A Study on the Role of Leadership

Exploring the Role of Leaders in Managing Diversity and Creating Sustainable Enterprises

by Dr. Meena Singh*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 3, May 2018, Pages 677 - 681 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The creation and maintenance of sustainable enterprises requires an understanding of the role of management in addressing employees ' personal outcomes. Happiness is everybody's mutual aim, and most other stuff can imply that aim. Organizations are driven by dynamic world economies to think beyond their goods and the bottom line to go beyond only staff motivation and to provide a committed workforce. Companies are shifting their framework owing to globalization and operating in a wider arena. Most of these organisations used to think of capital simply as securities, assets, savings, or resources of some type. In a transforming world, the evolving position of leaders in recruiting, maintaining and engaging with a diverse population gives rise to criteria for interactive leadership competency. This paper suggests that managing diversity requires business leaders to take a diversity management approach that is not only sensitive to race and ethnic differences, but also to the background and values of all people at work.


leadership, management, sustainable enterprises, employees, happiness, organizations, globalization, capital, diversity management, interactive leadership competency


The effectiveness of an organization is measured primarily by the competence of its representatives. Not only can leaders determine which financial and business policies to follow, but they also set the organization‘s mission, principles, and community. For this latter category of responsibilities, organisational psychology may offer useful insight into the backgrounds and mechanisms that optimize the productivity of organisations. The significance of business management is well articulated by this observation: a strong leader may render a weak business plan a success, yet even the best plan can be destroyed by a bad leader. That's why developing strong leadership will return substantial market benefit by utilising a consistent talent acquisition programme across all levels of the company. Companies require leadership development initiatives focused on recruiting practices, workforce development, and career and succession planning to find, recruit, fill, and maintain organisational leadership expertise.


Leadership is the mechanism by which a leader exerts control on other persons and promotes, motivates, and guides their efforts to help accomplish collective or corporate objectives. In the other side, growth focuses in developing organizational participants' expertise and capabilities so that they are able to take on different tasks and opportunities (Gareth, 2003). Organizational growth should be considered by developing and reinforcing long-term training plans as the philosophy and practise of expected systemic improvement in workers' behaviours, beliefs and principles. Growth of companies is action-oriented. It begins by carefully evaluating the present condition and possible needs in the enterprise and uses behavioral science methods, such as behaviours modelling, awareness analysis and transactional analysis. Its aim is to help the enterprise to further incorporate emerging opportunities and technologies into the constantly evolving external climate.

The vision and leadership

The perception has a multidimensional perspective and is a kind of difficult concept to describe. It is defined in distinct ways by numerous scholars and researchers. "Kouzes finds it to be" a perfect and special vision of the general good of the future "(Kouzes and Posner, 2007). Jonathan Swift notes that "Seeing is the practice of recognizing the unseen" at the other extreme. We cite a lesson that Alice learned in the world-famous novel "Alice in Wonderland" to better explain the term view. As she was looking for a way out of Wonderland and came to a fork in the lane, Alice taught this lesson. Could you please tell me which direction I should go from here? "The Cheshire Cat asked her. "The cat replied," It depends a lot on where you choose to get to. Alice responded that she didn't care much, actually. "In no uncertain words, the happy cat told her:" Then it does not matter which way you go.

