A Study on Flexible Joints Is seen In Parallel Manipulators

An investigation of the impact of flexible joints on parallel manipulator control systems

by Manish Pant*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 14, Issue No. 3, Feb 2018, Pages 696 - 704 (9)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The industrial control analysis either neglects systemic versatility entirely, or only takes into consideration the flexibility of manipulation links. If the joint elasticity impact of the joint is prominent, there could be major errors in the gross motion regulation. This paper proposes an effective control system to offset movement errors created by both connection and versatility simultaneously the thesis starts off by modeling a versatile joint and by using the Lagrange formulation in three hypotheses about the complex coupling between the ties and the actuators, parallel manipulator movements are obtained both for actuator variables and joint variables. As a case example, a three-degree of freedom is simulated, taking into account the joint versatility of this study, by two legged planar parallel manipulators Flexible seals, Flexible joint principles, Flexible joint types, Dynamics of the manipulator, Parallel handler, serial handling compared, Parallel handler Parallel handler applications, Flexible joints parallel manipulator, Flexible mutual Stewart platform


flexible joints, parallel manipulators, industrial control analysis, systemic versatility, flexibility, manipulation links, effective control system, movement errors, connection, versatility, joint elasticity impact, gross motion regulation, modeling, Lagrange formulation, complex coupling, ties, actuators, parallel manipulator movements, actuator variables, joint variables, three-degree of freedom, flexible seals, flexible joint principles, flexible joint types, dynamics of the manipulator, parallel handler, serial handling, parallel handler applications, flexible joints parallel manipulator, flexible mutual Stewart platform


Intensive analysis has been a field of parallel manipulation for years. Because of its closed loop configuration, it carries heavy loads than serial manipulators with greater precision. The most widely used mechanisms are flight simulators and earthquake simulators, micro-motion manipulations where high charge capacity and high motion precision are essential. In manipulator dynamics and control system architecture, joint versatility is essential because their drives show this behaviour. Experimentally (Good et al., 1985) showed that neglect of joint versatility in controller architecture leads to deterioration of efficiency of contemporary industrial robots. The joint stability should also be taken into account in controller design in order to manage high accuracy manipulations. Parallel manipulators, like high-speed precision machining, are currently becoming more and more common in many technical processes. Their critical advantages over serial manipulators that have already achieved complex output limitations inspire this increasing attention. Parallel manipulators, on the other hand, are said to provide greater precision, less weight/inertia and more structural strength (i.e. stiffness-to-mass ratio). Their particular movie design induces these characteristics, which prevents error accumulation in cinematic chains and enables comfortable drives to position near the base of the manipulator. This makes them attractive for revolutionary robotic systems, but it takes effective stiffness analysis techniques which meet the computer speed and exactness requirements of the related design procedures to allow realistic utilization of the potential benefits. The rigidity study generally tests the impact on the complying displacements of the end-effectors of the implemented external torques and powers. This property is described numerically by the "stiffness matrix" which gives the relationship between basically relies on the direction/force, the configuration of manipulator, similar to other manipulator properties (kinematical, for example). Given that robotics research and technology came from the spirit of designing mechanical devices that can perform functions that are usually attributed to people, it is very common that the key focus was open loop serial chains as robot manipulators. These robotic manipulators benefit from wide spaces and dexterous maneuverability like the human arm, but because of the cantilever construction their load capacity is very low. As a result, ties become voluminous from strength factors, on the one hand, and on the other they begin to vibrate and flex under strong load at high speed. And if they have a huge workspace, their accuracy is low. In short, the benefits as well as the drawbacks of the human arm include open-chain serial manipulators. Therefore, an alternative to traditional serial manipulator is suitable for applications in which high carry power, good dynamic efficiency and accurate positioning are paramount. One can peer at the biological universe and find that the load-bearing bodies of animals are carried more stably by a number of legs in a parallel compared to biped human beings, and that the two arms are being used in partnership to deal with large loads, with three fingers parallels operated for accurate tasks such as printing. Overall, more rigidity and better over the last two Decades and more scientific interests in this field can be anticipated from robotic manipulators that have the end-effectors bound to the ground by multiple chains that operate in parallel.


The precision attributable to production defects is reduced by mechanically assembled joints such as universal or ball joints. The monolithic features of the flexible joints prevent errors in production. This feature provides a simple method for production and means a highly flexible architecture that can be included in the [28-29] micro-assembly workstation. Flexible joints significantly minimize friction loss from the operating point of view. Consequently, lubrication is not essential and lubrication inaccuracies can be removed. Owing to its very vulnerable force- displacement interaction, flexible joints must be engineered very carefully. This means that high dimensional precision is needed during manufacturing and calibration following manufacturing. Flexure can also be susceptible to the temperature at work. Has mentioned that bending hings have several advantages over other joints, such as ball joints or universal ones; they are very structurally compact and they are manufactured monolithically. Furthermore, there are many benefits such as no backlash, no rubber, no lubrication and no lubrication errors. They have a restricted range of motion, though, so they must bend without any plastic deformation. Single-axis flexor hinges may be classified into two major categories: sheet and notch hinges. Because of relative poor rotational accuracy and tension levels, leaf hinges are seldom implemented. The first hinge and circular hinge were presented by Paros and Weisberg in 1965. Easy manufacturing is the common function of these two styles. Researchers then focused on other configurations that might have an even greater angular range for the rotation of precision. The two-axes hinges with symmetrical and axially clocked notches are faced with a flexure hinge from the elliptic cross-section, in which the geometry is calculated by the ratio of the main and minor axes. The formulation focused on conformity is resolved with a focus on rotation power. Stress, rotational accuracy and pressure energy consumption are measured. Subsequently, the equations for the two axis parabolic hinges can be done again. In terms of many efficiency metrics, the parabolic two-axis profile flexor is often contrasted with its constant rectangular cross-sectional equivalent. The findings reveal that parabolic two-axis profiled bending has a higher value than its rectangular cross section counterparts, based on the analytical model. The four main concepts are movement range, axis drift, the off-axis stiffness/axial strength ratio, and stress concentration impact.

1. Range of motion

While their rigid opposite aspect is boundless or translates to deep spanning, any flexibility is constrained by a restricted range of motion. The flexible joint's range of motion is characterized by the allowable stresses and stresses on the material. If the yield stress is reached, the elastic deformation becomes plastic, which results in an unstable and unreasonable joint output. Thus both the substance and the geometry of the joint determine the range of motion.

2. Axis drift

Besides a limited range of motion, often fluid joints often achieve inaccurate movement as a drift axis or parasitic movement. With regard to the elements that participate, the centre of rotation is not constant. A major deflection from the straight line axis may occur with translational flexibility. For instance, a simple four bar leaf spring is curved. By adding uniformity to the geometry of the joint, the axis drift may be improved. Although this usually increases the rigidity of the joint in the required direction of motion, any symmetrical joint components must be adjusted using another extra field.

3. Off-axis stiffness

While highly flexible joints are in the desired direction, they usually have low rotational and translation rigidity elsewhere. A main characteristic of the effective conformant joint is the

strong ratio of off-axis to axial stiffness. 4. Stress concentration

There are also short-length joints with minimal cross section spaces where the initial deflection is visible. The joint may be susceptible to high-stress concentrations and thus have a lower fatigue life based on the form of these reduced cross sections.

Types of flexible joint

Five separate kinds of flexible joints have a known function. A cone can be intersected by an aero plane in four distinct and non-trivial places, a circle, an ellipse, a parabola or a hyperbola, and a flexible joint with a corner-filleted joint can be created, as seen in Figure:1

Figure: 1 Formulation of the joints

symmetrical right circular, right elliptical, parabolitical and hyperbolic flexibility joints are shown for in-plane closed-form compliances.

Manipulator Dynamics

With the following assumptions, the dynamic model of parallel manipulators with flexible joints can be extracted that significantly simplify the equations of motion. The assumptions are as follows: • Parallel handling connections are static. • The rotor's kinetic energy is largely attributed to a spin of its own. The movement of the rotor is, in other terms, a pure rotation in relation to the inertial reference frame if the gear ratio is high enough. • The inertia of the rotor is symmetrical along the rotor axis such that the speed of the mass centre of the rotor depends on the rotor location. An extra degree of independence for the entire mechanism is provided by flexibility on each joint. Thus rotors of drives are built with their own inertial parameters as fictitious rigid connections. If a n level of freedom is taken into account, the entire device is a 2nd degree of freedom system with a number of actuators The Lagrange‘s equation for the set of manipulator joint variables The Lagrange‘s equation for the set of actuator variables Where K, D, U, Q and generalized limiting force words are kinetic energy, dissipation mechanism, potential energy, generalized non-potentially power.

Parallel manipulator

A mechanical mechanism is used to assist a platform or end-effectors with several computer- controlled serial chains. The most popular parallel manipulator is maybe composed of six linear actuators that support a movable basis for devices like flight simulators. This system is referred to as the Stewart platform and the Gough-Stewart platform for the engineers who built and first used it. Over actuated flat ma-in parallel to the MeKin2D simulator, Even referred to as parallel robots or Stewart generalized platforms, these devices are articulated robots that use identical mechanisms to moving either the robot on his floor, or the one or more manipulator weapons. In contrast to the serial manipulator, their parallel difference is that the independent (usually three or six) bonds operating together concurrently. There is no implicit geometric parallel. The following reasons are intriguing for this kind of mechanism: At least two chains enable one to assign load on the chains, the number of actuators is nominal, the number of sensors available for the mechanism's closed-loop management is nominal, and the manipulator stays in place when the actuators are jammed. This is a key safety function, such as medical robots, for definite use. Parallel robots for which the chains are certainly the same as the free moving platform are considered entirely parallel manipulators. Two major cases are: planar robots (three degrees of freedom on the plane), and spaces that do not travel except inside a plane, and this definition of the fully parallel manipulators allows one to discern the chains.

Comparison to serial manipulators

Most applications of robots need stiffness. Serial robots can do this by using high-quality rotor joints that enable motion in one dimension but that are rigid to travel outside. This movement must also be deliberately regulated by an actuator with each joint permitting movement. This needs a lot of these joints in a movement that requires many axes. Unwanted instability or sloppiness of the single joint induces a related sloppiness of the limb, which is exacerbated by the gap between the joint and the end effectors. Their unavoidable hysteresis and abnormal flexibility accumulates in the movie chain of the arm; a serial precise manipulator represents a balance between accuracy, sophistication, weight (of the handler and of items manipulated) and costs. In the other side, high rigidity can be achieved with a limited mass of the manipulator with parallel manipulators (relatively to the charge being manipulated). This provides high precision and speed motions and motivates the usage of parallel manipulators (high speed with very high masses) in flight simulators and of electrostatic or magnetic lenses in particle accelerators (very high precision in positioning large masses). In contrast to serial manipulators, their small space is a disadvantage to parallel manipulators. The workspace is restricted to the geometric and mechanical limitations of the architecture, for serial manipulators (collisions between legs maximal and minimal lengths of the legs). The workspace is often constrained by the presence of singularities, which are locations where the difference in leg lengths is exponentially less than the variation in place in other trajectories of flight. Conversely, a force (like gravity) exerted in a single location in the end-effectors causes indefinitely broad leg limits, which may lead to a manipulator "explosion." It is impossible to determine individual positions (for a general parallel manipulator, this is an open problem). This means that parallel manipulators' workspace is normally confined artificially to a restricted area, where one knows that no distinction exists. Another disadvantage of simultaneous handlers is its nonlinear behavior, which relies heavily on the direction of the working space and does not variety linearly when moving the end-effectors.

