A Study on the Competitive Examination and Their Significance

The Importance of Education in Individual and National Development

by Dr. Jesal S. Patel*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 426 - 429 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Education empowers minds that will be able to conceive good thoughts and ideas. Education enables students to do the analysis while making life decisions. Life gives various survival challenges for humans. But education guide human to fight with failure and get success in life. Education makes the national development process fast. Education develops good political ideology. The standard of living of its citizens is largely dependent on the level of education the citizens are able to acquire. Everyone deserves to be educated. Education is the first early investment for child development. Similar, for governments and nations, to make their country developed, their first budget allocation has to be on the education infrastructure in schools and colleges.


education, competitive examination, significance, minds, analysis, survival challenges, failure, success, national development, political ideology


Education grows as values. If you have the skills but don‘t have the values then educated person become useless. For example, many people are educated, skilled in many trades, but then they use their skills and education to cheat, disturb with creative fouls for society. That‘s why it‘s important for teachers, boards, syllabus creators to regulate topics to certain value (useful) goals. So that students, connect and focus on the good values and usefulness of their education for the development of society and country. Education has to be accessible to all. Thanks to modern technologies and internet innovators. Due to them, now rural people, poor people, and people living in huts are able to get access to education through mobiles phones. Even they can show and guide their kids by becoming aware of the information that they are getting from videos, search engines, and social media. After a certain time, they can access online colleges, online schools, and universities. Especially those who are disabled and not able to afford the cost of the traditional cost. The value of education and its significance can be understood from the fact that as soon as we are born, our parents start educating us about an essential thing in life. A toddler starts learning new words and develops a vocabulary based on what his parents teach him. They educate him who is his father, mother, brother, sister, etc. and how to behave with each person giving them due respect. They also impart him priceless knowledge about ethics and morals right from the beginning when he has a tender mind so that these qualities stay with him for his entire life in the form of conditioning. How we behave with our parents and how much regard we have for our elders is a direct result of our initial education in our childhood days. So it wouldn‘t be wrong to say that a person‘s initial education begins at his home. Parents guide their child not just into the first steps when he starts learning how to walk; they also guide him on the steps to be taken with behavior, morality, and respect. They educate him about the rules of society and why they need to be followed to become a good human being. As the child grows older, his ambitions and desires grow bigger and parents try their best to provide him the best educational environment to make his dreams come true. In today‘s era, it is extremely important to know about the significance of a good education. A good education does not simply consist of going to has a complete education. This is just a part of the knowledge that makes him aware of what is important in the world, and since most of the world wants a degree from him, he goes ahead and gets a degree. In this process, he gets the capability to know what is important for him, what is wrong and what is right.


Today, the primary reason why a child is pushed into a school at the tender age of 3 is not that the parents want him to attain knowledge; it is because they are afraid that their child will be ―left-behind‖ other children who are actually going through the same mindless routine. It is a common sight to see small kids carrying really heavy bags to and fro from school, which actually stunts their physical development. Similarly the most prevalent psychology among student today is to fight intense competition for a certain degree to get a certain job. In this way, education has become highly commercialized and almost like a business today, with institutes charging very high fees for their degrees which promise good placements because they have ―tie-ups‖ with the companies. But still students are leaving their jobs after 3-4 months and most of them are not satisfied. Currently, a majority of students are going into institutes which have good marketing and advertising strategy and make lofty promises to entice people during admission times. So people are not influenced by the teachers and the quality of teaching but by the advertisements and promotional campaigns being run by the institute. We were not born in this world to go through this rat race for getting degrees, but unfortunately, the people who made such decisions for us, or rather forced these decisions upon us, are the ones who had a different understanding of education and its importance in the real world. They did their fair share of behavioral research on different topics and issues and came up with the modern education policy and system that we see today. Now we are a part of this system and we need to follow this system for our progress. But the important question to ask ourselves is that if this system is really effective, why do we still have such an unusually high employment rate? So I believe that the current educational policies and systems have become outdated and it is essential to update them at the earliest. If every one of us understands the real importance of education and its qualitative significance, and if everyone is educated then what changes can we expect to see in the world? I must re-emphasize that bookish knowledge is just as educated as to the one who has a degree. Even today you will find that some of the toppers in the most competitive examinations are the ones who come from a poor background and whose parents never went to school. The children of these poor families are the ones who are excelling in business and running their own successful companies.