for achievement and can provide people with informed choices because, because of their vision, they can make their decisions on the basis of final outcomes that are already in their heads (Kotter , 1996). Vision may also be taken as a person's skill or qualities that can not only render him / her capable of perceiving the future in an appropriate and specific fashion, but can also enhance his / her determination and sense of duty to accomplish this ideal future. The Role of Leadership: There are less tensions in the balance between social, environmental, and financial success with senior and middle managers in these four industries, so these disputes are addressed further up in the enterprise and better incorporated into the informal structures. The advantages linked to sustainability were purchased by Upper Management. Thus, individuals will make such tradeoffs when they recognize that their representatives would be accommodating. One of Nike 's nine strategic goals is social accountability. CR is intensively assisted by the CEO and other business executives and is seen as an improving factor of meeting corporate targets. In reality, leadership participation is number one. "It's not so wrong to make a sustainable choice that adversely impacts margins, but they have to remind me because anywhere else we can mitigate this, "clarified one vice president. I want to offer subordinates advice and I don't want to see them [the tradeoffs linked to making societal, environmental, and financial decisions] struggling with it. And since all these choices cannot be made by me alone, we need to educate them. This teaching takes place by the exchange and coordination of knowledge. When they become part of the mechanism where leaders make choices, citizens understand. Leadership learning may well contain elements of more traditional management and self-development systems (including time management, preparation, delegation and self-awareness) to this degree, albeit with the intention of providing a reflexive space in which the leader / manager may consciously focus on their current activity and experience. There is no need to consider, however, that only senior managers could be given leadership growth and, indeed, there would be strong reasons to promote this form of incentive for advancement within the company to improve both collective and individual capability. However, the essence of the appropriate intervention is likely to differ due to the participants' job position, expertise and personal skills/attributes. An significant HRD task performed by organizations is the creation of leadership. Leadership growth programmers are deemed essential to strengthening leadership capabilities and the leadership pool, considering the diverse and competitive external world under which companies work. Productivity, financial success and strategic edge are particular corporate advantages illustrated. A representation of how this affects the structure and content of the programme is shown in Table 1.


1. To investigate leadership's role in organisational growth 2. To draw conclusions and guidelines on the leadership position in the creation of organisations.


In order to encourage teaching staff to be dedicated to their jobs, Idah Naile et al ( 2014) plan to develop the role of management style. 184 teaching workers were chosen from these 13 high schools to join. It should be noticed that these high schools did not meet the regional standard. A Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to achieve a comprehensive perspective of the overall leadership style found in the school system. The researchers conducted the questionnaires with the help of administrative clerks from the schools and the study support group retrieved the completed questionnaires. Namasambu Andrew Simiyu et al ( 2015) Employee personal results such as sense of life and subjective well-being have become an important consideration for organisations to recruit and maintain talent in the intense rivalry. It is about being satisfied whose value in life makes one 's life purposeful and subjective well-being; both are essential facets of anyone's life , and people want job organisations to relate to them. It might not be necessary to concentrate solely on work-related effects anymore. There is a need to properly grasp the procedures by which it is necessary to increase the desired personal performance of workers.


viewed from two basic points of view: a corporate viewpoint (the effect that is exerted to shift the organisation's direction) and an individual mission viewpoint (the effect that is targeted at improving an individual's job behaviour). The symbolic engagement of perspective is proposed in this essay to reconcile the two basic viewpoints in that both viewpoints involve substantive, reflexive integration and meaning, community membership, organisational function and experience.


Leadership and its position are important topics for today's sector and organisations. "The" Leaders are people who set direction for a working group of people and who are committed to establishing direction from this group of members and who then motivate members to achieve the results of the direction "(Conger, 1992). It is possible to interpret the word leadership from different angles and definitions. Leadership is traditionally a set of characteristics owned by the leader or a relationship-based social phenomenon. Such principles may offer numerous views on the definition of leadership. Whether leadership comes from a leader's personal qualities or a leader's followership through what she / he does or believes (Grint 2004) is an ongoing debate. Grint also discusses the leadership's status issues, and examines, is the leader an individual in charge? With the actual power to dictate or execute, or it's just a guy in front who takes someone's instructions. "Recent reports take leadership as" a system through which a person induces a community of people to accomplish a shared purpose (Northouse 2004). "One view of leadership is that" leadership is like the Abominable Snowman, whose footsteps are everywhere, but who can't be seen anywhere "(Bennis and Nanus, 1985). In brief, leadership is either a person that is in control and has decision-making authorities and also has the authority to enforce his / her decisions or a mechanism that has a collection of other influential corporate, personal or social control mechanisms for which individuals, teams or organisations may do more to improve their potential. Not only does the selection of the leader rely on the person's personal characteristics, But indeed, on social and cultural variables as well as his exposure to life (Bolden 2010).

The Organizational Leadership

Organizational leadership is not a magic that one individual has and that others do not have. It's still not just about the order of the manager and then he observes how well they are obeyed. Instead, an organisation's leadership is an opportunity for management to obtain and secure the advantages of objectives of the group and getting them together to operate in a better atmosphere to accomplish shared goals (Sansom, 1998). In the evolution and cultivation of an organization, corporate leadership plays a critical function. It will encourage the employees of an organization and working teams to address the obstacles and operate in a worthy manner with the organizational purpose. An organizational leadership is defined by Dunphy and Stace as an entity who, by his vision and plan, can facilitate progress in an organization (Dunphy and Stace 1994 in Senior and F laming 2006). The position of leadership is now more critical for a few days in this age of quickly evolving industry patterns and increased consumer demands. Strategic leadership is eagerly desired by organizations that are well able to anticipate the important developments and changes in advance and build the requisite dedication and highly acceptable environment by staff and teams to effectively recognize and implement these changes. Not only for the organization‘s success but also for its own existence, this intervention by representatives is decisive (Bass, 1990; Burke & Cooper, 2004). Because corporate objectives cannot be accomplished without any strategic business method, organizational performance and profitability can also not be accomplished without leadership in a strategic position. It is a leadership whose fingerprints are anywhere from the distribution of capital to alignment, from understanding of items to determine potential focus, shape engagement and inspire the teams to accomplish an organisation's objectives, to affirm successful development (McGuire, 2003).).


Methodology is the aspect of study that explains the forms and processes of data gathering (Oliver, 2004). Our experiments are mainly qualitative and case-based. The exploratory and qualitative character of the analysis is the explanation for using the case study method. Since case studies have been one of the most common ways to do qualitative analysis (Stake, 2000, p.435). The consistency of versatility that encourages researchers to use different methods of data collection is one of the reasons for using case studies in our analysis (Yin 1989; Merriam, 1998). According to Robson (1993), versatility is often the key strength of the case study approach in terms of understanding and access to the locations or organizations listed. The analysis is based on data from secondary sources. As the primary data collection tool, we used text analysis / content analysis. In the research, document analysis / content analysis, also named "textual analysis" (Travers, 2001: 5), would contain all sorts of scholarly studies, textual and digital items, spanning from television

with the principles sought for content review found in the literature and to arrive at a model. The other justification for utilizing interviews was to complement the study of records and inspire more analysis queries. It was also useful to make this dissertation more comprehensive, too. The steps of our processing of data are as follows.


In this chapter we will examine our finding and provide the findings. In order to best grasp the outcomes, these conclusions would also be discussed along with the case studies and suggested model. How can creative and imaginative leadership contribute to effective organisational change? Not long ago, the corporations were focused on tactics, and the tactics were taken into consideration by taking into account the existing and accepted aspect. The leaders' emphasis was then on developing and supplying an organisation with the tools, because in current situations everything would operate smoothly. In today's market, where patterns, technology and conditions are constantly evolving, the game is changing now; an organisation's progress relies on better potential planning, and deciding for the potential is the most complicated aspect of this scenario. The potential that is unknown and of which you do not realise (Hage, 1980). Leaders realise and recognise the need for reform for organisations to succeed, for the advancement and growth of an organization in terms of goods, facilities, operating method and business model, in some other type. But the issue is, is recognizing the need for reform enough? We will cite a short storey from examined literature before elaborating on this issue.


In conclusion, it is assumed that organizational transformation, which is focused on the vision of the leader and then accompanied by his / her imaginative approach to fulfilling this aim, has a reasonably powerful and stronger association with organizational growth in the light of scientific articles , journals and books. Organizational improvements viewed by creative and inventive leadership, which are introduced and adopted, tend to have a reasonably close association with progress. Not only is organizational change important, it is also a demand for time, and leadership can play a key role in it. In a leader, "Vision" and "Innovative Approach" lead to better management of the organizational change process by organizations and may increase the chances of their success.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Meena Singh*

PhD Holder