A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Selected Yoga Asanas for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Effects of Yoga Asanas on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

by Nancy .*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 14, Issue No. 3, Feb 2018, Pages 732 - 740 (9)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Type 2 is a particularly predominant pathological hyperglycemia condition, Diabetes mellitus (DM T1). In both stable and ill patients, yoga is a form of intervention of the mind-body that has shown a beneficial effect on many health conditions. The aim of this analysis is to evaluate the effects of the RIYP on blood glucose levels in T2DM patients, Diabetics hyperglycemia with disorders of carbohydrates lipid and protein metabolism arising from insulin release defects and insulin action or both is a multiple etiology metabolic disease that is characterized by persistent hyperglycemia. Improper lifestyles help the growing number of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In systematic analyses of the treatment of T2 DM in adults through Yoga many modifiable diabetes mellitus indicators including glycemical regulation, lipid levels and body structure have shown considerable improvements. Conduct reform has a vital influence on knowledge of the disease within the community. A study on, Clinical Recommendation, Diabetes Complication Effect of Yoga, Diabetes, Diabetes mellitus [DM] exercise roles, Training types include, Yoga effects on other pertinently important indices observed, Their benefits and diverse types of yoga asanas


Type 2 diabetes mellitus, yoga asanas, blood glucose levels, insulin release defects, lipid levels


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a systemic clinical condition that is mostly defined as a result of hyperglycemia, because of absolute or relative insulin hormone deficiency (Type 1 DM) and progressive metabolic disorder. In the past two decades, the diabetes epidemic has increased exponentially. Diabetes is prevalent at 8.3% in 2014, at about 387 million individuals. This would grow to 592 million by 2035. The largest rate in North America and the Caribbean, where 37 million people are living from diabetes, is 11 per cent, led by the Middle East and North Africa, with 9.2 per cent, and 35 million people suffering from diabetes. West Pacific is the most populated area with diabetes (138 million), but 8.6 percent of it is similar to world prevalence. Currently, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reports that Chinese, India, United States, Russia and Brazil are the top five countries with the largest number of diabetic patients. Any nation has an increase in the number of citizens with type 2 diabetes. In low- and middle-income economies, 77 percent of people with diabetes work. Diabetes is undiagnosed among 179 million adults. In 2014, 4.9 million deaths were caused by diabetes. Primary avoidance of diabetes by changing the way of living is a viable option for stopping the growing disease outbreak. Government and NGOs should raise public consciousness of the disease and should also educate people how to treat themselves and the effects of lifestyle change. The diabetic city of the world is known as India. Due to industrialization and improved facilities in our region, our lifestyle has changed in our last 3 decades. Physical exercise decreases, excess food consumption and job voltage are delivered with dense calories. Both these reasons help the diabetic diseases. The result is a high level of complexity, increased production losses, and higher financial pressure, along with delayed diagnosis and inadequate attention, on the Indian economy. About 30% of diabetes type 2 was avoided through routine growth, increased physical activity, and improved life conditions. However, without successful preventive and mitigation programmes, the impact is expected to continue to increase globally. More focus is now on the avoidance by good nutrition, exercise, and relaxing of types of 2 diabetics. Yoga knowledge is old. Yoga is a hands-on discipline which includes a broad range of practices designed to promote well-being and wellness. The continuous yoga asana, which is comfortable, is aimed at toning, consolidating and physically dividing the body. These postures make the column soft and comfortable and enable blood supply easier for all lungs, drums and tissues, maintaining the whole body's processes. Yoga workouts consume extra blood glucose and lower the blood sugar level. It helps to control blood sugar levels in the pancreas and in the liver. Yoga will help rejuvenate the pancreas and disguise insulin. Muscle movements often increase glucose usage to aid reduces blood sugar. Yoga causes relaxation, a key component in the proper operation of the body's inner organs. In the current study, parameters such as blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) were evaluated in order to evaluated the effect of yogic activities on patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

Clinical Recommendations

This review shows that daily yoga practice will cause multiple outcomes linked to diabetes to decrease. Yoga offers hope of more diabetes advantages linked to treatment, including conformity with medicine, self-care and relief of tension. There are some proposals focused on these findings, which can be made on the basis of current literature. First, yoga seems healthy to be used in lieu of medicine for people with type 2 diabetes as a complement to conventional fitness guidelines. In the yoga session at least 3 d a week can preferably be taken for type 2 diabetes patients. In order to derive the advantages offered in this study, yoga should be maintained for at least 12 weeks and individual sessions should vary from 30 to 90 minutes. Besides normal cardiovascular breathing regimes, yoga cannot be prescribed as a substitute. The research included in this study endorses yoga as a promising way to reduce FBG, PPBG and HbA1c; the impact of enhanced glucose in comparison with other exercises on the same insulin- like side is apparent. In order to be more successful, therapists should be educated in protection and advantage of exercise and yoga when it relates to dealing with people with Type 2 diabetes.

