A Study of Customer Satisfaction towards Patanjali Dantkanti

Exploring Customer Satisfaction with Patanjali Dantkanti Toothpaste in Rohtak City

by Rohtas .*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 3, May 2018, Pages 144 - 146 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This study directed to know the consumer satisfaction towards Patanjali Dant Kanti toothpaste. The fundamental target of to recognize the different factor impacting client in buy of the Patanjali Dant Kanti, to know the consumer satisfaction level about this Patanjali product. The examination configuration utilized as a part of this investigation is spellbinding exploration plan. Information was gathered from 100 example respondents of Rohtak city. Information was gathered through organized poll with five point rating scale questions. Optional information were gathered from the accessible writing sources. For appropriation of poll to the respondents irregular testing strategy was utilized and to gather the respondents feeling, studies was taken among the chosen test respondents. Information was examined utilizing factor examination, rate investigation and chi square technique.


customer satisfaction, Patanjali Dantkanti, toothpaste, factors influencing purchase, consumer satisfaction level, descriptive research, data analysis, Rohtak city, structured questionnaire, factor analysis, rate analysis, chi square method


Dant Kanti dental cream is a result of Patanjali Ayurved LTD. what's more, is produced in Bharat (India).Patanjali Dant Kanti Toothpaste is home grown toothpaste containing herbs and some ayurvedic fixings. It enhances the wellbeing of the teeth and gums. It shields the teeth and gums from contaminations. Customary brushing of teeth utilizing this toothpaste can counteract holes in the tooth. It can likewise avoid and diminish torment in the gums and teeth. The herbs found in this medication are compelling in keeping up the quality of teeth and gums. It additionally prevents the seeping from the gums. It gives an invigorating scent and can enable individuals to dispose of terrible breath. Individuals experiencing gingivitis caused by the irritation of the gums can likewise utilize this toothpaste to control the disease. Baba Ramdev's Dant Kanti toothpaste is said to be totally a home grown piece and it is valuable in dental security and furthermore helps in dental excellence. Advantages of Patanjali Dant Kanti Toothpaste ● Ayurvedic item, contains parcel of normal concentrates ● Easily Available ● Affordable cost ● Good taste and smell ● Gives invigorating feel ● Comes in great amount, 100 gm keeps going long even on utilizing it twice day by day. ● Round top, which influence it to stand effortlessly on the rack or in the clothes washer bowl zone. ● Travel cordial In display contemplate, consumer satisfaction alludes to the degree to which clients are content with the item and administrations gave by a business. Consumer satisfaction level can be estimated utilizing overview methods and surveys. Increasing large amounts of consumer satisfaction is vital to business in light of the fact that fulfilled clients are well on the way to be steadfast and to make rehashed arranges and to utilize an extensive variety of administrations offered by a business. Essential goal of the examination was to know the consumer satisfaction towards Patanjali dantkanti toothpaste.


Consumer satisfaction has been a mainstream subject in showcasing practice and scholastic research since Cardozo's (1965) starting investigation of client exertion, desires and fulfilment. In spite of numerous endeavours to quantify and clarify consumer satisfaction, there still does not seem, by all accounts, to be an accord with respect to its definition (Giese and cote, 2000) consumer satisfaction is topically characterized as a post utilization evaluative judgment concerning a particular

It is the after-effect of an evaluative procedure that stands out pre-buy desires from impression of execution amid and after the utilization encounters (Oliver, 1980)

Consumer satisfaction

Clients get fulfilment from an item or an administration in view of whether their need is met easily; advantageously that makes them faithful to the firm. Henceforth, consumer satisfaction is a critical advance to pick up client steadfastness.


■ To know the customer satisfaction level about the toothpaste. ■ To identify the various factor influencing customer in purchase of the toothpaste.


Toothpaste helps keep your teeth spotless and sound, gives you pleasant breath anticipates against plaque, holes, gum illnesses and keep teeth white. A few people used to experience the ill effects of abundance fluoride content in toothpastes. Indians are profoundly pulled in towards patanjali item. So Patanjali dantkanti was known the consumer satisfaction.


Research strategy is an approach to efficiently take care of the exploration issue. It might be comprehended as study of considering cultivator investigate is done."The investigation of techniques by which we pick up information, it thought with the intellectual procedure forced on examine by the issues emerging from the idea of its topic".

Research Design:

This examination contemplates are worried about portraying the attributes of a specific individual or of a gathering. This examination worried about particular forecasts, with portrayal of actualities and attributes concerning individual, gathering or circumstance are cases of elucidating study.

Sample size:

The study was carried out through levels of the customers and the sample size was 100

Tool used:

■ Simple percentage ■ Toothpaste helps keep your teeth perfect and solid, gives you pleasant breath anticipates against plaque, pits, gum illnesses and keeps teeth white ■ Fluorine is known to cause medical problem, yet non-fluorine toothpaste is accessible.


Age of respondents

Interpretation: The above table demonstrates that 20% of the client have a place with age bunch 21-30,40% client have a place with age aggregate underneath 20,20% of the client has a place with age assemble 31-40 and 10% of the client have a place with age amass 41-50,10 of the client have a place with age gather over 60%

Factors influencing customer in purchase of the product

Interpretation: The above table demonstrates that among 100 respondents 24% of the respondents are buy of the quality, 20% of the respondents are buy of the


image,20% of the respondents are buy of the rebates



(H0) : There is critical contrast amongst age and buy of the item (H1) : There is no critical contrast amongst age and buy the item

Age * Factors Cross tabulation


Chi-Square Tests

a. 19 cells (95.0%) have expected check under 5. The base expected check is 1.00. Interpretation Since 21.458 > 21.026 we dismiss the Ho (Null Hypothesis). There is no connection between the age and buy of the item.


■ It is discovered that from the investigation of greater part 40% of the respondents are goes 20years. ■ It is obvious from the investigation of most 36% of the respondents are buy of the brand picture ■ Since 21.458 > 21.026 we dismissed the invalid speculation. There is no connection between the age and buy of the item.


■ Patanjali Dant Kanti helps in granulating the sustenance requires the minding teeth. Teeth can be minded by keeping their clean by utilizing toothpaste. Consequently an investigation has been under taken to know the consumer loyalty and inclination. ■ It is take in the Patanjali Dant Kanti is the quick moving brand which has various item which later the necessities of kids and in addition grown-ups. They are affected by notice for the most part.


Kothari C.R. (1999). ―Research Methodology‖, sultan ad chand and sons, New Delhi. Leon G. Schiffman (1999). ‖CUSTOMER SATISFACTION‖, Print ice hall of India, New Delhi. Philip Kotler (2000). ―Marketing Management‖ 10th edition, print ice hall of India, New Delhi.


■ www.google.com ■ https://www.patanjaliayurved.net/ product/natural-personal-care/dental-care/toothpaste/dant-kanti/748

Corresponding Author Rohtas*

Research Scholar, Institute of Management Studies Research, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana

E-Mail – rohtasnarwal1977@gmail.com