A Study of Durability Properties of Bacterial Concrete

Enhancing Durability of Concrete Using Bacterial Impregnation

by Amarender Kadian*, Sandeep Pannu,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 3, May 2018, Pages 78 - 81 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Concrete is the most predominant building material in construction industries. Due to improper design, temperature effects like freezing, thawing and shrinkage which cause deformation and produce cracks in the structures. Cracks are one of the major weaknesses of concrete which leads to the structural failure. To remediate cracks in structures, bacterial concrete is new innovative technique in which Bacteria are used. During the mixing of concrete, bacteria produces calcium carbonate precipitate will cure the cracks automatically. Bacterial impregnated Concrete is a self-recuperating concrete in which microscopic organisms pre included into the solid lattice. Microbial cement accomplish more consideration is on account of it is without split and erosion free in turn result in quality augmentation. The microscopic organisms and its hastens adjust the microstructure of cement in this manner enhance the impermeability of cement. In this examination, sturdiness and break recuperating conduct of bacterial impregnated solid utilizing bacillus subtilis jc3 microorganisms was directed. Trial comes about demonstrated a superior solidness execution by bacterial impregnated concrete contrasted with customary M25 Concrete. Bacterial cement displayed split width decrease when submerged in water which fortifies self-recuperating property of it.


durability properties, bacterial concrete, deformation, cracks, structural failure, bacteria, calcium carbonate precipitate, self-recuperating concrete, microorganisms, impermeability


Bacterial concrete refers to a new generation of concrete in which selective cementation by microbiologically-induced CaCO3 precipitation has been introduced for remediation of micro cracks. One possible mechanism is currently being investigated and developed in several laboratories. A technique based on the applications of mineral-producing bacteria. Efficient sealing of surface cracks by mineral precipitation was observed when bacteria-based mixtures were sprayed or applied onto damaged surfaces or manually inserted into cracks. As in those studies bacteria were manually and externally applied to existing structures. In several methods the possibility to using viable bacteria as a sustainable and concrete-embedded self-healing agent was explored. We are consolidating calcite accelerating microbes to concrete in specific fixations so the bacterias will hasten calcium carbonate when it interacts with water and this encourage will mend the breaks. Miniaturized scale organically Instigated Calcite Precipitation (MICP) is the procedure behind bio mineralization. The fundamental standard in the process is that the microbial urease, hydrolyzes urea, to deliver smelling salts and carbon dioxide and the alkali discharged in surroundings along these lines expands the pH, prompting gathering of insoluble calcium carbonate [8]. Along these lines, this self-recuperating framework can accomplish a gigantic cost lessening as far as wellbeing observing, harm recognition and upkeep of solid structures, guaranteeing a protected administration life of the structure. In one study spores of specific alkali-resistant bacteria related to the genus Bacillus were added to the concrete mixture as self-healing agent. The impermeability of the specimen improves by the precipitation of calcite. The layer formed by the Bacillus Pasteur, thus increasing its resistance to alkaline, sulphate and freeze-thaw attack. Concrete, however, is due to its high internal pH the relative dryness and lack of nutrients needed for growth. A rather hostile environment for common bacteria but there are some extremophilic spore forming bacteria. It may be able to survive in this artificial environment and increase the strength and durability of cement concrete. The incorporation of spores forming bacteria of the species Bacillus will not negatively affect the compressive and split tensile strength of the cement concrete. The bacteria were protected in a silical, resulting in the


Meera C M and Dr Subha V, have distributed a paper on Strength And Durability evaluation Of Microscopic organisms Based Self-Recuperating Concrete. In this paper they have talked about the impact of Bacillus subtilis JC3 on the strength and durability of cement. They utilized 3D shapes of sizes 150mm x 150mm x 150mm and chambers with a measurement of 100mm and a tallness of 200mm with and without expansion of smaller scale living beings, of M20 review concrete. For strength appraisals, solid shapes were tried for various bacterial fixations at 7 days and 28 days and chambers were tried for part elasticity at 28 days. It was watched that the compressive strength of cement indicated critical increment by 42% for cell grouping of 105 of blending water. And furthermore, with the expansion of microscopic organisms there is a critical increment in the rigidity by 63% for a bacterias grouping of 105cells/ml at 28 days. For durability appraisal, acid durability test, chloride test and water assimilation test were finished. From the outcomes it could be deduced that the expansion of microscopic organisms keeps the loss in weight amid acid presentation to a specific point of confinement, demonstrating the bacterial cement to have higher Acid Attack Factor. The Water Retention Test, demonstrated a lesser increment in weight of microscopic organisms solid specimen than control, from which it could be figured that the solid will turn out to be less permeable because of the development of Calcium Carbonate, because of which it brought about lesser water assimilation rate. Chloride test comes about demonstrated that the expansion of bacterias diminishes weight reduction, because of Chloride introduction and upgrades the Compressive Strength. Ravindranatha, N. Kannan, Likhit M. L,have distributed a paper on Self-Recuperating Material Bacterial Cement. In this paper an examination ponders was made with solid 3D shapes and pillars subjected to compressive and flexural strength tests with and without the bacterium Bacillus pasteurii. The solid blocks and bars were set up by including ascertained amount of bacterial arrangement and they were tried for 7 and 28 day compressive and flexural qualities. It was discovered that there was high increment in strength and mending of breaks subjected to stacking on the solid specimens. The organism turned out to be productive in upgrading the properties of the solid by accomplishing a high beginning strength increment. The calcium carbonate created by the microbes has filled some level of void volume in this manner making the surface smaller and resistive to leakage. A.T.Manikandan1, A.Padmavathi, (2015) have distributed a paper on An Exploratory Examination on Change of Solid Serviceability by utilizing Bacterial Mineral Precipitation. In this paper, the microscopic water cement proportion of 0.5 by mass for customary cement and a water concrete proportion of 0.25 and bacterial culture of 0.25 for bacterial cement by mass. The shapes were tried by Non-Dangerous Testing and HEICO pressure testing machine on the third, seventh and 28th days in the wake of throwing. There was a change in compressive strength by B. subtilis strain 121 because of testimony of Calcite (CaCO3) in cement sand lattice of microbial solid which remediate the pore structure inside the mortar. The temperature maintainability trial of B. subtilis in bacterial cement was done at different temperatures and found that the B. subtilis was observed to be alive at - 30 C low temperatures to 700 C high temperatures. There is increment in compressive strength of the bacterial cement with B. subtilis microscopic organisms with microbial calcite precipitation in the break test was analyzed in SEM .The specimen demonstrated the nearness of calcite precious stones developed everywhere throughout the surface of the split and furthermore the nearness of B. subtilis microscopic organisms is the proof, that proposes microbial remediation properties of bacterial cement. Ke Ru Wu, et al, (2001),The effect of the kind of coarse total on the strength of cement is more huge in HSC. In HSC around 10-20% higher compressive strength and split rigidity are gotten with pounded quartzite contrasted with marble total. In cements with an objective strength of 30MPa, strength contrasts between cements made with various coarse totals are lessened. It is recommended that the high strength cement with bring down weakness can be made by choosing high strength total with low fragility. Nagaraj.T.S (2004),He says that for proportioning concrete blends water bond proportion turns into a prevailing component, when the strength of cement is lesser than that of total trademark. And still, after all that it is important to consider the solid trial blend information at 0.5 w/c proportion to extent the blends, since this esteem joins commitment of both w/c proportion and total bond in the interfacial zone. Composite mechanics thought can be adequately utilized re-extent concrete blends whose strength is higher than total strength. Narayana.P.S.S. et al, (2004),The change in compressive qualities at 28 days with 5% expansion of smaller scale silica is 20% more contrasted and 0% expansion. The strength increments with age of the solid for different parameters of small scale silica. The expansion of miniaturized scale silica has enhanced the protection of cement to the attack of acids and sulfates. The rate weight reduction will be less at 20% expansion of smaller scale silica in H2SO4, HCL and Na2SO4.

Amarender Kadian1* Sandeep Pannu2

strategy for strength change of concrete sand mortar by the microbiologically actuated mineral precipitation. A thermophilic anaerobic bacteria is consolidated at various cell focuses with the blending of water. The investigation demonstrated that a 25% expansion in 28 day compressive strength of bond mortar was accomplished by including 105 cells/ml of water. The strength change is because of development of filler material inside the pores of the concrete sand network as appeared by the examining electron microscopy. E.coli bacterias were additionally utilized as a part of the concrete mortar for correlation, yet no change in strength was watched.


Bacterial concrete refers to a new generation of concrete in which selective cementation by microbiologically-induced CaCO3 precipitation has been introduced for remediation of micro cracks. As in those studies bacteria were manually and externally applied to existing structures, this mode of repair cannot be categorized as truly self-healing. In several follow up studies there is possibility is to use viable bacteria is sustainable and concrete embedded self-healing agent was explored. Need For Bacterial Concrete: The ongoing research in the field of concrete technology has led to the development of special concrete considering the speed of construction, the strength of concrete, the durability of concrete and the environmental friendliness with industrial material like fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume, metakaolin etc. The process can occur inside or outside the microbial cell or even some distance away within the concrete of a bacterial activity is simply trigger a change in solution chemistry that leads to over saturation and mineral precipitation. Self-Healing Property of Concrete: Smaller cracks typically with a crack width smaller than 0.2mm are generally considered as unproblematic. Although such micro cracks do not affect strength properties of structures they do on the other hand contribute to material porosity and permeability. Ingress of an aggressive chemical such as chlorides, sulphates and acids may result on the longer term in concrete matrix degradation and premature corrosion of the embedded steel reinforcement and thus hamper the structures' durability on the long term. Particularly mixtures based on a high binder content show remarkable crack-healing properties what is due to delayed (secondary) hydration of matrix embedded non-hydrated cement and binder particles upon reaction with crack ingress water. self-healing of cracks in traditional but also high-binder content mixtures appear limited to cracks with a width smaller than 0.2 mm. This somewhat limited effectiveness appears largely due to the restricted expansive potential of the small non-hydrated cement particles lying exposed at the crack surfaces. Another limitation of application is highbinder content mixtures solely for the purpose of increasing self-healing capacities are current policies which advocate sparse use of cement in concrete for sustainability reasons as current cement production contributes about 7% to global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. For latter reasons, alternative and more sustainable self-healing mechanisms are therefore wanted.


i) Bacillus pasteurii ii) Bacillus sphaericus (used in the present study) iii) Escherichia coli iv) Bacillus subtilis Survival of Bacteria in Concrete: The starting point of the research was to find bacteria capable of surviving in an extreme alkaline environment. Cement and water has a pH value of more than13. When mixed together, usually a hostile environment for his life. Most organism die in environment with a pH value of 10 or above. The search concentrated on microbes that thrive in alkaline environments which can be found in natural environments, such as alkali lakes in Russia, carbonate rich soils in desert areas of Spain and soda lakes in Egypt. Samples of end lithic bacteria (Bacteria that can live inside stones) were collected along with bacteria found in sediments in the lakes. Strains of the bacteria genus Bacillus were found to thrive in this high alkaline environment. Different types of bacteria‘s are incorporated into a small blocks of concrete. Each concretes block would be lefts to two month to set hard. Then the block would be pulverized and the remains tested to see whether the bacteria had survived. It was found that the only group of bacteria that were able to survive were the ones that produced spores comparable to plant seeds. Such spores have extremely thick cell walls that enable them to remain intact for up to 200 years while waiting for a better environment to germinate. Further it would become activated at the time of cracking, food is available and water seeps into the structure. This induces low pH value of highly alkaline concrete of the range (pH 10 to 11.5).

that the acid attack of 5% Hcl in bacterial concrete is higher than the conventional concrete. So bacterial concrete is good resistant to acid. Also water absorption capacity for bacterial concrete is higher than the conventional concrete. Concrete is the most commonly used building material, the cracks in concrete create problem. Cracks in concrete occur due to various mechanisms such as - shrinkage, freeze-thaw reactions and mechanical compressive and tensile forces. Cracking of the concrete surface may enhance the deterioration of embedded steel bars as ingression rate of corrosive chemicals such as water and chloride ions in to the concrete structure increased. Therefore a novel technique has been developed by using a selective microbial plugging process. One such thought has led to the development of a very special concrete known as Bacterial Concrete where bacteria is induced in the mortars and concrete to heal up the faults.


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Corresponding Author Amarender Kadian*