Effect of yoga on diabetes complication

The dispersed, symmetrical, mostly sensory neuropathy, which is usual for autonomy, involves acute mono-neuropathy and affects single nerves, such as femoral or coulometer neurology and paralysis, especially in the median and ulnar nerves. Diabolic neuropathies clinically severe distal symmetrical neuropathy potentially involves 20-30 percent of diabetics. It is rising with increasing length, diabetes severity and others including male predominance, age (duration of diabetes), smoke, height-growing connections, and micro-albuminuria. In a 40-day trial, 20 patients were diabetic and neuropathic, and in a non-randomized standardized study of the velocity of the nerve conduction, another 20 were maintained in a placebo community. The results showed that the test group was up to 52.81 +/- 1.1 m/sec to 53.87 +/- 1.1 m/sec and 52.46 +/- 1.0 to 54.75 +/- 1/1 m/sec at a mid-line test group and that speeds tended to degrade throughout the control group. In addition, people who practice yoga often have a greater glycemic function. In a sample of dialectical patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), there was a substantial reduction in oxidative stress (malondialdehyde, protein oxidation, phospholipase-A2 function) and increased antioxidant activity in 30 minutes of hath yoga everyday for 4 moths (superoxide dismutase and catalyses activities). The medicinal, preventive ESRD. Another end-stage research of patients with kidney failure confirmed a cholesterol reduction in yoga. About 15 percent of legitimate blindness‘s (best vision acuity adjusted less than 0.02) in Germany are caused by the diabetes mellitus. In developing countries, it is the primary source of blindness in the working age community. In retinopathy, yoga is successful. Yoga postures can contribute to improved pancreas' β-cell sensitivity to glucose, and the combined impact of posing may also be attributed to an increase in insulin sensitivity. Reducing sound sympathetic, improving peripheral vascular resistance, increasing resistance to electricity to skin, improving fight or flight reaction, and increasing electroencephalographic alpha and theta waves (EEG), Father studied further meditation, extends the enzyme signals in lung tissue through activity that progressively adjusts receptors and hyperpolarizes currents. It is assumed to be the synchronization of neuronal elements throughout the brain that contribute to improvements throughout the autonomous nervous system and, thus, to a decreased metabolism and parasympathetic prevalence from the cardio respiratory area involving alertness.


Diabetes is a multi-factorial condition mostly caused by lack of activity and poor nutritional patterns. The challenge is only made worse by modern 'stress.' Both these are the 'life style' elements. In addition to medical care, it is crucial to address life style. Finding the opportunity and also the location to deal with 'life styles' may be a problem with our high speed of life. The incorporation of pranayama, yoga and meditation to the regular scheme, literally named "yogic exercise," is a move in the right direction. in this sense. The regular stroll is not to be discounted. Include the occasional walking and beating diabetes with yogic activities. Create regularity and continuity for sterling yogic performance. Keep to a set regular routine as far as practicable. Based on the everyday requirements, it may be mornings or evenings. Take the time out to be disciplined. The findings will surprise you. Types with diabetes are two - type 1 in the absence of insulin release and type 2 in the absence of insulin from the pancreas. In often situations, diabetes can even be easily ignored early, particularly if you have no symptoms.

Role of exercise in Diabetes Mellitus [DM]

Physical exercise refers particularly to a bodily movement that results in increased energy expenditure over rest of metabolic rates due to skeletal muscular contraction. Training or "entraining" is a certain method of physical activity undertaken for the purpose of improving the physical health elements. Physical inactivity can cause and exacerbate diabetes pathogenesis, and the resulting disease and deaths. Normal physical exercise, on the other hand, will delay the mechanism, and it can also reverse this process. Many trials have demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence of diabetes in mild physical activity.

Types of exercise training include:

1. Aerobic exercise 2. Endurance type exercise 3. Passive exercise 4. Resistance exercise Aerobic activity enables the oxygen intake to be improved and the efficiency of cardiovascular and respiratory processes to be strengthened. For non-diabetes, the increase in peripheral glucose consumption is combined with an equivalent increase in hepatic glucose intake during moderate intensity exercise. If a patient with DM type 2 is exercising moderately, muscle uses of blood glucose (BG) normally increase faster than hepatic glucose and BG continues to decrease, the chance of exercise-induced hypoglycemia is low if exogenous insulin or insulin secretagogues are not used. Plasma catecholamine levels increase markedly as intensive aerobic activity is performed, causing an increase in glucose content. The effect of these activities will be hyperglycemia which will last for up to 1 to 2 hours when plasma catecholamine levels and glucose development do not recover instantly after exercise has ceased to be usual. Swimming, walking, and treadmills have aerobics. Here you walk, row, sprint and jump ropes. Moderate cardiovascular practise in patients with diabetic neuropathy contributes to maintenance of blood pressure. Aerobic activity increases the faster blood glucose levels, glycemic regulation, and fat profile. This reduces arterial rigidity and restoring an endothelial role and decreases the chance of experiencing cardiovascular problems in type 2 DM. A systematic analysis of 25 experiments of several controlled trials demonstrated that type 2 DM benefits from aerobic workouts.

• Effect of resistance exercise in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Resistance activity helps to properly regulate glucose and reduce insulin strength between Type 2 DM. Aggression exercises are exercises against resistance that must be carried out. E.g.: Carrying weight. Resistance workouts are focused on the equipment, as opposed to aerobic exercise. Resistance training to increase insulin sensitivity, the regular use of energy and quality of life has been recorded. Resistance training improves musculoskeletal ability, magnetic muscle weight, and mineral density, which may promote sarcopenia and osteoporosis prevention and improve functional status. In the absence of contraindications, individuals with type 2 diabetes can be advised to do three days a week resistance workouts with all main muscle groups that lead to 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions at a weight which cannot be raised more than 8-10 times. For BG treatment, a mixture of aerobium and strength training may be more successful than either workout alone. Resistance training can result in increased muscle mass that can help BG absorption without changing its inherent ability to react to insulin, whereas aerobic activity improves its absorption by stronger insulin action regardless of improvements in muscle mass or aerobic ability.

• Other types of exercises in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

The endurance exercise includes the use of various major muscle groups which rely on the cardiovascular system's supply of oxygen to the muscles. Passive exercise must include a different entity, an external power or a voluntary initiative from some part of the patient's own organ. Studies with this kind of training in type 2 D treatment are lacking.

• Recommendation of exercise duration in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

The recommendations of the Joint ACSM/American Heart Association prescribe average physical activity of at least 150 minutes a week (40%-60% VO2, or 50%-70% maximum heart rate), and/or at least 90% intensive aerobic practice week (60 percent of VO2max or 70 percent of maximum heart rate). Health exercise can be distributed without physical activity over a minimum of 3 days/week, and not more than 2 consecutive days. Type 1 DM has concentrated on the importance of exercise in less reports but more recent findings indicate that exercise enhances blood glucose control, lowers the regular dose of insulin in people with types 1DM and reduces the likelihood of diabetes-related complications. There are strong signs that the level of insulin available for glycemic regulation in people with type 1DM is lowered during aerobic exercise. A meta-analysis of randomized control trials evaluating exercise and type 1DM shows that physical activity improves health, lowers the criteria for insulin, improves lipid levels and improves the vascular function of persons with type1DM. Aerobic activity has little impact on the amount or scale of insulin-producing beta cells in several trials utilizing animal models of diabetes. The insulin content of diabetes, which has been corrected by physical activity, was decreased in the beta cell. In addition to enhanced insulin secretion in reaction to glucose, the increased material per beta cell is converted into more insulin per islet. While these modifications are important inside the pancreas, they were not statistically adequate to decrease blood glucose levels, meaning that exercise preparation will guard against harm to beta cells due to oxidative stress. The IL-6 mediated glucagon releases such as peptide-1(GLP-1) during the practice during subsequent meals to increase insulin secretion. Unfortunately the impact of exercise on wellbeing and the role of islets are not directly measured by human clinical trials. Exercise reduces type 1 DM vascular risks, reducing dyslipidemia and therefore controlling the harm caused by oxidative stress. Exercise can be conducted with care for people with serious 1DM neuropathy. With early cardiac autonomous neuropathy defects even a low intensity workout will raise dramatically heart rate variability of form 1DM.