Applications of parallel manipulator

Parallel manipulator applications cover terrestrial and space applications such as satellite telescopes, telescope tracking systems and aiming systems. Paralegals also provide cranes, marine research, air-to-sea rescue, satellite dish positioning, telescopes and orthopedics. The application in different places listed below has been found since the period it was proposed: Through Six connections of different lengths, the moving frame to which a tire is fastened is connected to the earth. One end of any connection, a ball and-base joint on the other, is placed at the universal end. The duration of the connections changes the moving platform direction and orientation, and hence the wheel. This wheel is powered by a conveyor belt as seen in the figure and the system helps the operator to calculate tire wear and tear under different conditions.

Figure: Tire testing using moving platform. • Flight simulator

The first Stewart-based flight simulator is seen below in the figure In flight simulation the Stewart platform design is widely used, particularly in the so-called complete fly simulator, where all Six degrees of freedom are needed.

Figure: The first flight simulator based on an octahedral hexapod • Medical application

The latest trend in medicine is robotic-assisted operation which aims to support the surgeon by making use of the high precision and intelligibility of the robots. Initiating a robotic assistant to provide the surgeon with a variety of utility as an underlying component of the surgery device structure involves removing the daily assignment and removing the amount of human assistants perfection, motor stability and repeatability to his own experience.


Flexible joint

The flexible joints are still recognized since the joints' mass is minimized and the reaction, friction and greased is minimal. The smoothness of the motion and almost limitless resolution were even greater. Style calculations to calculate the spring rate or conformity of the flexible joint is used in the analyzing of the static finite element] to determine the spring rate of the flexible circular joints, the elliptical flexible joint from the beginning was approached with a similar method Closed-form equations were used for the spring rate of a single, uniform flexible joint. For model divinations, the finite element approach and experimental findings have been used. The basic geometry of two-axis flexure hinges and mathematical models, The corner- filleted versatile joint mathematical model was created. And the static study of the finite element was carried out in planar magnification mechanisms. The study shows that the curve-filleted flexible joint has the correct profile, the flexible elliptical joint has less tension and the correct circular joint is stiffer. The flexible joint has a circular, corner-filleted and flexible joint with a curve. Mechanical imperfections in a fluid jointed mechanism are the source of motion errors. These movements are patterned. The stability, accurate motion and stress are calculated to determine the parabolic and hyperbolic flexible joints for planar mechanism, and the efficiency of such flexible joints.

Figure: Hyperbolic flexible joint Stewart platform with flexible joint

Figure shows a platform of Stewart with interchangeable joints. For more precise functioning of the manipulator, the flexible joints are used.

Figure: Stewart platform with flexible joint

almost singular system, was introduced in cinematic and complex analytics of six axis parallel manipulator with flexible joints. They also demonstrated that the forces in the modules do not amplify by replacing spherical or universal joints with flexible joints. Effects of simulation seen, Show that in single configuration, the gain in independence can easily be overcome, replacing normal joints with bending hinges in simultaneous mechanisms. Described the selection of the parallel manipulator configuration, specification and initial test results; both inter satellite optical contact with micro radiation resolution and repetitiveness needs a high accuracy pointing system. Du et al., who use the flexible joint as elastic joints for precise pointing, established such mechanisms. After laboratory testing and finite element simulation, the corner filleted flexible joint is approved with high precision of motion and high displacement. It is applied in the frameworks with high accuracy.


The basic principles of parallel manipulators with their influence are detailed and the key characteristics of parallel manipulators are illustrated The forces of the actuator may not have an immediate impact on the end-effectors accelerations owing to the elastic media in a parallel manipulator with flexible joint drives. The loop closing limit calculations are used in first to delete the unconnected joints and the Lagrange multiplier to determine the in-output relationship. A state of the art study of Stewart's literature was discussed in this article, which included a critical analysis of the problems resolved and solved from different points of view in cinematic, dynamics, flexible joints, finite element methods and the sim mechanism. While Stewart Platform manipulator alone has been the focal point of the debate, many of the concepts and problems addressed are relevant for parallel manipulators as they constitute the parallel handling class


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Corresponding Author Manish Pant*

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India