Health Problem in Indian Urban Women: Yoga as a Solution

Addressing Pollution and Oral Health Issues in Urban Indian Women

by Neelam Juneja*, Dr. D. D. Aggarwal,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 21 - 25 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


India is sixth biggest country by area and the second most populated country. Today we see Air pollution, Soil pollution and Water pollution with poor oral Health awareness.


Health Problem, Indian Urban Women, Yoga Solution, Air pollution, Soil pollution, Water pollution, Poor oral Health awareness


India is sixth biggest country by area and the second most populated country. Today we see Air pollution, Soil pollution and Water pollution with poor oral Health awareness. Food habits have changed. Due to lack of time women are not able to prepare food, from hygienic point of view, Preserved foods are not good for health. These usually contain excessive fats and spices and are acidic. Though the food is of high calorie, but, it does not provide adequate energy, Also, the preservatives used, such as, nitrogen, chlorine, carbonic acid, vinegar and impure sugar are harmful. There are many imbalances amongst general mass life. Water is polluted, Air is polluted, and soil is polluted. Food available in the market is contaminated. Green vegetables are readily available throughout the year in every season. Pesticides and harmful chemicals are being used for good crop... There is maximum mixture of preservatives in cold drinks. Pizza, Bergers, Pasta and ready-made snacks are the popular food for our youngsters. Over use of microwaves and electronic appliances removeserious the nutritive value of food. Health issues become countless, artery blockage, diabetes, tubercloses etc. Sometimes changing environment/climate effects ecosystem and species, As a result, human beings directly to on force change of location, Most plants and animals also get effected. Health is an important factor that contributes to human wellbeing and economic growth. Health contributes to healthy manpower and National growth. Social status, economic status overall effect country‟s growth which is possible only by wellness of human being. Today in India women are suffering from many modern ailments. The increasing level of health consciousness in women has become a matter of concern in recent years. Indian have already been involved in Yoga and otherwise in health related activities. But, now a day‟s women are also very careful about their nutrition and health. Women Health is linked to their status in society. Bindings and conservative attitude give negative impact on health status of Indian women. She feels happy and contentment if there is standing in society With poor health women gives birth to low weight infants. They are not able to give food and adequate care to their kids. They are not achieving equitable level of health particularly in the urban and poverty effected areas. Men use greater privileges and women become helpless and powerless. In India it has been seen specially in even in urban areas women are very valued less their family due to Indian culture and social status.. Gender inequalities, effects the health of women. Sometimes pregnancy effect women‟s health. Although some of women are suffering from incurable diseases, Even then in comparison to earlier decade or so, there have been decline in number of ailments. Cancer Breast Cancer is a growing concern worldwide. It is my personal empirical survey in the parks of New Delhi in the Morning that majority of women are aware about cancer but awareness about symptoms and signs are not known by everyone present in the park. They were willing to submit to breast checkup. They were worried with curiosity, Anxiety was on their face. They were being asked for positive thinking. Survival rates have improved for many types of cancers in recent years. Risk of cancer can be decreased by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Skin, lung, prostate cancers are the ones that worry

going to doctors and apprising them with the exact position of disease. Many other diseases are increasing day by day where women awareness must increasingly grow. Knee Pain: is a new experience which is recently attracting the primary conern of women. Knee pain symptoms are Fever, problem in moving, weakness, Redness Swelling and Stiffness. It happens: Due to age, knee bursitis, Torn cartilage, Gout, Rheumatoid-Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Knee cartilage, Bone degeneration. Some home remedies are very useful in such type of pain: Drinking of mix ginger and warm water. Castor oil massage on concerned part before having bath. One can also massage before going to bed will minimize the knee pain. In such type of pain one should take fresh and warm cooked foods. Avoid cold drinks. Avoid junk and fast food. Take light diet. Overeating should also be avoided. To prevent knee pain some asans like tadasana and veerasana, reclining knee bent twist and bhujangasana are very useful.

Disc problem:

The symptoms of a damaged disc can vary according to its location and severity. Many people who show evidence on scanning of damaged discs have no symptoms. This means that, most commonly, there are no symptoms at all. However, general signs may include: ● Back pain ● Pain radiating down the legs ● Worsening pain associated with bending over or sitting down for a long time ● Worsening pain associated with activities like coughing or sneezing ● Numbness or pins-and-needles in an arm or leg.

Risk factors for disc problems

Some people are more susceptible to disc problems than others. Risk factors include: ● Obesity ● Poor muscle tone ● Advancing age ● Poor posture ● Incorrect lifting techniques. Often, however, there is no recognizable risk factor present.

Back to top Types of disc problems

Common disc-related problems include degenerative disc disease, ruptured (or „slipped‟) disc and sciatica (nerve pain).

Treatment for disc problems

The majority of disc problems will resolve regardless of treatment. Bed rest is occasionally best for initial management of severe sciatica, but most people can keep active with some restrictions according to the level of pain. Good pain control and allowing the person to move is often a good approach.

Some common treatments include:

● Heat treatment ● Regular massage ● An exercise program designed to improve strength and flexibility ● Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or steroids ● Pain-relieving medication ● An injection of anti-inflammatory steroids into the region of the disc ● Uncommonly, in severe cases of ruptured disc, an operation may be needed to trim the protruding bulge (laminectomy) Depression : Depression has been seen in more women than men. Women tend to get depressed when she feels isolated and unnecessary argumentation with collegues and family members. Diabetes : In many cases it has been seen that people are not aware that they are suffering from the diabetes. They


Problem of dementia is one that is being increased in India, It is memories lose amongst old age and otherwise women suffer it after sixty. Anxiety, Tension, stress, inattention, Headache, forgetfulness create problem in this type of disease.

Cervical and osteoporosis. In women after 35 new bone stops forming and the focus is on maintenance of old bones. In cervical and osteoporosis sitting and sleeping posture effects spinal cord. Today the world has become full of stress, mental deformity due to increasing ambition, desires and competitions. Our |Education system loaded with vast syllabus and curriculum with parent‟s expectation leads to frustration and depression. Traditional challenges such as diarrhoea, pneumonia and TB-along with maternal child mortality figures (though improving but are still worrying) – are a concern. On the other hand, non-communicable diseases which are called life-style diseases are emerging as big killers. Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women. More men die of heart disease than women.


In our India, both obesity and malnutrition are substantial public health issues. We have a very large child population as well as large population of senior people/citizen. Although our doctors are working diligently and won the battle of many diseases even then, there is a need of Exercise, Yoga and Meditation and nutritive diet. The practices of yoga help to prevent disease and maintain health, energy level. It cures diseases. Diabetes, Hyper tension, cancer are even non-communicable diseases, a huge amount of money is being spent every year on curative care and economical burden is increasing. Healthy life style has to be adopted which will reduce the Economic burden to larger extent. It kills our negative thought and fills enthusiasm and happiness. Social living, spiritual upliftment, peace and harmony, mental concentration all can be possible by doing Yoga. Yoga is an ancient science, but its relevance holds today, in fact, more than ever before, due to competitive living. You have to run faster and faster to stay in the same place. Yoga is integration of eight organs named as Yam, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam, Dhyan, Pratyhar, Dharna and Samadhi. Samadhi is the ultimate pinnacle. But a subject, a normal citizen need not be afraid of reaching that stage. The path is too long and too full of impediments for a normal mortal. Just follow yoga to the extent you can and benefit begins to accrue right away. A normal person may learn and practice Asan, Pranayam and Dhyan regularly, with amazing results, because yoga is scientific. A normal mortal dreads death. Yoga keeps one aware of this ultimate truth of physical life and drives away the fear of death from the Yogi‟s mind. After long and healthy life. Yoga enhances not merely the physical health and mental faculties; it also improves your professional abilities, functional efficiency. Above all, it makes you more acceptable and respectable in society. Material affluence does not by itself bring joy. You have to create a healthy body in which may live a healthy mind. Contentment will come and bring the joy in life.

Why Yoga?

Yoga teaches us the path that leads to freedom from all tensions and worries. It balances us how we may life in peace and happiness. Yoga is a science. A holistic plan of living ahinsa (non-violence), peace. Also called ASHTANG YOG, it consists of Yam, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam. Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi. Yam and Niyam lay down the rules for becoming a good individual and a good member of society. Pratyahar teaches us to keep away from desires. Dharana teaches us to build our attitudes and Samadhi is the state of ultimate bliss that a perfect Yogi would enjoy. Asan, Pranayam and Dhyan are the activities that need to be performed for good physical, intellectual and spiritual health. Yoga works on all aspects of fitness, like strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, ability and agility. It reduces weight, tones the body, makes the skin glow, improve member and concentration. Gets rid of joint pains, keeps fresh all the day. Good hair, great skin, a tone body, high energy level and a balanced mind, all are indicators of a fit person. Fitness is a inseparable part of the quality of life. In other words, we can say it is a science of health. Let us first see what these three constituents of yoga are.

specified posture, in which the subject can stay stable, without pain for long (several minutes) Erection of the backbone is the main key. All joints muscles, veins, arteries etc are systematically honed and toned, Asanas, coupled with yam and Niyams bring such physical fitness and internal health that no other means can. While an Asana would help an underweight to put on weight, the same asana would help an obese person to shed excess weight without side effects. To be slim has become a fashion now a day. For this people shun food. That‟s the negative way of living. The question is to be fit. Stress has to be given on right food. Your body needs food for maintenance of strength, for building up to immunity and for keeping you active. Holistic Health Plans, corrective dietary/nutritive patterns and moderation in everything is the better mindset, which is the correct attitude to fitness. The only healthy way to be fit is to follow an individual specific diet. Life style and exercise pattern. Each individual is unique in terms of body constitution and assesses own different parameters, and yoga encompasses all this.


We may simplify by saying that Pranayam is a set of breathing exercises – very scientific. It is oriented towards warding off several modern ailments like asthma, migraine, etc. Its regular practice leads to a long healthy and alert life. It also improves our ability to focus our energies and attention.


Dhyan or meditation is believed to take a person towards spirituality. Right. But at a much later stage. First, it helps you to concentrate on your current activity. Doing on thing while thinking of another cause accident on roads, kitchens and factories. Forces you to go on reading the same topic for hours before you can memorize it….so, how important it is for students, workers, drivers, executives and housewives ;


It is about the education based on moral values. They make a follower of Yoga more acceptable and beloved member of the society. (And the follower does not imply a person who has faith in Yoga but who actually practices Yoga in his daily life. Yoga is not just a ritual to be performed for a fixed duration. In addition, it is a way of life. Blissful life) the follower is respected not for the money or any other form of India has the unique distinction of setting forth examples in various fields‟ f social and cultural values. Our ancestors who liberally shared their discoveries and research with the rest of the world exemplify the broad outlook. Copyrights and patents may bring money. But copyrights and patents also create copy-cats. The copy-cats and the holder of copyrights, both run after money in search for happiness. But get entangled in litigations.


Pratyahar stands for eschewing; eschewing lust, greed or anything that attracts us but is liable to prove bad for our health or ethics. There are five Yams and Five Niyams. Here we present just four out of the ten, as follows: ● Satya: Following the path of truth, unflinchingly. ● Ahimsa: Non-violence, Live and let live. ● Aparigraha: Shunning the tendencies of accumulation of material objects. ● Ishwar Pranidhan: Taking things with equanimity, ascribing success, fortune or failures to God and Karma (our past deeds).


Yoga includes personal hygiene in great depths and lays down several Shudhi Kriyas, for example: 1. Kunjal: Swallowing of a lot of water (one and half litres to two liters or more) and purging it out before th water descends into the intestines. This cleanses the stomach. The benefits include acidity and stomach ulcers. 2. Sutra Neti: Cleaning up of the nostrils with a soft unspun bunch of cotton threads. 3. Jal Neti: Cleaning the nostrils by pouring water into one nostril and letting it flow of the other nostril. 4. Kapal Bhati: Also a Pranayam, it keeps lungs healthy, wards off ailments like migraine. Yoga is a way of healthy, happy, nay joyous living and for creating harmonious societies based on mutual trust and respect, integrating the materially opulent and impoverished. Material affluence does not by itself bring joy. You have to create a healthy

Presently, world over, there is increasingly greater awareness and appreciation of Yoga‟s contribution as a healthy way of life. Yoga is a world movement towards Healthy living and life style in the world. Ref: dated 4.6.2018

Corresponding Author Neelam Juneja*

Research Scholar, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan

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