A Study of Changing Face of Employee Compensation Practices in Public Sector Units

A Comparative Study of Compensation Practices in Public and Private Sector Industrial Enterprises

by Kamal .*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 3, May 2018, Pages 170 - 173 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Compensation is one the most vital functions of human resource management (HRM). The present investigation went for investigating contrasts between the public and private sector industrial enterprises of Bangladesh concerning general status of compensation practices. The measurements i.e. settled pay, adaptable pay, and advantages were analyzed as to fulfillment with compensation. The work motivation then again was contemplated utilizing the exertion and performance measurements. A few ramifications are additionally offered for general change of the compensation practices of the public and private sector industrial enterprises of India.


compensation practices, employee, public sector units, human resource management, public sector, private sector, industrial enterprises, Bangladesh, satisfaction, work motivation, effort, performance, implications, India


Compensation is getting a hoisted profile technique issue. While private part wages and benefits have stagnated all through the withdraw, various councils proceed to construct compensation for public sector laborers. Meanwhile, there are creating worries about monstrous under financing in public sector retirement designs over the nation. This article takes a gander at the compensation of state and neighborhood masters, who clarify 20 million of the 23 million normal individual governing body authorities in the United States and different nations. State and adjacent laborers join educators, teachers, cops, human administrations administrators, besides various other word related social affairs. Testing state and close-by compensation is huge since it represents a noteworthy bundle of the generally U.S. economy. In 2008, the signify cost of wages and benefits for state and neighborhood laborers was $1.1 trillion, which was an expansive piece of the $2.2 trillion in whole utilizing by state moreover adjacent governments.2 compensation costs are expected to rising rapidly in propelling years in view of creating annuity and wellbeing mindfulness costs. This examination begins with a gander at floats in state and close-by assembly compensation since 1950. By then it takes a gander at compensation levels as a rule society and private fragments using data for 2008. Note that I will use the announcement " public sector " to infer state and adjacent governing bodies other than not the focal organization, which isn't analyzed here. Subsequently, the development of worker's organizations in thepublic sector workforce is discussed. In 2008, 39 percent of state and neighborhood laborers were parts of associations, yet that rate changes considerably by state therefore of differentiations in state institution on total wheeling and dealing and different parts of association mixture. The U.S. Expert of Economic Analysis produces time movement data on occupation and compensation by industry. In view of the previously mentioned data. Compensation joins wages and benefits, for example, the costs of social protection and annuities. The data are in unfaltering 2008 dollars, smoothed by the client cost document. In the vicinity of 1950 and something like 1980, ordinary compensation in the all inclusive community what's more private portions moved in lockstep. At any rate after 1980, open division compensation development began to outpace private section compensation development, and by the mid-1990s open portion laborers had a liberal pay advantage. In the shoot long periods of the late-1990s, private portion laborers close the fissure a touch, yet open territory pay made progress with ahead again in the 2000s. The public sector pay purpose of intrigue is overwhelmingly pronounced in benefits. Office of Economic Analysis data exhibit that ordinary compensation in the private part was $59,909 in 2008, fusing $50,028 in compensation other than $9,881 in benefits. Typical compensation in individuals by and large region was $67,812, fusing $52,051 in compensation and $15,761 in benefits. The BEA data separate the general population division workforce into three packs: direction, open undertakings (for instance governing body liquor stores), and all other organization strategies. The

Unavoidably, take note of that the BEA data on benefits join official duties to described benefit annuity and restorative administrations orchestrates. In any case express what's all the more adjacent advantages and retiree wellbeing designs are, altogether, enormously underfunded, as inspected underneath. In this manner, the previously mentioned data downplay the level of benefits that state and close-by experts are starting at now amassing.