Yoga effects observed on other indices Observed

There are growing reports, which is briefly looked at below, that Yoga will enhance other risk indicators pertaining to DM2, such as oxidative stress, mood and sleep impairments, nervous system, pulmonary and drug use. Oxidative stress has been heavily involved in the growth of DM2 and diabetes-related disorders, a disruption of free radicals and antioxidants. For example, the oxidative disequilibrium, often characterizing DM2, may lead to a series of prothrombotic changes, a dysfunction in the endothelic system and chronic vascular inflammation and aggravate the resistance to insulin, and hyperglycemia, and ultimately promote organ damage. Therefore, measures to minimize the amount of oxidative stress in diabetic persons will help to improve risk profiles and decrease risks associated with diabetes. Controverter yoga results on oxidotive tension measurements have been studied in adults with DM2 to date at least five tests. Include all successful asanas with yoga therapies, and the length varied from 40 days to 6 months. For example, four NRCTs in Indian adults have documented improvement in the oxidative balance indexes; these include significant declines in MDA. In their 3-month study of 123 adults, Hegde et al, recorded significantly greater increases in serum t levels compared to those for standard care or standard care with slight exercise. In addition, in the 24-week yoga programme RCT of 231 Cuban adults, an assessment of lipid oxidotive injury, comparable to that of the completion of a 24-week traditional exercise programme and greater than that allocated to standardized treatment, showed increases in antioxidant, SOD and malondialdehyde (MDA) activity. Mood and sleep deficiency in the DM2 are mutually linked to the initiation and advancement of DM2 common comorbid conditions. For example depressive and sleep disturbances, which have also been proven to raise the likelihood of prediabetes and diabetes, affect metabolism in diabolical individuals and contribute to excess morbidity and mortality through the deregulation of the hypothalescence-pituitary-adrenal (HPA), the sympathetic effects of movement, and a decreased cardiovagal tonus; Although it has been shown that yogic activities can help to reduce of psychologists in stable as well as clinic communities, few randomized studies have investigated the impact of yoga on these endpoints in DM2 populations. Our quest only found four psychological indexes, including one NRCT and three RCT, which were specially evaluated. There were substantial advances in Yoga in all but one sample. This involved beneficial improvements in several fields of quality of living, social well-being interventions and anxiety symptoms. Studies on the sleep impact of yoga in people with DM2 are even less. In this research, of 41 patients completing a regular yoga nidra programme (a profound relaxing yoga practice), we found that the incidence of insomnia is reduced by 43 to 5 percent. We have only one trial of patients with DM2, an RCT in India, which tested the impact of yoga on some sleep impairment. Nervous System Function: The autonomic nervous system disorder has been profoundly and bidirectional, with obese correlates and a low respiratory health correlated with tolerance to insulin and hypertension and with increasing risks of morbidity and mortality in people with DM2, with diabetes and CVD. While more than 30 regulated trials, including 17 RCTs, have assessed the impact of yoga on markers of sympathetic/parasympathetic activation and cardiovagal activity, only three targeted DM2 patients have been found in our search. Included among these are two NRCT assessments of the impact on adults participating in a lifestyle diabetics adjustment schema, one for 40 days of intensive yoga intervention, and one for the RCT of SKY (cyclical breathing) yoga Participants who undertook a pranayama regimen have seen substantial changes to various autonomic heart and respiratory function indexes in relation to regular treatment or standard health care controls associated with workouts. These results indicate that yogic practices might lead to reduced sympathical activation, increased cardiovascular function and a transition from sympathetic to parasympathetic in adults suffering from DM2 in their autonomic nervous system balance. Furthermore, the results of three recent NRCTs indicate that yoga may also mitigate the harm to the DM2 core and peripheral nervous systems. Pulmonary Function: Compromised lung function has been linked to insulin resistance and glicemic exposition both as major complication and indicator of DM2, and Although the studies conducted in adults with DM2 are small, the available evidence from two NRCTs contribute to the potential benefit of yogic practice in this population Major changes in the amount of forced exhaust, forced vital power, maximum expiratory flow rates, and maximum volunteer ventilation after a three-month basic yogic breathing exercise programme or a 40-day full programme were recorded. Medication Use: To date, three randomized studies have reported substantial decreases in diabetes treatment utilization (2 NRCTs one RCT) compared to the regular diabetes treatment or extensive practice regimen for patients completing the 3 to 9 month yoga curriculum. There have been several significant falls. For instance, 26 to % decreases in drug usage in the yoga community have been recorded during the 3-month follow-up in 154 adult hoses with diabetes.

