A Study of Wholistic Approach to Employee Engagement

Exploring the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Sustainable Business Growth

by Tarun Kumar*, Dr. Haridutt Sharma,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 551 - 553 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Organization need to understand that employee engagement is a must more comprehensive approach towards employee well-being rather than the limited nature of traditional activities for providing employee satisfaction. Due to tremendous explosion in knowledge, information technology and advances in various fields, it has become imperative that organizations must have equally capable people to run highly complex businesses people being the most important asset of the organization, it is the need of the hour to roll out effective people strategies which can fuel sustainable business growth to have the proper level of engagement organizations must invest time and money in training managers at all levels to develop relationships with each employee and learn each person's values, goals and passions.


wholistic approach, employee engagement, comprehensive approach, traditional activities, employee satisfaction, knowledge, information technology, advances, people strategies, sustainable business growth


India is a growing economy. Employee engagement is an absolutely essential of business growth, efficiency and innovation employee retention and customer satisfaction. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization and put discretionary effort into their work. Engaged employees fell a strong emotional bond to the organization that employs them. This is associated with people demonstrating their willingness to recommend the organization to others and commit time and effort to help the organization succeed whatever the work force composition employee engagement is strongly driven by the immediate manager and his ability to meet employee's emotional requirements constant communication with employees is the key factor in building up the employee engagement process. The success of an organization depends on the effectiveness of its people. The challenge today is to attract and retain human resource develop they continussly and motivate them to give their best to the organization. Therefore employee engagement should be a part of overall business strategy.


(1) To know the employee engagement. (2) To know how to start with employee engagement. (3) To study the indicators of employee engagement.


The research paper is completely descriptive which intends to examine the employee engagement in organization. The use of secondary data from various book, journals, newspaper, internet and research articles. Employee engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organization goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being. Employee engagement is the extent to which on employee believes in the mission, purpose and values of and organization and demonstrate his/ her commitment through action as an employee. Employee Engagement is often viewed as on isolated activity. But one cannot separate employee engagement from the whole talent management process. Every organization should have the right development strategy instead of just organizing training to complete the man day target without focusing on results. The previous generation worked in one company from the time of joining till retirement. Today with multiple opportunities available and companies competing for the best, attrition rates are soaring. The cost of replacement is pegged at almost 1.5 times of the annual salary and hence the ability to engage and retain valuable employees has a direct strategies for employee engagement. Organization adopt several practices for enhancing employee engagement from fun related actives to professional enhancement initiatives for individuals fun activities are relatively easier to do but may not have a sustainable impact over a period of time professional enhancement can have a sustainable impact provided such initiatives get institutionalized which is also a difficult task. Sustainability comes from the impact that is visibly has on business through the engagement it builds among the employee chances of institutionalization go up when there is ownership for the same at different levels of the organization which can happen through involvement. Employee engagement data is built on perceptions. These perceptions can be altered by clear, open, honest and two way communication. Failure to communicate leaves 'space' for employees to fill in with their own communication and misconceptions. Constant communication with employee is the key factor in building up the employee engagement process constructive feedback and mentoring is essential open communication can be in the form of one on one updates with staff member, daily briefings with the entire team, company newsletters and intranet updates or through regularly scheduled team or departmental meetings. There has to be a culture of respect which value outstanding work done by employee when employee feel they are adequately recognized for a job well done they become self-motivated to do more with less and for the most part a sincere ― thank you‖ with a pat on the back from a manager or a senior leader to a line employee can go a long way in creating and sustaining a culture of excellence whatever the workforce composition employee engagement is strongly driven by the immediate manager and his ability to meet employee's emotional requirements. Trust should manifest in every relationship. It is based on a set of behaviours that can be learned, practiced and mastered. It is a commitment that fundamentally informs how people think about and interact with customers, suppliers and co-workers. Besides the above factors the following things are equally important for employee engagement : (i) Opportunity for advancement and professional development. (ii) Availability of effective leadership. (iii) Clear job expectations. (v) Better working conditions for manufacturing employees. (vi) Promoting spirit of innovation. (vii) Ramping up training (viii) Continues grievance redressed HR visibility at shop floor level. (ix) Increased awareness among management staff on customer compliance ethical and legal. (x) Monthly recognition of staff at department / company level for good work done. Employee engagement is all about whether then employee enjoy his job and how he contributes to the organization. It is the employee psychological connection with his job, superior and organization. The normal response to employee engagement issues has been to focus on increased job satisfaction. The rational is that satisfied employee is a productive employee Research indicates that in reality, a productive employee is a satisfied employee. In short employee are engaged when they bring all their talent, energy and discretionary effort to bear on their everyday decisions and actions. They have a clear line of sight so that they understand how their work contributes to the direction and goals of their organization sometime commitment is also viewed as engagement. But commitment is not enough committed employees are positive, want to do the right things, display high level of energy and initiative but commitment become engagement when it is fully in harmony and a ligned with the overall goals and direction of the organization. Research also show that employee engagement is a leading indicator of financial performance companies that increase their engagement level can expect to significantly improve their financial performance. Infosys is at the forefront of innovation when it came to devising and implementing employee engagement with on employee base of more than 16,00,000 employee across the globe and average employee age of around 26 years, the engagement activities are customized based on employee segmentation and employee needs. It is creating a wholistic employee experience for company employee and they call Infoscions. Infosys are better connect with employee and his family. They organized family connect with HALE (health, Assessment and Lifestyle Enrichment). Bring your kids to work & pefit on infoscion day

on the line of you tube) are bring used for non-intrusive communication and to engage with employee at different given the 3 generations that are working with each other today. Vinod bidwaik is a seasoned HR professional with more than 16 years of experience in HR and is currently working with DSM India Pvt Ltd as Director HR for Engineering plasic Division he says our E i.e. Enrich Empower, Educated, Enteri, Enlighten, Encourage to employee and DSM valued based on 3 P (People, plant & Profit ) facus on people care for plant and profit through ethical means. DSM analyse employee engagement is not rocket science. It involves dedicated of forts by top management and HR. It is a continues process they learn from mistake and improve further. This has paid off. Their engagement score is 84% (against the market benchmark of 68%) and their attrition is below 12% (market benchmark is 20%).


Organization need to understand that employee engagement is a must more comprehensive approach towards employee well-being rather than the limited nature of traditional activities for providing employee satisfaction. Due to tremendous explosion in knowledge, information technology and advances in various fields, it has become imperative that organizations must have equally capable people to run highly complex businesses people being the most important asset of the organization, it is the need of the hour to roll out effective people strategies which can fuel sustainable business growth to have the proper level of engagement organizations must invest time and money in training managers at all levels to develop relationships with each employee and learn each person's values, goals and passions. Companies should focus not only on imparting skill enhancement training but also on overall development at employee. Engaging employees requires not only winning the mixes but also the hearts of employees. The time has come to change our views and looks at Employee engagement as a whole package for employees. Employee engagement programmers should be draft on HR Agenda for satisfaction of employee as well as business growth.


Economic Times newspaper Jan. 2015. (2) Sampada Magazine Nov. 2014. (3) Opinion of Vinod Bidwaik, Director of HR for Engineering plastics Division. (4) Opinion of Mrs. Leena Deshpande, Head CSR at Bharat Forge Ltd.

Tarun Kumar*

Research Scholar, Ph.D. Commerce Calorx Teacher's University, Ahmedabad