In the context of India education has recorded important milestones in its history in the post independent phase. In the post independent India various committees and commissions have been constituted to revive interest and attitudes towards peace, harmony and development through human values. The freedom fighters such as Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave and other national prominent leaders stressed the values such as Peace, Harmony, Non-violence, Truth, Love, Right conduct etc. The Kothari Commission reiterated the rationale of ‗democratic values in education system‘. Among a number of values stressed are the ideals of peace, harmony, truth, and compassion exemplified by spiritual leaders and prophets such as Saint Kabir, Guru Nanak, Lord Buddha, Mahavir, sufi saints of Jammu and Kashmir and others. The Commission recommended the blending of science and technology for peace, harmony and development of mankind. The common core of the National Policy on Education was envisaged to be promoted through the subject areas with stress on peace, harmony and development through democracy, secularism, egalitarianism, equality of sexes, protection of environment etc. Human values are the virtues that guide us to take into account the human element for peace, harmony and development when one interacts with other human beings in any democracy. They are the many positive dispositions that create bonds of humanity between people and thus have values for building peace among all of us as human beings. It‘s both what we expect others to do to us and what we aim to give to other human beings (―Do unto the other what you wish for yourself‖). These human values have the effect of bonding, comforting, reassuring and procuring serenity for building peace, harmony and development in any democracy. They are the foundation for any viable life within society: they build space for a drive, a movement towards one another, which leads to peace, their nationality, their culture, their personal history. By nature, they induce consideration for others and thus they build peace in any democracy. In school and academic institutions, children are members of a small society that exerts a tremendous influence on their moral development. Teachers serve as role model to students in school and academic institutions; they play a major role in inculcating their ethical behavior. Peers at school diffuse boldness about cheating, lying, stealing, and consideration for others. Though there are rules and regulations, the educational institutions infuse the value education to the children in an informal way. They play a major role in developing ethical behaviour in children. Respect is one of the most important human values for establishing relations of peace, harmony and development – and yet it remains elusive: its understanding varies according to age (child, teen, adult), to one‘s education and surrounding culture. It is better understood when combined with other values: a disposition that is deeper than civility, very close to consideration. In India the five human values based on true education are ‗Truth, religion, peace, love and non-violence‘. They can be compared to the five life principles of man. A true human being is one who practices the five human values. Today man does not speak truth due to being apprehensive of the consequences and does not practice Dharma as he does not know what it really means. Under any circumstances never give up human values. When we lose any of the five human values this amounts to compromising human values. If you do not speak the truth, you lose one of your life principles. Truth is your soul. So, till you breathe your last, uphold truth. The culture of India teaches, ‗Speak truth and follow righteousness‘. These values are the same for one and all. People all over the world are praying for peace. How can peace be attained? It is only through the practice of Satya and Dharma. Today man is leading a life bereft of Satya and Dharma resulting in lack of peace (Santi), and for any vibrant democracy peace is essential. Education widens the horizon of the person‘s mind. He realizes the futility of war, conflict and negative activities.‘ Peace is not merely the absence of physical and structural violence. ‗It is the presence of justice and equality; therefore, students should explore the root causes of conflict, know international humanitarian and human rights laws, envision alternative structures of security, and learn skills for managing micro/macro conflict without violence. Peace education emphazises on the cultivation of peace building skills (e.g. dialogue, mediation, artistic alternative security systems, and use a pedagogy that is democratic and participatory. ‗Peace is not merely a distant goal we seek but a means by which we arrive at a goal.


Teachers should not use all the resources available to them just so that a student can pass his exam. They should also take it as their own responsibility that their students learn more about what is right and wrong in the world today. They should explain to them while teaching how a particular topic can help them get a job and how a skill or knowledge will help them for their entire life. Teachers should also try to motivate their students and change their outlook and perception of life into one of positivism and hope for the future. They should also encourage their students to make use of their creativity and find innovative solutions to their problems so that their imagination can open doors to a bright future.


[1]. http/ /www.google.co in search?abraham + linchon +quotes+ on+democracy. [2]. Ibid (Aung Jan Sui Ayi). [3]. Ibid (Albert Einstein). [4]. unesco: http;//en.wikipedia.org/wili/unes co. [5]. Learning to Be (unesco: http;//en.wiki pedia.org/wili/unesco). [6]. The Religious Education Committee of the Central Advisory Board of the CABE, 1945. [7]. Kothari Commission, Govt. of India. [8]. Universal Declaration of Human Rights http:/www.ohchr.org and http:/www. peaceclub.com. [9]. cbseacademic.in/web-material/Value edu. [10]. Kevin Kester (2010). An article on Education for Peace: Content, Form and Structure -- Mobilizing Youth for Civic Engagement. Peace and Conflict Review, 4, 2: pp. 1-10

Dr. Jesal S. Patel* M.Sc, M.Ed, M.Phil, PhD, Principal Kameshwar College of education Ahmedabad Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat