A Review Paper on Basic Characteristics of Bacterial Concrete

Exploring the Potential of Bacterial Concrete for Structural Repair

by Prof. P. K. Pasnur*, Mr. Vikrant Jain,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 2, Apr 2018, Pages 657 - 660 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Concrete is the preeminent building material extensively utilized as a part of building development, however splits in concrete are inescapable and are one of the natural shortcoming of cement. The significant drawback of concrete is its low elasticity because of which miniaturized scale break happens when the heap connected is more than its point of confinement and this clears path for the drainage of water and different salts. This starts erosion and makes the entire structure defenceless and prompts the disappointment of structure. To remediate this kind of disappointment because of splits and gaps, an approach of utilizing bio mineralisation in concrete has advanced as of late. In this strategy, of improving the execution of cement, the calcite accelerating spore shaping microscopic organisms is brought into concrete. At the point when water enters through the breaks, it responds with microscopic organisms and structures hastens of calcium carbonate, as a side-effect, which fills the splits and makes break free concrete. This kind of cement arranged with microorganisms is called as bacterial cement. Along these lines, this paper is an endeavour to characterize bacterial solid, sorts and grouping of small scale living beings, working of bio concrete as a repair material, favourable circumstances and burdens of bacterial cement and applications by writing audit are examined.


concrete, bacterial concrete, characteristics, bio mineralisation, cracks, calcite accelerating spore forming bacteria, calcium carbonate, repair material, advantages, disadvantages, applications


Bond concrete is a standout amongst the most generally utilized material for development works in the field of structural designing. This is mostly because of minimal effort of materials and development, for solid structures and additionally eases of support. Concrete has a huge load bearing limit with respect to pressure stack, however the material is powerless in strain. As a result of this steel fortification is given and the steel bars assume control over the heap when the solid breaks in pressure. In any case, the splits in the solid represent an issue .Due to reasons like stop defrost responses, shrinkage, low rigidity of cement and so on, breaks happen amid the procedure of solid solidifying and this eventually prompts debilitating of the structures. On the off chance that water beads go into the solid structure, because of absence of porousness then it can harm the steel support introduce in the solid part. At the point when this wonder happens, the quality of the solid declines and which brings about the rot of structure. Manufactured materials like epoxies are utilized to remediate, yet they are expensive, not good and need consistent upkeep. Utilizing chemicals is additionally making harm the earth. The requirement for a domain agreeable and powerful exchange split remediation strategy prompts the advancement of utilizing the bio mineralization technique in concrete. Here we are consolidating calcite accelerating microbes to concrete in specific focuses so the microscopic organisms will hasten calcium carbonate when it interacts with water and this encourage will recuperate the splits. Miniaturized scale organically Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) is the procedure behind bio mineralization. The fundamental guideline in the process is that the microbial urease, hydrolyzes urea, to create alkali and carbon dioxide and the smelling salts discharged in surroundings along these lines builds the pH, prompting collection of insoluble calcium carbonate .Consequently, this self-recuperating framework can accomplish a colossal cost lessening as far as wellbeing observing, harm location and support of solid structures, guaranteeing a protected administration life of the structure.

creatures. These are arranged in light of three classifications, to be specific, in view of shape, gram stain and oxygen request.

Figure 1. Classification of bacteria (Ref. S. Dinesh)


Self-mending concrete is an item that will naturally create limestone to recuperate splits that show up on the surface of solid structures. Exceptionally chose sorts of microorganisms variety, bacillus, alongside calcium based supplement known as calcium lactate and nitrogen and phosphorous are added to the elements of the solid when it is being blended. These self-mending operators can lie lethargic inside the solid for up to 200 years. Nonetheless, when a solid structure is harmed and water begins to leak through the breaks that show up in the solid, the spores of the microorganisms develop on contact with water and supplements. Having been enacted, the microorganisms begin to eat the calcium lactate. As the microscopic organisms encourages oxygen is expended and the solvent calcium lactate is changed over to insoluble limestone. The limestone sets on the split surface, subsequently fixing it up. As the oxygen is devoured by microorganisms simultaneously, it counteracts erosion of the implanted fortification and along these lines the strength of the steel increments. On the surface of control solid, Calcium Carbonate will be framed because of the response of CO2 give Calcium Hydroxide introduce in the solid framework as per the accompanying response CO2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O (1) As Ca(OH)2 is a soluble mineral, it gets dissolved in entering water and diffuse out of the crack in the form of leaching. The self-healing process in bacteria incorporated concrete is much more efficient due to the active metabolic conversion of Calcium nutrients by the bacteria present in concrete: Ca(C3H5O2)2+7O2→CaCO3+5CO2+5H2O (2) mending. This procedure brings about proficient microscopic organisms based split fixing instrument.

