Job Stress and Coping Skills: An Analytical Study with Special Reference to Personality of D.Ed. Teachers

Understanding Job Stress and Coping Skills among D.Ed. Teachers

by Harsha Y. Patil*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 4, Jun 2018, Pages 713 - 715 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The study is to understand, personality of Zilla Parishad D.Ed. teachers, all the aspect and dynamic personality these teachers have. The question how these teachers have to deal with stress and how enjoyable they make their work and life while travelling daily with lot of working stress? How do they fiddle with their stress? Their ways coping stress.


job stress, coping skills, analytical study, personality, teachers, Zilla Parishad, D.Ed., aspects, dynamic personality, working stress


In today‘s scenario teachers are more prone to stress, because dealing with students and ensuring better performance is itself stressful and with that teacher do have many internal and external factors effecting the job environment. The introduction of new curriculum and workload are some new causes, to increase the job stress level, of teachers. We are talking about teachers who are meant to be dynamic in personality. When we frame a teacher of any faculty we see a big frame of quality, what is more dynamic about zilla parishad D.Ed teacher is that they have one quality in special they are government hands. When researcher state this, the picture is clear of their work that is they are part of a important educational programme, that is, ‗Education for all‘. What is education for all? Or to say, it is a concept placed by the government to educate every child in every place. These teachers go to school in very interior place, because the concept to have school within the reach of every child has made it work. So these teacher go to their school, and since, they are connected to village, government have these teachers to collect information from places. Questions arouse what work? The researcher wanted answer for the question, and the picture came out of the work like : • Survey of the area to search, Children of the age 6-14 year. • Keep record of total population nearby. • Record of disable children, family planning programme. • Voter list, election programme. • Gram swachata abiyan. • Mid-day meal. • Medical check of children, specially of girl. • Awareness of cleanness of kitchen and home. • Janganna and Arodha Shiksha Abhiyan • girl child care, spread awareness of kanya bhrun. • Record of the villager and sometime such work are also given to educate or give information to villager regarding the current facilities that government is working on or has issued for villager. Job satisfaction consists of the total body feeling about the nature of supervision, and that, the individual has about his job. If the sum total of influence gives rise to the feeling of satisfaction the individual has job satisfaction.


To Study Job stress, Coping Skill and Personality of Zilla Parishad D.ed. Teachers.


There is No Significant difference in level of Job stress, Coping Skill and Personality of Male and Female Zilla Parishad D.Ed Teachers.

number of studies, The studies done on personality and stress revealed the following: Arora, N. (1991) found that unfulfilled emotions, excessive leisure and money, tension, frustration, allocation neglect of basis needs anxiety and bereavement were the main cause of drug dependence. Atheya, J. S. (1989) revealed that teaching effectiveness was found to be a normally marked, differed from ineffective teachers on the job satisfaction scale and they are endowed with value pattern. Mistry, T. C. (1985) revealed that academic motivation is associated with job satisfaction, involvement as well as satisfaction. Dependency does not have effect on job satisfaction. Mishra, M. (1986) on life, stress and burnout in teacher of secondary school revealed that professional life was derived primarily from physics reward obtained from task related outcomes and relationship with student. It stated that stress of teachers are highly significant and sex difference were significant on burn out variable. Ram, Krishnaiah (1980) found that teacher belonging to different socio, economic status did not differ in level of their job stress, low attitude group had the highest job satisfaction. The job involvement of teachers did not have effect on level of job satisfaction, insatisfaction, attitude towards teaching and job involvement of college teacher. Hamart, E. (2006) in perceived stress and coping resources availability as predictors of life satisfaction in young, Middle aged and older adults revealed that perceived stress and coping resources availability moderately predict level of life satisfaction. It also was found that perceived economic well-being social support and stress monitoring had significant correlation. Ho Nim Yan Vida (2011) in his study on effect of personality and coping on perceived work stress among the white collar workforce in hong-kong revealed that stress is related to emotional temperament and neurotic are more likely to report stress. The study also revealed work stress, may not reflect a stable repetition on stress perception. Katyal,M and Dhanda,B.(2011)stated that employee working in government banks were found fare better than those working in private sector. Non Nationalized bank working hour have long working hour, the result of work load face stress and strain at workplace, which is responsible for higher neurotic

Method used in current study

Survey method was used for the research study.

Sampling method used for the study

The researcher selected Non probability sampling method of sampling for the study. The type of Non –Probability selected was Purposive Sampling. The Advantage of Purposive sampling was best suited for the study. The sample size of the data finalized were 512 school and teachers availability in that school.

Tools for data collection

For the current study, the following tool were selected for data collection. (a) 16 PF Prepared by S.D. Kapoor and V.K.D Tripathi for testing of personality types. (b) Questionnaires were prepared, by researcher, for knowing the Job stress and Coping skills of teachers.

Participant of the current study:

The total number of 355, D.Ed teacher of various zilla parishad school, were the participant of the current study. The sample included 175 Male (49.2%) and 180 Female (50.70%). These were, those teacher, who have been working as zilla parishad teacher in Zilla Parishad schools for minimum fifteen year an above.


There is No Significant difference in level of Job stress, Coping Skill and Personality of Male and Female Zilla Parishad D.ed. Teachers.

The calculated ‘t‘ value is 0.15 is less than the table value The table shows difference between the Mean score, Hypothesis is accepted. The calculated‘ value is 1.07, is less than the table value The table shows difference between the Mean score the Hypothesis is accepted. The calculated‘ value is 1.98, is more than the table value is, 1.94 The table shows difference between the Mean score the Hypothesis is rejected

female teachers are more prone to job stress than male teachers. • It can be stated that, Female zilla parishad D.Ed. teachers are seen with more personality factors than male teachers. • It above observations shows that, there is No Significant difference between Coping Skill of D.Ed. teachers, on basis of their gender seen. Female teachers, use more coping skill as compared to male teacher.


The conclusion drawn from the study is teachers are not appointed on the basis of gender; it is on their qualification, their abilities and capabilities to work. The difference seen in variable indicate, female teacher are more prone using coping factor or excuse then male, though they are more active, sociable, organized, disciplined and hardworking. Female teachers‘ qualities need an exchange, enhancement, inter relation communication strategies to bring them on common ground at all level of variable in relation to male teachers.


For this the researchers suggest the teachers to be: 1. The teacher should be ready for Experimenting in their field. 2. Update and Upgrade their education. 3. They should themselves be eager to be a part of new orientation and refresher course. 4. They have to deal with the stress and have to develop problem solving ability in them, they should work for social support for self-development, and more stability has to be part of their life. 5. Deal with changes and ability to respect diversity. 6. Physically and Psychosocially Healthy. 7. Opportunity to learn 8. Participate in early intervention Programme, do better. 9. Use of technology to decrease rather than increase disparities. 10. Effective and appropriate stimulation. 13. Social Networking skill 14. Self-Assessment 15. Ready to Change


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Corresponding Author Harsha Y. Patil* Research Scholar, Department of Education, R. T. M. University, Maharashtra