An Analysis on Human Geography and Its Efficient Applicable Areas in Current Scenario

Exploring the Connections between Human and Physical Geography

by Jitin Pal*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 155 - 158 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The investigation of the interrelationships between individuals, place, and condition, and how these differ spatially and transiently crosswise over and between areas, Whereas physical geography focuses on spatial and ecological procedures that shape the normal world and tends to draw on the common and physical sciences for its logical underpinnings and techniques for examination, human geology focuses on the spatial association and procedures forming the lives and exercises of individuals, and their collaborations with spots and nature. Human geology is more aligned with the sociologies and humanities, sharing their philosophical methodologies and techniques (see physical geography for a talk on the connection amongst human and physical geography natural geography.


human geography, interrelationships, spatially, transiently, physical geography, ecological processes, scientific underpinnings, sociology, humanities, natural geography


Human geography comprises of various sub-disciplinary fields that emphasis on various components of human movement and association, for instance, social geology, monetary geology, wellbeing geography, chronicled geography, political geology, populace geography, rustic geography, social geography, transport geography, and urban geology. What recognizes human geography from other related controls, for example, advancement, financial aspects, legislative issues, and social science, are the utilization of an arrangement of center geological ideas to the wonders under scrutiny, including space, put, scale, scene, portability, and nature. These ideas frontal area the thought that the world works spatially and transiently, and that social relations don't work autonomously of place and condition, however are completely grounded in and through them. As for strategies, human geology utilizes the full scope of quantitative and subjective techniques from over the sociologies and humanities, aware of utilizing them to give an intensive geographic examination. It additionally puts accentuation on hands on work and mapping (cartography), and has made various commitments to growing new strategies and procedures, strikingly in the zones of spatial investigation, spatial measurements, and GI Science. The long haul improvement of human geology has advanced couple with that of the train all the more for the most part (see geography). Since the

Quantitative Revolution in the 1960s, the philosophy underpinning human geography inquire about has broadened massively. The 1970s saw the presentation of behavioural geology, radical geography, and humanistic geology. These were followed in the 1980s by a swing to political economy, the improvement of women's activist geology, and the presentation of basic social hypothesis supporting the social turn. Together these methodologies shaped the reason for the development of basic geology, and the presentation of postmodern and post-auxiliary reasoning into the train in the 1990s. These different improvements did not completely supplant the hypothetical methodologies created in before periods, but instead prompted assist enhancement of geographic idea. For instance, quantitative geography keeps on being a dynamic territory of geological grant, particularly through the development of GIScience. The outcome is that topographical reasoning is by and by exceptionally pluralist in nature, with nobody approach commanding.


Geography has customarily been worried about individuals, the physical condition and their connections (Murphey 1982). The spatiotemporal conveyance of wonders, procedures and highlights is contemplated by geographers to explain complex collaborations amongst immense and firmly interrelated human and natural frameworks (Ackerman 1963; Renwick, and Rubenstein 1995;

Amid this procedure, different hypotheses, approachs and innovations have been utilized to help geographic research (Brunn, Cutter, and Herrington 2004; Clifford, French, and Valentine 2010; Gomez, and Jones 2010), and PC supported geographic tests (CAGE) have been oftentimes used to enhance the examinations (Metthews, and Herbert 2008). Tests and basic perceptions are essential means for producing and approving logical information (Cohen 1985). Geographic investigations, which are known as a sort of coordinated research strategy, were proposed right off the bat in 1887 by Sir Halford John Mackinder, the principal teacher of geology at Oxford. The point of these trials was to reenact the characteristic and social universes under one illustrative umbrella. Today, the substance has been broadened. With the improvement of software engineering and natural displaying, the conventional strategies utilized to research spatial disseminations through examples and interjection and to examine the fleeting examples utilizing previews have confronted numerous difficulties (Goodchild, Yuan, and Cova 2007; Konecny 2011).

To conquer these difficulties, scientists regularly devise CAGE to mimic the geographic circumstances that constitute the intricate world, test specific geographic speculations, or examine geographic marvels and procedures (Huang, and Lu 2009). For this situation, a reasonable workspace with the extraordinary capacity of incorporating both natural recreation and human-condition connections is vital, and in this manner the Virtual Geographic Environment (VGE) has turned out to be valuable (Lin, Huang, et al. 2010).


Human geology has four principle fields of study: financial, social, social, and political. These territories reflect both contemporary life and the orders of sociology with which geographers connect, for example, financial aspects, political science, and human science. A lot of human geography is interdisciplinary, identifying with different fields of concentrate like financial matters, social science, tourism and governmental issues. Human geography does not have unequivocal limits that different it from different controls. As you lead your exploration, you will interface with different experts, similar to sociologists, anthropologists, and archeologists. In light of its decent variety and close working association with different controls, human Maybe the most critical part of human geology is its significance to you, as a native of planet Earth. As a human geographer, you will have the capacity to build up a psychological guide of your locale, nation, and the world so you can better comprehend the "where and why" of spots and occasions. You will likewise figure out how to see how the procedures of human and physical advancement have unfurled and once in a while changed the surface of the Earth. Human geology is likewise vital to think about so you can see the spatial structure of society and comprehend that there is arrange in what frequently is by all accounts an irregular scrambling of individuals and spots. It is fundamental for you to perceive spatial dispersions, from the nearby to a worldwide view, with the goal that you can comprehend the mind boggling availability of individuals and spots. Human geographers work in regions that are basic to our reality, and research in these territories enable geographers to center around answers for a portion of our planet's most problems that need to be addressed, for example, environmental change and natural issues like contamination, desertification, deforestation, and species termination.

Urban Geography

With the ascent in the number of inhabitants in urban communities, urban geography enables specialists to think about patterns considerably more productively. Urban geographers can likewise dissect the best potential areas for the advancement of towns and urban communities. Urban geographers are associated with occupations like city arranging, coordinations and transport frameworks, and legislative issues. In bigger metropolitan regions, individuals working in urban geology can affect wrongdoing rates and the effect that the city has on nature.

Social Geography

Social geographers consider how the physical condition impacts changes in human culture, similar to how the atmosphere influences the farming action of a territory. Social geology depicts and thinks about the ways religion, dialect, economy, and government change or remain the same starting with one region then onto the next. It additionally considers how people work spatially. The individuals who think about social geography

Economic Geography

Monetary geographers think about the area, dispersion and spatial association of financial exercises over the world. Analysts here more often than not investigate the manner by which items are created and circulated in their particular markets. What's more, they additionally investigate the manner by which riches is appropriated in different areas and also the structures which control and impact the states of the economy.

Health Geography

Individuals who work in the field of wellbeing geography break down how to apply geographic data to the investigation of issues identified with wellbeing, human services, and sickness. Wellbeing geographers think about the strategies by which specific illnesses spread, including pandemics and scourges. This field of research is imperative to the lives of the individuals who live in high-hazard regions.

Political Geography

Political geographers think about the manners by which political procedures are influenced by spatial structures. This is an intriguing branch of geography and specialists are engaged with the examination of each part of governmental issues, for example, voting, tact, and worldwide associations. Political geographers can have practical experience in territories like discretionary geography, geopolitics, and even military geology.

Populace Geography

Those in the field of populace geography consider the manners by which varieties in the organization, circulation, movement, and development of people groups are identified with the idea of spots. Populace geology is considerably more than examining demography with respect to the examples of a gathering of individuals and information identified with their introduction to the world, marriage, and passing. Populace geographers research the general population of districts in considerably more detail, looking at the way in which they are circulated, how they move, and the rate and examples of a populace's development.

Transportation Geography

Geographers who work in this field of geography are associated with inquire about the accessible systems for transportation in both general society and private


The investigation of human geology is fundamental for understanding the world we live in. We have such a huge effect on the planet's scenes and assets and on the other social gatherings we connect with. Without human geology, we wouldn't have the capacity to examine and fathom this effect completely. Human geology is additionally critical to contemplate in light of the fact that we live in an interconnected world. Human geographers investigate issues basic to the wellbeing and welfare of our kindred residents. These issues shift, from sickness and human services to the effect of urban sprawl on our economy and condition.


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Corresponding Author Jitin Pal*

Assistant Professor, Geography, Government College, Hansi

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