Chetan Bhagat’s Revolution 2020: A Thrilling Novel

Exploring the Thematic Dimensions of Chetan Bhagat's Revolution 2020

by Sanjeev Ranjan*, Dr. Ritu Bharadwaj,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 542 - 546 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Bhagat proposes numerous alternatives to each of the burning problems. The latest study work is broken into five parts. The first chapter is organised into two parts. Indian Fiction in English is presented in the first part. It also deals with the writer's life and work. An introduction of the study elements is provided in the second part aim and importance of the project, theory, aims and objectives, literature review, scope and limitations, research issue, research technique and chapter scheme. In Chetan Bhagat’s preferred books, chapters two, three, and four deal with thematic dimensions. The research is concluded in chapter five and the results are summarised and some suggestions are provided for further studies. The prosperity of the country depends on the prosperity of the young, according to Bhagat. In the postulation that social unity and national progress are achievable only by the positive use of the influence of youth, he establishes the frameworks of his novels. Therefore, all his topics are linked to young people. He claims that the themes linked to youth are the nation's need. Therefore, one can conclude that it is worth analysing the thematic analysis of Chetan Bhagat conducted by the investigator.


Chetan Bhagat, Revolution 2020, novel, Indian Fiction in English, thematic analysis

Abstract – Bhagat proposes numerous alternatives to each of the burning problems. The latest study work is broken into five parts. The first chapter is organised into two parts. Indian Fiction in English is presented in the first part. It also deals with the writer's life and work. An introduction of the study elements is provided in the second part; aim and importance of the project, theory, aims and objectives, literature review, scope and limitations, research issue, research technique and chapter scheme. In Chetan Bhagat’s preferred books, chapters two, three, and four deal with thematic dimensions. The research is concluded in chapter five and the results are summarised and some suggestions are provided for further studies. The prosperity of the country depends on the prosperity of the young, according to Bhagat. In the postulation that social unity and national progress are achievable only by the positive use of the influence of youth, he establishes the frameworks of his novels. Therefore, all his topics are linked to young people. He claims that the themes linked to youth are the nation's need. Therefore, one can conclude that it is worth analysing the thematic analysis of Chetan Bhagat conducted by the investigator. Keywords: Social Unity And National Progress, Burning Problems, Bhagat

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Revolution 2020 is a thrilling novel about lust, greed and determination that is fast-paced. C. In the holy city of Varanasi, Bhagat sets the book. The columns of C. Bhagat inspired him to compose Revolution 2020. The novel is not a political novel, Bhagat clarifies. This novel is focused on the expectations of the young generation of today. In the novel here, C. A detailed account of corruption is given by Bhagat. He also reveals how management is active in the process of opening the colleges. The real state of education in India is depicted in Revolution 2020. It is one of investors' favourite markets. Nevertheless, the core texture of this novel is dominated by the concern for personal ties and the desire for reform of the current corrupt structure. C. Bhagat uncovers the darker side of love and the education system.

Thematic Dimensions in Revolution 2020

In the novel here, C. In the first phase and in the second phase, Bhagat exposes the theme of the love-hate relationship and flawed education system, the theme of corruption in the field of education and life philosophy. The writer shared his romantic opinions in the first phase of the novel. The dominant theme in C is the faulty education system and corruption in the field of education. The Book of Bhagat. Bhagat attempted to explain the real state of India through these themes.

