Development on Innovation Competency of Teaching Staff in Indian Universities

Fostering Innovation Competency in Higher Education Teaching Staff

by Chhaya Shastri*, Dr. R. D. Sharma, Dr. Krishna Shetty,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 693 - 701 (9)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Higher education institutions in Deemed Universities in Maharashtra need to give proper attention to the growth of innovation skills of teaching staff in order to fulfill the ever-changing needs of students and society overall. Why are we concerned about innovation competence? Innovation is generally recognized as a central mechanism within an enterprise synonymous with transformation, because it allows the company to revitalize what it sells and how it produces and provides goods andor services. (Du Chatenier, 2011 Tidd, Bessant and Pavitt, 2001). Subsequently, people who can make a contribution to and participate in innovation are especially required in the various sectors of the labor market (Rasmussen 2009). Watts, Garcia-Carbonell Andreu-Andres put forward a detailed conceptualization of innovation 'innovation means different things to different people. It is, for some, the emergence of a novelty, something fundamentally new, a concept, a technique, a device, an invention. Among some, innovation is an advancement of something which already exists. For others, to be considered innovation, that something has to be useful to people or organizations and to meet their needs. In other words, innovation has an underlying social dimension that transcends mere invention or improvement of a product or process.


innovation competency, teaching staff, Indian universities, higher education, deemed universities, Maharashtra, growth, innovation skills, students, society, enterprise, transformation, goods, services, labor market, conceptualization, novelty, useful, social dimension, invention, improvement


As for the conceptualization of innovation competence, Darso (2012) suggests that innovation competence is the capacity to generate innovation by managing dynamic processes together with others. It suggests, therefore, that those concerned with creativity will have differing worldviews, experience, skills and behaviors from those of a routine nature in the. Teaching staff innovation competence is viewed to be a group of separate abilities and skills needed by teachers to improve the current education service. It is indisputable that, regardless of context, innovation competence is seen more than ever before as an invaluable resource that can make a person, an organization / firm or a nation thrive in an era of knowledge and innovation explosion. This is endorsed by detailed management literature which validates that innovative organization that are capable of using innovation to improve their processes or make a distinction with their products and services stay ahead of their competitors in terms of market share, profitability growth or market cap. Plan an effort to make sure that higher education institutions play a vital role in the national and regional innovation system; Watts et. al. (2013) have advanced innovation skills in the development of a barometer to aid in the management and assessment of innovation skills. According to Watts et. al. (2013) the development barometer for innovation skills is a benchmark that considers three areas of innovation competence. Thus, the: '...the Individual capacity-which integrates behaviors or skills that allow a person to innovate in the performance of tasks; interpersonal capacity-which enhances the individual's ability to innovate by interacting with a group and represents the behavior that enables others to move towards the stated objectives; and networking capacity-which represents the behaviors or abilities of others to find acceptable solutions in the process of completing tasks in a broader world than normal However, it is important to note that the various viewpoints of innovation competence ultimately contribute to variations in the profile of innovation competence. For example, the following areas of expertise and related competencies as advanced by Du Chatenier (2011) form a competency profile for inter-organizational collaboration in innovation teams. Which included: interpersonal management (involvement, impact, conflict management, However, irrespective of the innovation viewpoint one takes, there are inescapable similarities (e.g. collaboration and networking with internal and external peers to improve the product, service or process) in the innovation skill profile built for a specific group of professionals. India currently does not have a national profile for university teaching staff as one of the steps to ensure quality education in Indian universities. As a consequence, this not only damages the quality of teaching and learning, research, advancement and community development services, but also undermines the capacity of the university education sector to meet job market needs and the country's development needs. Literature points out that most Indian university graduates lack the basic skills required in an ever-changing global knowledge-based competitive economy. The need to improve university education in India cannot therefore be overstressed. Furthermore, in the field of university education, good teaching and learning quality are considered to be the sine qua non of improving students‘ employability. The need for appropriate and high-quality university education in India capable of training a workforce capable of fostering socio-economic growth is therefore a top priority. It is crucial if India is to achieve its higher education in India: the 2030 vision of transforming itself from a peasant to a developed and prosperous nation in the next three decades. To this end, there are unwavering calls for the reform of university education in India to ensure that the training of a skilled and efficient workforce capable of cultivating the country's socio-economic growth is carried out. Moreover, universities around the world must respond to current and disruptive technological and social advances and how they use them (disruptive innovation as used in business and technology literature would be seen as an innovation that helps to build a new market and value network and ultimately disrupts the existing business, displacing earlier technology) However, it is necessary to recognize that, if any significant reform of university education is to take place in any nation, irrespective of the context, the absence of adequate competent teaching staff must be resolved first. In addition, literature suggests that there is a substantial association between the quality of teaching staff as well as the quality of education, research, innovation and community services offered by a particular higher learning institution (Henard & Roseveare, 2012). The shortage of sufficient qualified university teaching staff is compounded by the lack of a national university teaching profile. As such, different universities should create their own job requirements universities is problematic.


The higher education sector is crucial in helping solve the tremendous global challenges that we will encounter in the 21st century. As such, universities are expected to train future professionals in the different sectors of the labor market who will promote national growth and improve people's quality of life. Universities are undeniably essential for research and research development, and therefore necessary for knowledge creation and innovation to meet both local and global social and economic needs. Due to a variety of drivers of change in university education today and in the future, such as technology, globalization, shifting demographics, the environment, evolving employer needs, increased demand for transparency, and rising student demands (Casares, Dickson, Hannigan, Hinton & Phelps, 2011), university teaching staff, irrespective of background, are under growing pressure to deliver. The working world has become more complicated as information is increasingly becoming outdated and the criteria for staff skills are constantly growing (Vasiliauskiene, Stanikuniene & Lipinskiene, 2005; Wesselink, 2010). Especially, in the higher education field, concerns such as: the massification of higher education; the evolving needs of the labor market and society in general; and the evolving needs of students and learning styles, among others, all call for university teaching staff to be encouraged to find the required skills that will allow them to address these challenges properly. The literature available on higher education teacher competencies is standardized in design and it does not speak about the innovation competence of higher education teachers. For example, Smith & Simpson (1995), by the use of professional opinion, a committee of national university-level teaching leaders, validated twenty-seven competencies as essential to university teachers (categorized as: scholastics planning; strategic planning; presentation and management; assessment and feedback; and interpersonal domains). Likewise, Tigelaar, Dolmans, Wolfhagen & Van der Vleuten (2004) have tested and applied a framework for higher education teaching competencies. Tigelaar et. al. (2004) advance the following higher education teacher competence domains: The Instructor, Content Knowledge Expert, Learning Process Facilitator, Organizer and Scholar / Lifelong Learner. In addition, a new report by Guasch, Alvarez & Espasa (2010) outlines the competencies that a university instructor must have

However, emerging problems (e.g. disruptive innovation, social media) in the ever-changing global knowledge-based economy require academic staff to reconsider what they do, how they do it, and for what reason at the human, organizational and community level. In addition, the radical change towards transformative learning (Mezirow, 1991, 2000, 2003), lifelong learning (Knapper & Cropley, 1985) and the learning organization (Levin & Greenwood, 2001; Senge, 1990) all allow universities to reorient themselves in all facets of their functions. Transformational learning in basic terms can be defined as learning that causes a more far-reaching transition in the student than other forms of learning, in specific learning experiences that alter the student and have substantial effects, or paradigm changes that influence the student's resultant experience (Clark, 1993). Lifelong learning is described in a systematic manner by the European Commission (2012), i.e. 'all lifelong learning activities conducted with the intention of enhancing knowledge, skills and competence in a personal, civic, social and/or employment-related context.


India has a huge education system. There are 993 Universities, 39931 Colleges and 10725 Stand Alone Institutions registered on the AISHE web portal and 962 Universities, 38179 Colleges and 9190 Stand Alone Institutions. 298 Universities are affiliated, i.e. having Colleges. 385 Universities are run privately. 394 Universities are situated in rural areas. The total number of teachers is 14,16,299, of which about 57.8% are male teachers and 42.2% are female teachers. At National level, there are just 73 female teachers per 100 male teachers. Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) at Universities and Colleges is 29 if regular enrolment is included, while Pupil Teacher Ratio for Universities and its Constituent Units is 18 for regular enrolment. A large number of them are undertrained or untrained. (AISHA Report 2018-19). There are also unqualified teachers in other countries, such as the North-East. As regards in-service education, the situation is not very promising. Under this case, it has been found that teachers are not adequately engaged and that the overall performance of teachers leaves much to be desired. Yes, the standard of pre-service education clearly shows signs of decline. In their research, Naseem & Anas (20 11, pg. 187) addressed the various problems that occur in Indian Teacher Education. Although Sharma (2012) stressed that ICT will play a key role in the professional growth of teachers and in shaping the global economy. Until teachers‘ educators model successfully use technology in their own classrooms, it will not be possible to train a new generation of teachers who can successfully use new technologies for teaching and learning. Both of support system established by the State Educational Research and Training Councils (SCERTs) and the University Departments of Education has been ineffective and there is no support network below state level. In addition to being the nodal resource centers for elementary education at district level, the DIETs are responsible for coordinating pre-service and in-service programs. In the same way, the Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) and Institutions of Advanced Study in Education (TASEs) have been given the task of implementing advances in secondary and higher education and technical education programs for teachers. While the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) as a non-legislative body has taken a range of measures to improve the quality of teacher education. Its main contribution was the preparation of the Teacher Education Curriculum Framework; there have been many changes in teacher education curricula in various universities and boards across the country. New patterns have been emerging over the last decade as a result of significant changes in the educational, political, social and economic environments at national and international levels. Reconstruction of curricula has also become imperative in the light of some noticeable gaps in teacher education. Teacher education in general is traditional in its design and intent. The incorporation of theory and practice and the consequent curricular answer to the demands of the educational system remain a challenge. Teachers are trained in skills and competencies that do not generally prepare them to be professionally successful. An experience with the latest trends in education remains inadequate. Organized and simultaneously learning opportunities, while possible, seldom lead to the enhancement of teachers' capacity for self-directed lifelong learning. The curriculum also trains teachers who do not automatically become professionally qualified and committed to the completion of initial teacher training programs. A significant number of teacher training institutions do not practice what they teach. Many of the skills gained and the methodologies taught are never applied in the actual education system. This illustrates a need to bring truth and creativity to the curriculum.


Innovation is generally defined as the implementation of something innovative and useful, such as the implementation of new approaches, procedures or processes or new or updated goods and services. Schools or teacher educational institutions that carry out innovations or experiments on any aspect of the job related to teaching-learning, training or school management in order to enhance the efficiency of the institution provincial and district-level resource institutions collaborating together to increase the quality and sustainability of pre-service teacher training programs as well as in-service programs to serve teachers around the country. Teacher education is now becoming more aware of the changing demands of the school system. Since the increasing educational needs of the student and technical progress have broadened the reach of the teacher's duties. Teachers must now play a number of roles, such as promoting, supporting and fostering teaching-learning circumstances that allow learners (students) to explore their abilities, to realize their physical and intellectual ability to the utmost, to develop character and positive social and human values in order to work as responsible citizens.


Universities and colleges are full of educated, talented people. The goal is to use knowledge and creative resources to build a culture of creativity. It is important that college and university leaders cultivate such a climate of creativity on their campuses if their institutions are to succeed. The creation of a culture of innovation means that leaders encourage the following: (a) rewarding innovation, even though it fails; (b) training of teachers and employees in the field of innovation design techniques; (c) promoting cross-departmental problem-solving teams; (d) clearly identifying the issues that need to be addressed; (e) knowing your customers (students); (f) observation is key (g) the allocation of time for unstructured time; (h) not enforcing too many rules; (I) to listen with an open mind; (j) supporting prototypes; (k) the use of data and observation. About the same time, these methods are both basic and complex. It means thinking differently for some managers, and it means letting go for others, which can be challenging. faculty and staff feel that failure would be adversely perceived by the administration or count against it during the retention or promotion process, they should also take a conservative approach. The faculty and staff seem to want to be entirely confident that something is going to work before they attempt it. Administration needs to ensure that the staff and faculty respect innovation. If it works, enjoy it. If it doesn't work, celebrate it. At least the organization was attempting something different. Training of teachers and employees in the field of innovation design techniques. Use of Design for Innovation or Innovation by design approach to problem solving is a technique that has been learned and, like many, not a naturally comfortable skill. It's not a linear operation, and without good facilitation, teams may feel like they're struggling to stay afloat. It will be necessary to train the faculty on process strategies and to prepare some of them to serve as facilitators in order to work with innovation teams. Design for Innovation is a organized – chaotic process that offers guidance while enhancing freedom of thinking and exploring possible solutions. This is extremely energizing and satisfying if done correctly. However, it is a technique of reaching solutions that are not easy ones but often more successful. Allow yourself the opportunity to be comfortable with it. Promoting cross-departmental problem-solving teams. Some of the main factors in the successful Product Development cycle is not to have people on the team who all have the same experience. For example, IDEO (a design firm) develops product teams that include developers, designers, behavioral psychologists, business managers, artists and others who provide a very diverse viewpoint on every design project. Such participants add their own experiences to the process and push team members to think beyond their individual comfort bubble. Universities and colleges are also doing some of this. Nonetheless, underlining the diversity of the team and including members from previously untapped areas would create a new innovative dimension. Clearly identifying the issues that need to be addressed. Defining the actual problem is one of the big obstacles in solving problems. Thinking about the discussions that frequently take place on college campuses about a single word in a mission statement, identifying the real issue may seem like an difficult task. Nonetheless, problem description is a key phase in product design. The facilitator will be eligible to help the team tackle the real challenge that needs to be addressed. It cannot be so big that it is unmanageable or so narrowly defined that it doesn't really matter. For example, a statement like, "How can we get every student to graduate from our institution? "Perhaps it's too big.

