Job Satisfaction among Public Library Professionals of Chandigarh

Exploring Job Satisfaction in the Digital Library Environment

by Jai Bharti Kashyap*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 637 - 640 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Today is a digital world where information in available digitally in no time. Libraries are not exception of it. Traditional libraries have turned into digital libraries. The major role behind this revolution is the Information and communication technology. ICT have impact in almost every field. In libraries all the library working whether it is acquisition, circulation, cataloguing, dissemination and retrieval of information everything has totally changed from manually to digitally. Information can be access from anywhere and anytime. As ICT brings opportunities it brings challenges also. It also impact on the level of job satisfaction. This paper studies the variables that affect the job satisfaction in this ICT environment in the public libraries of Chandigarh.


job satisfaction, public library professionals, Chandigarh, digital libraries, information and communication technology, acquisition, circulation, cataloguing, dissemination, retrieval, variables, ICT environment


Human Resource is the main power/backbone of any organization for their progress and success. If these human resources are skilled, motivated and technically sound, then there is no doubt in the success and progress of an organisation. Therefore the satisfaction of human resource is very important. If it is not satisfied then it will effect adversely. Today, Library is not limited to the four walls. It is beyond this and provides its services digitally in a very efficient and effective manner. In past very little importance was given to library science professionals, library work and its infrastructure. But due to the introduction of information technology in 1990‘s and implementation of information technology in the libraries, the environment of library work has totally changed. Library‘s work started shifting from traditional methods to computerized system where library data started to enter in software and library activities such as circulation, acquisition, information handling, retrieving of information and dissemination of information etc. i.e. in all the library work was changed in positive and effective way. Thereby importance of library professionals increased and they were considered as information officers. It brings opportunities as well as responsibilities for the library staff which leads to the more satisfaction among employees as they get motivated, preofessionally skilled and more confident. Many other factors are also associated with job satisfaction such as working environment, job security, interpersonal relationship with co-workers, and advancement in job etc. that leads to satisfaction or dissatisfaction among the employees.


In library, computer and technologies both are used greatly these days. New technologies are emerging at a very fast rate. With the use of library software and internet, now libraries are becoming source of interactive learning and knowledge creation hubs. The catalogues of libraries can be accessed online. We can find e-resources in the library. Now librarians provide 24*7 services to the users as the technology is becoming real time using mobile. But due to Information and communication technology, stress is increased. Stress can affect the performance and quality of work and also the job satisfaction of a person. If the library employees attend their users attentively, warmly and happy to serve, this shows their job satisfaction level is increasing and they are satisfied with their job. Therefore, we can say that Job Satisfaction is an emotional feeling in the job which can only be felt when performed duties consist of variables. It also knows as job attitudes.Satisfaction is an emotional expression for a service whereas Job Satisfaction is positive feelings which is pleasurable and arise with the performance of their job /work performed or salary or relationship with the co-workers, or working environment etc. More the employees are satisfied more effective will be on the level of their performance. Normally positive attitude reflects job satisfaction and negative attitude shows job dissatisfaction. comprehensive But it is limited to the areas concerning to Job Satisfaction of Library professional and other type of employees in an organization. ICT has made a drastic change in the working of Libraries in their work of areas acquiring, organizing, storing disseminating and returning the information. With ICT not only the role of library employees has changed but the expectations and interaction with users also have been changed. Srivastava and Srivastava (2004) discussed that the Job satisfaction can be increased by providing training, incentives, comfort Job environment and good monetary gains. In 2004, Niederman and Sumner studies on the attributes and attitudes of ICT Professionals who changed their past job with current job in the ICT field in management information system. The study also included their job performance task, Job Satisfaction and salary relationship. The results revealed that there is significant change in the task performed, Salaries and Job Satisfaction between the Past and current job. However there was increase in business analyses and project management and decrease in 3GL and also change in various other elements job. Marais and Kruger 2005 study shows that the implementation of computer system in bureaucratic environment study reveals that the implication issues such as technical organizational and human should be considered. Where organisation issues include the size of organization, level and culture of Bureaucracy, the human issues includes the motivation, training, involvement as well as the preciseness of users. The study also revealed that in the beurocractic environment the employees found themselves in strict environment and see very little chance of improvement. In 2006 Al Qallar in his study investigated the librarian in academic and research institutes in Kwait, Survey comprised of 147 Librarian and based on six job related issues such as training activities, learning activities, affective reaction, source of service, Management issues and the performance, workload and rewards. Study reveals that they are very much positive about ICT and improving their job performances and also accepts the technological challenges. Findings showed that lack of technical staff is important variable and due to shortage of training programmes the stress is increasing. Kaur (2006) in her study concluded that a satisfied and dedicated librarian can provide the user oriented services effectively and need for the organizational determinates and need for the organizational determinates that influence the employees Job Satisfaction. She suggested that the freedom to choose the duties, training facilities and motivation should be provided to increase the level of Job Satisfaction. institutional libraries. Kacherki and Kannur 2011 study was done in the engineering College librarians on the impact of ICT on Job Satisfaction Result revealed that with ICT implementation majority of librarian feel low level of Job satisfaction users also found it difficult to locate their required information done to multiple e-resources. Authors suggested that their problem can be solved by developing library portals by customizing information content to meet the end of users demand. Authors also concluded that Job Satisfaction is an important element and it requires attention, diagnosis and treatment. JayaRaman and Mahesh Kumar (2013) investigate the Job Satisfaction level of Library Professional in Coimbatore city and also the facets that affect the Job Satisfaction study concluded many reasons for low level of Job Satisfaction and Stress among employees due to Management Structure, their policies and practices, social status and insufficient training to handle digital technology. Bellary (2014) in his study discussed the factors that influence the job satisfaction of library professionals. Three types of factor was identified by him i.e. Job related factor, organizational factors and personal factors. He suggested that the Job Satisfaction of Library professionals can be increased by increasing service quality. For this higher authorities have to pay attention to provide the facilities to their employees as organization is very important to increase the Job Satisfaction level of employees. Mandal (2014) also study on the impact of ICT on Job satisfaction in West Bengal on the technical Staff of University libraries. Study resulted that ICT has improved the work performance and thereby level of Job Satisfaction. It was also revealed that there ICT has no effect on the social status professional growth or personality. Study suggested that training should be provided to the employees as well as promotional grade, improved work conditions in centres, health checkups and stress releasing treatment should be provided to the employees on regular basis. Kaya (2014) found that as compared to developed countries, Job satisfaction level is lower in developing countries.


In traditional libraries, librarians were considering as custodian of books who only takes care and preserve the books and zeal was absent to optimize the use of the library books. This approach also effect the satisfaction level of today‘s librarian who are performing and giving their best to face the challenges due to information technology. This also leads to assess the job satisfaction among library professionals. The main objective of the study was to understand the job satisfaction among library professionals of Public

public libraries of Chandigarh.


Primary Data was collected from the Library professionals of public libraries of Chandigarh. For this, the Questionnaire was sent to 16 library professionals through e-mail, telephonic call and social media such as Whats app. It was Objective questions questionnaire scale in five measurements i.e. Strong Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strong Disagree.


Out of 16 library professionals, 93.75% i.e. 15 library professionals respond to the questionnaire. Questionnaire was purely based on job satisfaction in ICT environment. The respondants were 13% male and 87% female in which 13.33% were below 30 years age; 40% were age group of 30-40 years; 26.66% were from age group 40-50 years and 20% were from age group 50-60 years.

Table: ICT and Job Satisfaction

In the first statement ―Does ICT helps in reducing workload‖, 53.33% are agreed and 46.66% respondents are strongly agreed with the statement. In second statement ―Does ICT helps to improve skills‖, 53.33% are strongly agreed and 46.66% are agreed with the statement. In third statement ―Does ICT creates better quality of work‖ for this 26.66% are strongly agreed and 73.33% are agreed with this statement. Fourth statement ―Does ICT easy to learn and operate‖, for this 33.33% employess are strogly agreed with this statement and 66.66% i.e. majority of employees find it easy to learn and operate. Fifth statement ―Does ICT helps to keep you uptodate‖, for this 53.33% agreed with this and 33.33% are strongly agreed with this statement whereas 13.33% became neutral at this. Sixth statement ―Does ICT increase accuracy and efficienty‖, for this 33.33% agreed and 60% strongly agreed and only 6.66% employees strongly agreed. Eighth statement ―Does ICT advantage the social status‖, 46.66% was agreed whereas 13.33% were strongly agreed and 26.66% were neutral and 13.33% were disagreeing with this statement. Ninth statement ―Does ICT is challanging as well as interesting‖ 46.66% agreed and 53.33% strongly agreed with this. Tenth statement i.e. ―Does ICT helps in better communication‖, 53.33% agreed, 40% strongly agreed whereas 6.66% were neutral for this statement. Eleventh statement ―Does ICT increase job satisfaction‖ 66.66% was agreed, 20% strongly agreed and 13.33% were neutral for this. Twelfth statement ―Does ICT improves motivation‖ 60% was agreed and 40% strongly agreed with this statement. Thirteenth statement ―Does ICT Training is provided time to time‖ 66.66% was agreed, 13.33% strongly agreed and 20% was neutral for this statement. Fourteenth statement ―Does ICT helps in improving relationships with co-worker‖, 53.33% agreed, and 46.66% was strongly agreed. Fifteenth statement ―Does ICT encourages teamwork‖ 46.66% was agreed, 26.66% was strongly agreed and 26.66% were neutral for this statement.

Chart: 1

The chart depicts the job satisfaction level among library professionals that majority of employees adapted the ICT technology warmly and were keen to accept the challanges alongwith new emerging technologies. Few library professionals were neutrtal with the statement that ICT helps to keep them uptodate or advantage their social status and encourages teamwork.


Job satisfaction depends on social, economic, cultural/working environment of any organization. Professional, skilled, knowledgeable and experienced staff is necessity to operate on digital platform. Information and Communication technology make a huge impact on the working of can affect the level of job satisfaction also. For this managing authorities should encouraged the use of ICT. To promote ICT authorities must artrange training programmes for the employees. Intencitves should also be provided when they attend any course/workshop/conference related to ICT. Findings of study are limited in scope. Study shows that level of job satisfaction among the employees is less. It can be improved by providing gopod supervisory, training programmes, independance, incentives, motivation, encourage teamwork, utilizing their potentials, creativity and appreciation.


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Corresponding Author Jai Bharti Kashyap*

Librarian, Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11 Chandigarh