An Overview: Automation & Robotics Used in a Construction Industry ..

Evaluating the Impact of Automation and Robotics on the Construction Industry

by Mr. Mayur Ganesh Jamodkar*, Prof. Dipak Prakash Patil ,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 2, Apr 2018, Pages 495 - 498 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In last few years many prototype robots are developed in construction industry, but only few examples are being found in the industry of construction today. Several contractors in this sector are doing RD program to introduce robotics in construction industry. In India, the development of this sector is huge part. The development of construction industry plays an ambient role to improve the general national economy of the India, the grumblings of poor development quality is real issue in the India development industry. For effective quality work, for example, absence of talented specialists, ineffectively introduced hardware, poor plant, and so on among this in an expansion in the genuine cost of development and work. The development of construction business is work concentrated and development work is led in perilous circumstances. The significance of development, mechanization has developed quickly in created nations. In creating nations like India, the development businesses require robotization advancements, for example, new apparatuses, electronic gadgets and so forth. This paper assesses development robotization and mechanical autonomy innovation with regards to its capacity to fulfill the regularly clashing requests of directors and proprietors, specialists, and society in development world. Contrasts in social, financial, and business hones help clarify why development computerization and mechanical autonomy equipment is creating so much action and interest in development of construction world, while specialists is likewise concentrating on programming.


automation, robotics, construction industry, prototype robots, RD program, development sector, construction industry, India, development quality, skilled specialists, ineffective hardware, construction cost, work intensity, hazardous conditions, automation technologies, new tools, electronic devices, managers, owners, workers, society, social differences, economic differences, business practices, software development


Until as of late, the construction business was a standout amongst the newest to examine and improvement fields for the mechanical technology and computerization group, in spite of the way that the construction industry is most seasoned and speaks to the biggest monetary divisions. Today the Indian populace is getting instructed, consequently work concentrated occupations have not very many takers and the pattern will exacerbate with the dissimilarity in the salary diminishing with the future age picking advanced education. By the by, some of now a day‘s development forms have changed nearly nothing. The days of yore pulleys are replaced by cranes. Now and again development work is led under risky condition and circumstance, in this manner there is requirement for mechanical autonomy to streamline gear activity enhance wellbeing and nature of work Automation should be possible in uniform block laying, putting of uniform thickness of roofs, inside and outside dividers. Automation can have diminished work trustworthiness higher yield and expanded efficiency, less fluctuation, decreased human blunders, more prominent control and consistency, safe workplace, adaptability and so on. Development stage is one of the vital parts of structural designing structures. The achievement of a venture relies upon how well the development eliminate is conveyed. Effective and prudent development is especially imperative in light of the expanding intricacy of structures being assembled, the accessibility of enhanced materials and development hardware. Ordinarily in assembling field, robots are stationary and item moves along the mechanical production system. The use or the introduction of automatic equipment‘s or other process or facilities in construction is called as Automation in construction Industry. Fundamental exercises in building development, and structural designing tasks created by robots are situating, interfacing, connecting, completing the process of,

development is especially critical in light of the expanding multifaceted nature of structures being assembled, the accessibility of enhanced materials and development hardware. Ordinarily, in assembling field, robots are stationary and item moves along the mechanical production system.


2.1 Survey on automation of the building construction & building products industry, Pentti vaha, Tapio Heikkila, Pekka Kilpelainen, Markku Jarviluoma & Rauno Heikkila. 2013 A regularly held view is that the development business is work escalated, venture based, and ease back to receive rising innovations contrasted with other "task shop" fabricating enterprises [Product-Process Matrix]. A development site can be viewed as an "undertaking shop", since devices and assembling gear are expedited site, while part construction is an ordinary shop, line or cell-organized. There have not been any emotional changes in development strategies over the most recent 40 years, albeit a few techniques have been creating. The development Industry is additionally thought to be a moderate trailblazer and late adopter of new innovation. Along these lines, development is regularly viewed as a to some degree out-dated industry. Be that as it may, in the outline stage, strategies, for example, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Finite Element Method (FEM) are ordinarily received. Likewise Building Information Model (BIM) is progressively connected in the plan and designing stage. 2.2 Application of Robotics in Mining Industry: A Critical Review Santosh Kumar Nanda* Ashok Kumar Dash** Sandigdha Acharya* Abikshyana Moharana* Year 2010

The advance of artificial intelligence and therefore the increase in automaton use have raised the necessity for theoretical account of robots, among the aims of that square measure the look of recent robots, task coming up with of existing robots, performance analysis and cycle time estimation. For mining surroundings, each the open cut and underground mining desires seriously application of artificial intelligence. In deep mining, the space and pillar or board and pillar technique progresses on the seam, whereas pillars and timber square measure left standing to support the mine roof and extremely equipped machineries wont to maintain safety and reduced the human action, it's a great deal essential to adopt robotic technology in underground mines. it's established that, robots are going to be doing jobs like giving birth explosives, going underground once blasting to stabilize a mine roof or mining in areas

2.3 Automation in construction industry, Divyesh Joshi1, Rushabh Shah2 M.E. Student, Civil Eng. Dept., SNPIT &RC, Umrakh (GTU), Bardoli, Gujarat, India1 Asst. Professor, Civil Eng. Dept., SNPIT &RC, Umrakh (GTU), Bardoli, Gujarat, India 2009

In India, the construction industry is one of the largest industrial sectors. The construction industry plays to enhance the overall national economy of the India; the complaint of poor construction quality is major problem in the India construction industry. For successful quality work, such as lack of skilled workers, poorly installed equipment, poor plants, etc. among this in an increase in the real cost of construction & labour. The development business is work serious and development work is led in unsafe and perilous circumstances. The significance of development computerization has developed quickly in created nations. In creating nations like India, the development businesses require computerization advancements, for example, new hardware, electronic gadgets and so forth. The framework venture requires more quantities of talented work, great nature of work, builds profitability and so on. Concentrate late application and tasks for utilizing robots and robotization in the development business. The subjective examination has been completed. From this subjective examination a few impediments in executing mechanization are talked about in this paper.

2.4 Automation and robotics in construction: International research and achievements Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas December 2009

This paper portrays a propelled planning philosophy that is a piece of an examination program committed to the point of Location Based Repetitive Scheduling Method for lodging ventures in India. Presently a day there is a vicious rivalry in all fields of Engineering and development in India. To pick up the accomplishment in the field of development in these advancing circumstances, venture administrators must underline effectiveness in all parts of their tasks, including asset stream process, mostly the work group execution. Regularly venture director needs to design area based redundant tasks. 2.5 AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE By Miroslaw Skibniewski1 and Chris Hendrickson,2 Members, ASCE (Reviewed by the Urban Transportation Division With rising street development and support costs and the absence of efficiency change, mechanized

Mr. Mayur Ganesh Jamodkar1* Prof. Dipak Prakash Patil2

give an appealing contrasting option to the execution of routine work errands later on. This paper surveys the run of the mill assignments pertinent to this space, and also existing and future mechanized gear for errand execution. The qualification between numerically controlled (NC) machines and self-ruling hardware is dis-cussed in view of assignment prerequisites and machine capacities. Center advances for robotized hardware are surveyed. Cases of existing numerically controlled gear are displayed. Monetary attainability issues and work wellbeing parts of mechanized street development and support hardware are sketched out. The paper infers that street development and support assignments have a critical potential for continuous mechanization because of the dullness and generally direct tangible prerequisites of numerous undertakings. At last, incorporated, multitask frameworks ought to be possible once single-reason computerized gear demonstrates fruitful.


AIM: To study the importance of automation in construction industry to reduce cost of the project, to reduce labour shortage & to ensure timely completion of project.


1. To minimize cost of project 2. To control the labour shortage 3. To improve the quality of work 4. To improve speed of construction 5. Timely completion of project





following points, By using automation and robotics in the field of construction, the project can be completed in the targeted time as well as budgeted cost which is assigned to the project. Also the quality of the work is very fine as compare to manual workmanship.


We would like to thank our Principal of institute Prof. Dr. D. D. Shah, HOD Civil Department Prof. Dr. A. W. Dhawale and Prof. Dipak Patil for co-operative guidance, all faculty members for their support.


An Investigatation into the barriers to the implementation of automation and robotics technologies in the construction industry. ROHANA MEHBUB Bsc (Hons) Quality Surveying, University of reading Msc Construction Project Management, UMIST 2008. Application of Robotics in Mining Industry: A Critical Review Santosh Kumar Nanda* Ashok Kumar Dash** Sandigdha Acharya* Abikshyana Moharana* Year 2010. AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Divyesh Joshi1, Rushabh Shah2 M.E. Student, Civil Eng. Dept., SNPIT &RC, Umrakh (GTU), Bardoli, Gujarat, India1 Asst. Professor, Civil Eng. Dept., SNPIT &RC, Umrakh (GTU), Bardoli, Gujarat, India 2009. ROBOTS AND CONSTRUCTION AUTOMATION By Guillermo Morales, Master of Engineering, billmorales Dr. Zohar Herbzman, Associate Professor, zherb ( Dr. Fazil T. Najafi, Associate Professor, 1999. Automation and Robotics in Construction: Social and Cultural Differences between Japan and the United States by John G. Everetta and Hiroshi Saitob 1994 Survey on automation of the building construction and building products industry Pentti Vähä, Tapio Heikkilä, Pekka Kilpeläinen, Markku Järviluoma & Rauno Heikkilä. 2013.

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