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan