Stress Analysis with Different Geometry of Water Tank

Exploring the Effects of Different Geometries on Stress Analysis of Water Tanks

by Akshay C. Umare*, Saifan Makandar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 2, Apr 2018, Pages 608 - 611 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Recent trends in construction become indispensable within the coming years to emphasize on sustainable development. The paper discusses the importance and scope of recent trends in construction techniques. The paper emphasizes on exploitation differing kinds of materials in modern trends and for effectiveness in infrastructure building for fast economic process and development of a nation exploitation recent advancements within the field of construction technology. Nowadays, the prefabrication and aluminium Formwork technique in trade construction industry is developed countries has improved the standard of the construction industry. Aluminium Formwork System is a construction system for forming cast in situ concrete structure of a building. Classified information‘s given for Aluminium Formwork technique and Conventional techniques. Two case studies are taken for the analysis of the construction techniques. The concept of formed (also called ―prefabricated‖) construction includes those buildings wherever the bulk of structural parts are standardized and created in plants during a location far from the building, so transported to the location for assembly


Stress analysis, Different geometry, Water tank, Construction trends, Materials, Infrastructure building, Construction technology, Prefabrication, Aluminium Formwork, Conventional techniques


Water is considered as the source living for every creation as it is a crucial element for healthy living. High demand for harmless and fresh water is increasing day by day as one cannot alive without water. Thus, it becomes necessary to store water, water is stored generally in water tanks and later on it is pumped to different areas to help public. So for economical design of water tank it is required to check which geometry of water tank is give the best result as compared to other geometry. So in our this paper it is studied that by using stadd pro we are analysing these different geometry of water tanks with various loading conditions such as for case as below, (Empty+soil pressure+Water pressure). 1.1 Significance of Study This study is concern with the comparison between circular, rectangular, square and hexagonal reinforced concrete tanks. It attempted to achieve some measure of the best practical solutions, that is, the ideal design of reinforced concrete water tanks for a specified performance.

1.2 Aim

The main aim is to state the degree of productivity of the geometric shapes for the worthwhile requirement, with the view to achieving adequate strength and economy.

1.3 Specific Objective

1. To make the analysis of dissimilar geometry of water tanks. 2. To compare the cost-effective design of circular, square, rectangular and Hexagonal water tank.


1. Issar Kapadia (2017) [1]: This paper relates to study of deflected shapes of rectangular water tank and effects produced when tank is empty or full. 2. Thalapathy M. et. al. (2016)[2]: According to his conclusions, the formwork required for the constructions of water tanks is least for circular water tank as compared to square water and rectangular water tanks. 3. Chirag N. Patel (2016) [3]: This paper compares the analysis of underground circular tank. Engineers can apply software based approach more flexibly and efficiently to fulfil the practical tasks of structure modelling and analysis in engineering to achieve economy. 4. Patel Nikunjr et. al. (2016) [4]: In this paper he considered the effect of tank aspect ratio,

5. M. Bhandari et. al. (2014) [5]: According to his discussions he concludes that circular-water tank consumed lesser of each material as compared to Square and Rectangular ones. 6. Hasan Jasim Mohammed (2011) [6]: In this paper, he developed computer program to solve examples on water tank using IS 456. He concluded that the cost for circular tank is minimum than rectangular tank.


Here in this paper the stress analysis is done on different geometry of water tank by keeping same area & volume of water tank and the different geometry i.e. 1. Rectangular 2. Circular 3. Square 4. Hexagon

1. Rectangular

Area = (10m x 15m) =150 m2 Volume= (150m2 x 10m) =1500 m3

2. Circular

Area= (π/4 x 13.81972) =150 m2 Volume= (150m2 x 10m) =1500 m3

3. Square

Area= (12.2474m x 12.2474m) =150 m2 Volume= (150m2 x 10m) =1500 m3

4. Hexagon

Area= ((3)/2) x (7.60)2 = 150 m2

Volume= (150m2 x 10m) =1500 m3 1. Rectangular Water Tank Fig.4.1

Stress contour on Rectangular water tank as shown in above fig.4.1 and the max Absolute stress is 18.70 N/mm2. 2. Circular Water Tank Fig.4.2

Stress contour on Circular water tank as shown in above fig.4.2 and the max Absolute stress is 15.60 N/mm2.

3. Square Water Tank


Akshay C. Umare1* Saifan Makandar2

above fig.4.3 and the max Absolute stress is 17.70 N/mm2. 4. Hexagonal Water Tank Fig.4.4

Stress contour on Hexagonal water tank as shown in above fig.4.4 and the max Absolute stress is 18.80 N/mm2. Table No 1.0

The above table (No.1) shows that the result values such as side wall thickness, base thickness, maximum absolute stress, Quantity of Concrete and Quantity of steel.

Graph No 1.0

(Graph No.1.0)

Graph No 1.1

The above graph showing the Side wall thickness (Graph No.1.1)

Graph No 1.2

The above graph showing the Base thickness (Graph No.1.2)


As per the above discussion it can be seen that the circular water tank is having less stress with the same area and same loading conditions as compared to other water tanks. While circular type of water tank is having less moment of inertia and carry the more stresses than other shapes having more moment of inertia. The circular type of water tank is carry more stresses with less moment of inertia and the quantity of concrete required for circular tank is also less as compared to other. And also it is noted that from review paper that the form work required for circular tank is less than other shapes. The circular tank is best for large capacity water tanks.

that value of stress the circular water tank can carry more volume of water than rectangular water tank. The size i.e. thickness of side walls and base of water tank of circular type of water tank is also much less than the other water tanks.


In this paper the stress analysis is done for the underground water tank of dissimilar shapes. Similarly, it can be done on the water tank resting on ground as well as the elevated water tanks with dissimilar geometry.


1. It can conclude that Circular type of water tank is more economical than other shapes of water tank. 2. The amount of formwork & material required for circular type of water tank is also less. 3. For the same volume of type water tank circular type of water tank having less side wall and base thickness. 4. As per observed results circular water tank develop less stress on side walls with lower moment of inertia as compare to other shapes. 5. As per above results stresses are more in all geometry than the circular geometry i.e. maximum Stress is around 18.8 N/mm2 for hexagonal tank so circular water tanks can be designed to carry more water capacity tank for the same stress value.


Chirag N. Patel (2016). “Analytical and software based comparitave analysis on ground circular water tank‖. Hasan Jasim Mohammed (2011). ―Economical Design of Water Concrete Tanks‖. Issar Kapadia et. al. (2017). “Design Analysis and Comparison of Underground Rectangular water tank by using STAAD Provi8 software‖. M. Bhandari et. al. (2014). “Economic Design of Water Tank of Different Shapes With Reference To IS: 3370 2009‖. Patel Nikunjr (2016). “Analysis of Circular Water Tank Stresses Under Hydrostatic Loading by Using Stadd Pro Software‖.

Corresponding Author Akshay C. Umare*

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, JSPM‘s ICOER, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, India

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