create their own graduation strategy in time to be effective?‖. Knowing your customers(students).It is perhaps the most critical aspect of Design for Innovation. As mentioned earlier, Design for Innovation is a human-centered method. How does the end-user react to the product or service? How are they even going to use it? What do they want, even though they don't know about it? This approach does not take account of the normal actions of customers. Rather, it seeks to focus on two extremes – those that are early supporters and those that have no interest in the matter. What are the characteristics? Observation is key. Consumers are always going to tell you what they think you want to hear. Others can tell you that they're doing one thing, but when you look at them, you see that they're functioning very differently. The team must take into account how customers are actually reacting or using a product or service, not what they are telling you. For example, instead of asking students how to use the registration process, teams can look at the process and how students communicate with each other, with the counselor, and with the technology. What's working? Why are they frustrated? Who's going to get through it without any problems? Who's struggling? The allocation of time for unstructured time. When everything in an organization is planned work, then there is no room for contemplation and innovation. Many of the most innovative companies have the most unorganized working conditions. Google has gaming space, flex time, nap areas, etc. It provides an atmosphere that encourages people to be imaginative. There are obviously efficiency criteria, but there is less structure than many other organizations. How can colleges and universities provide the faculty and staff with time and space in an unstructured environment to help focus on the issue being addressed? It doesn't happen for an hour at a regular meeting once a week. It is necessary to provide space and time that are productive and innovative. Not enforcing too many rules. Rules are destroying innovation. The tighter the rules, the less innovative the company is. Organizations like Apple are very flexible with the rules of working in order to get the best out of their workers. We recruit people who want to be successful and innovative, and then create an atmosphere that encourages this activity. Focusing on the rules and framework would give shapes and processes to the organization, not creativity. To listen with an open mind. Even the best ideas can come from people you never thought they could understand the problem. It has been said that young addressing a issue, they are unhindered by the convention. Including people on boards who are not interested with how we do stuff would bring suggestions that can be discussed without prejudice. Often these ideas lead to concrete approaches that are revolutionary, since they are untouched by what "is," rather than worrying about what "will be." Having an open mind can lead to actual advancements. Supporting prototypes. Developing fast and simple prototypes will help a team progress forward from ideas that won't work and enable them to work more effectively. One of the principles of Design for Innovation is "fail frequently, fail early and learn from failure." Prototyping will help you fail often and fail early. We can also help you decide what doesn't work so that you can know. Such prototypes might be inexpensive cardboard mockups or story boards of how it would work. They don't really have to work, but they give a visual image of how a product or service may look like. The use of data and observation. Finally, the use of data in innovation is significant. It includes data on the end-user as well as patterns, prices, etc. Data is crucial to evaluating whether the proposed plan will succeed and be viable. Note that innovation happens when desirability, efficiency, and sustainability are intersected. Data helps to decide whether this intersection is feasible.


It is commonly assumed that a successful teacher would not only have knowledge of the subject matter (content) to be taught, but also pedagogical content understanding, such as the existing understanding of their students and the activities likely to be of interest to those students. According to Shulman (1986), teachers with both content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical knowledge (PK) mastery are not generally in a position to apply the PK required to effectively teach particular material. He therefore suggested that teachers should have a third form of expertise, that of pedagogy relevant to teaching specific content, which he called pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Mishra and Koehler (2006), Koehler and Mishra (2005), and Suharwoto (2006) have extended Shulman's typology by introducing technological knowledge (TK) to enable teachers to "recognize and negotiate the relationships between the three parts of (technological, content & pedagogical) knowledge" for real technology integration (Koehler & Mishra, 2005).Bringing TK into typology will allow for various types of information, as stated above, namely technical pedagogical knowledge (TPK), standard forms of technology and how they can be used to improve pedagogical practice. TCK explains the skills teachers need to understand how emerging technologies can improve the teaching and learning of specific subjects. TPCK explains information derived from a clear understanding of the interaction of all three elements, so that teachers can interweave them intelligently for successful technology integration. Key: CK PK TK PCK TCK TPK TPCK Content knowledge Pedagogical knowledge Technical knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge Technological content knowledge Technological pedagogical knowledge Technological pedagogical content knowledge

Fig. The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) framework proposed by Mishra and Koehler (2006)


Major concern: NCTE Regulation 2014 is actually a major concern. There is a great need to reconsider the length of the course, the number of seats allocated to teaching colleges, the credentials of teachers and their selection criteria that created confusion in Indian teacher education. In addition to this big concern, the following steps could be helpful- 1. The courses of studies, together with their length in theory and practice, should be restructured in accordance with the Indian scenario. In order to achieve the objectives of teacher education, this research should be conducted in a comprehensive manner. The 2. The teaching approach in teacher education should be restructured according to the growing demands of the education system. Special creative activities such as seminars, workshops, conferences, programs and forums should be conducted on a regular basis to enhance the learning systems in various fields. 3. The process for the admission of B.Ed. It should be entirely restructured in such a way that only those with aptitude for teaching are able to take admission as an increasing number of B.Ed. colleges has made it open to everyone in this course. 4. Already a number of self- financing colleges are springing up like shops and they have made it as their profit earning factory which is harmful for education in long term. Thus, a routine inspection will be carried out to ensure the standard of teacher education. Affiliating entities for teacher education should set out the criteria that could improve the efficiency of the teacher education system rather than the quantitative dimension. 5. In order to eliminate the misconception or misunderstanding that preparation in the teaching department is superficial and is not integrated into a real situation, a competent approach should be established by organizing different types of facilities, such as faculty meeting, social work, field research, interviews, workshop and other co-curricular activities. 6. The State Education Department can have a preparation unit that can help control the need and availability of teachers at various educational institutions. As has been noted, there is a wide gap between demand and supply in various states.The whole condition of education is evolving as a result of the 2009 Law on the Right to Education, the demand for teachers at different levels has increased enormously. Moreover, today is the time for inclusive education that leads to the demand for specific teachers / educators, and we are all aware that there is a shortage of special educators. A balance should therefore be maintained in order to achieve better results. 7. The training or teaching process of pupil teachers in the school would be closely related to teaching staff in the education

positive effects for the school rather than disturbing their daily schedule. Furthermore, actual teaching practice should be monitored regularly by teachers in order to meet the goals of teacher training. 8. It should be made compulsory for a teacher education department to have a demonstration school which should have other facilities, such as labs, libraries and other essential audiovisual equipment. It can be a great help in formulating strategies, a plan for the improvement of the education system. 9. The whole education system is evolving at a faster rate. The teacher education department should conduct research on teaching curriculum and assessment process in the standard university departments. Extension programs and exchange programs with various universities within India and outside India significantly enhance the teacher education program. These projects should also be funded by the government and the university, so that various scholars from different backgrounds can contribute to the standard of teaching. 10. Refresher courses, orientation initiatives Seminars, conferences, master classes, conferences should be encouraged for the professional development of teachers. All educators may be influenced by technological developments, improvements and advancements in the field of education. 11. Reference books, other recommended reading is not accessible in Hindi and other local dialects, so the availability of these books should be made available to students and teachers who can make the learning process more efficient. 12. Rigorous screening and stringent admission requirements for correspondence courses for teacher education should be adopted. 13. Inclusive education should be an important part of the educational in teacher education, so that pupil teachers are made aware of children with special needs. 14. Teacher Education department/ Institute should be linked with real life scenarios of classrooms so that the teacher educators and pupil teachers both get familiar with different issues of educational settings. classroom situations. 16. Objective form evaluation, along with subjective assessment, should be used in order to meet the goals of teacher education. 17. According to the NCTE, every state's "would be teachers" must undertake the Teacher Eligibility Assessment after the completion of the Teacher Education Course. In lieu of random TETs, provision should be made for a single TET in the country as a consistent curriculum for teacher education in all states.


Since the teacher is the core of the entire system and the primary catalyst for the introduction of desirable changes in the classroom teaching, every attempt must be made to motivate teachers to become creative and innovative. It goes without saying that a self-motivated and truly ambitious teacher can use his own resources to keep himself up to date with new skills and expertise. It has been recognized that the teacher education system should be designed and updated in such a way as to allow them to adapt rapidly to new challenges and advancement in the field of education, then only teachers can contribute to national growth.


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Corresponding Author Chhaya Shastri*

Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan