Demography and Social Conditions of Street Children in Kolkata: A Geographical Appraisal

Exploring the Lives of Street Children in Kolkata: A Geographical Perspective

by Dr. Maukam Singh*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 708 - 712 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The paper named Demography and Social Conditions of Street Children in Kolkata a Geographical Appraisal manages the street children old enough gathering of 5 to 15 years of age, who are seen in various pieces of Kolkata. The flow research has been endeavored to discover the social and financial existence of these street children alongside their family foundation, level of training, mental conditions, hardships and their expectations. The overall idea of street children and the dispersion of the worldwide situation have additionally been disclosed in association with created and agricultural countries. In this unique circumstance, greatness, explanations behind development of street children, ethnic backgrounds, segment profile, peer bunches and soon have been thought about in Indian viewpoints. The examination space of the exploration includes with 44 wards which is separated into 15 zones inside the city of Kolkata. Both essential and auxiliary information is utilized in the examination work for nitty gritty and grassroots investigation. The principle wellspring of data is the survey plan including the open, twofold and different choices type questions.


street children, demography, social conditions, geographical appraisal, Kolkata, family background, education level, mental conditions, hardships, expectations


India is home to in excess of 444 million children under 18 years old, comparable to roughly 37% of India's whole populace (Census of India 2011). There are around 11 million street children found in India. Save the Children‟ likewise has expressed that street children involve a significant bit of the number of inhabitants in weak children in India. In a report, (Surviving the Streets, 2011), it was seen that, "the presence of a street populace, particularly children in a city is a conspicuous pointer of the degree of dismissal of fundamental social equality. It likewise ponders the truth that the cure endeavors are either irrelevant or beneath the favored level contrasted with the size of a street populace (Save the Children, 2011). Nonetheless, the information given by UNICEF is an unpleasant one and there is no clear measure of the quantity of children living and dealing with the streets in India. The 'Save the Children' report of 2011 expressed that generally the quantity of street children in Delhi is 51,000 approx. furthermore, is one of few extensive wellsprings of data on the state of street children in the nation, as featured in the public authority's Working Group on Child Rights report. Yet, its ability was restricted to city of Delhi. In other metropolitan urban communities of India, there stays a colossal proof hole as far as street children gauges. This proof hole reaches out to the rest the nations of the world too. Indeed, World Bank's functioning paper series look at that "In spite of the fact that street children are a notable reality in various nations, it is hard to introduce a reasonable picture of them. These children go through sporadic periods with their families, or move starting with one city then onto the next, contingent upon the season and their circumstance. Since many don't have personality reports or birth record, there are no authority information on their number" (Elena, 2002). In the report, „Forgotten Voices, Save the Children‟ expressed once more, "No authority guess of the unpleasant number of children living on the streets and railroad stations is enthusiastically available. Indeed, the Union Ministry for Women and Child Development recognizes the absence of dependable information and forgoes expressing any data" (Save the Children, 2015).


1. To comprehend the instructive status of street children in Kolkata. 2. To investigate the various sorts of issues as of now looked by them.

Situation in India

The circumstance of street individuals in India has been all around summarized by Phillips (1994, p.11): "The entire family lives on asphalt multiply some bread back home for the family's food. In Children in India 2012 A Statistical Appraisal, the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (2012) expressed: As per the International Labor Organization (ILO), "Brought into the world to guardians who themselves were ignorant youngster laborers, numerous kid laborers are compelled to proceed with a practice that leaves them binded to an existence of neediness" (ILO, United States Policies to Address Child Labor Globally 2010). That is the reason kid work is an extremely confounded advancement issue, influencing human culture everywhere. "In India, destitution is high and legislative help is seriously restricted, so children regularly fill in as a wellspring of family pay" (Segal, 1999). Subsequently, disregarding a standing established basic right that forbids youngster work, there has been an upsetting ascent in the quantity of working street children throughout the long term. Humphries (2003) saw that, "Despite the fact that youngster work is difficult to record, an elective method of controling kid work is by requiring school participation" (p. 191). UNICEF's State of the World's Children 2012 report expresses, "The children living in around 49,000 ghettos in India are undetectable." (Save the Children India and PwC India, 2015, p. 10). Such grim insights uncover that it is surely hard to find the quantity of working street children particularly when the essential include is twisted in the country. As indicated by Dabir and Athale (2011), worldwide difficulties like neediness, quick urbanization, packed urban areas, the lopsided dispersion of abundance, privatization, and the impacts of globalization have brought about an arising movement of populace, and thusly to developing quantities of individuals consigned to street life. "Consistently a large number of children live and many pass on in the streets of the world's urban areas. Unfortunately, no country is saved this disgrace of disgraces" (Pemberton, 2007, as refered to in Dabir and Athale, 2011, p. 3). Specialists have refered to different explanations behind this ascent in the street populace, and in the quantity of working children. While Aptekar (1994) clarifies the expansion concerning factors like family status and the mental state of the youngster and their insights about existence, others, similar to Epstein (1996), have featured maltreatments, equipped contentions, normal disasters, and a change in family structures as a portion of the causes. As per the Census of India 2011, the all out metropolitan populace was 377 million, with an astounding increment from 17% in 1950 to 31% in 2011 (Save the Children India and PwC India, 2015). Significantly, one of the significant purposes behind such increment is movement of individuals that additionally prompts the developing number of working children in the urban communities. Notwithstanding, I accept this children back into standard society.

Role of Social Intervention

As indicated by Chikarmane (1996, p. 37), "street character is made by the media and social work interventionists". Regardless of whether the presence of interventionists really abridges the right of these children to make their own characters is a questionable issue. An opposite hypothesis keeps up with that these down and out children acquire moral help from social work mediation, assisting them with feeling that they "have a place", that they "exist"; and to realize that they are presently not the only one in case they are harmed or unwell (Chikarmane, 1996, p. 37). For children living without families, such social intercessions might offer their lone help, "their lone anchor", as Chikarmane (1996, p. 37) puts it. The sort of mediation gave will in general influence the manner in which these children are depicted as casualties, reprobates, wards, or degenerates (Panter-Brick, 2002). Consequently, it is significant for the social interventionists to take most extreme consideration of the kind, structure, and level of intercession they render upon the various sorts of street children. For example, the sort of mediation needed by working street children living with their folks is vastly different from the level of intercession Solitary Street children would need or want. Notwithstanding, in contemporary occasions, interventionists have transformed from an altruistic to a rights-based methodology, working with children as opposed to for them, in this way giving prime significance to kid support.

Social Intervention on the Street Children

To determine the role of social intervention in resolving the challenges of street children, we looked at eleven papers. Eight more papers have been added to the list of selected articles to investigate the function of social intervention. Furthermore, we made a serious attempt to look up the number of street children supported by these groups on their websites. However, based on the articles analyzed, a total of 18 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and one community service organization were active in these three continents (Table 4). A number of NGOs caring for street children exist in Africa, notably in Ethiopia. Twelve of them were NGOs that only worked in Ethiopia. These 12 NGOs sponsored 359,960 children in Ethiopia, according to statistics from four articles. Abebech Gobena Orphan and School, a small Ethiopian NGO, was discovered to have provided education to 2, 50,832 street children. We adopted an a priori classification of street children in the available literature, namely studies based on four specific characteristics of street children (namely, living conditions, literacy level, gender composition, and livelihood opportunity). As a result, we calculated odds ratios for the case and control groups and displayed them in Table 5. Children who do not live on the street, for example, are in the control group, whereas those who do live on the street are in the case group. According to empirical research, Africa's chances ratio for living conditions compared to the rest of the world is 1.75, implying that Asia and the rest of the world have almost similar odds of living conditions. It's also worth noting that the odds ratio's confidence interval (95 percent) includes the number 1.0. In a funnel plot, Figure 3 depicts a diagrammatic representation of the confidence interval. As a result, it indicates that there is no substantial relationship between the living conditions of street children and the continent studied. In other words, the study's location has no bearing on the living conditions of the street children. Surprisingly, two additional characteristics of street children (gender and literacy) were not found to be linked to the research area's location. However, the larger odds ratio in the category of livelihood condition (2.957) indicates that the odds of livelihood condition are growing in Africa. In other words, in Africa, the likelihood of daily labor as the primary source of income is shown to be greater than in the rest of the globe. The relationship between the study region's location and the street children's living conditions is statistically significant.

The Rights Perspective

As indicated by Chikarmane (1996, p. 37), "street character is made by the media and social work interventionists". Regardless of whether the presence of interventionists really abridges the right of these children to make their own characters is a questionable issue. An opposite hypothesis keeps up with that these down and out children acquire moral help from social work mediation, assisting them with feeling that they "have a place", that they "exist"; and to realize that they are presently not the only one in case they are harmed or unwell (Chikarmane, 1996, p. 37). For children living without families, such social intercessions might offer their lone help, "their lone anchor", as Chikarmane (1996, p. 37) puts it. The sort of mediation gave will in general influence the manner in which these children are depicted as casualties, reprobates, wards, or degenerates (Panter-Brick, 2002). Consequently, it is significant for the social interventionists to take most extreme consideration of the kind, structure, and level of intercession they render upon the various sorts of street children. For example, the sort of mediation needed by working street children living with their folks is vastly different from the level of intercession Solitary Street children would need or want. Notwithstanding, in contemporary occasions, interventionists have transformed from an altruistic to

The Difficulties & Problems Suffer by Street Children due to Migration:

Street children live in a climate without the fondness, love, care and solace of an everyday life. They are prompted by conditions to battle to satisfy their most essential requirements like food and haven at an exceptionally delicate, naive age. Street children have a more prominent weight than other helpless children who are managed by grown-ups. A depiction of the fundamental issues that street children need to look under three primary classes (not elite) for example • Socio-instructive, • Physical, and • Psychological, are: • Socio-instructive issues Neediness and ignorance: There is a need essential asset to support a sound living. They generally have no monetary way to purchase appropriate clothing‘s (which might be vital in cool spots), and no cash to purchase food, which is fundamental for their turn of events. Due to the expenses of administrations most street children can't stand to go to class. Indeed, even where schools are free, numerous children can't stand to purchase garbs, shoes and books. Wastage and Stagnation: Wastage and stagnation rate are remaining expansion in Kolkata. Just as drop-out rate are high. Sarva shisha abhijan(SSA) and least degree of learning (MLL) program are not given good outcome in Kolkata. Vicious Environment: The Street is an unprotected climate where street children are misused much of the time. In certain spots, street children might even face the chance of actual wounds or passing from savagery. Normal wellsprings of brutality are: the police, groups, and drug organizations, the individuals who work business sex organizations, demise crews, other street children, families and sexual accomplices. Prostitution: Street children might prostitute themselves to endure—frequently to meet their addictions. A lot of the misuse stays covert. It happens through contacts in clubs or bars or through very good quality escort administrations where the maltreatment happens in secretly leased condos. Dealing: Trafficking comprises of all demonstrations of enrollment or transportation of people inside or across borders, including prostitution, subjection, battering or outrageous pitilessness, sweatshop work or shady homegrown help.

Physical problems

Absence of sufficient sustenance: Even however some street children can typically get enough to eat; they don't have nutritious eating regimens. This prompts unhealthiness, paleness and nutrient inadequacies. Wounds: Injuries might be caused purposefully (counting harming self while inebriated or when discouraged) and unexpectedly Sexual and regenerative medical issues: Common sexual and conceptive medical issues incorporate physically communicated sicknesses, HIV/AIDS, undesirable pregnancies and perilous early terminations. Sexual and regenerative medical issues influence the two young ladies and young men. Open to sicknesses: Constant physical and mental strain and living in climate least secured against wellbeing perils makes street children profoundly inclined to irresistible infections.

Psychological/mental problems

Aggression: The demonstration of aggression is a sort of need fulfilling conduct, by showing it youngster feel better on the grounds that it paints up the sensations of dissatisfaction. Insecurity and Anxiety: Street children foster various mental issues because of insecurity and preceded with anxiety, violation, and mala djustive conduct for the duration of their lives. In the wake of being relocated to the street, children need to confront police, the business, the neighborhood crooks, and misuse all as their own Beside these numerous different issues are additionally looked by street children in their everyday life - Abuse, Child Labor, Gender Discrimination, Homelessness, Poverty, Loss of individual abilities, personality, social and good values, self-esteem.

Life on the street of Kolkata:

The glitter of Kolkata's metropolitan life has been drawing in the poor rural families; however they wind up completely frustrated on the grounds that the city of Kolkata has neglected to satisfy their desires. Nonetheless, it is basically impossible to return for those poor individuals. Every one of these have been adding to the number of inhabitants in the bustees (ghettos) and the juries(shanties), a considerable lot of whom are at last compelled to look for cover on half-taken care of and half-exposed, should fundamentally meander about some place. These young men and young ladies who live and work on the street are defenseless against wide and outrageous infringement of their privileges. In the city of Kolkata, the enormous numbers of underestimated children from this family, who are denied of their adolescence, are constrained to arrange their problematic presence in the realm of wrongdoing, wretchedness, misuse and abuse. They experience issues in getting to fundamental administrations and are obnoxiously, actually and physically mishandled. Quick urbanization, high joblessness and disturbed neediness brought about the increment of the quantities of children on the street. In excess of 100,000 minors, matured 5 to 18 are street children. Not many trust grown-ups. Albeit these children might have a scope of abilities identified with endurance and casual pay age, their solidarity stays implied and unnoticed by standard society. Because of trouble to bring in cash legitimately, they are constrained into wrongdoing and showdown with overall population commonly. The vast majority of them look for transitory alleviation from the present circumstance through substance misuse. They are caught in pattern of destitution savagery misuse. Compelled to acknowledge social rejection all along. At long last these children risk expanding HIV/AIDS...


Children's migration to cities is a worldwide phenomenon. Children are migrating to the streets of Kolkata from both within and outside of West Bengal. The reasons for migration are similar in both situations; however the children who migrated from outside of Kolkata are slightly more than those who migrated from outside of West Bengal in this research. This might be owing to the city's proximity to migrants from outside Kolkata. Children who live with their families travel in larger numbers than those who do not. Males move at a higher pace than females. Poverty, various family difficulties, attractiveness to city life, family disintegration, peer pressure, and other factors all play a role in migration. The fundamental reason is a desire for a better life, which they are once again denied owing to their ignorance of various government, semi-government, and non-governmental assistance programs, as well as neglect from the authorities responsible.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Maukam Singh* Associate Professor, A. K. College, Shikohabad, UP, India