Major Themes Love-Hate Relationship

C. Through the relationship between Gopal and his father and his relationship with Gopal, Raghav and Aarti, Bhagat highlights the theme of a love-hate relationship. Gopal, a mediocre student in studies who comes from a middle-class background, is the protagonist of the book. The groundbreaking character is Raghav. He sacrifices his aspirations for the sake of society's improvement. C. With a humorous and light conversation between Alok, Hari and Ryan, Bhagat opens this book. The following statement exposes Aarti's character, the novel's heroin: I sat up straight and craned my neck to see Aarti Pratap Pradhan, number one roll. She was wearing a white shirt, a red cardigan, and she was wearing ribbons. (Bhagat 11) The chocolate stained her dress, and this chocolate cake was drawn from her own tiffin. It was a big shock for Aarti, but it was her first introduction to Gopal Mishra‘s business. Not only is Gopal depicted as a cyber-den, but also a sensitive young

Gopal loves Aarti and does everything she wants as well. The biggest fascination for Gopal is boating on the River Ganga in the company of Aarti. It appears that he has a romantic bond with Aarti. There is the fear of IIT-JEE and AIEEE as a foil to his romantic ambition. Gopal was studying for the same exam as well. With every youngster looking for new life circumstances, it has enthusiasm. For Gopal, the only comfort is Aarti's love and sympathy, but with his move to Kota, his interests will be divided. Gopal‘s father pressures him to join Kota for AIEEE and JEE preparations. "He says," What I really want is to leave it behind in Varanasi, not in Kota "(Bhagat 46). Here, Bhagat points out two distinct things: one is Gopal‘s recognition of his desire for Aarti and seconds his battle at Kota for education. His consciousness' dilemma comes on the surface; his dinner tiffin and the brochures were there when he returned to his room. In Raghav‘s spot, in the peals of laughter, he imagined Aarti. His insides were smoking. (The Bhagat 59) It gives attention to the world of pornography, on the other hand. C. Bhagat acknowledges that the lack of love and family is a justification for ruining the healthy spirit of life. The psyche of discontent and rage is simultaneously generated by loneliness. He feels comfortable in the moments of isolation, with the recollections of Aarti. He is apprehensive about the breach of his relationship with Aarti every time. He has a mental state of his own; he told himself one moment not to chase her. Let her call or return the mail. The next moment, though, he could think of nothing but her. (72 Bhagat) He goes mad to talk to Aarti, to shake her and to make her talk, to control his uncontrolled passion. Resentment, longing, disdain and fear work on the consciousness of Gopal at the same time. It is an expression of his vulnerability latent. The influence of contrasting feelings when Gopal was in Kota is remarkable. Aarti is disgusted with his over-attraction in her talking, and thus she signed him off from her friends' list. Gopal says desperately, "She took me out of her list" (Bhagat 77). This paradigm change in personal relationships is the product of cybernetics' victory where it has been subordinated to human relationships and human values. The role of information technology in control and sub-surveillance is another aspect of the so-called information society that is less discussed. Most mundane partnerships are meditated by computers, debit cards, insurance cards, credit cards, and access cards to workplaces or whatever in daily life. More coordination in the social order is needed for this form of shift. Bhagat seeks to create that home is the human world's inevitable longing. The outside world's glamour will no longer change their sensitivity. When Gopal moves to Varanasi after the AIEEE or JEE test, the strength of emotions in his home nostalgia is remarkable in his confession: even the dirty and crowded streets of Gadholia seemed beautiful to me. No place like the home town of yours. I wanted to meet Aarti more than anything. Varanasi reminded me of her every inch. People come to my town to feel God's presence, but anywhere I could feel her presence. Nevertheless, I had to go first to Baba. (95th Bhagat) In the life of Gopal and in all sentiments he says, "It's my happiest day ever, I hope I never leave Varanasi again" (Bhagat 97), Aarti‘s arrival and carrying him to her home in a white Ambassador brings consolation. The struggle of Gopal is also the struggle between his personal interests and feelings and the external imposition of career compulsion. It is noteworthy that the mind of Gopal remains untouched by commercial management. For him, the only consolation was Aarti's business, "Aarti, however, had returned to my life as the only person with whom I spent time as a non-worker" (Bhagat 188). He sends messages to Aarti and bouquets of white flowers. Aarti‘s return to his life brings new excitement, warmth and relief to the obsessive strain of the Ganga Tech Project: Aarti and I have become friends-who-meet-after-work. We met twice a week, thrice, even. We ate at new restaurants, visited cafes, walked around Ravidas Park, and watched movies occasionally. (189 Bhagat)

Faulty Education System:

The novelist addresses the sensitive issue of the defective education system. He outlines the corrupt practises involved in the education system today. C. In Revolution 2020, Bhagat gave a broad expression of his views on education. Bhagat believes that education should give the players in the sector a profit. It is necessary to change the mindset that education should be non-profitable. The government should explain the policy that non-profit trusts should be managed by private entities. The government believes that education should not make you money. The money is illegally taken out in cash and the non-profit status is maintained on paper. Bhagat strongly believes that it should be balanced for profit. He seeks to demonstrate that the leaders of high quality are involved in the area of value education education. In the novel here, C. Bhagat criticises the flawed education system through the failure of the protagonist to seek admission to a It is not only a question of the college crisis, but also the system crisis, which is a failure to ensure a secure future for both individuals and the country. Good people need the universe. This means the suggestions made by C. Bhagat is aware of the fact that education will be a failure without offering opportunities for the growth of human personality across the board. He sketches a mocking depiction of hollowness and absurdity regulating the lives of young people in IITs in his first rocking book, Five Point Anyone. Technical education, which fosters technical skills and a rational mindset, cannot provide young people with protection and happiness. He divides the thinkers into two categories-lords and nerds. As people slavishly devoted to intellectual endeavours, he describes nerds. Pursuant to C. Bhagat, it is supposed that such people are intelligent yet socially awkward. They remain detached from the world of reality. It is not every person with a technological background that is socially successful. These intellectual giants can understand the theoretical truth of things, but in the sense of real life circumstances, they can't express their voice. They will express themselves on a number of issues, including the environment, corruption, eradication of poverty, health care, infrastructure, etc.

Corruption in Educational Field

Corruption in Revolution 2020 occupies the middle spot. C. Bhagat, the writer of a young age, writes about the young generation‘s plight. Bhagat often approaches the issues of the younger generation from a very broad perspective. In his Revolution 2020, Bhagat once again takes the problem of corruption in the educational sector to society with a practical touch. He prefers to write for the younger generation because, as a young writer, he believes that in the age of globalisation and technology, young people are the worst sufferers. Revolution 2020 is a novel dealing with corruption in the educational sector and showing how, for the sake of their self-interest, young people are caught in the net of the experienced individual. (the Bhagat) C. Two years before Anna Hazare's anti-corruption drive took place, Bhagat had started writing Revolution 2020. He is fortunate that his book release coincides with this movement. In India, in all industries, corruption is a way of life. In his life, each and every common man faces corrupt practises, but the degree of this corrupt In the "prologue," he articulates how everyone is lost in minting gold, building malls and leading life in the dream of shining India. "In one of his papers published in The Times of India, according to C., entitled" The Business of Teaching Bhagat; The Government of India should re-think private institutions' non-profit policies. By ruining the entire higher education system of the country, they have misused it to accumulate volatile money from its holders. (the Bhagat) C. Bhagat believes that all mafias and crooked individuals in society have been provided with safer shelter by such private colleges. "In these colleges, money is made, but blood is sucked," Money, there's enormous money in private colleges. Plus, in culture, it enhances their name. In school, they are noble citizens now, not liquor barons' (Bhagat 116). Gopal's mate, Sunil, discusses the creation of the crooked education system with contempt: It frightens me to even imagine studying in these areas. Liquor barons running universities? The Year of politicians, constructors, beedi-makers. I 'm missing something here. Someone with experience in a shady company does very well in education...... Why had the universe wanted to support me all of a sudden? What's the catch here? ―(Bhagat 124)

Life's Philosophy

Bhagat exposes the theme of the philosophy of life in the current novel. The philosophy of Gopal is restricted to wealth, rank and authority. He believes that these items would give honour to a individual in the community. Money is everything, according to him. Raghav 's mission is to launch India's revolution, to make India free from all corrupt practises. It is the ideology of Raghav. Revolution 2020 is a novel that discusses life. C. Bhagat demonstrates that Gopal is anxious about dislocation from his familiar climate, but in his merger in Kota, the same depression is to be found. He introduces and elaborates the ironic image of Prateek 's room in this way, referring to Gopal's close friend Prateek; Prateek 's room in Kota did not look like that of a hard-working repeater. Alcohol bottles, pendants surpassed cigarette buts. Instead of resonant circulars, the walls had posters of scantily-clad women. (80 Bhagat) This sight of bottles and cigarettes helps him to realise the hollowness of the structures that Baba has forced him into. He knows that it can neither provide him with intelligent food nor with a promising future. What Prateek says about his ambitions and artefacts just shows how India 's

comment: one. My parents' reality check. They're both students. Hopefully, they would know that their son can't crack every entry exam by passing two years and half their life savings. (80 Bhagat) Using this example, C. The philosophy of rich urban youth is displayed by Bhagat. On Gopal, neither Prateek nor Kota‘s atmosphere makes any impression. The worst misery of Gopal‘s life takes place in the form of the death of his Baba, the end of the structure of the family. In his dream of family harmony and his deep desire for love, Gopal achieves the celestial heights of success and prosperity but loses the harsh ground of truth. In knowing the self-guilt of Gopal, he understands how better Raghav is than him when he goes to Raghav's office at that time. C. The sublimity and good sense of the human spirit are preserved by Bhagat. For Gopal, sacrificing his childhood love and sensitivity, no expectations and no dreams, was a complete loss. He feels a looser self in the rat race of success. The realisation of Gopal's remorse improves C. When Gopal makes a confession, Bhagat develops his vision of the sublimity of the human spirit: I understood why Keshav continued to come to me. I was Keshav once upon a time, sweet, naive and ignorant of the world. I had destroyed my Keshav, for the world didn't care about sweetness, as life slapped me many times and thrashed innocence out of me. So then, why didn't I absolutely crush Raghav yesterday? It could be that Keshav didn't die, I told myself. Maybe the innocent, decent part of us never dies, and for a while, we just trample on it. (267 Bhagat) When Gopal goes to his office to meet Raghav, he meets a young Keshav boy, who, according to Gopal, resembles his childhood. He then discovers that he and Keshav were the same, but the only distinction between them was that he had joined the corrupt system himself, but his innocence was still possessed by Keshav. He knows that the better man and promises to make amends is Raghav. Gopal helps Raghav and Aarti to get married. Gopal opens the scrapbook given by Aarti and sees that there, Aarti acknowledges her love for him. For the betterment of Raghav, Gopal sacrifices his devotion. The heart of Gopal is directly linked to him and he sacrifices his love for the rest of his life in order to do better. (the Bhagat) This novel reflects C's revolutionary spirit. Bhagat. Bhagat. Even though he was qualifying for that, Raghav did not get admitted to IIT. He listens to his speech from inside. By transmitting their pains through the media to the responsible to help the poor. He writes news on paper himself and distributes it to social activists. It was a really hard work, but he didn't give up his service. The exploiter, in the end, gives in to the journalist's revolutionary spirit.

Minor Themes

Bhagat also illustrates some minor topics, such as passive politics, the fight for life and optimism.

BPassive Politics

Bhagat explains in Revolution 2020 how his protagonist was presented with the political system. In the novel here, C. Bhagat, by Gopal, illustrates passive politics. Bhagat often portrays politicians' involvement in the area of education. Gopal is part of MLA Shukla‘s business. He's a vicious politician. He becomes extremely sympathetic to Gopal as soon as Mr. Shukla discovers that Gopal owns fifteen acres of land on the Lucknow Highway. His emphasis is on Gopal‘s property, rather than his job. With the sponsorship of the MLA Shukla, Gopal opens an engineering college and he gets fully involved in politics.

