Analytical Study on Marital Conflict among Occupational Couples and Its Impact on Their Marital Life

Exploring the Impact of Dual Careers on Marital Conflict and Satisfaction

by Vivek Sangwan*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 314 - 320 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This paper tries to examine the inescapable disagreements among urban married couples while carring the obligations of marriagehome and driven careers, prompting exceptionally stressful lives. In particular, the present paper investigates the propensity among dual career couples to express their disagreements straightforwardly to one another, and the issues that trigger such contentions. The recent trends of urbanization have affected the customary ideas of roles and responsibilities in families. Improved chances of training for ladies and their resulting section into formal occupations as experts have explicitly modified the traditional role expectations and the structure of families. In recent years, the exceptional weight of assuming the profoundly fighting circles of both home and work is causing tangible stress on the couples. The interface among work and home is perceptible, particularly for dual career couples, attributable to the high duty and obligation that every one of these domains entails.


marital conflict, occupational couples, marital life, urban married couples, obligations of marriage, driven careers, stressful lives, dual career couples, disagreements, trigger, urbanization, roles and responsibilities, families, training for ladies, formal occupations, traditional role expectations, structure of families, work-life interface, stress


Migration is definitely not a recent wonder. India has since quite a while ago seen migration of various structures and in various ranks and classes however with the evolving social, social and economic situation the quantum and pattern of migration demonstrate a fluctuating pattern. The convincing variables for migration have been differed. For some migration is an elective procedure to guarantee survival while for other people, it implies better growth openings, improved economic standard and a superior quality of life. Recent examinations reveal that increasingly more migration is occurring looking for occupations and such migration is for generally longer periods than previously. The patterns of migration as far as the structure of migrant populace inside family incorporate • Migration of complete families, • Migration of couple of individuals from every family, • Migration of a couple • Single male or Single female migration. In light of the spot of cause and destination the current patterns of migration incorporate rural-rural migration, rural - urban migration and further migration from rural zones and little urban areas to metropolitan zones. The National Sample Survey information demonstrates a developing pattern towards rural – urban migration.

In the Indian setting, ponders on rural-urban migration are to a great extent concentrated at the purpose of destination, that is, in the urban territory, and writing on the effect of male out migration on ladies is generally scanty.


In present era there are countless who are isolated and avoiding home for a business, for long time. Since the openings for work in both open and private division are very limited each year the quantity of taught jobless increment at a disturbing rate. These jobless individuals migrated from towns and town to urban areas and to different states. Some of them additionally migrated to outside nations, especially to center east, looking for occupation and thriving throughout everyday life. Workers traveling to another country are for the most part men. Openings for ladies appear to be few and far underneath contrasting with men. A few classes of workers with pay rates over a recommended least are qualified for take their families. In any case, every one of the individuals who are qualified for take their families with them don't do as such. This is to a great extent a direct result of the lack of instructive offices or high everyday cost. They wish to spare a lot of cash

The migrated workers going outside the nation are chiefly men and they were normally very youthful in age. The above town thinks about demonstrated that 79% of the workers were beneath 35 years in age. The long haul nonappearance of the male part, particularly in the formative time of their marriage, will have incredible effect on the life partners and their family life.


Migration has both immediate and aberrant impact on the populace. The immediate effects end up visible quickly and are generally auxiliary in nature. The Migration Studies gives a portion of the major consequences of migration. The migration has diminished the growth of populace. The examination additionally drew out the way that rapid growth in settlement in real money and in kind received by the family of migrants. There are some negative impact of migration on the family and society. The pervasiveness of extremely small families in the state is somewhat an outcome of migration. Single part family units expanded by 33 percent and two part families by 42 percent because of migration. The loneliness encountering older individuals because of the migration is a major problem in Kerala. For around 18 percent of the older, loneliness is a reality in their lives. Aside from these consequences there is another gathering, which is profoundly influenced by migration. They are the ladies whose spouses are emigrants. Migration had a significant effect on the married ladies living far from their spouses. As much a million ladies (1 out of 8) are living far from their spouses because of migration of their husbands.


Marital clash isn't an aftereffect of one part of the marital dyad yet can happen because of a variety of variables. Societal processes additionally add to struggle attributable to contrasts in position, social customs, expectations, and credited implications. Concentrates on work-family strife and marital clash have been generally situated in the Western/US setting. Despite the fact that the significance of this marvel in different societies is perceived in the literature, inquire about examinations on these wonders have been generally few (Kalliath, et al, 2011). In this unique circumstance, the paper endeavors to explore marital disagreements among career-situated couples in the Indian urban setting. Frequency of negative interactions, generally alluded to as contentions, was explored in connection to the quality of marital connections. another and how choices are made. The relative economic autonomy agreed by a career can encourage the lady to see herself as powerful to some degree. On the other hand, spouses also face the possibility of sharing the power that they traditionally held. "Individuals show more predominance when they see they are moderately equivalent in power to their accomplices than when they see they have pretty much power than their accomplice" (Dunbar et al, 2008: 15). A study by Madhavi and Vimala (2011) on 500 ladies programming experts in Chennai found that ladies in the age gathering of 25-35 years had more work-family issues than other age gatherings. Clark and Sekher (2007) found that youthful IT ladies experts in Bangalore's cutting edge segment were eager to focus on creating fulfilling careers while basically looking for help from guardians in working against the traditional standards the general public displayed. These ladies likewise were expecting good in laws and high accomplice support through dealings and concession to customs proposing the more prominent expectations that these career-focused ladies held about their family life. In spite of the fact that less explored, the significance of more distant family in the life of an individual/couple can't be exaggerated in India. One needs to satisfy the prerequisites of the life partner, yet in addition his/her folks and family including family unit work and childcare. Like familial setting, there are various social settings, similar to companions and religion. These assume critical roles in triggering or abetting, or/and averting or settling the conflicts. A study in the Indian setting found that, "confidence in God, frame of mind to life, quality got from helping other people and backing from associates and family" (Kalliath et al, 2011; 47) were useful factors in coping with the strains. In this manner, with regards to India, which is a collectivistic culture, the societal processes and structures are particularly significant while investigating the marital relationship. Sekar Nastiti, B'tari and Wismanto, Bagus. (2017) In general, the marriage is lived by a life partner who lives respectively and cooperates with one another to shape the family. Recently, numerous couples don't live respectively, however in an inaccessible city, and are known as a long-remove marriage or a suburbanite marriage. From numerous reasons that make the long separation marriage, one of which is the activity. The point of this study is to discover the state of the marriage life in suburbanite marriage and the dynamics on saw marital fulfillment. This exploration strategy utilizes the qualitative technique. Subjects in this study are 3 sets of a couple rehearsing suburbanite

experience disappointment in the marriage, while the husbands feel very cheerful in the marriage. Kamalbek Karymshakov and Burulcha Sulaimano (2017) in his paper intends to study the impact of migration on work supply and time-utilization of ladies abandoned in Kyrgyzstan. Utilizing the family unit overview information for 2011, work supply is estimated by occupational decisions and working hours. Aside from the work supply information, this study utilizes detailed data on every day time-use, which is broke down inside ladies' occupations. This methodology makes it conceivable to demonstrate the impact of migration not just through the work supply investigation, which might be limited by reflecting work advertise conduct just, yet in addition through the proportion of portion of time among various exercises at home. To address the issue of endogeneity, the instrumental variable methodology is connected. Results demonstrate that the migration of a family unit part builds the decision of left-behind ladies to be unpaid family workers. The majority of the left-behind ladies pick unpaid family work and work more hours in this occupation. In spite of the fact that in the work supply investigation wage-business isn't influenced by migration, time-utilize demonstrate estimations reveal that wage-utilized ladies are generally influenced through increments in the ideal opportunity for housework. Anjali Fleury (2016) Understanding the complexities of gender and migration can result in projects and approaches that upgrade the benefits and decline the economic and social expenses for female migrants, who make up half of the worldwide migrant population. The report gives a far reaching assessment of gender and migration literature, finding that migration can improve the independence, human capital, and self‐esteem of ladies, just as ladies' power and worth in their families and networks. Migration can propel progressively equitable social standards and improve ladies' rights and access to assets. Despite the fact that migration is to a great extent helpful, there are numerous limitations that limit its additions, for example, prohibitive social standards or laws, gender and racial discrimination, and gender‐specific vulnerabilities. The report finishes up by suggesting that migrant ladies' human rights be ensured, and that migrants be given access to administrations and assets, for example, wellbeing, lawful, and monetary administrations. Bal Ram Bhattarai et al., (2015) This study researches the impact of work on marital stability of working people. The targets of research were to distinguish the demographic and business attributes of mates, to examine the connection between life partner's work and marital stability and to break down variables influencing marital stability. The study that there was out significant contrasts on mean scores of talk about on relatives, spend relaxation, interaction with kids, get ready family spending plan, private discussion and offer data things by business type. The outcomes likewise show that in general the fulfillment from marital life is same crosswise over work type however work of life partner in government work prompts higher affection and responsibility. In this association the study predominantly focuses on life partner's business and marital stability. Soudabeh Ghoroghi et al., (2015) The present study aimed to examine the connection between marriage span and marital change of married Iranian understudies at postgraduate dimension in Malaysian colleges. To this end, 220 arbitrarily selected married members finished an online poll by means of email. The respondents were interrogated concerning their demographic data and finished Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test (LWMAT; Locke and Wallace, 1959). Information examination gave data about mean scores, frequencies, rates, and Pearson's connection. The outcomes uncovered that there was no connection between's length of marriage and marital alteration and marital change remained genuinely stable after some time. This study likewise talks about the popularity of studying in Malaysia among Iranian understudies at postgraduate dimensions. Semanur Kodan Çetinkaya et al., (2015) Society forces diverse roles on ladies and men in the family and the general public, concerning their gender. "Gender Role Concept" is vital as far as the way that it is connected all pieces of life of individuals, practices, observations and mentalities of people (Çelik, 2008). In this point of view, gender roles, which influence individuals' lives, can't be disengaged from the variables which influence marriage. In this unique circumstance, the impressions of gender roles on marriage and furthermore the effects of marriage, which is one of most imperative choices of individuals, on quality of life were explored. For this reason, the connections between these three ideas were talked about. This examination was a study of the social model. The universe of this study included married individuals living in the region of Bayburt and Erzurum, and 639 individuals were taken an interest to the exploration which was deliberate premise. The information were gathered by utilizing the "Marital Life Scale", "Gender Roles Attitudes Scale" and "Life Satisfaction Scale". These examinations were made on the information got from the study; t-test for free gatherings, relapse and connection. As indicated by study a positive and significant relationship was found between the marital quality, gender roles and the existence fulfillment. There was discovered a significant separation; between

status or having youngsters; between the existence fulfillment and gender or companion's work status. Nadia Arif and Iram Fatima (2015) A cross sectional study was led to look at marital fulfillment of people in various sorts of marriage. From each couple, information were taken from one individual as it were. The example comprised of 75 married individuals with 25 members (13 men and 12 ladies) from every marriage type, for example masterminded marriage, marriage of decision with parental acknowledgment, and marriage of decision without parental acknowledgment, with the age scope of 21 to 40 years. Purposive examining method was utilized. Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (Schumm, et al., 1986) and Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised Questionnaire (ECR-R; Fraley, Waller, and Brennan, 2000) were utilized to evaluate marital fulfillment and connection styles individually. Results from 2-way ANCOVA demonstrated that the two people were all the more maritally fulfilled in organized marriage and marriage of decision with parental acknowledgment than individuals in marriage by decision without parental acknowledgment in the wake of controlling for their connection styles The discoveries are useful in understanding the dynamics of marital fulfillment in Pakistani culture and for pre-marriage mentoring. As per Gaynair (2011), a recent 2010 overview by the International Council for Research on Women (ICRW) in India likewise discovered that just sixteen percent men detailed that they played an equivalent or more prominent role in family unit obligations. This ICRW study likewise led an International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in several nations and on account of India, beginning discoveries demonstrate that Indian men were among the least strong of equitable connections and roles among people. The ICRW study reveals the Indian male's mind boggling and on occasion conflicting frame of mind about the roles of ladies just as their own roles in the public eye.


1. To study the impact of different variables on marital quality of respondents. 2. To specify the need of counseling of such couples 3. To identify the impact of counseling on their married life. So as to accomplish the destinations of the study the agent selected the descriptive technique. Since, "descriptive research includes gathering information so as to test the theory or to respond to questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study". A descriptive study decides and reports the manner in which things are.

Research Tools

The following tools were used to collect the necessary data for the study. 1. Personal data sheet 2. Marital quality scale 3. Social support scale 4. Materialism - Spiritualism scale

Sample Size

With the end goal of the study, two gatherings of samples were utilized. Sample one, comprising of 200 ladies life partners of men working abroad, establishes the study gathering. Sample two, comprising of 200 ladies companions who are remaining with their accomplices and coordinating in the duration of marriage to the study gathering. This sample was taken so as to make an examination of the marital quality between both the gatherings. So the sample measure for the present study is 400.

Collection of Data

Before gathering the information the specialist distinguished two districts and four panchayaths so as to offer portrayal to various regions. With the assistance of nearby pioneers and volunteers, an examining outline was framed. The samples were looked over both the regions and panchayanths to make up the required number. The examiner by and by reached the subjects for gathering the information. Subsequent to clarifying the extent of the study the devices, for example, General Data Sheet, Marital Quality Scale, Social Support Scale and Materialism-Spiritualism Scale were conveyed individually.

Statistical techniques

The accompanying statistical techniques were utilized for this purpose:

• Computation of 't' esteem to test the essentialness of contrast between the methods for the two gatherings of information. • One-path examination of change to test the noteworthiness of distinction between the methods for at least three gatherings of information.

Table 1: Basic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 shows the foundation profile of the respondents of the sample review directed in 2012-13. The sample comprised of 238 married experts (104 guys and 134 females). A large portion of the relational unions in the sample were organized (76.4%). A significant number of respondents had a place with the instructing/explore positions (38.7%) while a considerable number additionally had a place with the banking (23.5%) and IT parts (13.9%).

Financial Matters as a Source of Conflict

In spite of higher wages all in all as a couple, the review results have demonstrated that practically equivalent rates of people (23.9 percent) confessed to belligerence regularly or day by day with respect to cash matters. Around 49 percent of guys and 57 percent of females revealed that they contended just now and again on money related issues. Overall, a larger number of females announced having disagreements frequently than guys with respect to fund however the general comprehension is that men anticipate more prominent command over monetary issues thus cause a greater number of disagreements than ladies. Overseeing family unit responsibilities is an incredible test for dual career couples. With exceptional working hours and levels of popularity of efficiency at the workplace, most couples think that its testing to adjust this viewpoint. This is all the more so for females, who accept the traditional role of guardian and furthermore need to deal with her freshly discovered status as a career lady. Sharing of family unit work has been explored in a significant differing way crosswise over social orders. Among components that impact division of family work, gender belief system, accessibility of time, and different assets are vital. Dew and Dakin (2011) found that disagreements over housework likewise anticipated clash strategies about as emphatically as budgetary disagreements dependent on information from a national overview of families with 3,961 couples. At the point when arrangements for parental leave were accessible, it decreased conflicts over family division of work prompting progressively parallel sharing of housework over the long haul.

Table 3: Household Work as a Source of Conflict

Table 3, family unit work is a territory that triggers contention for around 26.1 percent of the couples once a day. Every day contentions with respect to family unit tasks will in general be monotonous, stressful and over the long haul, significantly baffling for the couple It is essential to take note of that a decent number of spouses have no misgivings in tolerating that their relational unions do include 10 contentions in regards to family work. Around 37 percent of the guys felt that they at times battled about this issue. Ruppanner (2012) out that more prominent housework struggle is accounted for by the two people in situations where ladies are in all day business. Further, the nearness of kids in the family additionally corresponds with generally elevated amounts of revealed housework.


The principle point of this paper was to ponder the issue of marital disagreements among dual career couples in India while dealing with their bustling careers and stressful lives. Contentions are unavoidable in any cozy relationship. Be that as it

inadequate time to give to marriage. In this manner, it is essential how they invest the limited energy that they get the chance to interact with one another. The study examined how regularly the respondent contended with the collaborate concerning distinctive measurements that relate to the lives of married couples in India. Descriptive examination was utilized to examine the reactions in revealing how frequently these territories progress toward becoming events for triggering conflicts. A direct relapse framework was utilized to clarify the announced frequency of disagreements between the couples. Of course, length of marriage and quality of marital relationship had a negative and significant relationship with disagreements. It is imperative to state here that among several topics, lack of quality time because of expanded work requests goes about as a vital factor impacting marital disagreements. Arranging time all the time with regards to negative overflows of work and home can be a significant test for career couples. In aggregate, the discoveries bolster the thought that for marital accomplices and career-focused individuals, experience of negative interactions or fulfillment in marital relationship lays on the impression of these individuals and how disagreements are settled all the time. The discoveries of the study in regards to subjects that reliably trigger negative interactions can toss light on stressful relational unions.


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Corresponding Author Vivek Sangwan*

Mohali, Punjab