In 2008, 38.5 percent of all state and close-by laborers were parts of associations, which is five times the association offer in the U.S. private division of 7.6 percent. The stake of state and neighborhood lawmaking body laborers who are remained for by associations was to some degree higher at 42.3 (Some masters who are remained for by associations are not association parts). With the thought of chose experts, public sector association parts totaled 7.8 million of every 2008, which was practically a substantial piece of the 16.1 million total association parts in the nation. Close-by lawmaking bodies have the best gathering of public sector association parts. Something like 33% of all adjacent organization authorities are in preparing, and around 66% of the previously mentioned laborers are parts of associations. Police and fire workplaces are in like manner incredibly associationized with association part offers of practically 60 percent (see Farber 2005). While the private territory offer has dove, the state and close-by portions have stayed raised at somewhat more than 30 percent and 40 percent, exclusively. Data on public sector association enlistment when the 1980s are rough, yet it makes the feeling that the offer rose from under 15 percent of the state and neighborhood organization workforce in the 1950s to the present vast sums by the late-1970s (Freeman 1986: 45). Some portion of that manufacture was clarified by the difference in "ace affiliations," such at the National Education Association, into out and out associations. NEA enlistment has created from 766,000 out of 1961 to 3.2 million today, and as it has formed into an association it has wind up being fundamentally more incorporated into authoritative issues and crusading (Lieberman 1997). A level of the other tremendous public sector associations could be the American Federation of Teachers, with 1.4 million sections, and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Representatives, with 1.4 million sections. (The previously mentioned enlistment numbers can fuse surrendered and private fragment parts.) The huge number of master association laws requested by segments of states all through the 1970s set off the rising in public sector associationism (Freeman 1986: course of action refreshes. Going before the 1960s, courts typically held that public sector pros did not have a similar association benefits, for instance bunch wheeling and dealing, that private division laborers do under the 1935 Wagner Act. Regardless that changed rapidly all through the 1970s with a rash of state order empowering or requiring total bargaining and encroaching diverse "association security" acquisitions, for instance obligatory association collect (Farber 2005: 15). Annuity Scandals: So far I've watched open region compensation as reflected in national insights, yet those measurements recount simply part of the story. In later years, various news articles have featured instances of open part pay groups—particularly annuities—that habitually show up terribly extreme. The previously mentioned extreme open annuities may not be thought about in official measurements compensation since they reflect future costs, not present expenses. A bit of the over the top parts of open part benefits join: • Early Retirement. Open part authorities generally turn in earlier than laborers in the private territory and subsequently have a great time liberal advantages benefits forever. The unprecedented larger piece of open division experts can leave at 55 or past with the suspicion that they have fulfilled a long stretches of administration essential, which is generally 30 years. • Double Dipping. In various states open zone laborers can "leave" early and after that advance to take another open portion work, and in this manner pick up a full compensation and liberal annuity meanwhile. That costs the retirement framework money for two clarifications: First, in light of the fact that the agent draws an annuity from the retirement save for extra quite a while, and second, in light of the way that there is no responsibility to the retirement framework for the re-used worker". • Pension Spiking. In specific wards, organization pros can misleadingly swell their advantages benefit by pulling strings to get themselves tremendous raises in their last year of work or putting in additional minutes in their last year. This is called "annuity spiking." • Disability Claims. A lot of liberal and phony cases for disable by open laborers is a creating circumstance.


articles have watched instances of clearly unrestrained advantages of open division workers, administrators, city board parts, and lawmaking body managers. • Pay-to-Play Corruption. The reliance of state and adjacent organizations on illustrated benefit annuity designs has realized lawmaking bodies holding huge cash related portfolios. An extraordinary way to deal with such contamination may be to exhaust the swamp—move organization masters from portrayed benefit annuity intends to characterized commitment designs, which may evade the circumstance of open experts expecting to effectively keep up immense pools of annuity cash.


Research methodology is defined as the common approaches the researcher uses in carrying out the research project. Research methodologies of the present study are outlined below. Sample - A sampling frame of 155 public and private sector industrial enterprises was prepared comprising 64 public sector industrial enterprises (running) under all the six state-owned industrial corporations. These six state-owned industrial corporations represent all public sector industrial enterprises of India. Various established approaches are used in determining sample size, imitating a sample size of analogous studies, using published tables, and using formulas to calculate a sample size. For the present study, the published table method was used in the determination of the sample size. Table 1. Sample size for ± 5%, ± 7%, ± 10% precision levels where confidence level is 95% and p = 0.5 Table 1 shows that a sample size is feasible and valid at different precision levels. From the field survey it was found that the total population for the present study was 155 that falls within the population range of 175 in the table. Considering the sample size to be determined at 10% precision level, it can be seen that the sample size for the present study came to 64 within the predetermined population range of 175. Since the study compensation practices between the public and the private sector industrial enterprises of India, the stratified random sampling technique was applied here to get a representative sample. Data Collection - Questionnaire survey method was used to gather data in the present study. Compensation was measured by a scale (Cronbach‟s α = .97) composed of five items on five-point Likert type scale (where 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree). To assess the validity of the scale of the present study, content validity was used. It is a ―subjective but systematic evaluation of how well the content of a scale represents the measurement task at hand‖ (Malhotra, 2007). For this purpose, the contents of the questionnaire were prepared with the help of leading literature, models, theories, and texts pertaining to the subject and questions of research. After necessary modifications, the content validity of the scale was approved by a panel of experts. As HR managers are the most competent persons to provide data related to any HR practice such as compensation, the structured questionnaire was sent to the HR managers of all the 64 surveyed industrial enterprises. Finally, 60 useable questionnaires were obtained for the study (26 from public sector and 34 from private sector). Analysis - To analyze the data, this study used descriptive (mean, standard deviation) and difference inferential statistics such as t-test, F- test. All statistical calculations were carried out by SPSS version 11.5, the most widely used set of programs for statistical analysis in the social sciences.


In the private sector, organizations can direct the wasteful aspects made by associations. Organizations can substitute capital for work to reward for extraordinary association work expenses, and they can fabricate the idea of their workforces as per climbing association compensation. Shockingly, open division boss have less motivations and less versatility to make such updates. Association‘s broaderly affect state reserves than just nudging to increase agent compensation in light of the fact that they furthermore lobby to extend organization utilizing all things considered. Open section associations are a bit of the generally powerful excellent speculation social events in the nation. The approach of open part aggregate bargaining in the 1970s fundamentally invited a huge number of open territory laborers to come to be politically powerful. States that have required


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Corresponding Author Kamal*

Research Scholar, Institute of Management and Research Studies, IMSAR, MDU

E-Mail – chahalkamal89@yahoo.com