The Level of Work Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour among Rural Government and Private Secondary School Teachers

A Comparative Analysis of Work Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour among Rural Government and Private Secondary School Teachers

by Krishnamurthy V. S.*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 3, May 2018, Pages 41 - 44 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Work motivation is an internal force which determines employees work effectiveness. Motivation level of a teacher influence the way they participate in the education process. The present study intends to address the motivational level and organizational citizenship behaviour among rural government and private secondary school teachers. The casual comparative research design was employed and the data was obtained from 120 participants i.e. 60 government and 60 private school teachers by using work motivation questionnaire and organizational citizenship behaviour scale. The results of an independent sample t test revealed that there is no significant difference on work motivation between government and private secondary school teachers and there is a significant difference in the level of organizational citizenship behaviour in where, rural Government secondary school teachers have shown high amount of organizational citizenship behaviour than private school teachers. In further, there is no difference on the level of organizational citizenship behaviour as influenced by their level of work motivation among government secondary school teachers whereas, there is a difference among private school teachers, which indicated that teachers with higher level of work motivation have higher amount of Organizational citizenship behaviour.


work motivation, organizational citizenship behaviour, rural government, private secondary school teachers, education process


Teacher‘s attitude to work effectively is dependent on the level of work motivation they possess. It is an internal urge about their work to participate and take initiatives in the educational process, mainly in class rooms. The teacher is the one who transforms the educational philosophy into student‘s knowledge and in making education better. Teacher‘s motivational level is influenced by the school environment. Organizational citizenship behaviours are the exceptional characteristics in which employees take a volunteer step to help other employees, though that is not been included in their role of their job. It is the volunteer participation in helping other employees to reach their organizational goals. These actions are not been defined in their assigned roles. These type of behaviours create a healthier environment at work place and helpful to organizations. The level of work motivation and organizational citizenship behaviours are positively correlated each other; in where employees cooperate and help other employees would enhance employee‘s motivation. Previous research works on work motivation and organization citizenship behaviour such as Ariani (2012) and Davila & Finkelstein (2013) found motivation is the base for organizational citizenship behaviours that is organizational citizenship behaviours develop due to the level and nature of their motivation. In a study conducted by Noor (2009) revealed that the level of organizational commitment plays a mediating role in determining the relationship of organizational citizenship behaviours and intrinsic, extrinsic motivation. These findings indicate the need of further studies in different contexts of investigate such as the effect of motivation on employee‘s organizational citizenship behaviours among teachers. The present study aimed at examining the level of work motivation and organizational citizenship behaviour among rural government and private school teachers.

organizational citizenship behaviour among rural government and private secondary school teachers


● To examine the level of work motivation among government and private secondary school teachers. ● To examine the level of organization citizenship behaviour among government and private secondary school teachers. ● To examine the effect of work motivation on organization citizenship behaviour among government secondary school teachers. ● To examine the effect of work motivation on organization citizenship behavior among private secondary school teachers.

Operational definitions

Work motivation - ―It is a set of energetic forces that originate both with in as well as beyond an individual‘s being, to initiate work-related behavior, and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration‖. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour - ―Extent to which an individual‘s voluntary support and behavior contributes to the organization‘s success here as it is measured by OCBS.


● There will be a significant deference on work motivation among Government and private secondary school teachers ● There will be a significant deference on organization citizenship behavior among government and private secondary school teachers ● There will be a significant difference on effect of work motivation on organization citizenship behavior among government secondary school teachers. ● There will be a significant difference on effect of work motivation on organization citizenship behavior among private school teachers Descriptive and casual comparative research design is employed. In this research design primary focus for the research is to describe some phenomenon or to document its characteristics. Such studies are needed in order to document the status quot. Since the aim of this study was to describe the work motivation and organizational citizenship behavior among govt and pvt secondary school teachers, effect of work motivation on organization citizenship behavior among govt and pvt secondary school teachers, and its results.

Sample design

The purpose of the study was to find out the level of Work motivation and organizational citizenship behavior among government and private secondary school teachers. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the participants in the present study. The study included 120 teachers of Secondary school teachers with different rural areas of Karnataka, among those 60 were Government teachers and 60 were private school teachers, with teaching experience of 5 to 10 years. Sample consisted of graduation, post graduation and particular course like B.Ed, M.Ed, etc. And who‘s aged between 27 to 50. Measures > The semi structured interview schedule was administered to obtain demo graphical detail of the subject subsequently. The respective questionnaire was administered individually with appropriate instructions by controlling the relevant intervening variables and the doubts were cleared.

> Work motivation questionnaire(WMQ)

WMQ developed by Agrawal K G (1990) is used to measure the work motivation of the sample. It consists of 26 likert type items with 5 alternatives. It is used to measure the work motivation of secondary school teachers. This questionnaire consist of 6 dimensions namely Dependence, Organizational orientation, Work group relations, Psychological work incentives, Material incentives and Job situation. Internal consistency of the instrument was found out by split half method. The reliability co-efficient by Spearman Brown formula was very high i.e. 0.99. Face validity, items validity and factorial validity were established for the scale. Face validity computed by taking the opinion of 22 judges and resulted in high agreement for different items of ranking. Item validity was established by correlating each item with total scores and obtained co-efficient are varying from 0.24 to 0.67 (all are significant beyond 1% level).

Krishnamurthy V. S.*

A standardized OCB scale developed by Aarti Bakhshi and Kuldeep Kumar (2009) has been adopted for this study. The Psychometric properties of this scale found to be sound. Analysis of results and discussion To examine the level of work motivation and OCB among secondary school teachers, an appropriate descriptive statistical procedures were used and in further, to find out the significant mean difference on OCB as influenced by work motivation among pvt and govt school teachers an independent sample t test was used.

Table 1

Shows the level of work motivation between govt and pvt secondary school teachers

As table 1 shows that the mean SD and t ratio of two groups. As the table shows the govt school teachers have shown high level of work motivation ( Mean = 102.02 and SD = 13.5) when compared to pvt school teachers ( Mean = 101.35 and SD = 12.58). In finding out the significance level, an Independent sample t test was calculated and the obtained t=0.25, p >.01 which is not significant. There are no sufficient evidences to show the significant mean difference on the level of work motivation between government and Private secondary school teachers, Hence the hypothesis which states ―There will be a significant deference on work motivation among Government and private secondary school teachers‖ is not accepted.

Shows the level of organization citizenship behaviour between govt and pvt secondary school teachers

As the table shows that the mean, SD and t ratio of two groups govt school teachers have shown high level of organization citizenship behavior (Mean = 93.82 and SD = 7.7) when compared to pvt school teachers (Mean = 87.65 and SD = 10.38). In finding out the significance level, an independent sample t test was calculated and the obtained t ratio is 3.01, which is significant at 0.01 (3.01 > p 0.01). This showed that government school teachers have higher organizational citizenship behaviour compared to private school teachers. Hence the hypothesis which stated that ―There will be a significant deference on organization citizenship behavior among Government and private secondary school teachers‖ is accepted.

Table 3

Shows the level of organization citizenship behavior as influenced by the level of work motivation among government secondary school teachers.

As table 3 shows that the mean SD and t ratio of two groups. As the table shows the high motivated govt school teachers have shown low level of organization citizenship behavior (Mean = 93.38, SD= 6.32) when compared to those who shown low level motivation govt school teachers (Mean=94.32, SD=9.15), in finding out the significant level, an Independent sample t test was calculated and the obtained t=0.37, (P > 0.01) which is not significant. Hence the hypothesis stated that ―There is a significant difference on effect of work motivation on organization citizenship behavior among government school teachers.‖ is rejected.

behavior as influenced by the level of work motivation among private secondary school teachers.

As table 4 shows that the mean SD and t ratio of two groups. As the table shows that pvt school teachers those who have a high motivation have shown high level of organization citizenship behavior (Mean=90.95, SD=10.52) when compared to those who had shown low level motivation (Mean=82.00, SD=5.62), in finding out the significant level, an Independent sample t test was calculated and the obtained t=3.39, which is not significant (p > .01). Hence the hypothesis stated that the ―There is a significant difference on effect of work motivation on organization citizenship behavior among private school teachers.‖ is accepted.


1. There is no difference on the level of work motivation among government and private secondary school teachers. 2. There is a difference on the level of organizational citizenship behaviour among government and private secondary school teachers. 3. There is no difference on the level of organizational citizenship behaviour as influenced by their work motivation among government secondary school teachers. 4. There is a difference on the level of organizational citizenship behaviour as influenced by their work motivation among private secondary school teachers.


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Corresponding Author Krishnamurthy V. S.*

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Govt. Home Science College, Holenarsipura, Hassan

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