2.1. Chemical Process to Remediate Cracks

Various bacteria and biotic factors contribute to this in different ways. In the process of calcium carbonate precipitation, the key factors governing the process are, ● Calcium concentration ● Concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon ● The pH and ● The availability of nucleation sites In this way solid break remediation procedure by Microbiologically Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) utilizing condition benevolent microscopic organisms to accelerate calcite (CaCO3) amid its microbial exercises under winning Indian conditions is explored to detail a technique to exhibit Bacterial Concrete as best inventive self-recuperating strategy in solid structures


[3.1] M. kishore et al.,(2016) presented performance study of bacterial concrete. Today we are constructing more and more construction ranging from small residential building to large skyscrapers and for this we generally use cement, which in turn consumes lot of energy. Statics says that about 60% of our national energy source goes in making construction materials. This in turn also affects our environment due to pollutions it causes. The cement concrete structures causes severe pollution when it is demolished .To overcome all these flaws we can make bacterial earthen concrete. This concrete is formed by the MICCP process of urease positive bacteria alone. Thus there is less energy consumption and is environmental friendly. Even after the construction is demolished, it could be reused or even if landfill does not cause pollution. In this project we are going to make different type of earthen cubes by bacteria action and then test them for strength parameters. [3.2] H. M. Jonkers presented Bacteria-based self-healing concrete. A typical durability-related phenomenon in many concrete constructions is crack formation. While larger cracks hamper structural integrity, also smaller sub-millimetre sized cracks may result in durability problems as particularly connected cracks increase matrix permeability. Ingress water and chemicals can cause premature

Prof. P. K. Pasnur1* Mr. Vikrant Jain2

reinforcement. As regular manual maintenance and repair of concrete constructions is costly and in some cases not at all possible, inclusion of an autonomous self-healing repair mechanism would be highly beneficial as it could both reduce maintenance and increase material durability. Therefore, within the Delft Centre for Materials at the Delft University of Technology, the functionality of various self-healing additives is investigated in order to develop a new generation of self-healing concretes. In the present study the crack healing capacity of a specific bio-chemical additive, consisting of a mixture of viable but dormant bacteria and organic compounds packed in porous expanded clay particles, was investigated. Microscopic techniques in combination with permeability tests revealed that complete healing of cracks occurred in bacterial concrete and only partly in control concrete. The mechanism of crack healing in bacterial concrete presumably occurs through metabolic conversion of calcium lactate to calcium carbonate what results in crack-sealing. This biochemically mediated process resulted in efficient sealing of sub-millimetre sized (0.15 mm width) cracks. It is expected that further development of this new type of self-healing concrete will result in a more durable and moreover sustainable concrete which will be particularly suited for applications in wet environments where reinforcement corrosion tends to impede durability of traditional concrete constructions. [3.3] Vit Cerny et al, 18th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings 2016, CRRB 2016 Presented, Possibilities of lightweight high strength concrete production from sintered fly ash aggregate. Heat power plants based on coal combustion are produced fly ash as a by-product. Fly ash is not only a by-product. It is due to its pozzolanic activity very useable as a fine additive to concrete in the building industry. It has not only environmental aspect, but also an economic. Potential of use of fly ash in cement concrete technology is only as an additive. But there is a technology of building material production, which use up to 100 % of fly ash in the ―mixture‖. It is sintered artificial aggregate. It can be used for some filter layers, for lightweight flat roof, ceiling or for lightweight concrete composite. There can be made different strength classes of the concrete. It is possible also produce high-strength lightweight concrete reaching strength up to 55 MPa. The paper is about possibilities of different types of fly ash for artificial sintered aggregate to achieve the parameters of lightweight high strength concrete. An interesting aspect of evaluating the quality of the composite is also synergistic interaction of aggregate joined to a cement paste. The use of bacterial concrete in Civil Engineering has become increasingly popular. ● Enhancement in durability of cementious materials to improvement in sand properties ● Repair of limestone monuments ● Sealing of concrete cracks ● Used in construction of low cost durable housing ● Used in construction of low cost durable roads


The paper portrays that because of its self-recuperating capacities, eco-accommodating nature, and increment in toughness and so on, it is superior to the regular innovation. It is extremely viable in expanding the quality and toughness of cement. It likewise indicates better protection from drying shrinkage, protection from corrosive assault, better sulfate protection. Bacterial cement arranged with admixtures like silica seethe, fly slag and so forth, additionally gives better quality and solidness. This paper enhanced our comprehension on bacterial cement. Because of the presentation of microbes into concrete there has been increment in the compressive and flexural quality with diminish in porousness, water retention and erosion of fortification when contrasted with traditional cement. Hence, bacterial cement can assume a noteworthy part in current development, which requires exact innovations for delivering top notch structures that will be practical and naturally sheltered.


H. M. Jonkers (2016). Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Materials and Environment – Micro lab, Delft, the Netherlands.M.kishore International Conference on Current Research in Engineering Science and Technology (ICCREST-2016) Pappupreethi K., Rajisha Velluva Ammakunnoth (2017). Department of Civil Engineering Sri-Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.( Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017)

Vit Cerny et. al., (2016). 18th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings CRRB 2016.

Corresponding Author Prof. P. K. Pasnur*

Assistant Professor, Structural Engineering, J.S.P.M.‗s Imperial College Of Engineering, Wagholi Pune, Maharashtra, India

E-Mail – pallavi.vangari1@gmail.com