A Review of Osteoarthritis Pathophysiology

Understanding Osteoarthritis Pathophysiology and Implications for Treatment

by Niranjan Kaushik*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 14, Issue No. 3, Feb 2018, Pages 606 - 612 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The recurrent, inflammatory articulary disorder of the universe is osteoarthritis. In India, over 20 of the total population is suffering from arthritis, though cartilage Erosion and inflammation are undisclosed as the major cause of disease. It may assist with the discovery of a new medicine to reduce discomfort and cure the jointing disorder by understanding how the disease is progressively meant by a complex benefit factors mechanism and biochemical criteria including cytokines and proteolytic enzymes causing the disease. During OA development in this sample, the most important risk and morphological changes have been found in the cartilage and bone.


osteoarthritis, pathophysiology, inflammatory, articular disorder, cartilage erosion, inflammation, medicine, discomfort, jointing disorder, benefit factors, biochemical criteria, cytokines, proteolytic enzymes, risk, morphological changes, sample, cartilage, bone


The degenerative joint disease of osteoarthritis affects several millions of people around the globe. It is affecting millions. It is a difficult condition that is defined by pathogensis as the predominant destructive processes that change the tissue homoostasis of the joint cartilage and subchaid bone. The pathophysiology of joint cartilage is fundamental to the interactions between cell/extracellular matrix (ECM).


Studies show that age, sex, joint degradation, decreased motion range (ROMs), articulation rigidity and discomfort help to enhance the disability.

2.1. Pain

The most common sympts are persistent pain, with concentrations particularly Glutamate emitted from sense neurons in the spinal cord contributing to hyperalgesia and pain in the infected area increased during the developing knee joint inflammation. The most prominent symptom is a chronic pain. Several tests also shown that radiological pictures have little association with the pain criteria but in patients with strong/severe knee OA the medial side of the knee showed the greatest sensitization; with temporary pressure paint overlapping may be assessed.

2.2. Joint stiffness

In the early 1960s, we developed the idea of joint rigidity in arthritis and the associated pathological diseases. This furnishing has a deficiency in osteoarthritis, and it has been shown that surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) may reduce friction to very low levels and provide lubricant in normal joint. The reinforcement of muscle quadriceps is a major defensive feature of knee joints. Transversal experiments show that strength is linked to physical activity and that increased strength in quadriceps decreases discomfort and enhances functional properties. Evidence indicates that thigh muscle strength can guard against injury to the knee joint and the growth of established OA. Arthrogenic inhibition of muscles (AMI), a presynaptic muscular reflex, is a continuous inhibition of a joint after trauma to joint. This reduces the full muscle movement and preventing reinforcement of the quadriceps. In multiple pathways of inhibitory action, AMI can differ in intensity depending on the extent of joint injury.

2.4. Bone enlargement and swelling

Due to pathological alterations in articular cartilage of the knee joint, multiple causes involve soft tissue obstruction and edoema, blood supply disruptions, chondrocyte erosion and inflammation, and also increased bony density as well as cystic changes, leading to swelling and discomfort.


3.1. Age

It is the main factor in osteoarthritis development; the rising age of a cartilage's tensile property in articular cartilage decreases the glycation acquired, causing mechanical loss.

3.2. Gender

The suffering and impairment of women is greater than that of men. A studies conducted in the hospital found that the prevalence of osteoarthritis in women were as high as 68% and in men over 65 years.

3.3. Genetics hormones

Twins between 48 and 70 years old with similar chromosomes demonstrated a 65% hereditary role in the development of artheroarthritis in classic analysis monozygous (MZ). In the general population between 39% and 65% of arthritis could be hereditary causes, females are more likely after menopause to develop knee arthritis as their osteocalcin levels and bone resorption increase. In women with knee osteoarthritis, levels of osteocalcin, a bone turnover marker, were lower.

3.4. Diet

The prevalence of chronic diseases has risen rapidly through nutrition and behavioural improvements through intake of non-refined carbohydrates and junk food. In addition, chondrocytes are powerfully used to defend the tissue from reactive oxygen species and destroy collagen and synovial fluid hyaluronate since antioxidant micronutrients offer a protection against tissue damage.