Struggle for Existence

Bhagat portrays the struggle of Gopal, Raghav and Aarti for life in this book. They all struggle to find love and achievement as well as their own life. He portrays the struggle of Gopal in Kota and his struggle to create his own college. Gopal tries to establish his own identity in society with the help of MLA Shukla. He founded his own college with Shukla‘s support. C. Bhagat also portrays the struggle of Raghav to establish his own newspaper and his battle against the corrupt system. Raghav is launching his own newspaper, "Revolution 2020." He was trying to sort out all the unethical practises of the Shukla MLA. When he discovers all the scams of the crooked MLA Shukla, he becomes the emerging hero of Varanasi. Finally, as an emerging journalist, Raghav creates his own position in society. C. Bhagat describes modern man's dilemma.

Optimistic View

In Bhagat 's novels, the positive view has been clarified. This novel also reflects an positive view of Bhagat. C. His characters, Bhagat shows, hear their inner voice. Raghav helps the poor people of his town by taking up journalism instead of entering the IIT-BHU. He displays a sincere concern for the plight of the poor, downtrodden by the news. C. Bhagat points out that, even after his printing press is destroyed, Raghav emerges as a prosperous journalist. Bhagat reveals how exploiters succumb ray of hope. Aarti rescued mankind from being disgraced and violated. The realisation of Gopal's remorse improves C. Bhagat to share his positive thoughts. When a confession is made by Gopal: "Maybe that innocent, a good part of us never dies-we just trample on it for a moment" (Bhagat 267). Gopal is also giving up on the revolutionary spirit of Raghav. In Revolution 2020, Gopal‘s realisation of remorse allows Bhagat to develop his view of the human spirit's sublimity. This novel reflects C's revolutionary spirit. Bhagat. Bhagat. He has a global theme that eventually transforms into high hopes and dreams: the disappointment of the protagonists. In the C. of this. In Revolution 2020, Bhagat demonstrates the trend of positive opinion.


1. To concentrate on dialysis and diagnosis of Indian society's thematic aspects 2. Constructing a constructive approach to literary study


Revolution 2020 was concerned with the burning concerns of the young and ambitious youth of today. Young people today want good work and harmony in life, but they are not able to obey their inner voice. C stands for this book. The revolutionary spirit of Bhagat. In his characters, humanity lies more than any ordinary aspiration. They don't die in love because of loss. They live for the sacrifice of passion, instead. Conversely, they refuse to keep their mates' promises. In this way, Revolution 2020 tackles numerous topics related to education and focuses on family issues, political corruption and the philosophy of life.


1. Bhagat, Chetan. Hindustan Times. ―Cut Off, Brunch Story‖. 27 July 2009. Web 25 December 2014. 2. cut-off-brunch-story/ 3. -----. The Times of India. ―Don‟t Worry, Be Happy‖. 16 July 2011. 4. Web. 12 January 2015. 6. -----. Revolution 2020. New Delhi: Rupa Publication Indian Pvt. Ltd, 2011. 7. Print. 8. -----. The Times of India. ―The Business of teaching‖. 8 October 2011. Web. 14 February 2015. 9. teaching/articleshow/10270473.cms. 10. -----. The Times of India. ―Where is My Nobel Prize‖. 24 October 2009. Web. 3 March 2015. 11. Prize/articleshow/5153978.cms. 12. Richard, Reyckman. Theories of Personality. America: Wadsworth Publication, 2012. Print. 13. Russell, Bertrand. Marriage and Morals. London: Unwin Books Publication, 1976. Print. 14. Smart, Barry. Modern Conditions: Postmodern Controversies. London: Rutledge Publication, 1992. Print.

Corresponding Author Sanjeev Ranjan*

Research Scholar