Different Types of Yoga Asanas and Their Benefits

Asana is a pose for the wellbeing and consciousness of the body. The word comes from the Sanskrit term "posture" or "posture." Although the fitness centre is a modern idea, but various kinds of yoga asanas is an ancient concept. Though asanas also do not have intensive cardioids and weight, studies have shown that asanas will help you lose weight, stabilize cramps throughout the time span, boost your heart's health and gastrointestinal tract. With no equipment, asanas may also be done at home. body pieces. This contributes to greater circulation and versatility. They also improve the body's internal fitness, as various asanas operate on various internal sections of the body. So you may find a relevant asana in order to help you take control of the illness if you have any health problems. People often feel lethargic and dry without a medical problem. Daily asanas can increase energy and enhance health. Asanas will help maintain the equilibrium of the mind and body when immersed in the everyday busy schedule. Your wellbeing will benefit just ten minutes of asanas. We mention some of the asanas that will help your wellbeing. • Sukhasana or Easy Pose: This is a wonderful experience for newcomers because it offers you the warmth you want. The asana goes beyond the physical horizons and brings a psychological happiness. The easiest way to relieve fear, depression and mental fatigue

is by sukhasana. Right the posture of the body and extend the thorn and spine.

• Naukasana or Boat Pose: The asanas are one of the easy. This asana spreads the muscles in the abdomen and increases digestion and decreases bowel fat. It is good that the abdominal muscles increase performance. • Dhanurasana or Bow Pose: The whole body is stretched. It contributes to weight loss and increases metabolism and blood flow. It works well to flex the back. • Vakrasana Or Twisted Pose: Body flexibility and belly fat reduction, as well as aid to improve digestion through the regulation of digestive juices • Kakasana or Crow Pose: Kakasana is the perfect choice for those who wish to increase their concentrating capacity, wipe out leniency and strengthen mental and physical balance, as it extends the arms, wrist, and forearms muscles. The pose gives light to body and spirit. It unites the dispersed spirit. It is hard to do and has many practices. • Bhujangasana or Cobra Stretch: It is regarded as a curvature corrector which flexibly renders the backbone. The arc of the asana massages the back, spine and nerves of the heart. For those struggling with lower back and lower back injury arthritis it can be a perfect asana. It alleviates menstrual difficulties by extending uterus and ovaries. It releases tension by strengthening the surrender and kidneys • Halasana or Plough Pose: Halasana opens the spinal disc and seeks to retain the spinal structure young as the spinal muscles are stretched. Tension is released from the shoulders, limbs and vertebrae. The asanas are one of the strongest for dealing with obesity. It may treat indigestion and constipation and arthritis of the neck by revitalizing the internal bodies. • Sarvangasana Or Shoulder Stand: It is "both pieces" that means Sarvangasana. The asana entails and revitalizes the whole body. It affects the thyroid glands and promotes digestion and protein synthesis. The asana stance reinforces muscles and reduces the likelihood of renal and bone disorder. It seeks to alleviate sleeplessness, exhaustion and mental anxiety. • Shirsasana or Headstand: "The King of Asanas" is one of the toughest Asanas, but has great advantages. It enhances the blood supply, gives the breathing system power and increases memory and focus. It affects the whole cortex, backbone and nerve system and activates the hyperphysical and pineal drums. The upside-down position contributes to constipation and relieves anxiety and nerve disorders.

asana extends hips, arms, thighs and back, it helps to loosen the muscles.


Yoga is an ancient philosophy that aims to provide harmony and fitness to the individual's physical, social, emotional and spiritual aspects. An extensive yoga therapy curriculum may improve the positive results of regular DM medical administration and be included as an efficient supportive or integrative programme of therapy. Enhancing different biochemical indexes and reducing stress through yoga will allow an individual with a better life In both primary and secondary DM prevention, yogic practices play a part. Yoga therapy may also be viewed as a helpful T2DM adjuvant. Exercise can increase glucose absorption in both type 1 and type 2 DM patients by enhancing insulin sensitivity and reducing corporal adiposity. Yoga is an old practice intended to add harmony and fitness to the individual's spiritual, mental and physical aspects. Yoga may be an enticing alternative to conventional fitness workouts and weight training programmes, since it takes just a bit of room and requires no equipment. It provides a person with a less demanding and enjoyable experience. Yoga may improve the health of the individual, improve fitness and increase mood. Numerous researches have found beneficial advantages for diabetes management in yoga with a strong glycemic, lipid and cardiovascular condition impact. In addition, depression should be alleviated. For fitness rehabilitation, yoga may be deemed a healthy alternative.


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Corresponding Author Nancy*

Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India