4.1. Joint injury and trauma

Articular cartilage tolerated loading due to day-to-day physical activity, injuries to joints and inflammation caused by cartilage loss of its durability. A strong link between obesity and knee OA leads to significant overload and knee joint injury for people with an elevated body mass index (EBMI) as an indicator of relative weight for obesity.

4.3. Occupation

Strong loads were primarily lifted by producers, fishermen, building staff and general workers. The general workers were often involved with upgrading the stairs, both of which lead to the close correlation between knee damage and osteoarthritis.

4.4. Physical activity/Sports

In China, women actively exercising gymnastics or kung fu is at risk for knee injury. Schematic illustration of osteoarthritis risk factors is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of risk factors for osteoarthritis.


OA is a complex disease that may be affected by several causes in its onset, development and intensity. At the suggestion of the first researchers, Radin and Paul, the idea of subchaid bone stiffening and increasing bone density in OA dates from 1970. The bone volume and the trabeculus thickness greatly improve with the higher level of cartilage degeneration and are linked to the improvements in subchondral bone and joint cartilage. OA's stiffening of the bone will cause additional damage to the cartilage; it can withstand fewer of the impact loads. Cartilage loss, joint spatial narrowing, hyprrophic bone changes, formation of osteophys, bone outgrowth and the cartilage on the margin of the joint were common features of osteoarthritis, the earlier study showed that the direction of an osteophritis was observed in all sites except the lateral tibia and size media patterns; The growth of osteophytes is assisted by biomechanical conditions. The rigidity of the subchondral bone is one of the reasons for joint cartilage injury as the bone becomes stiffer; it will be able to withstand tonnes of impact less, which may in turn cartilage in a patella, also known as patella chondropathy or chondromalacia. Chondromalacia of Patella, although the patella is normal, has no specific aetiology; In addition to numerous functional and morphological modifications in OA, various studies have shown different inflammatory mediators, proteins, cell proliferation and biological parameters during disease growth.


Chondrocytes are the only cells in the cartilage which have synthesis and matrix breakdown that can be disrupted under arthritis by cytokines and growth factors. Cytokines that affect metabolism of the articular cartilage are categorised in three groups: (IL1α, IL1β, TNF α), (IL-6, Il-8, IL-4, IL-10, IFNμ) and anabolism (growth factors, IGF, COMPs, TGF β). The interleukin-1 family (IL-1) is commonly recognised as the main cytokine at the early and the late stage of OA; it consists of two agonists, IL-1α and IL-1β, which are made up of two related genes and IL-1Rα. Interleukin-l is a pro-inflammatory multifunctional cytokine that affects many cell types and has different implications, like production of lymphokines, cartilage collapse, interference in growth factors including a growth factor in insulin or decreasing synthesis of major materials such as aggregation and fibroblast proliferation, which is of key importance for arthritis diseases. Interleukin-l The activity of active macrophages releases the IL that contributes to cartilage degradation. NF-kβ is a crucial agent for regulating and managing cytokine production in immune function and inflammation (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells). It is recognised that NF-kβ stimulation contributes to TNFα and IL1β expression. The TNF superfamily is a cytokine community with essential immune and inflammatory roles, including efficient proinflammatory cytokine, which plays a major role in inflammation, and matrix degeneration by inducing the secretion of proteolytic enzymes from chondrocytes and synovial fibroblast. TNF initially causes fever by increasing prostaglandin E2 synthesis and producing IL-1 and IL6. Induce the synthesis of IL-6 in both interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis factor (TNFα), which can, in turn, help in the growth of OA. IFN-μ is developed and functions in a number of respects, after which the inflammation mechanism is intensified, such as arthritis. IL-1β also causes the breakdown of cartilage matrix ROS and lipid peroxidation. The IL-1 and TNF α stimulate NO development of a powerful mediator manufactory made by articular chondrocytes during incandescent reactions, by inhibiting proteoglyca (PG). Interferon β (IFNα) has been shown to be linked to IFN μ signalling enhancement of collagen by developing CD4+T-Regulatory cells and correlated with TNF ~ by several Disorders of biological and pathological activity including various skyrosis, arthritis and diabetics. A large group of structural cytonics, including development, ECM, proliferation of cells and tissue reparation of joint joint chondrocytes, have been found in the synovial fluids of OA patients, in addition to TGF-β released by tissue damage and inflammation, involved in the synovial fluid. The change in the growth factor beta belongs to a wide family of cytokines that have a systemic link in essential biological processes collagenous protein linked to the family of thrombospondins found to excess of articular cartilage. Tamura said NO improved the matrix behaviour of metalloproteinase.


Aggrecaran is most often present in articular cartilage proteoglycans; it works in the load distribution of joints during movement, and provides cartilage tissue with hydration and elasticity. Nearly 90% of aggregate weight is composed of Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains that are replaced. Agricultural loss is the OA case ADAMTS-5 is the most significant aggregation in cartilage. In 1999, DuPont identified aggrecan 1 and 1 (ADAMTS-4) of thrombospondin motifs, and aggregate 2 (ADAMTS-5), out of a family of 19 ADAMTS members in osteoarthritis, ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5 speech, more. Increased ADAMTS 4 involvement in arthritis joint, while expression of ADAMTS-5 is not impaired by IL-1β or TN-α neutralisation, ADAMTS-4 is a part of the disintegrative and metaloproteinase 'disintegrate and thrombospondin-like repetitive class of proteins, exposure to TNF-α, or IL-1β and TGF-β. The upregulation of ADAMTS and the matrix metalloproteinase is synonymous with aggregate degradation (MMPs). Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) are part of a family of enzymes requiring zinc ion at their active site, which can be degraded by neutral pH action and neutral proteases, and are regulated by various inhibitors – that is, the tissue metalloproteinase inhibitors (TIMP). There are 20 representatives of the MMP's like the collagenases (MMP-1, MMP-8, MMP-13) (MMP-3). The cellular migration, ECM protein transformation, ECM degradation and apoptosis on the growth plate are controlled by MMPs. MMPs (e.g. MMP-9 and MMP-13, for example) are known to be critical to over-expression in OA growth. Cytokines often encourage chondrocytes in OA cartilage, which need zinc and calcium for their function, into hidden high levels of matrix metalloproteinase 13 or collagenase-3(MMP-13).


Supraoxide (O2.-), hydroxylic radical (OH.), peroxyl (ROO.), alcohoxyl(RO) and hydroperoxylated (HO2.), oxygen (NO) or nitrogen (NO2.-), non-radicals such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hypoclore (HOCl-), ozone (O3), oxygen alone (O2), peroxylated (ONOO−) are the ROS shaped of oxygen removal. In recent research, chondrocytes release reactive oxygen (ROS) in response to interleukin 1, ROS is formed by stimulated macrophages. Inflammatory reactions are involved with neutrophils. Superoxide anions, peroxide, hydroxide, hydracyl and large nitric oxide are also used. ROS may cause collagen and aggregate degradation in chondrocytes. Nitric oxide is a short-lasting radical synthesised by an oxidation of arginine through a nitrogen oxide (NOS) synthesis family. It first examined the NO function in joint diseases, chondrocytes and macrophyges can develop NN and prostaglandins in reaction to cytokines.


Lipid peroxidation involves oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which results in a number of hydroperoxide and aldehyde compounds that are particularly reactive with cell and matrix components and degrade collagen mediates. The distribution of lipids in cartilage through ageing and OA is seen to change together.

Fig. 2: Potential targets for development of osteoarthritis in knee joint.


OA treatment is focused primarily on pathophysiological events that change the initiation and development of OA. A principal goal for care and prevention of osteoarthritis will be to understand the function and modulation of cytokines and MMPs.


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Corresponding Author Niranjan Kaushik*

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India